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Posted (edited)

Pack now formally under update.  Post 5 (https://forum.step-project.com/topic/10307-everything-the-kitchen-sink/?p=162236) holds the old information. 



Link: https://wiki.step-project.com/Pack:Everything_%2B_The_Kitchen_Sink



(2017 07 20) Since these STEP Packs will be formally discontinued come STEP 3.0, I will be moving this pack to "Mod Picker", and continuing work on it there.  

Edited by Mr_Moal
Posted (edited)

Pack rebuild in progress.  Refer to post #5 archival (for post #2) for the old info in you want to build this pack using STEP 




--Requiem Patching Info Goes Here--

Edited by Mr_Moal
Posted (edited)

MCM Menu Notes.



  • These are the MCM settings.  Some of these settings are required or you may experience CTD and general buggieness (or some mods will be running). Please read through them all.
    • I will highlight all the critical settings.  Everything else is personal preference/advised. 
  • When the game first starts, you will be in the Alternate Start Live Another Life dungeon where you select your start. Don't Open any menus at this time.  Just sit and wait for the start up scripts to finish (all those messages at the top left of the screen).  Wait another 20 seconds for good measure, then go to the Mara Statue, select your start, and go to the bed.   
  • Next, let the Requiem scripts and do the Ultimate Immersive Classes selection to get your starting equipment.  Now, when no other start up messages are running, I would do a save, and then start on the MCM menu set up.  
  • You can NOT do all the settings all at once!  As you start stuff up, you will need to let the scripts run, some (such as hunterborn) may need 20 seconds.  Just let your charname sit there and be patience. It can take 15 min or more do go through all the MCM setups. If the MCM menu stops responding (ie you click on a menu item, but nothing shows up after 10 seconds) then it means there is a script waiting to run, and you need to exit out of the menu and let the scripts run.  Don't just keep clicking on stuff.  Bad stuff happens if you do.
    • Again, be patient, you only need to do this once, and you want to do it right or you could cause irreparable damage to your save game if you rush it. 



Edit: 2016 11 13

Game start up should look like this: 

  1. Set up character appearance, give a name
  2. Wait for ALL mods to finish their scripts.  Do NOT talk to the Mara Statue, do NOT open the menu, don't save, nothing.  Wait (1-2 minutes) for all scripts to finish running.  Once you have waited 15-20 seconds and no new messages pop up, proceed. 
  3. Talk to the Mara Statue, pick your start. Sleep in the bed
  4. Wait for the Requiem start up messages and the Ultimate Immersive Classes to run.  
  5. Save Game.
  6. Find an indoor's location (like an inn) and now set up the MCM Menu. 



MCM Menu Set up (2.0 Alpha)





A Matter of Time

  • Use if you want


  • General
    • Symbol 1
      • Show Moon Phases: checked
      • Show Seasons: checked
    • In game clock
      • Show: unchecked
    • In game date
      • Date format: Tamriel Year, Month D
  • Display
    • Symbol 1
      • Horizontal Offset: 10
      • Vertical Offset: 85
    • In-Game Date
      • Horizontal Offset: 10
      • Vertical Offset: 165


Auto Unequip Ammo

  • Configuration
    • Follower addon: checked


Better Vampires

BFS Effects




Chasing the Dragon

  • General
    • Chasing the Dragon Active (checked)


Complete Crafting

  • Mining & Minerals
    • Mining
      • Mining Presets
        • Much More Ore (or not if you prefer. Great if you are a mage and use arcane lock picks for an easy quick silver ore source)


Convenient Horses

  • Main
    • Faction Relations
      • Horse Faction Relations: Neutral
    • Bound Key settings
      • Consolidate Talk/Loot/Harvets: checked
      • Talk/Loot Key: F
      • Fast Dismount Key: H
      • Horse Inventory Key: I
      • Follow Toggle Key: U
  • Horses
    • Horse Inventory
      • Inventory Access Mode: Local
        • No excuses anymore thanks to Open Cities
      • Weight Limit: 350 (or something you find reasonable)
  • Auto Loot
    • General
      • Auto Loot Mode: Disabled
  • Horse Charge
    • General
      • Horse Charge: Unchecked


Crime Decay


Deadly Dragons

  • Under Investigation
  • Don't increase their Attributes.


Death Alternative

  • Player Settings
    • General
      • Mod Active: Checked
    • Bleedout Recovery
      • Blackout Real Time Lapse: 12 secs (must be set to allow scripts to finish up, or bad stuff happens)
  • Follower Settings
    • Follower Behavior
      • Randomize (With Kill ESS.)
        • WARNING: Be careful, your follower will not always die, but if you have an important quest follower, and they die, then…
  • Y.M.O.Y.L. Quest Settings
    • Recover Your Gear Quest
      • Recovery Method: Fully Recoverable
        • NOTE: avoid using "Fixed Loss" and "Half-life" Options, and unique items can be lost this way (like the fully upgraded Gauldurs amulet)
      • Gold Half-life Dur: 12 HOURS (or something you want)
    • Stolen Items Settings
      • Medium Item Cost: 50 GOLD
        • Probability of theft: 50%
      • High Item Cost: 400 GOLD
        • Probability of theft: 95%



  • Configuration
    • Perk Points
      • Dragon Souls Required: 2 (or what you find fair)


Dual Sheath Redux


Dual Wield Parrying

  • Block Key: TAB (or your chosen key)


Dynamic Things

  • NOTE: if experiencing script lag, consider increasing the "Run quest every" frequency setting






  • Important Information Overhaul
    • Magicka Threshold: 100%(or less for non magic character)
    • Stamina Threshold: 60%
    • Stamina Intensity: 75% (reduces the blur effect, can be a bit much for a noob in Heavy armor)


Enhanced Blood


ESF: Companions

  • Presets
    • Preset: Realistic - 36 Quests
      • (Pick something that you find reasonable)




Follower Mod

  • Main Page
  • Widgets
    • At start, just toggle all Widgets off.  As you get followers, enable them as needed.





  • Overview
    • Frostfall is (click to activate)
  • Gameplay
    • Hotkeys
      • Weathersense: N
  • Effects & Notifications
    • Notifications
      • Attribute Descriptions in Weathersense: (checked)


Honed Metal



  • Features
    • (click) START HUNTERBORN
  • Tweaks
    • Realism
      • Remove Manual Loot option: (checked)
      • Require hunting knife: (checked)
      • Enable bounty perk of foraging: (checked)
    • Presets
      • Pelt values: VALUABLE
      • Material yield: MODERATE
      • Meat yield: CONSERVATIVE
      • Knives at merchants: COMMON
    • Hotkeys
      • Abilities
        • Sense direction: X   (Use this instead of a compass.  Gets more accurate as you level up.)
  • Monster Hunter
    • Enable Monster Hunter: (checked)


Immersive Armors

Immersive Citizens


Immersive HUD

  • Activation
    • Compass Activation
      • iHUD hotkey: ] (matched to the iNeed sit hotkey)
      • Key press toggles: (checked)
    • SkyUI Active Effects
      • Active Effects ALWAYS On: (checked)
    • Crosshairs Activation
      • Uncheck all
  • Options
    • Uncheck all
  • Transparencies
    • Set all except Compass to 0



  • Basics
    • Player
      • Eat/Drink Animations: Enabled
        • (click) FORCE CAMERA --> DO NOT FORCE
    • Automation
      • Eat Hotkey: :
      • Drink/Refill Hotkey: >
      • Sit Hotkey: ]
  • Advanced
    • NPCs
      • Follower Needs: Default
  • Difficulty
    • World
      • (Don't touch Food Removal)
      • Food Spoilage: words
    • Gameplay
      • Death: (checked)
  • Notifications
    • Text
      • Perspective: 1ST PERSON
      • Current Needs: BOTH
      • Check Status Hotkey: N
    • Widget
      • Style: Disabled


Lanterns of Skyrim

  • Settings
    • Checking every: 60s
    • Enable lanterns along roads: (unchecked)


Minty Lightning

  • Lighting Config
    • Fork Lighting Options
      • Hostile: (checked)
      • Frequency Delay: 25




Nausicaa's Tweaker

  • Actor
    • Change Trigger: [ (or something other than F2!)


