thfu3z Posted June 15, 2016 Posted June 15, 2016 Hello all! I installed (the majority of) this pack last week. Had around 6 hours gameplay on it so far. My install lacks Wyrmstooth (for obvious reasons), and I chose not to go for A Matter of Time, Forgotten Magic and YouHunger. Making sure I chose to correct patches for my mod list. In an attempt to get a better FPS I have also removed (since starting my play through) Vivid Clouds & Fogs and Skyrim Flora Overhaul (the latter giving me a 10-12fps boost outside Whiterun) and installed Localized Thieves Guild Jobs. To be honest right now I need smooth gameplay with lots of RPG options instead of beautiful textures and effects. Right now interiors/dungeons I get a solid 60fps, 40-55fps running around Whiterun steps, but approaching Whiterun from any direction, and Markarth drop me to 35fps or worst case 26-28fps. I understand these are resource heavy areas, so I am partially tolerant of it. Running in 1080p with an Inno3D GTX 970, i7 4790k, 16gbR. Any ideas what to tone down/replace for a few extra frames in the open world? I did have repeatable CTDs whilst sprinting my horse towards Whiterun, from either B.B Farm, the little Bandit alcove on the north side or from the Watchtower. I had an almost identical CTD on past games, so I know it's not E+KS - disabling Footprints on MCM helped that time, and noticing 'Footprints' at the end of Papyrus logs after CTD, I did the same thing, this time it only helped temporarily. No CTDs anywhere else. After an hour or so I had the same type CTD (crash riding towards Whiterun - on an overencumbered horse again, if that could mean anything?). Papyrus log stated REQ_AttackStaminaDrain.psc at the end of it's log (followed by VM Freezing etc - sorry I'm at work and trying to remember little details - I can post logs and load orders later if need be!). I re-installed the entire patch section to no avail. I then used Script Scalpel to remove unattached instances - which has seemed to do the trick. For now. Loving the pack. Always wanted to try the ultimate 250~ esp overhaul, I've been a mod user since Oblivion and have always been intimidated by such a large load order. The step-by-step instructions (on this pack and STEP:Ex) were clear and helped me finally understand cleaning, bash patching and the like. I also loved reading over the forums seeing how the pack evolved. Thanks for an entertaining couple of weeks, here's to a few more! Great work, Mr Moal & STEP Team!
Mr_Moal Posted June 18, 2016 Author Posted June 18, 2016 Good to know people are having success with installation. I've been playing the pack over the last few weeks, and while I get CTD's, they are usually 1-3 hours apart. Got to remember to save often. -----------------------------One annoying bug I've yet to solve is the drunken huntsman, the hunting store across from the blacksmiths at the entrance to Whiterun. That place seems to think I'm "not supposed to be here", with the owner constantly telling me to leave or he will call the guards. Don't know what has caused this. Its annoying because 3DNPC's has a follower you can grab from there, and if you are playing a hunter, it sucks because you loose a good place to buy bows and stuff. ----------------------------- I have not played through a huge amount of content yet, mostly because I keep trying to build a no-reload character, and while Death Alternative does give you some grace, if you are knocked down to knee, and then hit for 200% of your health, you die (ie game tells you "you suck" and you need to reload an earlier save), which sucks as a mage. Walked into Markarth, haven't been there for a while, and met this fellow claiming to belong to some order, wearing full plate. Walked into the house to look for daedra worshipers, then the voice, then tried to get out, with stuff flying all over the place, and then he kills my followers, then he shouts, wacks me with his great long sword (heavily enchanted), and I go down, then for good measure, he power attacks me and that was the end of that charname. Needless to say, I'll be playing a heavy armor char for now, so that at least I survive a little more. (just remember dragons and other annoying stuff can still hit you hard enough to kill you outright) Have any of you tried a no crafting play through? i.e. no points in alchemy/smithing/enchanting? with honed metal, it certainly is possible, but down right hard at first. You can pick up some decent equipment if you are lucky, but that only works if you are playing a normal type of class, if you play a hybrid class which needs custom gear, it becomes a problem. On the plus side it does save you some skill points for combat abilities, which makes you stronger and slightly less likely to die. but then no potions, and the good stuff costs a lot....
