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They're not textures, unless you mean the alternative textures, which is the plugin making the mesh use different textures than the default mesh. The records in question are statics, immovable objects that can't be interacted with beyond being seen. They (these particular statics) are not used anywhere in the game, they're probably only included in case some other modder wanted to make a weapon display case (like the one at Mick & Ralph's) with them or something akin to that. If you remove the alternative texture entries (e.g. the one which is pointing to a non-existent texture set) the statics will only revert to using the default textures associated with that mesh. Then again, why bother? They can't be found or seen anywhere in the game unless you use console commands to make them appear (and be stuck in the air) at your location.

Posted (edited)

Hey mono really love the work you're doing here, just finished re-installing F&LNV after attempting to migrate my Steam & MO to a new SSD...

I'm not clear on how exactly to add your pack to my install though - it seems like it will replace multiple plugins from F&LNV, but that is not really clearly stated in the guide.  


I'm pretty familiar with modding, guides, and STEP, and probably can figure out what needs to be done on my own, but it might be helpful to have a little note in appropriate places in the actual guide; ie. *remove ____.esp or '____ mod' from your F&LNV install, as this plugin incorporates it.


Looking through, it seems to me;

Weapons of the New Millenia Rebalanced

instructions - In the left pane of MO, double click "Caliber X" and select the "Optional ESPs" tab.

Move the "Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.CaliberX4+Patch.esp" to the "Optional ESPs" box.


Mono's Project Nevada Plugins

instructions - In the left pane of MO, deactivate the Project Nevada patches for WMX and EVE (F&LNV recommends installing them to seperate folders, this instruction is ambiguous for those that have merged their install)


Mono's WMX Plugins

instructions - In the left pane of MO, double click "Weapon Mods Expanded" and select the "Optional ESPs" tab.

Move "WeaponModsExpanded.esp" and "WMX-DLCMerged.esp" to the "Optional ESPs" box.


*please correct me if I'm wrong here, I'm not presuming these are correct instructions.  Just what I can glean from reading the guide thus far.


*You mention deactivating Dragonskin tactical outfit out of it's idealogical clash with what this pack is about, and I believe you also mentioned earlier in the thread to deactivate WMX Modern Weapons?  Cant find that stated anywhere in the guide though.

Edited by baronaatista
Posted (edited)

You probably don't need to move these esp if you add this pack after F&LNV. Plugins from this pack will take priority anyway. Unless you want to be super neat!



I personally install this pack after WRP Christine's COS Rifle Replacer.

Edited by darkside

Install it where you would install the other packs linked in the guide, and let it overwrite the plugins, and you're fine with the instructions already in there. WMX's Modern Weapons module was removed from F&L since I've been heading the development of that guide for a while, and I never really liked it in FNV. Hence I removed the tip about that from the description at the top of the pack a while back.


Glad you enjoy the pack, and thanks for the feedback.  :^_^:

Posted (edited)

So I've been messing around with the Project Nevada plugins, and I'm running into a problem (moreso with the approach than the actual plugin) - I'm also running a heavily modded setup with JSawyer Ultimate, TTW, WMX, EVE, etc.


One thing I have noticed is that due to the changes to the Project Nevada Equipment plugin, is that other mods that use Project Nevada - Equipment.esm as a master (such as the Project Nevada - TTW patch) have errors using the replacement plugin because of the changes to the master file.


My suggestion would be to make the edits into a patch instead of direct edits to the original plugins to help preserve compatibility with mods looking for these masters.  I also did find a few errors in FNVedit after checking these plugins, so I'm not sure if you want to check on that or not as well.  Mostly had to do with FormID lists.


The other mods in this pack are just awesome, though, love the flavor and adaptation of some of these great weapons like Millenial's pack.  The lack of "in universe" naming really turned me off, and the curation and updates you've done so far Mono are really a huge benefit to this game.

I actually just play New Vegas exclusively, but I'm working on a TTW install so I can keep Fallout 3 off my hard drive for good, which is the only reason I bring TTW-esque compatibility up.  Anyway, thanks for the hard work on this so far, and the other awesome mods you have made on the Nexus, I'm using pretty much all of them.

Edited by Genius384
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)
  On 8/7/2016 at 11:41 AM, llere said:

hey, any plans to update this for new caliberX?

Working on this now. Should be out later today. Seems they haven't changed the FormIDs, just the EditorIDs, meaning that I only need to change the scripts.


  On 8/8/2016 at 11:44 PM, Genius384 said:

So I've been messing around with the Project Nevada plugins, and I'm running into a problem (moreso with the approach than the actual plugin) - I'm also running a heavily modded setup with JSawyer Ultimate, TTW, WMX, EVE, etc.


One thing I have noticed is that due to the changes to the Project Nevada Equipment plugin, is that other mods that use Project Nevada - Equipment.esm as a master (such as the Project Nevada - TTW patch) have errors using the replacement plugin because of the changes to the master file.