Not So Fast MG

Not So Fast MQ

  • The 'Not So Fast' Mods insert delays into the main quest and the Mage Guild quest. Familiarize yourself with these delays.


Open Cities Skyrim

Provincial Courier Service




  • Skills & Perks
    • CW bonus per Stamina increment: 2


Requiem - Skills Menu



  • NOTE: Must disable ALL vanila save mechanisms,
    • Save on rest
    • Save on wait
    • Save on travel
    • Save on character menu
  • Minimum interval: 7 min
    • Longer interval will reduce save "pauses". 
  • Autosave count: 10
  • Named autosave files: (checked)


Simply Knock



  • General
    • Active Effects HUD
      • Minimum Time Left: 0 (always on, or your preference)
  • Controls
    • Favorite Groups
      • Fill in the rest of the F-Keys


Skyrim Unlocked

Smart Cast - Config

Smart Cast - Spells


Take Notes!

  • I like to put my "build" notes in the Miscalanious section, and then record a few events in the top section.  maybe make note of a few particularly power enemies, or my first bear/saber cat kill (or mauling).  Bandits of note that i've killed, important quests I'm on, etc.  Makes getting back into characer after a few weeks much easier, and it feels more like a continuing of a story than tring to figure out wtf I was doing, what my goals were, what kind of characer I was playing.  Otherwise I usually ended up just restarting the character lol
  • Controls
    • Journal
      • Open Journal: "


The Notice Board

Thieves Guild Req.


Timing is Everything

  • Lots of stuff to fiddle with here.  I might change the Ebony Warrior to level 70+ (absolutly stupid to have that guy show up when I'm still getting my ass handed to me by random events), bump up the Dawnguard Recruitment a bunch, maybe make Hearthfire and Dragonborn start a fair bit later too. 
  • There are sooooo many settings.  With my build, I treat levels 1 to 20 as noob, levels 20 to 40 as "starting to kick ass except for dragons", and honestly I don't survive past 40 so don't know after that :)


Trade & Barter

  • STEP instructions advise to leave off, but you can turn this on if you want.  If you are already having trouble with to much script load, just leave it off.


Vivid Weathers

  • Set this to taste.  You can adjust brightness, saturation and bloom.


Wearable Lanterns

  • General
    • General Settings
      • Lantern Position: WORN - FRONT RIGHT
        • You can also choose to hold the lantern in your hand instead
      • Fuel Settings
        • Oil Lanterns Use Oil: (checked)
        • Bug Lanterns Use Flowers:
      • Hotkeys
        • Toggle Lantern: L
        • Check Fuel Display: Message Only
  • Meters
    • General Meter Settings
      • Display Mode: OFF


Wet and Cold


Wonders of Weather

  • Options
    • Level: MEDIUM







Edited by Mr_Moal
Posted (edited)

Patch Notes Reserved



Archived POSTS (2017 06 26)



POST page 1 archive (2017 06 26)


now out of date. Needs to be updated to latest STEP version.

Skyrim Enhanced Edition. Not currently supported. 64bit is intriguing/awesome, but until core mods are updated, there will not be a pack for this. 
I've done some more reading, and SKSE will be the major limiting factor. If this ever gets redone for the 64 bit special edition, then I will probably upgrade this pack to the Special Edition. Please do not promptly go to the SKSE forum and ask when they will be done. SKSE has taken may years to get to where it is now, and with Skyrim Special Edition, it needs to be almost entirely rewritten from scratch. Requiem, and many of the mods in the pack require SKSE, and their authors have stated they will not attempt to make a version without SKSE.

Link: https://wiki.step-project.com/Pack:Everything_%2B_The_Kitchen_Sink

Installation Instructions for STEP Extended + mods from (REGS, Survival, Weather and Lighting, War Ensemble, and finally Requiem) (and I guess a couple more I like too). This is not intended to be a mega pack that replaces all the other packs. Since, many of these packs are out of date. As these packs are updated for, they will be removed from this mod, and replaced with compatibility information.

Key information: 

Edit: v0.5 wiki description

===Major note about upcoming Skyrim Special Edition===
* short version: DO NOT UPGRADE!!!
* long version: even if Skyrim Special Edition was to be offered as a limited time offer (is not), and they want to charge you $20 later, I would still say DO NOT UPGRADE!!!. This is Bethesda, when they say that "most" mods will not require any changes, they are technically/statistically correct. Most mod on Nexus Mods will NOT have a problem. However, for my pack, I can guarantee you IT WILL NOT WORK! SKSE will need to be updated first, and all mods that have major changes to the game (think Requiem) will definitely not work day 1. It will probably be a year or more before it is safe to upgrade. 
* Therefore:
** Please please please do yourself a favor, and MAKE A BACKUP of your Skyrim install! Zip it or something, put it on a separate drive, just make sure that Steam can't upgrade it and screw your modding days over. Do NOT accept their free upgrade, not until everything has shaken itself out and there is at least a reasonable chance that the key mods will work in the new version. 

(deep breath) ok, please keep reading.
====Version 0.7 Beta Notes====
* In the process of updating the PACK. A few things have changes on some mods. Others like DynDOLOD have had major updates and need new install instructions. For now, refer to my post here: {https://forum.step-project.com/topic/10307-everything-the-kitchen-sink/?p=180401 0.7 notes} and please be aware I am updating this as I go and the post itself will not be getting a change log. 
* Now has a link to some new patches I've made. Feedback welcomed.

I hope to get Immersive Citizens AI working on this install. Its had lots of work done on it, and several updates.
* So far, other than a massive papyrus bloat, the ICAI overhaul mod appears to be working.

* I've uploaded a pile of screenshots to show what the game looks like with Vividian and the described settings. 


====Updated to Version 0.5 Beta====
The pack is basically ready to play. Once I get enough feedback from other people who have installed the pack without issues, I'll probably just say it's version 1.0 
======{https://forum.step-project.com/topic/10307-everything-the-kitchen-sink/?p=163916 Change Log 0.4 --> 0.5}======
====TEST patches and Load Order!! Very Important!! Please Read!! :) ====
======{https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=6CD5A015B674439D!120&authkey=!AJ9pPrnpwGYBd6k&ithint=folder%2Cesp Test Patches and Load Order!}======
If you want the most up to date stuff, reffer to above Version 0.7 and the links on the forum page.

Above link contains the following
* 3 test patches (these make stuff play nice, use the correct values, descriptions, names, etc)
* Example Load order (please use as a reference)
* Example Install order (please use as a reference)
* (WIP) ELE test patch (still working on it. This will resolve lighting issues, and should be safe to install mid play through, when I finish it)

======Load Order: ======
: ...All other mods...
: Moal's test merged patch 0.5.0.esp
: Moal's test OCS patch 0.5.0.esp
: Moal's test Requiem patch 0.5.0.esp
: Dual Sheath Redux.esp
: Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp
: ...etc...

====MCM Menu Please Read!====
* {https://forum.step-project.com/topic/10307-everything-the-kitchen-sink/?p=162230 MCM Menu Setup Notes}
* Some of these are rather important, and you will experience buggy game play if you don't at least follow the Red Highlighted MCM instructions. Ignore at your own risk.

Edit: moved from Wiki Description section.

With the previous STEP build, I put together a build that included many of the packs posted on the STEP wiki. However, since STEP was introduced, many of the packs have become incompatible/out of date.

I wanted to post a build for people looking to expand their STEP Build with basically something of everything. I took most of the information needed directly from the other STEP Packs posted here and would like to give credits and thanks to the hard work they have put into picking and making notes on mods. I would not have been able to make this pack without the work they already put in. I am not trying to take credit for their work, or replace their Packs.

