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The one issue with the bags is that the Maximum Skeleton option that is compatible with these bags isn't the option that is compatible with the bags and sheaths from Frostfall, so if you use Skyrim Revisited you'll find the Maximum Skeleton options there aren't compatible with the Wet and Cold bags.


I read on Skyrim Project Stability that this mod may be unsafe to use. On a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being most risky, they gave it a 4 because the script is constantly updating and (can) cause papyrus script stress. I don't really understand what that means. They also said "Safe with small load orders, sometimes". (This wasn't just for Cold and Wet, they listed several but this is the mod I'm interested in).


Can anyone tell me what is considered a "small" load order? Or tell me more about Skyrim Project Stability as it relates to this? Or really just any thoughts on this at all. I'd like to use Cold and Wet and I'm going to for now anyway because it's awesome but I'd love some other peoples thoughts on this if that's possible. I haven't heard from anyone else that it causes problems; I suppose if it does I'll have to deal with it then.


(Sorry if this isn't the correct place for this post)


If you have really large mod lists like Skyrim Revisited, then it most likely will cause some issues. From mild cases of script lag, to freezes and


If you just have a few texture mods and only this then it should not be any issue what so ever.

It all depends on how many other scripted mods you have added to your list.

But this does not only apply for this mod, but for all. The approch Skyrim Project Stability use is a bit debateable, since just because a mod has scripts that update frequently does not automatically imply that it causes instability. But most of the time it is the case.


Wet and Cold is one mod that I'll never part with, especially when using it as part of the Survival set (Frostfall, RN&D, Cloaks of Skyrim, Winter is Coming). Yes, I had major scripting issues in Windhelm when attempting to use it a while back, but the old game was really destined for death by very overdosed scripting anyway.


I have experienced problems using Wet & Cold alongside certain combat mods like Duel (which also runs frequent scripts). This would cause crashes for me when starting or while in combat. About 40% of the time the log errors would indicate a problem with the combat mod, 40% of the time they would point to a script from Wet & Cold, and the rest of the time the crash seemed to be caused by a script from an entirely different mod or from a vanilla script... Basically, I don't think any of the mods I was using were unstable in and of themselves, but running a lot of mods that have constantly refreshing scripts will result a high probability for trouble. For the time being, I've kept Wet & Cold and ditched the scripted combat mods (this choice was largely due to the fact that I wasn't really enjoying the combat mods, while I do really like having Wet & Cold).


I've never had a ctd from this mod. Running 2.2.6 highest textures with enb boost 0.217. Deadly spell impacts was the mod that caused freezing issues for me.

That may be true, but if this mod is placing an effect on the player or NPCs like the snowy effect, and DSI comes along and places the burnt effect on the newly dead character, then it could cause a conflict. One is saying cold the other hot and so it could freeze.


These type of script conflicts are probably more common than we realize.


I know this is a wee bit off topic, but how do I check log errors? I see people making reference to them all the time and I have no idea what they're talking about... but it sounds very useful.


You enable papyrus loggin in the skyrim.ini then it will save a log of all script executions as a .txt file in the same folder as the vanilla game stores the ini´s. Then you can open it and see which script based mods are acting up.


I've never had a ctd from this mod. Running 2.2.6 highest textures with enb boost 0.217. Deadly spell impacts was the mod that caused freezing issues for me.

That may be true, but if this mod is placing an effect on the player or NPCs like the snowy effect, and DSI comes along and places the burnt effect on the newly dead character, then it could cause a conflict. One is saying cold the other hot and so it could freeze.


These type of script conflicts are probably more common than we realize.

It is true in fact.  The fact is a variety of some of the greatest mods available have this downfall.  If you aren't experiencing the issues, then you will eventually.  Even the comments section of Wet and Cold has numerous reports of instability and random crashes/freezes/ILSs.  In light of this I blacklisted that mod some time ago on my personal guide on the Nexus.  I've caught a LOT of crap over this before.  The reason being is that although the mod WILL cause problems; up until tonight I could not successfully trace the problem to Wet and Cold, other than by asking users to eliminate likely causes for issues. Users in need of support; are often not the best at reporting back the results, nor is the test controlled enough for me with someone else "at the helm". :)  The last time(This evening excluded) I used Wet and Cold was long before my guide came out and several short lived times sine (Usually after an update).  I knew it caused issues, but I didn't really care to test it thoroughly.  Tonight after coming across this thread, I was curious so I tested it for myself.


