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SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn

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ok guys what do think of this:


Carriage price: 250, 500, 1000, and 2000

Boat prices: 500, 1000, 2000, 4000

this seem quite reasonable to me


We also increase the prices to rent beds on all the MAIN inns in the Major cities my idea is to basically double them as the max we can go is 250 Gold.

To be exact about EBT, these scripts are the one from the old brawl bug patch, they files are useless and could induce problem if for an unknown reason a user put EBT after the Modern Brawl patch (or any enai mod which include same files)in MO left pan.
Vigor includes the patch from enai but some other mod still includes the old one (as frostfall if I remember well)

well we tell users to install enai's modern brawl mod near the bottom of the guide so it should near bottom of left pane thus it should be overwriting all others (at least that is the theory).

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Sirjesto pointed out that with Enai mods, the modern brawl patch would not be needed(as they are included in most of his mods)....however JD Smith and now our Dark Lady Lexy has pointed out that with Modern Brawl load near the end, allows for the patch to overwrite any other mod/s that might have old or broken records i.e it's a safety net: As for the prices Lexy ya seems fair

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Still trying figure good inn prices here is what I am currently thinking:


Whiterun - Bannered Mare = 200 or even 250 as this is a main trading hub.

Solitude - Winker seekver = 250 capitol of Skyrim at all.

Dragonbridge could possible quite high due to imperial taxes to help fund the war?

Windhelm - Candleharth Hall = 250 cos Surely Stormcloaks would be taxing there citizens heavily to fund the war.

Braidwood inn - not sure on price but might be quite too for the same reason of above?

Riften - 180, 200 or even 250 due corruption in the city.

Marketh - 250 since own by the silver bloods the greedy.


then just at the very least double the rest.


Answers on a postcard (or just post your thoughts below ^_^).


Might even now be worth looking a tax mod such as Taxes of the Nine Holds or something similar.

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... so why is everyone discussing increasing tolls for using public transportation?  Is something wrong with the normal prices?

It because the True Medieval Economy radically changes the whole ecomomy of the game by increasing price for goods and in turn increasing the amount of gold you have on hand. So you have tons of cash and don't know what to do with it plus BFT and RRR weren't actually balanced for True Medieval Economy it geared towards a vanilla game cos of there MCM's so i am trying to do it.


the main argument is we like the True Medieval Economy mod but we don't like all this excess Gold lying around arughh I can never Win lol.

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I have the carriages at 250, 500, 1000, 2000.  I'm like your idea with the boats (I wish I could take credit but I think you misunderstood my post) so I'm setting my boats to 500, 1000, 2000, 4000.   My rooms are triple the default, so the values are 150, 180, 240, and most at 250 (I wish it could go higher). 


For Trade and Barter I'm using custom values with fBarterMax = 7.5 and fBarterMin = 4.  I'm still playing with these numbers but they seem quite good so far, even with the independent adjustments still set to 0% (I'm probably going to go +20% and -20% on those as well).  I'm also using scarcity 10x loot rarity and 6x merchant item rarity (I'd keep scarcity since it doesn't affect coin but rather the rate you find items in the world and at merchants, making finding an amazing item that much more satisfying).


To give you an idea, at level 13 (Speech 25 (-10) (bc apparantly I'm a filthy person)) Warmaidens is asking 13,000 for a dwarven battleaxe and 5100 for a steel longsword and offering 222 for a flawless forsworn bow and 992 for a flawless nord mail hauberk.  Farengar is asking 4211 for flames and 8100 for firebolt.  Oakflesh is 3700 and stoneflesh is 8000.  A horse in Whiterun cost me an even 10,000.


Mods like taxes are good, but seem to make the economy more complex than necessary.  Dreadflops guides went the route of adding a few mods to try and balance the economy but it still never seemed to work right since you still quickly ended up with way more money than you could even spend.