Specific thanks to:
* Immersive Survival
* Survival
* Requiem
* War Ensemble
* Weather and Lighting

In the short term:
* As the above packs are updated, I plan to remove their mods from this pack, and make notes of where that pack has interactions with other mods listed here. I will review the packs that have not been updated and see if I can squeeze some more of their mods (or equivalent mods) into this build. REGS comes to mind. The goal being to maintain compatibility with STEP (and if possible, and I have time, what ever STEP installation comes after that)

Long term:
* If all packs are updated and they list in them how they interact with other packs they are compatible with, then this pack will become redundant and be removed. I have no problem if this pack becomes redundant. My understanding of the Pack system is that a mod like this should not be needed.

Old stuff from the pack page 2016 05 21

Current Status
Reducing unnecessary verbose text… (moved to the Forum Thread).
Starting with version 0.4 BETA, I will be posting a change log. Up to now I have been making changes without making notes anywhere except my own Onenote notebook.
https://forum.step-project.com/topic/10307-everything-the-kitchen-sink/?p=163916 change log 0.4 to 0.5
Posted a load order for esp's Here.
Posted a MCM Menu Settings.
Requiem will be updating to 1.9.4 soon (beta already released). Will update when patches are ready.
Currently this build is a BETA. Means it works mostly, but there are still bugs to find. Looking for 2-3 people to install the build and assist with finding bugs or installation notes for mods that I missed.

Old stuff from the pack page 2016 04 19

: Looking for 2 or 3 people who can install the pack, keep notes on what went right/wrong, and help me find some of the bugs/CTD I come across. Please post in the forum if you are interested. Thanks. 
If you have ideas on mods that should be dropped/added, please let me know as well. 
Current Status: 
* I have made some significant progress with ordering the .esp's load order and have gained stability. I've done a 2 hour play without a single crash, as opposed to a few weeks ago with crashes ever 15 min. Multiple bugs and strange imbalances (such as potions that are way too strong, or ingredients that are strangely weak) have been corrected. 
* I will have to either post an exact load order, perhaps using the "restore load order" function in Mod Organizer, or come up with a long list of LOOT instructions. Either way, LOOT has done a terrible job ordering the ESP's. for now, I would advise using LOOT to sort the load order just before adding the Requiem mods and patches, and not touching LOOT afterwards. 
** Posted a esp order for all esp's after Requiem. Please look it over and provide critique if possible. 
I some how have several mods patched twice, which has led to obvious results. These offending duplicates will be squashed. Squashed
* moved the long description to the First form post. 
Oh, Requiem is apparently getting 1.9.4 released in the near future. If there are minor bug fixes where the current patches are still valid, I'll update immediately. If the current patches need to be rebuilt, then I will wait. 

* This is an Alpha build. I have posted the mods included, as well as all the installation steps for each that I took when installing. I may (probably did) have missed something, and will review the instructions soon. 
* I plan to make notes on how to install everything except Requiem, as its not for everyone. 
* I chose to include Open Cities Skyrim because for once, I wasn't installing Expanded Towns and Cities (thanks to Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul). If you want to use Expanded Towns and Cities again (it techically isn't totally incompatible with Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul), then you will either have to patch Open Cities Skyrim

Pre-Installation Setup
For now, I'm assuming you have installed STEP Extended Exactly like the guide tells you to. I know that when I set it up, one or two mods managed to slip through the cracks, and I had to go back mod by mod and double check that I followed the guide precisely. 

You all are using Mod Organizer
You all made a STEP profile. Copy that profile and make a new one
don't muck up your STEP profile. its your base line
don't delete or alter STEP profile mods/patches. When reinstalling, give the new mod an abbreviation
disable STEP Extended patches, don't re-patch these or your base STEP build won't work anymore

I've split this build up in the same way as the STEP guide is assembled. Each Section corresponds to a section with the same name in the STEP Build. As you install the mods, move them to the bottom of the section they correspond to, or if they are above a mod that is reinstalled, then move them above that mod. 
Example: Under Fixes, Enhanced Lighting for ENB is Reinstalled to get some patches for Falskaar + Wyrmstooth. Well, all the mods above ELE get dragged (left pannel) above ELE. Then ELE is reinstalled (don't delete/modify your previous installation) with an abbreviation so it is obvious it belongs to the new Profile. Slide the new mod under the old mod, and un tick the old mod.
Well, just make sure to make a new profile for this set up (make a copy of the STEP Extended build), so that your STEP profile is not touched. All your patches should be disabled and kept intact for your STEP Extended build.

[https://forum.step-project.com/topic/10307-everything-the-kitchen-sink/?p=162230 MCM Menu Settings] Read them!!




Post Page #2 Archived (2017 06 26)


Requiem 1.9.4 Patch Central NOTES:




Requiem Install Notes (Updated 2016 08 26) 

NOTE: You MUST follow the load order in the description
Install Options:

  • Unofficial Patches and DLCs
    • Hearthfire
  • Cutting Room Floor
    • Checked
  • WM Flora Fixes
    • UNchecked


  • Campfire
    • Checked
  • Frostfall
    • Checked
  • Height Adjusted Races with True Giants
    • None


  • Dragon Combat Overhaul
    • Checked
  • Fire and Ice Overhaul
    • UNchecked 
  • Revenge of the Enemies
    • None
  • Trade and Barter
    • ​Checked
  • VioLens - A Killmove Mod
    • ​None


  • 83Willow's 101BugsHD
    • Checked
  • Skyrim Immersive Creatures
    • None
  • Deadly Dragons
    • None
  • Skytest
    • None
  • Animallica
    • None


  • Immersive Horses
    • None
  • Craftable Horse Barding
    • ​None


  • Immersive Patrols
    • Immersive Patrols - CWO compatible
  • Inconsequential NPCs
    • Inconsequential NPCs
    • Inconsequential NPCs - Enhancement Module
      • ​Note in installer about disabling "Inconsequential NPCs - Enhancement.esp"


  • Arissa - The Wandering Rogue
    • None
    • None
  • Vilja
    • None
  • Hoth
    • None


  • Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions Guild
    • Checked
  • Immersive College of Winterhold 
    • Checked


  • Alternate Start - Live Another Life
    • Checked
  • Timing is Everything
    • Checked
  • Skyrim Unlocked 
    • Skyrim Unlocked + Open Cities Skyrim 


  • Unique Uniques
    • ​None
  • Explosive Bolts Visualized
    • ​Checked
  • Rustic Soul Gems
    • ​None
  • RS Children Overhaul
    • None


  • Audio Overhaul for Skyrim 
    • Checked
  • Immersive Sounds Compendium
    • ​None


  • Immersive Armors
    • Checked
  • Improved Closefaced Helmets
    • ​Checked
  • Black Mage Armor
    • ​None


  • Immersive Weapons 
    • Checked
  • Heavy Armory
    • ​None
  • Scoped Bows
    • None
  • Faction Crossbows
    • none
  • Requiem Patches - Readme
    • checked


A few have special instructions

  • Inconsequential NPCs:
    • DISABLE/DELETE "Inconsequential NPCs - Enhancement.esp"
  • Better Quest Objectives. the Requiem patch that comes with it is OUT OF DATE. Instructions from the Patch Central Installer state to disable the "BetterQuestObjectives-RequiemPatch.esp" until Better Quest Objectives updates it. â€‹
    • CTD if you don't follow instructions.



Version 0.7 Install Notes here: 






Load Order!  Please look through it!



Please reference the load order in the Dropbox link. 




