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This is better patch I made 2 default vanilla imagespaces and linked the instances to them.


The problem most likely is they were created with Vanilla lighting and may be just blowing out. This should make them work as intended, as per the vanilla setup.


If it fixes you issue please tell me if any other instances are odd


This will look like like in the vid, ELFX over NAC

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Hm... It doesn't appear to.


But I'm testing on a game without ELFX running at all (if that matters).


Using this load order (this is the complete active mod list I was using for testing this problem. Not even texture packs or the Unofficial Patch):


(Fallout4 Stuff)




NAI.esp (this is the NAC interior lighting mod)

Plenty 'o' Exploration.esp



made no difference in the appearance of those particular PoE cells.


But it's really not a big deal (from my end, anyway). It's a five-second fix to turn off the preset in NAC, and even faster to turn off the bloom (now that I know how, thanks to your video!). So unless it's an issue affecting others or one that you can see in your own game, please don't trouble yourself any further on my account. After all, I'm the one who detoured from the guide by switching to NAC lighting and ENB, so you can't be expected to solve every issue I create for myself!


That said, I truly DO appreciate that you have repeatedly gone out of your way to help point me (and everyone else here, too!) in the right direction.




The above is concerning the first patch - I'll give the new one a try!

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It's the same as before. This time, I even activated ELFX and disabled the NAC interior lighting mod, but the results were the same.


It doesn't appear to be any sort of conflict with NAC itself - it's just a problem if you use the standalone NACFX presets (which, as I understand them, are not actually intended to be used if you're using an ENB - hence the "standalone" in the title). Turning off the preset (still using NAC weathers and all that, just not the preset that makes the world a bit more vivid) returns the cells to normal appearance.


You can activate the preset in the PipBoy by going to the NAC halotape and choosing NACFX, then Standalone presets.

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Would this order be sufficient for testing?


(Fallout4 Stuff)





Plenty 'o' Exploration.esp



And since we already know it works if the preset is turned off, are we testing to see if it behaves more like the other "normal" looking cells if the preset is turned on?

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yes with the elfx control patch


if the Holotape is changing Imagespace then Overwrites are useless.

you would have to remove NAC and ELFX load game save game then enable NAC and ELFX and not touch the holotapes.


ZOMG Scripts!!!


this is because the script overwrites the LTMP lighting template

the 2nd version of the lighting patch points to different lighting template (not altered by any mod) I'm surprised it does not resolve it.


I'll have to find the places and see for myself.


When I saw the PICS they looked like BLOOM so I was recommending disabling BLOOM.(Vanilla has a Bloom setting)

The only other thing it can be is the lights used in the instance have altered parameters and if that's the case NAC touches almost every type of light in the game.


I's say I could change the lighting template to the one used in the institute as a try because I believe the author tried hard to resolve blooming issues there.

So you do not use ENB? if that's the case I'd run lighting in a Whole different way.

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I was unable to percieve any change using the preset.


HERE is a vanilla interior (the museum)

HERE is the exterior shot before entering the Ransacked Abode

and HERE is the interior of the Ransacked Abode.


I made no changes to the settings in any of these shots - they are all taken with NAC enb, and NAC Standalone preset A active (using the load order described above - including ELFX - and no other mods active). The preset plays nicely with other interiors and the world at large, but isn't too keen on PoE for some reason.

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yes with the elfx control patch


if the Holotape is changing Imagespace then Overwrites are useless.

you would have to remove NAC and ELFX load game save game then enable NAC and ELFX and not touch the holotapes.


ZOMG Scripts!!!


this is because the script overwrites the LTMP lighting template

the 2nd version of the lighting patch points to different lighting template (not altered by any mod) I'm surprised it does not resolve it.


I'll have to find the places and see for myself.


When I saw the PICS they looked like BLOOM so I was recommending disabling BLOOM.(Vanilla has a Bloom setting)

The only other thing it can be is the lights used in the instance have altered parameters and if that's the case NAC touches almost every type of light in the game.


I's say I could change the lighting template to the one used in the institute as a try because I believe the author tried hard to resolve blooming issues there.

So you do not use ENB? if that's the case I'd run lighting in a Whole different way.


I AM using an enb (the NAC one found here)


Disabling bloom in the enb (pressing F1, uncheck the bloom box, as in your video) DOES fix the problem. (I just don't know whether that's a good thing or a bad thing for the rest of the locations in the game!)


Disabling the Preset in NAC DOES fix the problem, too.