I find it funny that while everyone has been trying to fix the economy with mods that make money scarce it seems the real solution is to run the printing presses 24/7.  Not only does this seem more consistent with a nation in a civil war but suddenly the "huge" difference between a quest that pays 200 and one that pays 1500 is largely insignificant.  I was looking for a mod to adjust training prices, the real game breaker, but was reminded in my search of how expensive training becomes as you level up, so it basically fixes itself (and takes care of another problem with the economy if you try and restrict the amount of money instead of flooding the economy with coin.)  I'm sure eventually i'll  have more money than needed but I'm trying to account for this by only looting gear that is worth carrying (another benefit is that it's not even worth picking up most light gear since the resale is so low.  So far it's been keeping my economy in check.)


edit:  I was at 20000 and thinking it was getting away from me already but a horse and a handfull of soul gems quickly pushed me back to 5000, enough to survive but not enough to really upgrade anything.  I was skeptical but have been pleasently surprised at how well Medieval economy mod keeps the game in check.

Edited by cstarkey42
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For Trade and Barter I'm using custom values with fBarterMax = 7.5 and fBarterMin = 4.  I'm still playing with these numbers but they seem quite good so far, even with the independent adjustments still set to 0% (I'm probably going to go +20% and -20% on those as well).  I'm also using scarcity 10x loot rarity and 6x merchant item rarity (I'd keep scarcity since it doesn't affect coin but rather the rate you find items in the world and at merchants, making finding an amazing item that much more satisfying).

ahh yes Trader and barter didn't think about tweaking that as well and yes i was thinking about possibly upping scarcity Loot rarity and merchant item rarity cos of True Medieval Economy. I'll have a play tomorrow no work today as it Sunday ^_^

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It because the True Medieval Economy radically changes the whole ecomomy of the game by increasing price for goods and in turn increasing the amount of gold you have on hand. So you have tons of cash and don't know what to do with it plus BFT and RRR weren't actually balanced for True Medieval Economy it geared towards a vanilla game cos of there MCM's so i am trying to do it.


the main argument is we like the True Medieval Economy mod but we don't like all this excess Gold lying around arughh I can never Win lol.

So if I get it right, TME hits it where balancing prices between goods is concerned, but at the same time it boosts the amount of nominal cash you have in hand. Would there be a way to adjust the patcher so as to divide all prices by 5 or 10 after it does the balancing thing? So if a shirt costs 250 and an apple costs 10, make it so the shirt costs 25 and the apple, 1 - and all the other prices likewise. I know, it still gives a boon to looting and selling, but the actual values are lower. I for one am not that fond of weak coin, nor do I think it is medieval in the true sense. If you want pure realism, you need a brass coin that's virtually worthless and can be traded by whatever value the people's confidence put in it. Some say medieval coins were weighted and bitten to assess their true value but, still, gold was gold. Are septims gold coins? Nowhere in the world would a night at the inn cost 250 gold coins... Maybe 250 brass coins... Maybe. But skyrim doesn't have a two coin system like in the middle ages. According to this site, one gold Solidus from Byzantium in 357 was worth 4,600,000 denarii... I'm taking their word for it but sounds believable. Gold was gold. There's a mod that makes a septim weigh like 0,005. That makes 100k septims weigh 500, which is more than an average character can carry. If you want to carry anything else at all, at that weight it wouldn't be adviseable to carry more than 20k septims at weighing 100. Think about a battleaxe being worth almost the amount of gold you can carry. But if septims were worth 10x more, then the same dwarven battleaxe someone mentioned was going for 13k would be worth 1300 septims, still sounds like a lot but it would weigh (with that mod) 6,5. Actually, dwarven weapons are a fantasy item that's difficult to value logically ;) Consider the steel longsword at 510 septims (1 tenth of the above mentioned price), it's a steel weapon worth a bit more than 1/10th its weight in gold. If all steel weapons could be considered prime works of smithy, maybe you'd have struck some realism.

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I like godescalcus' idea, because it limit the unbalance of quest reward.

If renting a room for the night cost 250, why i will accept to risk my life to destroy a bandit camp for 150 or 200 ?

First, because an inn is a luxury.  Any common sell-sword is expected to take care of themselves by camping or sleeping in a pile of hay somewhere.  Second, because it's not just the reward you earn but also the gear that you are expected to take as well, which more than compensates you for your trouble.   ::):   It's an ugly, dreary world in the midst of a civil war.  Do you really think anyone gives a damn about how comfortable you are?

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