NOTE: OneDrive files are outdated.   Please reference the Dropbox link for current stuff


Load Order V3 {old} 



//////////out of date/////////
<all other mods>
<bunch of mods>
Dragon Combat Overhaul.esp
Open Cities Skyrim.esp
Open Cities Skyrim - Legdendary Patch.esp
OCS - CRF Patch.esp
OCS - Falskaar Patch.esp
OCS - ICOW Patch.esp
OCS - 3DNPC.esp
OCS - Inconsequential NPCs Patch.esp

STEP Extended Patch.esp

Requiem - Legendary Bugsmasher Edition.esp
Requiem - Hearthfire.esp
Requiem - Audio Overhaul for Skyrim.esp

<other Requiem patches and mods that explicitly need to be loaded after Requiem>
<dynamic created esps like a bashed patch or skyproc patches>
Requiem - Cutting Room Floor.esp
Requiem - Dragon Combat Overhaul.esp
NRM Falskaar - Requiem Patch.esp
NRM Wyrmstooth - Requiem Patch.esp
Better Vampires.esp
Requiem - Better Vampires Patch.esp
Requiem - No Overencumbered Messages.esp
Requiem - Restored Rewarding Sounds.esp 
REQ - BCS Patch.esp
Soul Gems Differ - Requiem.esp
Requiem - 83Willows 101Bugs.esp
Requiem - Explosive Bolts Visualized.esp
Requiem - Immersive Armors.esp
Requiem - Immersive Weapons.esp
Requiem - Improved Closefaced Helmets.esp
Requiem - Inconsequential NPCs.esp
Requiem - Trade and Barter.esp
Requiem - Campfire.esp
Requiem - Frostfall.esp
Requiem - Even Better Quest Objectives.esp
Requiem - ESF Companions.esp
Requiem - Immersive College of Winterhold.esp
Requiem - Immersive Patrols.esp
Requiem - Civil War Overhaul Patch.esp
Requiem - Timing is Everything.esp
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
Requiem - Live Another Life.esp
Skyrim Unlocked.esp
Open Cities Skyrim - Skyrim Unlocked.esp
Requiem - Skyrim Unlocked - OCS.esp
Dual Sheath Redux.esp
Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp
Requiem for the Indifferent.esp





POST page #3 archived (2017 06 26)


MCM Menu Notes.



  • These are the MCM settings.  Some of these settings are required or you may experience CTD and general buggieness (or some mods will be running). Please read through them all.
    • I will highlight all the critical settings.  Everything else is personal preference/advised. 
  • When the game first starts, you will be in the Alternate Start Live Another Life dungeon where you select your start. Don't Open any menus at this time.  Just sit and wait for the start up scripts to finish (all those messages at the top left of the screen).  Wait another 20 seconds for good measure, then go to the Mara Statue, select your start, and go to the bed.   
  • Next, let the Requiem scripts and do the Ultimate Immersive Classes selection to get your starting equipment.  Now, when no other start up messages are running, I would do a save, and then start on the MCM menu set up.  
  • You can NOT do all the settings all at once!  As you start stuff up, you will need to let the scripts run, some (such as hunterborn) may need 20 seconds.  Just let your charname sit there and be patience. It can take 15 min or more do go through all the MCM setups. If the MCM menu stops responding (ie you click on a menu item, but nothing shows up after 10 seconds) then it means there is a script waiting to run, and you need to exit out of the menu and let the scripts run.  Don't just keep clicking on stuff.  Bad stuff happens if you do.
    • Again, be patient, you only need to do this once, and you want to do it right or you could cause irreparable damage to your save game if you rush it. 



Edit: 2016 11 13

Game start up should look like this: 

  1. Set up character appearance, give a name
  2. Wait for ALL mods to finish their scripts.  Do NOT talk to the Mara Statue, do NOT open the menu, don't save, nothing.  Wait (1-2 minutes) for all scripts to finish running.  Once you have waited 15-20 seconds and no new messages pop up, proceed. 
  3. Talk to the Mara Statue, pick your start. Sleep in the bed
  4. Wait for the Requiem start up messages and the Ultimate Immersive Classes to run.  
  5. Save Game.
  6. Find an indoor's location (like an inn) and now set up the MCM Menu. 



MCM Menu Set up (v1.0)



Auto Ammo Unequip

  • Follower addon: checked


A Matter Of Time
Don't use if you want a minimalist interface

  • General
    • Symbol 1
      • Show Moon Phases: checked
      • Show Seasons: checked
    • In game clock
      • Show: unchecked
    • In game date
      • Date format: Tamriel Year, Month D
  • Display
    • Symbol 1
      • Horizontal Offset: 10
      • Vertical Offset: 85
    • In-Game Date
      • Horizontal Offset: 10
      • Vertical Offset: 165


Better Vampires
Lots of settings to pick from here.  This one is to your preference. I would say definitely enable sun damage, but otherwise set it up as you want to role play. 

personal preference:


These are all personal preference.  Set things up as you like!  Have fun! These are my settings. 

  • General Options
    • Stage Progression: Reverse Progression
    • Dynamic stages: Stages speed up
    • Rank Progression: normal
    • Stage and Rank Connection:  Hunger Effects Abilities
    • Blood Points: Abilities Cinsume Blood Points
    • Stage Hated: Stage 4 Hated
    • Vampire damage output: normal
    • Enthralling Victims: create vampire cattle
    • Corps Feeding: Basic Feeding
    • Sneak Feeding: on
    • Force Feeding: on
    • Combat Biting: on
    • Feeding animation: Cannibal feeding animation
    • Extract Blood Potions: extract blood
    • Sun visual effects: on
    • Light level Threshold: 80 (want sun damage only in direct bright sunlight.  Early morning and late evening should not kill you, same for overcast
    • Night/Vampire Vision Strenght:  1.0 (will need to experiment to get it working with the ENB)
    • Light Level Penalties: Enforced
    • Daytime Shadows Regen: Regen in low light
    • Sun damage: hardcore Damage
    • Specialized Sun Damage: Exempt at stage 1
    • Turned victim appearance: appearance will change (depends on what Happens, may change this setting)
    • Turned victim Skills: victim keeps own skills
    • Vampire hunters: no hunters
    • Amaranth feeding: feed on other vampires
    • Preceptor Perk Bonuses: feeding adds perk points
  • Miscellaneous Options
    • Gameplay
      • Level is required for rank progression: checked
      • Display status messages: checked
      • Vampire drain will affect Satiation: checked
      • Enthralled victims change clothing: unchecked
      • Mortal's Mask makes visual changes: checked
      • Healing Magic will effect you: unchecked. 






Chasing the Dragon

  • Activate


Convenient Horses

  • Main
    • Faction Relations
      • Horse faction relations: Neutral
    • Bound Key settings
      • Consolidate Talk/Loot/Harvest: checked
      • Talk/Loot Key: F
      • Fast Dismount: H
      • Horse inventory: I
      • Follow Toggle Key: U
  • Horses
    • Horse inventory
      • Inventory Access Mode: Local
        • No excuses anymore thanks to open cities.
      • Weight limit: 300
  • Auto Loot
    • General
      • Auto Loot Mode: Disabled
  • Horse Charge
    • General
      • Horse Charge: unchecked





Complete Crafting Overhaul

  • Mining & Minerals
    • Mining
      • Mining Presets
        • Much More Ore
          • This is personal preference really.  If you go mage and you use arcane lock picks, this alone is great so that you can get a reasonable amount of quick silver ore more easily. 


Dual Sheath Redux

  • Disable NPC shields on back option.


Death Alternative

  • Activate It
  • General
    • Difficulty: Normal
  • Bleedout Recovery
    • Blackout Real Time Lapse: 12 secs ( need to set this to allow scripts to finish up, or bad stuff happens more often)
  • Follower Settings
    • Follower Behavior
      • Randomize (With Kill Ess
        • (warning, be careful, your follower will not always die, but if you have an important quest follower, and they die, then….)
  • Y.M.O.Y.L Quest Settings
    • Gold Half-life Dur. 24hrs
    • Recover your gear
      • Recovery Method: Fully Recoverable (if there was a way to recover unique items like Gauldurs amulet, then I might pick other settings)
    • Stolen Item Settings
      • Medium Item Cost: 100 GOLD
        • Probability of theft: 50%
      • High item cost: 700 GOLD
        • Probability of theft: 90%


Dragon Soul Relinquishment
Configure as you want

  • Configuration
    • Perk Points
      • Dragon Souls Required: 2
      • (Dragon combat overhaul makes you work for those dragon souls...)