BUBISHI Posted June 22, 2016 Posted June 22, 2016 (edited) Hello Mr Moal, after the advice you gave me on my load order I have decided to rework it using your pack as a reference. I have almost finished the setup and will test it ingame soon but I have found some interesting details from other moders or mod authors I wanted to share with you.Maybe they help to make this pack better, maybe you can tell me what you think of them: 1.Your load order Nr.: 220 BetterQuestObjectives-AlternateStartPatch.esp From the readme files of Requiem 1.9.4 Patch Central - Live Another Life patch:Includes descriptions from Even Better Quest Objectives. This makes the LAL patch from Even Better Quest Objectives redundant. I guess it's save to remove this patch. 2.The position of Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp CAN be changed. It may be placed before Requiem now. This is not an important one and I would not change anything in your load order as it will work either way.Source: the trader 3.I'm not sure how to use:NoAnimalsReportCrimes-DG+DB.espNoAnimalsReportCrimes-DG+DB+Falskaar.espNoAnimalsReportCrimes-DG+DB+Requiem.esp For my load order I have just used NoAnimalsReportCrimes-DG+DB+Requiem.esp and merged it with NoAnimalsReportCrimes-DG+DB+Falskaar.esp.I think NoAnimalsReportCrimes-DG+DB.esp is the core mod, the two other just add rules for Requiem/Falskaar to the core. So one needs one core + the rules from both Requiem/Falskaar.I have merged them and put the complete mod below Requiem.What do you think? I have als added the NARC Consistency Patches, as far I understand the instructions (Pharros post #283) they should be used with the core mod. I have also taken your advice to examine my STEP extended patch (i had placed it after Requiem).Have noticed the inconsistencies it caused ingame: the invisibility spell was not silent and the Eye Fix did not work as intended so I have created a conflict patch for both mods.Should work better in my next setup, thank you for pointing me there. Edited June 22, 2016 by BUBISHI
thfu3z Posted June 22, 2016 Posted June 22, 2016 (edited) I've come across a bug that from research doesn't seem to be specific to E+KS. But either way it's game breaking and occurs in this mod pack. After the Bleak Falls Barrow quest is completed (handing Dragonstone to Farengar) the BFB quest completes itself in the journal but Dragon Rising does not initiate. I show up to see Farengar, he is talking to Delphine. He then speaks to me and takes the Dragonstone, says something along the lines of "Oh if they were all as good as you..." and then goes back to sandboxing. Delphine then immediately walks away and leaves Dragonsreach and disappears. The Jarl is stuck in "Not now!" mode. Irileth doesn't run in and speak to the Jarl re: the Dragon and there is no sign of Lydia anywhere. Player.sqs command shows MQ103 completed (all except Stages 0 and 1) and after Farengar takes the Dragonstone MQ104 shows only stage 10 as being complete. Fixes suggest using the console to 'complete' BFB quest (MQ103) and/or 'begin' Dragon Rising (MQ104). I tried resetting and completing the entire BFB quest (worked as normal) but still did not initiate DR. Resetting MQ104 (DR) and completing tasks up to stage 10 did not fix it either. Nothing shows up in the journal when I input these commands for the DR quest. Irileth also just moves me to the fire in front of Balgruuf's throne, with no Irileth to be seen. If I move her to me, no-one appears, but when I then try to move to her, I teleport to wherever I was standing when I moved her to me. Maybe she's been disabled somehow? Or doesn't exist in the worldspace until she spawns to tell Balgruuf about the Dragon? Other fixes suggest removing mods that alter Lydia - which at a glance seem to be none. TES5Edit show Lydia only having changes made in Requiem and subsequent patches. Tonight I may try using the console to "move" Lydia and Irileth inside DR and go through the rounds again. I'll keep looking up other fixes but if any of you have encountered this or know of another solution please do let me know. Gotta have my Fus and my winged lizards! EDIT: I should also mention I've tried waiting for 24 individual hours both inside and out of Dragonsreach for Irileth to show up. Nothing. Edited June 22, 2016 by thfu3z
Mr_Moal Posted June 22, 2016 Author Posted June 22, 2016 (edited) nope nope nope nope, this is no bug, its a mod feature. you are experiencing the mod that slows down the main quest. you need to wait 7 days before the option to start the next stage starts. In that time, feel free to buy a house, fit it up, and (since you know what is coming) gather a follower or two and prepare your equipment for fighting a dragon. I would advise gathering some very strong poisons, as well as some decent arrows/bolts (even with no archery points, a cross bow with poison still works wonders, and uses "minimal" stamina) The No animals report crimes requires the use of TES5Edit to move forward a few entries, refer to the mod website to learn more. Also, for the step extended patch, and the custom patch, please take a look at the custom patches I have a link to on the main page:!120&authkey=!AJ9pPrnpwGYBd6k&ithint=folder%2CespThis will also have a sample load order as well. the 3 patches look at different areas. The one labeled merged patch was indeed created using the TES5Edit automated merged patch, but then I went over every entry added and adjusted it manually. Edit: you mentioned merging mods, typically I have found that if I don't need to merge something to save room, the best that happens is I have a shorter load order, the worst is some kind of unforeseen conflict and bug pops up. Since the Pack leaves you short of the max by 20 something, I can see you running out of room if you added some more to it. Otherwise, I just stay away from merging esp's if I can help it. I'll check my load order later, but I don't recall removing any of the patches. I just updated the appropriate stuff into them, and left them all there. Edited June 22, 2016 by Mr_Moal
thfu3z Posted June 22, 2016 Posted June 22, 2016 And to think I spent so much time reading mod descriptions and I still managed to miss (forget?) that. I'm sorry for the report - can't seem to edit it anymore to add a strikethrough or anything. Genuinely thought Timing is Everything was all that controlled quest timings in this set up - didn't see an option for this quest on MCM, and I thought all 14 levels of hunting and mudcrab duelling were for nothing, and panicked. Everybody gets one, right? I actually bought Breezehome while waiting to see if Irileth showed up - and brewed a few Nirnroot potions. So I guess I played right into the mod's hands.