So... it's not really much of a problem at all! I'm sorry to have troubled you about it - I just thought it was odd that only those interiors associated with PoE appear to be affected by the same preset.


But seriously? Who else could create 4 separate patches in the space of an hour!?! That pretty danged amazing!

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Bloom is a POS leave it disabled. also save config in the enb so you don't have to keep doing it.

Use God Rays and Volumetric Lighting

EDIT: You can enable vanilla bloom from the ENB as well it may look better.





If you go full lurking in the internet Id's say it's a "Thing" and will be better over time but with the ENB 3.11 I cant get it to work unless I do some major alteration and people play with everything so I can't rectify it.


You can use an ENB that does not alter as many things as Photorealistic commonwealth and it will work reasonably (Not perfectly). There are some shader presets out there that do a mighty fine job though.


But it's almost impossible to say Hey use ENB for memory control and use this for Shader for lighting and FX,people will most likely enable odd stuff and cause a whole set of new issues.

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Bloom is a POS leave it disabled. also save config in the enb so you don't have to keep doing it.

Use God Rays and Volumetric Lighting

EDIT: You can enable vanilla bloom from the ENB as well it may look better.





If you go full lurking in the internet Id's say it's a "Thing" and will be better over time but with the ENB 3.11 I cant get it to work unless I do some major alteration and people play with everything so I can't rectify it.


You can use an ENB that does not alter as many things as Photorealistic commonwealth and it will work reasonably (Not perfectly). There are some shader presets out there that do a mighty fine job though.


But it's almost impossible to say Hey use ENB for memory control and use this for Shader for lighting and FX,people will most likely enable odd stuff and cause a whole set of new issues.

Yeah, I guess that would be me - always tinkering with things I don't fully understand! I'm sorry to have troubled you about it (I really, really didn't expect you to go to all that bother - I just thought you'd point me at where to look - which you did! - and I'd have myself a workaround.


I'll give PRC another shot, once you've finalized the settings so that you're happy with how it looks. In the meantime, I'll try not to be such a pest!

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All good also there is an enbloom setting under the shader in the right panel and you can just change it to default it gives a more cleaner picture if you do not want to turn off bloom



Also 1million twiddle handles to fiddle with till it dosen't work.

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And another thing ENB has a disable fake lights this is usually enabled. inside alot of these new areas if you disable fake lights it gets awfully dark. in one room there is a shadow effect of a fan on the floor but no fan in the room disable fake lights and it's gone also the bulb effects as well.


eventually I'll get back to ENB's but for now I've been told to do stuff :woot:

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Double loot chests and items. I'm beginning to suspect it's a cell issue as it's even with loot boxes.that have not been edited in any way. in eiother V5 or V6  https://ck.uesp.net/wiki/index.php?title=Cell_Reset


I'm suspecting the 

The cell's Encounter Zone is marked 'Never Resets'

  • Note that this is a property on the Encounter Zone, not the Cell or Location.
  • Note that this property affects everything that starts in any cell with this Encounter ZoneActors 'carry' their initial Encounter Zone with them if they travel across the map, pursue the player, etc.


Causing a double up of items. I'll investigate further as it may be just a symptom of no combat boundaries.

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Just to clarify, my problem with missing areas was resolved by adding the two lines:





to my fallout4.ini.


I had previously added them to the Fallout4Custom.ini, but that didn't make the problem go away. Gernash was kind enough to point out that he had the above lines in BOTH the Fallout4Custom and Fallout4 ini's. As soon as I added them directly to my Fallout4.ini (so I have them in both places now, too), the problem was immediately resolved!

I tried using both lines in both ini files, and the "worse" version is all it would give me.  


EDIT:  Okay, the problem is the MODWiki-Worldspace patch.  I was using it and the Worldspace DEF_UI patch.  I deactivated them both, and the problem went away. I turned just the main Worldspace patch back on, and back it came.  


Unfortunately, that's it for live testing for me for the next 9 hours.  I've got to go back to work.  

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Damn that Edit timer.


Specifically, I'm using Worldspace Patch 6.0.2.


I don't really need most of the Worldspace stuff.  "Beantown Interiors" and "Tales of the Commonwealth" are more than enough for me.  Think I'll just remove the rest and ditch the patch for the time being.  


On the off chance one of my additional mods might be causing a conflict, I did also add "Fusion City" and "Outcasts and Remnants" to the quests list, with the intention of adding "Maxwell's World" later down the line if the game proved stable.  However, I think the former mainly adds it's own Worldspace, so I'm hoping it's not the cause.

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