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SRLE: Legacy of The Dragonborn Reqtified

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Yes. But Skyrim Performance Monitor and AIDA64 didnt show anything wrong. Actualy SPM RAM use was around 4 GB. I dont know if its still true that Skyrim as 32 bit aplicaton has 4GB limit. Or its bypased by CrashFixes memory allocation? Thats the only reason posibly causing my problems. To my mind atleast. But if the setup is consuming such memory for me to cause problems and not for others... Man i dont realy know whats wrong.

Does only Skyrim freezes or your entire PC when you are ingame?

Does this happen even with ENB off ?

I think i saw sometime a screen of your SPM that shows 100% to GPU. How much is the temp on the moment of crash?

Does this happen only on Skyrim ?

Have you tried a vanilla Skyrim and see what happens?

Also if you get to 4GB video memory then you are reaching the limit... is your vram at 4gb or your ram in SPM?

Try to disable all texture mods and try without those like Optimized Vanilla Textures - HD, Dragonborn, dawnguard (those you install with BSAs) even the official HIGH DLC pack dont use it, dont run Dyndolod at all, disable from General World Improvement mods, disable TAFM merge and its mods, dont use any ECTV and no SMC. Try like this and see if you still freeze.

Edited by paul666root
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Does only Skyrim freezes or your entire PC when you are ingame?

Does this happen even with ENB off ?

I think i saw sometime a screen of your SPM that shows 100% to GPU. How much is the temp on the moment of crash?

Does this happen only on Skyrim ?

Have you tried a vanilla Skyrim and see what happens?

Also if you get to 4GB video memory then you are reaching the limit... is your vram at 4gb or your ram in SPM?

Try to disable all texture mods and try without those like Optimized Vanilla Textures - HD, Dragonborn, dawnguard (those you install with BSAs) even the official HIGH DLC pack dont use it, dont run Dyndolod at all, disable from General World Improvement mods, disable TAFM merge and its mods, dont use any ECTV and no SMC. Try like this and see if you still freeze.

Only Skyrim. Sometimes freeze right after error message and sometimes i just mouseclick and error message is hidden behind Skyrim and i can roam some more but then freeze. 

Even with ENB off and just ENBOOST its the same. 

I think GPU temp was 74 C and yes it was 100% usage.

Only Skyrim? I dont play any other games... Otherwise my PC dont freez ever. 

DIdnt tried vanilla. I played before modded Skyrim and it runs fine. I try it just to be sure. 

VRAm in SPM was max3669 i think? Disabled Noble Skyrim and ENB got me on around 3300 

I dont run Official HighRes. And this is my third install of this setup /initial install,unmerging heavy mods,remerging them back/ . Im not doing it fourth time . Tried before without ETAC and SFO but still i got Memory allocation error.

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Vanilla Skyrim + Vivid Weathers/Tetrachromatic ENB + Noble Skyrim + WATER runs fine. SPF did disable some ENB efects tough. That didnt happen before. GPU max is on 53% ussage ,max VRAM 1294 MB ,max temp 66 C , Memory max is 1357MB ...

This means that your GPU is either having issues or it can't just run the whole guide. If you want to use the guide try everything without those texture mods i said before. If you dont... use any other guides available around.

Edited by paul666root
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Hey all,


I see that this mod works as a standalone, and I like the actual mechanical improvements offered by this setup compared to SRLE Base. I also hear this guide is a far step up compared to SRLE Base. Well, what i wanted to know is two things.


1) Is this compatible with SRLE Base? I'd assume not because of Requiem and all of the specific mods that require a lot of patching.

2) If it is, do I install this alongside SRLE?


I just want to know because I love all of the graphical improvement and texture mods offered by SRLE but it seems that this gets rid of a lot of texture mods and such. I am running incredibly low on space because of this + SRLE Base (So this may be a good thing) but...


How does this compare to SRLE Base graphically?


Also, can I add some script-less enemy AI mods. I wanted to add Combat Evolved, Revnge of the Enemies, and Erkel's AI Overhaul. Shouldn't be a problem, no?

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This is a deviation from SRLE. You need to remove quite a lot from SRLE to make this work.

We have a Beautification Addon guide where you install SMC. That contains every graphic mod from SRLE plus much much more if you have the PC to handle it. (also can choose different texture sizes to match you PC specs)

No need of any combat mods or AI overhauls with requiem. All that are covered by Requiem based mods that we install in the guide.

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More questions, heh.


1) Can I add Dragon Combat Overhaul to this guide?


2) Can I also add Erkeil's Dragons + Dragon Lords? All of these mods are compatible, and yes; I want to get absolutely destroyed. Dragons should be real damn dragons.


3) Has the author considered adding any other quest mods? Are we free to add quest mods, even if some mods simply do not apply to new landscapes? I wanted to add Darkend, Gray Cowl of Nocturnal, and Wheels of Lull. 


4) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60603/? This any good?


5) What ENB do you recommend to compliment this guide + the beautification part? Something realistic, should compliment Vivid Weathers, but also has a little color. I was thinking NLVA and then using Vivid Weathers MCM to adjust the saturation just a bit.

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To above post, ignore Dragon Combat Overhaul question. However, I still am curious as to the compatibility with Erkeil's Dragons + Dragon Lords and this entire guide, as they are already compatible with DCO and DD.

Requiem has already adjusted dragons to be balanced.  Even adding DCO on top was a bit much as a melee character due to stagger.  Diverse Dragon's was added just because of the variety.. In MCM if you set it to be unleveled they match the Requiem lvl 75 dragons and it appeared balanced in my playthrough.  I successfully defeated a few varieties of dragons.


Adding on difficulty modifiers will likely make your game ridiculously hard.  Having said that... yes you can add dragon modifiers but you'll need to conflict resolve it to the Race Adjustments.esp  That file is essentially the CR patch for everything that modifies races.

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The Heavy Armory - CCO supported version part of the guide seems to be broken. It leads to the CCO page, which doesn't have the specified file. However, it does say that CCO is compatible with Heavy Armory, and the most recent version of Heavy Armory (not the one specified in the guide) additionally claims to be fully compatible with CCO. What should I do?

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The Heavy Armory - CCO supported version part of the guide seems to be broken. It leads to the CCO page, which doesn't have the specified file. However, it does say that CCO is compatible with Heavy Armory, and the most recent version of Heavy Armory (not the one specified in the guide) additionally claims to be fully compatible with CCO. What should I do?

We're unable to update to the latest Heavy Armory until TheTrader updates his Requiem patch... A week ago he said it'd be a few weeks due to other commitments.  I'm sure if you asked though a kind soul on the forums could provide you with a copy of the compatible version via pm.

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