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SRLE: Legacy of The Dragonborn Reqtified

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what error?

[spoiler=Error on Merging Plugin]
Checking for errors in Blowing in the Wind - CLARALUX Patch.esp
  [REFR:12003953] (places [02011747] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WinterholdExterior02 [CELL:00008EC1] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 26,24))
    REFR \ NAME - Base -> [02011747] < Error: Could not be resolved >
  [REFR:1200394F] (places [02011747] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WinterholdExterior02 [CELL:00008EC1] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 26,24))
    REFR \ NAME - Base -> [02011747] < Error: Could not be resolved >
  [REFR:120068D4] (places [02011747] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DawnstarExterior01 [CELL:00008EB4] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 8,25))
    REFR \ NAME - Base -> [02011747] < Error: Could not be resolved >
  [REFR:120068D0] (places [02011747] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DawnstarExterior01 [CELL:00008EB4] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 8,25))
    REFR \ NAME - Base -> [02011747] < Error: Could not be resolved >
  [REFR:120068DC] (places [02011747] < Error: Could not be resolved > in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DawnstarExterior08 [CELL:00008EB6] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 6,25))
    REFR \ NAME - Base -> [02011747] < Error: Could not be resolved >

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Just a question all,


If any ENB is compatible with this guide, I'd then assume that NLA can go with Vivid Weathers and the other lighting mods. On Vividian's page (Vividian looks best in my game), it says that Vividian ENB is compatible with NLA.


Therefore, can I use NLA with Vividian ENB and my Base SRLE install? And if so, is this the install order?


1) Vivid Weathers

2) Vividian ENB

3) NLA (Mod only)

4,5,6...) lighting mods


Would be a great help! I didn't like NLVA and Tetrochromatic + Snowfall weren't nice enough for me, Vividian works so well with the lighting mods and such so I was curious to see if NLA would work with it because it says that the two are compatible (I'd use Vividian mod/ENB files and only NLA mod, no ENB files)

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Can someone tell me why this .esp is to be removed from its respective mods while it is a master for quite a lot of patches for Legacy of the Dragonborn (and the resulting merged file for that matter)? Of course you can't make the merged file with the file missing anyway...

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Just a question all,


If any ENB is compatible with this guide, I'd then assume that NLA can go with Vivid Weathers and the other lighting mods. On Vividian's page (Vividian looks best in my game), it says that Vividian ENB is compatible with NLA.


Therefore, can I use NLA with Vividian ENB and my Base SRLE install? And if so, is this the install order?


1) Vivid Weathers

2) Vividian ENB

3) NLA (Mod only)

4,5,6...) lighting mods


Would be a great help! I didn't like NLVA and Tetrochromatic + Snowfall weren't nice enough for me, Vividian works so well with the lighting mods and such so I was curious to see if NLA would work with it because it says that the two are compatible (I'd use Vividian mod/ENB files and only NLA mod, no ENB files)

Yes :)

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hey guy has any tried out Snowfall ENB. I have installed as per mod author instructions but i have an issue with it everything look like it is very bright as if i have a constant khajiit Night vision on.

Yep it is a really bright enb in snowy areas(noticed it in areas around Helgen, Solitude, and Dawnstar, and High Hrothgar) because I think it uses lighting techniques to get the snow layer effect which results in washed out/very bright colors. I am now deciding if I am dropping it or keeping it because I really like the effect but it causes me to not clearly see my enemies during snowy weather which is never a good thing because of Requiem's unforgiving fight mechanics.

Edited by Jakolanten
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Thats it... I must uninstall this. I didnt find a way around Memory allocation error freeze. Even disabling Noble Skyrim and ENB Graphics (leaving only ENBOOST on ) gave me the same freeze. Conclusion? My system simply cant run this setup even as some here told me they run it on weaker systems.

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Yep it is a really bright enb in snowy areas(noticed it in areas around Helgen, Solitude, and Dawnstar, and High Hrothgar) because I think it uses lighting techniques to get the snow layer effect which results in washed out/very bright colors. I am now deciding if I am dropping it or keeping it because I really like the effect but it causes me to not clearly see my enemies during snowy weather which is never a good thing because of Requiem's unforgiving fight mechanics.

ok thansk i like the effect too but the washed out effect is not worth it so back to Organic ENB I go

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Thats it... I must uninstall this. I didnt find a way around Memory allocation error freeze. Even disabling Noble Skyrim and ENB Graphics (leaving only ENBOOST on ) gave me the same freeze. Conclusion? My system simply cant run this setup even as some here told me they run it on weaker systems.

I have a GTX 970 and I7 4790k 8GB memory, i can run this setup not  perfect yet, im reinstalling because i had some big stutters in cities, but no crash. With your system you can run this setup, if your hardware dont have issues, test your hardware with stress toll like AIDA64, if you dont have errors, them reinstall. Some big mistakes i was doing:

have bsa from highrestexture enabled, just delete the HighresTexture from bethesda you dont need it.

Have anisotropic and antialasing enabled in Graphic card Drive, you need to disable those in game, in your ini and in graphic card drive.

Have program like MSI afterburn as overlay when im playing, at least in my system it eats away my memory

Installing the guide when im tired, lots of mistakes:)

When you merge plugin if you get error, like robocopy stop working, adress violation.. etc just delete and redo that merge, because it will have errors that will plague your game.

I have had memory  problem like yours but  it was related to the installation of enb boost. 

Dont give up. You can do it.

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ok thansk i like the effect too but the washed out effect is not worth it so back to Organic ENB I go

Try NLA ENB. Its nicer than Organic and not taxing at all.

Thats it... I must uninstall this. I didnt find a way around Memory allocation error freeze. Even disabling Noble Skyrim and ENB Graphics (leaving only ENBOOST on ) gave me the same freeze. Conclusion? My system simply cant run this setup even as some here told me they run it on weaker systems.

Well i am sure its something not configured properly. Sry you cant run it.
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