Dragon Combat Overhaul
I have read that this one has problems if you start it up before the first dragon fight. I advise turning off 1, 2, 3 dragon attacks until after you help Delphine kill the dragon.



Dual wield Parry

  • Block key = Tab

I use a Logitech G600 mouse.  This has 3 buttons (Left/right/g-shift).  I modified the far right button to be for the TAB key.  But I constantly was clicking the right mouse button by reflext to block.  So I went into settings, and change the right button (left hand) to the Tab key, and entered the M2 button for Block key.  

Therefore.  Left button is ALWAYS attack.  Right mouse button is ALWAYS block.  No mater if I have a shield or spell equipped.  Magic casting is done with tab (or g-shift key).  Let me know if this sounds like a good idea to you.  Just remember that some stuff in the interface will need to press tab instead of the the Right mouse button.  


ESF Companions

  • Presets
    • Preset
      • Realistic (THIS IS QUITE LONG!  Click the "About this preset" button to learn about the various presets)



  • Features
    • Stealth Invisibility: unchecked
  • Settings
    • Maximum Followers: 5
    • Combat (this is to avoid accidents causing your followers to turn on you/eachother and kill you.  If you plan on killing your followers, then set these much lower, ie 1)
      • Ally hits allowed: 1000
      • Ally hits allowed: 20 
      • Friend hits allowed: 20
      • Friend hits allowed: 2
  • Pannel
    • Dimensions
      • Y Coordinate: 175
    • Settings
      • Alpha: 70


Be patient and let it start up, may take 60 seconds

  • Activate it
  • Gameplay
    • Hotkeys
      • Survival Skill: Weather sense: N
  • Effects & Notifications​
    • Notifications
      • Exposure / Wetness in Weathersense: checked
      • Weathersence Display: text
  • Meters
    • ​General Meter Settings
      • ​Display Mode: off


Another script heavy mod.

  • Settings
    • NPC Settings
      • NPC Limit: 15
      • FX Limit: 5



  • Activate it
  • Tweaks
    • Realism
      • Remove manual loot option: checked
      • Require hunting knife: checked
      • Enable bounty perk of foraging (need to see if this conflicts with the harvest mod)
    • Presets
      • Pelt values: Valuable
      • Material Yields: Moderate
      • Meat yield: conservative
      • Knives at merchants: common
  • Hotkeys
    • Abilities
      • Sense direction:X  (Use this instead of a compass.  Gets more accurate as you level up.  Great for role play.  
  • Monster hunter
    • Enable



  • Basics
    • Player
      • Eat/Drink animations: enabled
      • Do not force
    • Animations
      • Eat hotkey: :
      • Drink hotkey: >
      • Sit hotkey: ]  (this is also the key for enabling the compass, which will cause your charname to sit everytime you look at your compass.  Still lets you look at your compass, but discourages you from spamming it as much) 
  • Advanced
    • NPCs
      • Follower Needs: Default (may encounter instability if enabled while having a follower.  Bug needs confirmation) 
    • Gameplay
      • Substance Impairment: Both
  • Difficulty
    • World
      • don't touch â€Food Removal" (may cause crashing if you enable while you already have a follower.  Need to investigate) 
      • Food spoilage: words
    • Gameplay
      • Death: checked
  • Notifications
    • Text
      • Perspective: 1st person
      • Current needs: Both
      • Check status hotkey: N
    • Widget
      • Alpha: 5
      • Turn Widget off


Immersive Hud

  • Activation
    • Compass Activation
      • iHud Hotkey: ]   (matched to the iNeed sit hotkey) 
      • Key press toggles: checked
    • SkyUI Effects ALWAYS On: checked
    • Crosshairs Activation
      • Uncheck all for an empty/minimalist hud
  • Options
    • Uncheck all for an empty/minimalist hud
  • Transparencies
    • Set all except Compass to 0 for minimalist hud

You will use Important Information Overhaul to know your health, stamina and magica levels. (EGO - IIO)


Lanterns of Skyrim

  • Check every: 60 secs
  • Enable lanterns along roads: UNchecked


Lighting during thunder storms

  • Hostile: ticked
  • Frequency delay: 25


Nausicaa's Tweaker

  • Actor
    • Change Trigger: [  (or to something other than F2!!) 


Not so Fast main quest

Pauses the main quest in a few place (like after BFB and the dragon stone, the main quest pauses for a week).  

You can disable 2 notable pauses, or make them infinite if you want to pause the game and avoid dragons appearing. (also have to disable Dragon Combat Overhaul as noted above) 



Provincial Courier Service

has some kind of house delivery service to look into. 




  • Skills & Perks
    • CW bonus per Stamina increment: 2



Sky UI

  • General
    • Active Effects HUD
      • Minimum Time Left: 0
  • Controls
    • Favorite Groups
      • Fill in the rest of the F-Keys




  • Disable vanilla saving:
    • Save on rest
    • Save on wait
    • Save on travel
    • Save on character Menu
  • MCM settings:
    • Minimum auto save interval: 7 min
      • Longer interval will reduce save "pauses".  Saving in itself is known to cause CTD on rare occasion, so balance your need to save with stability.  But if you don't save often, then you loose more due to a CTD, so.....
    • Auto save count: 10
    • Improved file names


Take Notes

I like to put my "build" notes in the Miscalanious section, and then record a few events in the top section.  maybe make note of a few particularly power enemies, or my first bear/saber cat kill (or mauling).  Bandits of note that i've killed, important quests I'm on, etc.  Makes getting back into characer after a few weeks much easier, and it feels more like a continuing of a story than tring to figure out wtf I was doing, what my goals were, what kind of characer I was playing.  Otherwise I usually ended up just restarting the character lol

  • Controls
    • Journal
      • Open Journal: "


Trade and Barter
Don't touch (As the STEP instructions tell you)

  • technically, you can turn this on.  However, this load is already quite script heavy, so I would advise to leave this off. 


Timing is everything

Lots of stuff to fiddle with here.  I might change the Ebony Warrior to level 70+ (absolutly stupid to have that guy show up when I'm still getting my ass handed to me by random events), bump up the Dawnguard Recruitment a bunch, maybe make Hearthfire and Dragonborn start a fair bit later too.  


There are sooooo many settings.  With my build, I treat levels 1 to 20 as noob, levels 20 to 40 as "starting to kick ass except for dragons", and honestly I don't survive past 40 so don't know after that :)



Wearable Lanterns 

  • General
    • General Settings
      • Lantern Position: Worn - Front Right
    • Fuel Settings
      • Checked
    • Hotkeys
      • Toggle Lantern: L
      • Check Fule Display: Message Only
  • Meters
    • General Meter Settings
      • Display Mode: off


Wonders of Weather

  • Options
    • Rain Splashes
      • Level: Medium
      • Performance Mode: checked (trying to reduce script load)
      • Interior Volume: 0 (let Real Shelter handle it or you get strange reverb between the two. )









Now in alphabetical'ish Order ;0 !!!

Well... the First letter is in order at least now.  :)





MCM Menu Set Up (v0.5)




Dual Sheath Redux

  • Disable NPC shields on back option.