Mr_Moal Posted June 22, 2016 Author Posted June 22, 2016 You can't be the first person to wonder. Let me know how the delay works out for you, I did not look for an MCM menu setting myself to disable that delay. I play Skyrim Requiem as a role play mod (with Death alternative + no-reload rules), so my characters don't typically make it to the first dragon before dying :). I think one character so far made it through BFB, but don't remember fighting the dragon, so something might have eaten him before that. Lol. Good job making to the dragon by level 14. I've made it to level 30 without fighting the dragon yet. Sometimes the game feels like it's just a butterfly collection game... Have fun with mud crabs. One trick I've found (thanks to EFF) is that if you have followers, you can set them passive, train on the mudcrab, and as soon as it starts kicking your a$$ (or you accidentally agro one of those really really big mudcrabs) you use leader telepathy and set them aggressive again, and they save you. Good to post a confirmation that the main quest line works as intended (i.e. Dragon seen works properly). I do know the initial Mage quest line works though (it's easy thanks to all the scrolls you can get your hands on)
Greg Posted June 22, 2016 Posted June 22, 2016 I think seven days generally works well for me because it gives me some time to explore the area, perform a few side quests, and clean out a few caves to build my skills so I'm better prepared to fight the dragon when it finally triggers.
A_Simple_Farmer Posted June 26, 2016 Posted June 26, 2016 (edited) Hi Mr Moal, I'm in the process of installing this pack and came across some confusing instructions (to me at least). In The Ruffled Feather section it says: No need to reinstall.PatchesFalskaaronly need to patch if using WATERELFX Already CompatibleFarmhouse Chimneys Optional Stacks,Decrease Those Plants (both options),Just Ice,Moss Rocks - LegendarySuped-Up Stalhrim 1K.Also the Enhanced Distant Terrain optional file Am I supposed to install a patch file here? Or should I reinstall? The version on the site is 4.3.0 and the one on your Modlist is 4.2.2. If I re-install and select custom, the first 3 options on your list not available but the rest are available. Any guidance would be appreciated! Thanks in advance. Edited June 26, 2016 by A_Simple_Farmer
A_Simple_Farmer Posted June 26, 2016 Posted June 26, 2016 I think I found another issue with the instructions. Again, probably because of an updated mod version.From instructions: **************************************Interesting NPCs PatchesInteresting NPCs Followers Perk Addon3DNPC Followers Perk Addon - Requiem Edition v2There are 2 patchesInstall 3DNPCs main file first Then Install Update V3.10Note: Unzip, open up and merge the Data folder (overwriting) into the Main Data folderOr just read the NOTE ON INSTALLATION - READ FIRST.txt file :)Then install 3DNPC Patch File V3.18Same as aboveSource: Pack:Explorers_Guide**************************************** I think the 2 lines in red should be just to install the main file which is already version 3.10. Let me know if this is correct.
Mr_Moal Posted June 26, 2016 Author Posted June 26, 2016 For the Ruffled feather, it does not need anything different. I'll update that properly For Interesting NPCs, Looks like you only need to do one patch (from V3.10 to V3.18). I'll make notes to the changes in a Change log.
Ozz Posted June 29, 2016 Posted June 29, 2016 (edited) So just to clarify, this means that this is the only pack I will need after a STEP Extended install, right? Cause the other packs are outdated or what not Edited June 29, 2016 by Ozz
Mr_Moal Posted June 29, 2016 Author Posted June 29, 2016 Yup. â€just" install STEP extended, and then "just" install this pack. Should have on order of ### (Edit:censored) mod's by that point
A_Simple_Farmer Posted June 29, 2016 Posted June 29, 2016 (edited) Hello, Hoping you may be able to help. I'm probably over my head with this STEP Pack given my inexperience using Mods. I was able to install the STEP Extended successfully and I've followed to the letter so far. I'm currently stuck on DynDOLOD step. I'm able to complete the first step to "Generate LODs". But in step 2, the DynDOLOD program is freezes when I try to run it. I'm able to select the worlds and setting per your instructions. Once it starts running, it freezes. Last line in the log says: "Updating xxx base records". I've successfully run the worlds separately but when I run them all together, it locks up. I'm wondering if I got something wrong in previously steps that would have caused this issue now. Any ideas what could be causing DynDOLOD to lock up? Should I post this in the DynDOLOD forum thread instead? Thanks! Edited June 29, 2016 by A_Simple_Farmer
jackarbiter Posted July 1, 2016 Posted July 1, 2016 (edited) On 6/29/2016 at 7:14 AM, A_Simple_Farmer said: I'm currently stuck on DynDOLOD step. I'd wager it's the STEP instructions for Birds and Flocks: Notice: DynDOLOD will not run with this mod active. STEP recommends leaving it inactive until DynDOLOD is ran at the Patch section of the Guide. Edited July 1, 2016 by jackarbiter
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