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eventually I'll get back to ENB's but for now I've been told to do stuff :woot:

Yeah thats my fault sorry!


I can see you've tweaked a load of stuff. When you think it's all done let me know and I'll go through and test it as I need to redo my entire INI files since it's at present a bastardised child of both the old and new starts!  

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I've actually discarded both the Suble.enb and the Photorealistic.enb, and am using the NAC enb from the Natural and Atmospheric Commonwealth page (I've also grabbed his interior lighting mod - I'm liking the whole "one stop shopping" thing.


Your mileage may vary, but I'm fairly pleased with the results thus far. Of course, (I haven't really be any further than Concord, so...)

What's the FPS hit?


I was really hoping to play today but there's a storm coming and I don't like to have my computer on during a storm ... :/

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Tell me about it.  


Photorealistic Commonwealth I like... except when I don't.  Sometimes it just gets a little *too* bright, but only in certain situations, so I don't want to just alter brightness universally.  The most consistent part is during chargen, the foggy bathroom feels like it's got a half dozen sunlamps cranked up to high, just enough to wash everything out.

Edited by Barachiel
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that is the Bloom settings F1 then right Panel enb bloom

the bottom on it the "overall controll"

top if changed to default gives non post processing

want a vid?


as it's sooooo hard to explain

Edited by Gernash
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What's the FPS hit?


I was really hoping to play today but there's a storm coming and I don't like to have my computer on during a storm ... :/


I've never measured, I'm afraid, so I've no real idea. But I've not yet encountered any noticeable drops, or detected (visually) any performance differences when moving from Subtle to NAC. Bear in mind that I literally haven't been anywhere beyond Concord, though.


Besides that, I'm not bright enough to do a lot of tweaking, so someone savvy enough to adjust the various settings would probably do a lot better with it than I do. (I'm sorry I'm not much use!)

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mmm, ENB's are soo subjective...


Agreed. Not to mention differences in video cards, LCD types, image temperature settings, color depth variations, contrast ratios, brightness levels, dynamic adjustments, ambient lighting and who knows what else!


I think you should probably just do whatever it is YOU like!


If you want to be universal, then perhaps you could make a couple of configuration suggestions for, say, bleak, neutral and vivid settings? The rest of us could adopt one of those according to our own tastes, or at the very least, learn from the settings and use them as springboard to our own perfect Commonwealth.


And if that's not practical (because I really have no idea whether that suggestion even makes sense), then we'll sink or swim on our own with another enb. And, as you so often say, "It's all good!". :o)

I was wondering whether anyone had tried Subjective Cinematic Dialog Camera out?


I'm a pretty big fan of first person. Being forced to switch out of body to see my character in third person is kind of immersion breaking for me, so the idea of not changing camera angles during conversations appeals to me.

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that is the Bloom settings F1 then right Panel enb bloom

the bottom on it the "overall controll"

top if changed to default gives non post processing

want a vid?


as it's sooooo hard to explain

Um, don't really think the sarcasm is warranted as I didn't ask for hand-holding.  I just didn't know what setting to change.  Thank you for the information.  Think I'll be going now.  

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No sarcasm intended (I'm assuming you are talking about the "soooo"?)


It is soooo hard to explain as there are literally 25+ setting to do with interior bloom effect and I cannot type it all out and explain with out a video to demonstrate the changes.


I'm an Aussie and try to Be as PC as possible I will use emotes when teasing  ::P:

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Um, don't really think the sarcasm is warranted as I didn't ask for hand-holding.  I just didn't know what setting to change.  Thank you for the information.  Think I'll be going now.  

Actually, I think he was literally offering to make you a video. He's made a couple directed at me, and they were quite helpful. I'm pretty sure it wasn't intended in the way it was perceived. 

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Duplicate loot chests.


I'm currently working on the the 2.3.0 Core and I started a new game with the world space patch disabled.


When I went back to an earlier save (where the fault existed) with the ver 6 enabled the issues it gone.


If you are experiencing duplicate loot chests and unable to loot some corpses I recommend disabling the worldspace patch start an new game, Let er settle for 60sec then exit FO4 enable world space and check if the issue persists.


I'm mistaken it's a mod or patch causing it still investigating.

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No sarcasm intended (I'm assuming you are talking about the "soooo"?)


It is soooo hard to explain as there are literally 25+ setting to do with interior bloom effect and I cannot type it all out and explain with out a video to demonstrate the changes.


I'm an Aussie and try to Be as PC as possible I will use emotes when teasing  ::P:

Oh.  Sorry.  I saw that, I was hearing "Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse ME, Princess!"  It was late, and I was sleep deprived.  I apologize for my thin-skinned ness.  I'd say I feel better now, but apparently I'm having a bout of insomnia.  

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