Lanterns of Skyrim

  • Check every: 60 secs
  • Enable lanterns along roads: UNchecked


Lighting during thunder storms

  • Hostile: ticked
  • Frequency delay: 25


Auto Ammo Unequip

  • Follower addon: checked


Dual wield Parry

  • Block key = Tab


Be patient and let it start up, may take 60 seconds

  • Activate it
  • Gameplay
    • Hotkeys
      • Weather sense: N
  • Interface & Notifications
    • User Interface
      • Meter Opacity: 0%
    • Notifications
      • Exposure / Wetness in Weathersense: checked



  • Activate it
  • Tweaks
    • Realism
      • Remove manual loot option: checked
      • Require hunting knife: checked
      • Enable bounty perk of foraging (need to see if this conflicts with the harvest mod)
    • Presets
      • Pelt values: Valuable
      • Meat yield: conservative
      • Knives at merchants: common
  • Hotkeys
    • Abilities
      • Sense direction:X  (Use this instead of a compass.  Gets more accurate as you level up.  Great for role play.  
  • Monster hunter
    • Enable



  • Basics
    • Player
      • Eat/Drink animations: enabled
      • Do not force
    • Animations
      • Eat hotkey: :
      • Drink hotkey: >
      • Sit hotkey: ]  (this is also the key for enabling the compass, which will cause your charname to sit everytime you look at your compass.  Still lets you look at your compass, but discourages you from spamming it as much) 
  • Advanced
    • NPCs
      • Follower Needs: Default (may encounter instability if enabled while having a follower.  Bug needs confirmation) 
    • Gameplay
      • Substance Impairment: Both
  • Difficulty
    • World
      • don't touch â€Food Removal" (may cause crashing if you enable while you already have a follower.  Need to investigate) 
      • Food spoilage: words
    • Gameplay
      • Death: checked
  • Notifications
    • Text
      • Perspective: 1st person
      • Current needs: Both
      • Check status hotkey: N
    • Widget
      • Alpha: 5


Death Alternative

  • General
    • Difficulty: Normal
  • Bleedout Recovery
    • Blackout Real Time Lapse: 12 secs ( need to set this to allow scripts to finish up, or bad stuff happens more often)
  • Follower Settings
    • Follower Behavior
      • Randomize (With Kill Ess
        • (warning, be careful, your follower will not always die, but if you have an important quest follower, and they die, then….)
  • Y.M.O.Y.L Quest Settings
    • Gold Half-life Dur. 24hrs
    • Recover your gear
      • Recovery Method: Fully Recoverable (if there was a way to recover unique items like Gauldurs amulet, then I might pick other settings)
    • Stolen Item Settings
      • Medium Item Cost: 100 GOLD
        • Probability of theft: 50%
      • High item cost: 700 GOLD
        • Probability of theft: 90%

Chasing the Dragon

  • Activate

A Matter Of Time
Don't use if you want a minimalist interface

  • General
    • Symbol 1
      • Show Moon Phases: checked
      • Show Seasons: checked
    • In game clock
      • Show: unchecked
    • In game date
      • Date format: Tamriel Year, Month D
  • Display
    • Symbol 1
      • Horizontal Offset: 10
      • Vertical Offset: 85
    • In-Game Date
      • Horizontal Offset: 10
      • Vertical Offset: 165


Convenient Horses

  • Main
    • Faction Relations
      • Horse faction relations: Neutral
    • Bound Key settings
      • Consolidate Talk/Loot/Harvest: checked
      • Talk/Loot Key: F
      • Fast Dismount: H
      • Horse inventory: I
      • Follow Toggle Key: U
  • Horses
    • Horse inventory
      • Inventory Access Mode: Local
        • No excuses anymore thanks to open cities.
      • Weight limit: 300
  • Auto Loot
    • General
      • Auto Loot Mode: Disabled
  • Horse Charge
    • General
      • Horse Charge: unchecked

Immersive Hud

  • Activation
    • Compass Activation
      • iHud Hotkey: ]   (matched to the iNeed sit hotkey) 
      • Key press toggles: checked
    • SkyUI Effects ALWAYS On: checked
    • Crosshairs Activation
      • Uncheck all for an empty/minimalist hud
  • Options
    • Uncheck all for an empty/minimalist hud
  • Transparencies
    • Set all except Compass to 0 for minimalist hud

You will use Important Information Overhaul to know your health, stamina and magica levels. (EGO - IIO)

Sky UI

  • General
    • Active Effects HUD
      • Minimum Time Left: 0
  • Controls
    • Favorite Groups
      • Fill in the rest of the F-Keys



Take Notes

  • Controls
    • Journal
      • Open Journal: "


  • Features
    • Stealth Invisibility: unchecked
  • Settings
    • Maximum Followers: 5
  • Pannel
    • Dimensions
      • Y Coordinate: 175
    • Settings
      • Alpha: 70

Enhanced Blood
This was a resource hog in the past. These are the settings I used to tone it down. Will need to investigate if this is still the case, and if I can get away with more

  • Main Functions
    • Enable NPC Scripts: unchecked


Another script heavy mod.

  • Settings
    • NPC Settings
      • NPC Limit: 15
      • FX Limit: 5

Nausicaa's Tweaker

  • Actor
    • Change Trigger: [  (or to something other than F2!!) 

Better Vampires
Lots of settings to pick from here.  This one is to your preference. I would say definitely enable sun damage, but otherwise set it up as you want to role play. 



Dragon Soul Relinquishment
Configure as you want

  • Configuration
    • Perk Points
      • Dragon Souls Required: 2
      • (Dragon combat overhaul makes you work for those dragon souls...)


Trade and Barter
Don't touch (As the STEP instructions tell you)

  • technically, you can turn this on.  However, this load is already quite script heavy, so I would advise to leave this off. 


  • Disable vanilla saving:
    • Save on rest
    • Save on wait
    • Save on travel
    • Save on character Menu
  • MCM settings:
    • Minimum auto save interval: 2 min
    • Auto save count: 10
    • Improved file names

Dragon Combat Overhaul
I have read that this one has problems if you start it up before the first dragon fight. I advise turning off 1, 2, 3 dragon attacks until after you help Delphine kill the dragon.



Wonders of Weather

  • Options
    • Rain Splashes
      • Level: Medium
      • Performance Mode: checked (trying to reduce script load)
      • Interior Volume: 0 (let Real Shelter handle it or you get strange reverb between the two. )



Wearable Lanterns 

  • General
    • General Settings
      • Lantern Position: Worn - Front Right 
    • Fuel Settings
      • Checked 
    • Hotkeys
      • Toggle Lantern: L
      • Check Fule Display: Message Only
  • Meters
    • General Meter Settings 
      • Display Mode: off



  • Skills & Perks
    • CW bonus per Stamina increment: 2



Timing is everything

Lots of stuff to fiddle with here.  I might change the Ebony Warrior to level 70, bump up the Dawnguard Recruitment a bunch, maybe make Hearthfire and Dragonborn start a fair bit later too. 