Here are my findings as posted on the aforementioned thread.


I have your results, although not as conclusive as I should like.


First lets talk about what was consistent in each test run.


Tests were conducted on the exact same clean save

Test character was created without the mods "Wet and Cold" and it's ashes plugin AND without Solstheim climate overhaul

Each test was conducted by first talking the ship to solstheim, helping captain valeth with the ash spawns(Not completing the quest just getting the journal entry) and then running back to the ship



Test one, none of the above listed mods:

Able to travel back and forth from solstheim in the default way and via console. No ILSs to report


Test Two, All of the above listed mods:

ILS the first attempt to travel back, didn't attempt via console


Test 3, Wet and cold and it's Plugin:

ILSs The first attempt to travel back, didn't attempt via console


Test 4, Solstheim Climate overhaul:

Able to travel back and forth from solstheim in the default way and via console. No ILSs to report.


I was tempted to say Wet and Cold from the start; however my bias against the mod caused me to hold my tongue. However, the test results conclusively link Wet and Cold, or at least it's ashes Plugin to the ILSs. That said, I'm going to run one final test with JUST wet and cold. I was afraid of that, that means that in order to fix the issue, you'll need to remove the mod. Resulting in a fresh start most likely... Sorry man, wish I had better news. Post the results with just wet and cold in 10 minutes.

That said I've since run another test under the exact same set of circumstances.


Test 5, Wet and Cold WITHOUT the ashes plugin:

ILS the first attempt to travel back, didn't attempt via console


That concludes my testing of that mod I think.  I've tried it numerous times, but seeing as how I save Miraak for last; I never linked the mod to anything concrete.  However anecdotal this bit may be I think it bears mentioning. I've had this mod destabilize several load orders personally and I've told everyone who wanted my assistance at the Nexus to remove it.  JUST the removal of Wet and Cold has stabilized the 3 of the 5 load orders I've worked on with no other steps taken.  Several of the people who DID manage to stabilize it at the time, returned later to report it.


Sorry for the wall of text but I believe in being thorough! :)


ILS's are the nightmare of my current game... I've never linked them to this mod though and I would be eager to test! If W&C is indeed the cause, I'd happily ditch it.


On the mod page the author states:




Make a save in an interior location with no effects playing and then remove all installed files.

Has anyone safely removed W&C before? What about the scripts?


Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 4


ILS's are the nightmare of my current game... I've never linked them to this mod though and I would be eager to test! If W&C is indeed the cause, I'd happily ditch it.


On the mod page the author states:




Make a save in an interior location with no effects playing and then remove all installed files.

Has anyone safely removed W&C before? What about the scripts?


Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 4

Regardless of whether or not this mod causes ILS, I want to update to the newest version of Wet & Cold. How do I do that safely? I currently have a knapsack equipped from Wet & Cold as well. 

Start a new game... works everytime.


If you are really keen on saving all your stuff and progress, then all of that can technically be done though the console... you could even make a batch file with all the commands.... might take a while I know.

But ultimately a big mod like Wet n cold is going to be a pain to update into an existing game.


Start a new game... works everytime.


If you are really keen on saving all your stuff and progress, then all of that can technically be done though the console... you could even make a batch file with all the commands.... might take a while I know.

But ultimately a big mod like Wet n cold is going to be a pain to update into an existing game.

What if I just swapped the versions in Wrye Bash, installed over it, and then ran a game and did a clean save procedure? I've been using the same save file since Skyrim came out in 2011 and it's still going strong :-P. Seriously. I have like no problems with it. I have one miscellaneous quest that's stuck in the menu and won't go away. That's about it, but I've had that problem for over a year and it's not a big deal. 



This mod automatically refreshes itself with each revision. Just make a save indoors then remove the previous version and install the new version.

Updating to each new revision has worked fine for me...

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