2017 12 19 Main page



===Work on Hold (2017 08 11)===
*I have had a great work opportunity arise that will require lots of overtime, so I will be unable to give any time to work on this pack.  This pack is on hold at least for the next month (August), and whenever I get time hobbies (or games of any kind) this will be the first thing I return to.  I do not intend to abandon this project, but it will remain on hold until work stabilizes somewhat. 
===Alpha Build 2.0 Completed (2017 07 08)===
*I have finished setting things up in Mod Organizer, and for whatever reason, the game loads so I'll take that as a good sign I haven't done anything overly crazy.  
*This has NOT been play tested yet, and I have not made a custom patch yet either.  If you can install this and see how it works, and give feedback on the installation instructions, that would be greatly appreciated. 
*(2017 07 09) Will need to be making use of Merge Plugins from the nexus to make proper merged patches, as my manual patch for open cities is full of errors.  
===Alpha Build 2.0.1===
*(2017 07 11) Updated the instructions, primarily around the setup of DynDOLOD.  You will need to install the Merge Mod from nexus to merge about 20 or so ESPs to have enough room.  This is much easier than I first thought, though I have yet to fully test all the features so I'm not 100% certain no ill effects have occurred due to this.  
**There are a few minor things I've found that need fixing.  Lighting works ok, except that the skylights are way too bright, and don't change color depending on the time of day.  
**Have yet to go through every feature from every mod in Skyrim yet.  There is lots of stuff to double check yet. 
**Follower mod has a known bug in one dialogue branch, where it fails to check if the NPC is a follower before inserting "are you skilled" dialogue option.  Therefore every NPC in the game has this.  I've looked up a possible fix, and will add this to a patch after testing.  Otherwise, just ignore the extra "are you skilled" chat option that every NPC has for now.  
*(2017 08 06) Still working on stuff.  Since this pack system is being depreciated, I haven't thought though what I'll do to replace it.  I can't move this pack to the suggested "Mod Picker" sight because STEP isn't moved there yet, and I can't seem to add custom install instructions, just list involved mods which isn't enough.  The system does look very interesting though, and could be helpful, but still...
**For the time being, will be working on getting a stable build set up, and work though some of the bugs I've come across.  
====Introduction (WIP 0.1)====
<Wall of text removed...>
====I am making the following assumptions ====
* You are using Mod Organizer
* You have installed STEP 2.10.2 Extended exactly like the guide, and have run the game to confirm that it works (i.e. make sure it loads, character creation works, saves work, maybe use tgm/tcl  player.setav  speedmult ### to play superman to test the loading of environments. 
* You have a STEP profile that you will leave intact.  
** Create a new profile by "COPYING" your STEP profile.  
** do NOT repatch your bashed patch, Dual Sheath Redux, Better Shaped Weapons, DynDOLOD etc.  Instead, deselect these, and reinstall the relevant mods (some patching makes changes to the esp, so you can't make a copy of the mod, an actual reinstall is required) 
** Don't modify or merge patches to the existing mods.  If you need a patch for a STEP Extended mod, instead turn the mod off, then reinstall and give the new mod an abbreviation (like R1 - "Your Mod". This can be filtered easily) and install.  Position the new mod directly underneath the previous version.  
*** Actually, do this for ALL mods you install here so you can tell apart the mods that belong to this pack and those from STEP: Extended. 
====Installation: ====
Install this section by section.  Each section corresponds to a section with the same name in the STEP: Extended installation.  
* Any time a mod from STEP: Extended appears (either for uninstall or reinstall), it provides a context (location) for positioning the mods here.  Otherwise, just add these mods to the bottom of the relevant section. 
====.esp load order: ====
Once you reach Requiem… STOP.  Run LOOT one last time, after that, forget that LOOT exists.  LOOT will just cause you grief because it positions Requiem and its patches in the wrong places.  Instead once you install Requiem all esp's will be manually positioned.  This is non negotiable.  Several other esp's are also manually moved or they will not work properly. 
====CTD, buggieness, general "bad stuff happening" ====
I will need as much information as possible.  If you can, please use the steps below to help find a solution.  Assistance to making this a "stable" (stable being a relative term in Skyrim modding) is greatly appreciated.  
==== Adding your own "favourite" mods and then looking for help ====
Right now the .esp count is (VERY HIGH).  This leaves (VERY FEW) more .esp's before the hard cap of FC.  I will be staying away from merging esp's for now (I've had bad experiences with this…).  Since there are so many overhaul style mods included already in this pack (and there are still a few bugs I haven't captured yet) I may not be able to help you.   If you ask for help, please please spend a minimum of 2 HOURS searching for a solution on your own first before asking for help.  
* utilize Google.   If a 5 second Google search finds a solution to your problem….
* Review the install instructions for your mod. 
* Use Mod Organizer and search carefully through the conflicts section.  
** If your mod conflicts with another, look up that mods nexus page and search that mod's forum (select Posts page > Under the big blue bar, click on "View forum thread",  next (need to be logged in to the nexus forum) "search" for your problem using likely keywords. )
** search the STEP forum for your mod and related problems. 
* Use TES5Edit to look through your new mods and see what overwrites them.  If something pops up in the papyrus log as missing/error, try searching that in TES5Edit. A mod may overwrite or change the variable.  This gives you an idea of what may need load order adjustment. 
If all these steps do not yield a solution, then please take note of any potential solutions (that may (not) have worked), symptoms, papyrus log (use paste bin),  what you were doing when the crash occurred, any MCM menu items you have changed in the last 1hr of play, if you did something new (like get your first follower, use a lamp for the first time, gave something to a follower that a mod uses [like a lamp, new food, etc.], activate a mod by starting a quest, entering a major environment that a mod effects for the first time, generally anything "new"). 
* make use of

my text

to keep your post short and avoid spamming the forum.  You can nest these, lots of fun. 

Ok ok,  maybe you don't have to post quiet that much,  but the above is the steps I take when figuring out a bug.  So far it has worked quite well for me (eventually at least). 
If you have read this far, yay please continue and enjoy.   If not, well…  Good luck modding Skyrim :)







Edited by Mr_Moal

I've been playing a bit when I have time, and I am encountering some crashes, but only when the papyrus logs are disabled. Today I was reading through all the MCM menus, and came across SafeAutoSaves noting that I had vanilla saves enabled when I should not. After disabling vanilla saves, have not had any subsequent crashes over 1hr of game play. So that may have been a contributing factor.

Another bug is a frame rate drop, less than 1 fps. I suspect it's because I hit some button related to the ENB that I should not have, so I edited the ENB key settings to move the keys out of the way, and I have not had that problem again.


Immersive citizens is awesome, and even though white run is a bit empty without the city mods, it is still nice to see citizens acting more human rather than stupidly like normal. Now if only I could completely get rid of all Z texture flicker, that would be very nice.


Hey, thanks for putting this together.  I love Requiem and it's nice to see an updated guide to adding the STEP packs, etc. to it.  I am in the middle of an SRLE + MMO + parts of SRLE Extended playthrough, but will definitely keep an eye on this for my next one!


I've done a major go over of the Requiem and patches esp's leading to some major stability improvements.  I think most if not all of the bugs I've come across up to now are solved.   Bugs I was tracking from the wiki page will be archived here.  Bug smashing makes me feel feel like the old days of Pokemon and "gotta catch them all"     ....   ...  ya, ...



  • (solved "probably")Sudden FPS loss (1fps). I suspect it is related to pressing some setting from the ENB. I changed the buttons on the ENB to those I would be less likely to press, and have not had further problems.
  • (still investigating) Random CTDs. Some times, when loading a save, the game crashes immediately. But, strangely, if I reload the same save, it does not crash. CTD when exiting a building, yet doing the same thing again, and there is no problem.
    • I suspect this is related to SaveAutoSave. It warns you that you must disable the vanilla saves, which I had not done. After disabling the vanilla saves, I have not had these crashes after another hr of game play.
    • MCM info updated.
  • (cosmetics, get to eventually) Z-fighting. some textures (particularly mountains) flicker. This is a known problem with Skyrim. Some people have this worse than others. Also will see it on walls, roofs, etc.
  • (looking into) Papyrus logs. Can't seem to get them to show up. I have enabled them in the skyrim ini.
Posted (edited)

Currently looking for a solution to CTD.  At the end of the papyrus logs, I get the following chunk related to DLC1VampireBeastRace on script zbloodnpc.   From what I've looked up, this is a Better Vampires and Enhanced Blood textures interference.  Some say it only happens when you have a heavy load order, which would apply in this case. 






------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Log sample 1

[04/16/2016 - 01:52:43PM] ~~~~~ Footprints: Running Maintenance ~~~~~

[04/16/2016 - 01:52:43PM] ~~~~~ Footprints VC: Checking if update is required. (Current Version: 1.000000) ~~~~~

[04/16/2016 - 01:52:43PM] ~~~~~ Footprints VC: SkyUI Installed ~~~~~

[04/16/2016 - 01:52:43PM] ~~~~~ Footprints: Switching to SKSE Footprints, SKSE Installed ~~~~~

[04/16/2016 - 01:52:44PM] Warning: Property DLC1VampireBeastRace on script zbloodnpc attached to Active effect 4 on  (000414F4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[04/16/2016 - 01:52:47PM] Warning: Property DLC1VampireBeastRace on script zbloodnpc attached to Active effect 5 on  (7108D3B5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[04/16/2016 - 01:52:48PM]

[04/16/2016 - 01:52:48PM] =====iNeed (_sn) is finished refreshing itself and searching for addons!=====

[04/16/2016 - 01:52:48PM]

[04/16/2016 - 01:52:59PM] Warning: Property DLC1VampireBeastRace on script zbloodnpc attached to Active effect 6 on  (0002C931) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[04/16/2016 - 01:53:07PM] Warning: Property DLC1VampireBeastRace on script zbloodnpc attached to Active effect 7 on  (7108E3EC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[04/16/2016 - 01:53:07PM] Warning: Property DLC1VampireBeastRace on script zbloodnpc attached to Active effect 6 on  (0009CCDA)

cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[04/16/2016 - 01:53:11PM]

[04/16/2016 - 01:53:11PM] =====iNeed (_sn) is finished refreshing itself and searching for addons!=====

[04/16/2016 - 01:53:11PM]

[04/16/2016 - 01:53:14PM]         

[ (FF00157C)].critterMoth.DoPathStartStuff() - "CritterMoth.psc" Line 342

[ (FF00157C)].critterMoth.BellShapeTranslateToRefAtSpeed() - "Critter.psc" Line 775

[ (FF00157C)].critterMoth.BellShapeTranslateToRefNodeAtSpeedAndGotoState() - "Critter.psc" Line 870

[ (FF00157C)].critterMoth.GoToNewPlant() - "CritterMoth.psc" Line 290

[ (FF00157C)].critterMoth.OnUpdate() - "CritterMoth.psc" Line 130




------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Log sample 2

[ (0E002E71)].GetShelterTBScript.OnTriggerLeave() - "GetShelterTBScript.psc" Line 66

[04/16/2016 - 08:19:17PM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp24"


[ (0E002E71)].GetShelterTBScript.OnTriggerLeave() - "GetShelterTBScript.psc" Line 66

[04/16/2016 - 08:19:17PM] Error: Cannot call Disable() on a None object, aborting function call


[ (0E002E71)].GetShelterTBScript.OnTriggerLeave() - "GetShelterTBScript.psc" Line 66

[04/16/2016 - 08:19:22PM] Warning: Property DLC1VampireBeastRace on script zbloodnpc attached to Active effect 5 on  (00013489) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[04/16/2016 - 08:19:22PM] Warning: Property DLC1VampireBeastRace on script zbloodnpc attached to Active effect 5 on  (0001348A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[04/16/2016 - 08:20:02PM] Warning: Property DLC1VampireBeastRace on script zbloodnpc attached to Active effect 6 on  (0001348C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[04/16/2016 - 08:20:02PM] Warning: Property DLC1VampireBeastRace on script zbloodnpc attached to Active effect 6 on  (00013487) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[04/16/2016 - 08:20:02PM] Warning: Property DLC1VampireBeastRace on script zbloodnpc attached to Active effect 6 on  (00013488) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property







Easy way out will be to disable Better Vampires for now.  I would really like to keep this, so if anyone has an idea to make things play nice, please let me know. 

Edited by Mr_Moal
Posted (edited)

I have some more clues to what is happening with Enhanced blood textures zbloodnpc script going nutzo.   Requiem renames DLC1VampireBeastRace to Vampire Lord, so of course EBT is not going to be able to find what it is looking for.  So I'm faced with either finding a way to patch EBT (need some way to open the script, and I'm guessing rename all instances of DLC1VampireBeastRace to "Vampire Lord") or finding some way to drop EBT from the load order.  


Anybody else have any ideas?

Edit Edit:  Using the no script version of Enhanced Blood textures (V1.1).  Loose a few blood splatters, but gain stability and less script load




  • One idea is to use Enhanced Blood Textures V1.1 which has no scripts.  This may be simplest because the STEP Extended Patch has EBT as a master.
    • No more vBloodscript errors in the papyrus log now.  


next:  SM Drop Lit Torch is the next one that is causing a problem.  Don't know if its a conflict perhaps with the lantern mod, or something else. 

Edited by Mr_Moal
Posted (edited)

Alright. This pack you've created is probably gonna be my last attempt at trying to get a somewhat stable skyrim install with Requiem. Would you like me transcript any crashes i have? Gonna get this installed within the next 2 days as i have time off work.

Edited by HatchetWarrior
Posted (edited)

Hello, thanks for the interest.  I am currently trying my best to crash the game by trying out as many of the mod's functions as I can (frostfall, horses, lights, followers, etc).  

Currently tracking down why SM Drop Lit Torch is causing problems.  


If you install the load out, I would not advise getting psyched out and starting a full play through right away. I would guess this build is a good 1-2 weeks away from being "stable" enough to do a play through. 



If you are willing to do some testing, use the alternate starts to test the various functions, particularly to play a little of the civil war to test CWO.  I would advise enabling god mode (tgm) just to speed stuff up a little.  

  • test what happens when you win a fight/loose a fight, and with tgm off, see if the Death alternative mod causes problems either. basically do stupid things and try to crash it. 


I also need to figure out if the CCO warnings are a problem or not.  

Take a script, or an error for something missing, and try entering it in TES5Edit and see what is over writing it (enter id values like 3F9A0 in the left box, and a written name in the right hand search box) 

  • solved.  the CCO-Reqtified instructions state to disable the requiem mineorescript.  following that there are no more papyrus errors. 



Edited by Mr_Moal

I'd rather be able to help someone put a pack together and trying to crash the game then just sitting idle and waiting for someone else to do it. I'll get this downloaded next few days and i'll try to crash it as much as possible.


wow, after finding out about the CCO-Reqtified note about requiem and that you need to disable the mine ore script from requiem, the papyrus log is now short enough that the little scroll bar actually got bigger.  That has got to be a first for me.  Major savings on papyrus log spam.   Shows how much I follow my own instructions about reading through at minimum the mod authors front page.   Guess I'll start a mod by mod walk through to check if there is any other funny things in the load order that I could easily fix.  


Its little things like this that cause unnecessary grief yet are easily fixed.  

Posted (edited)

Next bug to solve.   is the following entries in the papyrus log by SM Drop Lit Torch a problem or not


Edit, papyrus log


[04/20/2016 - 08:35:58AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Object
[04/20/2016 - 08:35:58AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Object
[04/20/2016 - 08:35:58AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Object
[04/20/2016 - 08:35:59AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Step 2
[04/20/2016 - 08:35:59AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Step 2
[04/20/2016 - 08:35:59AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Step 2
[04/20/2016 - 08:36:00AM] Info: *Achievement 1 awarded - a winnar is you!*
[04/20/2016 - 08:36:13AM] VM is freezing...
[04/20/2016 - 08:36:13AM] VM is frozen
[04/20/2016 - 08:36:14AM] Saving game...
[04/20/2016 - 08:36:15AM] VM is thawing...
[04/20/2016 - 08:36:15AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Object
[04/20/2016 - 08:36:15AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Object
[04/20/2016 - 08:36:15AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Object
[04/20/2016 - 08:36:15AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Object
[04/20/2016 - 08:36:15AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Object
[04/20/2016 - 08:36:15AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Object
[04/20/2016 - 08:36:15AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Step 2
[04/20/2016 - 08:36:15AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Step 2
[04/20/2016 - 08:36:15AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Step 2
[04/20/2016 - 08:36:15AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Step 2
[04/20/2016 - 08:36:15AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Step 2
[04/20/2016 - 08:36:16AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Step 2
[04/20/2016 - 08:36:16AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Drop Torch
[04/20/2016 - 08:36:16AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Drop Torch

I am investigating this because these logs showed up at the bottom of my papyrus logs after a CTD.  It could have been an interaction with another mod, or it may have some how been Drop Lit Torch.  But this mod is really simple and does not seem effect anything else that I can find in TES5Edit.  i have found vague references to other people having CTD they believe is related.  For now the mod is dropped (for simplicity sake), but I would love to add it back, just so useful. 
Edit Edit:  for now, I'm just dropping the mod and moving on.   
Edited by Mr_Moal
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