My suggestion would be to make the edits into a patch instead of direct edits to the original plugins to help preserve compatibility with mods looking for these masters.  I also did find a few errors in FNVedit after checking these plugins, so I'm not sure if you want to check on that or not as well.  Mostly had to do with FormID lists.


The other mods in this pack are just awesome, though, love the flavor and adaptation of some of these great weapons like Millenial's pack.  The lack of "in universe" naming really turned me off, and the curation and updates you've done so far Mono are really a huge benefit to this game.


I actually just play New Vegas exclusively, but I'm working on a TTW install so I can keep Fallout 3 off my hard drive for good, which is the only reason I bring TTW-esque compatibility up.  Anyway, thanks for the hard work on this so far, and the other awesome mods you have made on the Nexus, I'm using pretty much all of them.


I'd have to redo the plugin completely because the errors probably come from me deleting certain records. Couldn't you just remove all the errors from the TTW patch?


EDIT: It's been updated.

Edited by MonoAccipiter
  • +1 1
  On 9/23/2016 at 2:10 PM, MonoAccipiter said:

Working on this now. Should be out later today. Seems they haven't changed the FormIDs, just the EditorIDs, meaning that I only need to change the scripts.



I'd have to redo the plugin completely because the errors probably come from me deleting certain records. Couldn't you just remove all the errors from the TTW patch?


EDIT: It's been updated.

Hmm.  Good question, I'll have to see if that works out or not when I have time to revisit New Vegas.

Posted (edited)

I could probably have done it differently, but when I started out there was really no precedence to follow, seeing as doctoring mods like I do hasn't been done all that much before. Not even sure if it has been done before, after all it just started out with me being slightly annoyed with Millenia's weapons having different names than all the other weapons. Then I realized it could also be a nifty way to reduce plugin count by integrating patches for what I consider to be pretty necessary mods for FNV (like CaliberX). It was only while working on that I realized how ridiculously much stronger most weapons from mods were than comparable vanilla weapons, especially in regard to WotNM which is wildly unbalanced. It seems that Millenia (or Naky) never noticed that vanilla reduces the damage for automatic weapons in comparison with single fire weapons of the same caliber. Instead they had all their automatics balanced around single fire damage, sometimes even more than vanilla equivalents, which gave them higher DPS values than most weapons already in the game. 


One thing I did notice while doing this was that Obsidian has actually done a damn good job when it comes to balancing weapons. Probably helped out that Sawyer apparently is a gun nut. I mostly used weight, firing rates, exit velocity, and impact energy statistics from Wikipedia in comparing mod-added weapons to vanilla ones, and they're mostly consistent with each other across the board. The thing to note is that fire rates have mostly been reduced by a percentage to help make it more suitable to an RPG environment, which is perfectly understandable. Most of the considerations important for the producing of a weapon in real life, like material cost, reliability in poor conditions, stability in accurate fire and et cetera, become rather inconsequential when translating them into a video game. Much more so when that video game is in a genre where people aren't supposed to be combat disabled from a couple of hits. Considering all this, I find myself continually impressed every time I open up the hood of FNV and take a look at what's underneath. These are relevant considerations to be made as to the cost of certain weapons as well. You will notice that the upgraded version of the AK-47, namely the AK-74 is hardly any better than it's predecessor after my balancing. This is because its improvements are mostly untranslatable to the game, but also because they are at times so small that they're only noticeable when employing these guns in numbers of thousands. As such they can scarcely be said to be worth the attention of any wasteland dweller.


Project Nevada's weapons looked pretty balanced to me as well, upon some light inspection. What Project Nevada didn't do all that well, however, was implementation. The mod edits tons of shop lists directly, instead of adding the weapons using scripts. Something, which while it can be largely fixed by using a Bashed Patch, is not the best when considering compatibility with other mods, and in addition becomes a pain to remove further down the line. In order to avoid deleting the weapon records, I would have to dig through every damned leveled list and manually remove their entries. Whereas if I delete the weapon in the GECK, as well as the special leveled containers they make to get different conditions, it will automatically remove it from every leveled list as well. Not to mention the fact that in order to undo the changes to shop lists with a patch, I would basically have to make a patch consisting mostly of ITMs. This reduces my workload quite a bit, when you consider the fact that Project Nevada's other annoying aspect, is the fact that the equipment pack has a rather massive discrepancy in quality of the included mods. It always annoyed me that any "remedy" I could offer, both as a mod-user and a pack-creator, to help make Project Nevada as good looking as the rest of the game was at best a half-solution. You either had to live with certain guns looking like plastic, as well as some stuff being duplicated by other mods, or you could uninstall the whole thing and miss out on some great armors and weapons. In short â€” while everybody seemed interested in improving the vanilla game, nobody seemed interested in improving some of the older large mods that basically all modding packs were built around. This is why I have doctored the plugin so much directly, partly because of how it was made, and partly because adding another patch on top seems superfluous when I want to improve upon something that has become almost as essential to the modded FNV experience, as DLCs have become to the game itself. 

Edited by MonoAccipiter
  • +1 1
  • 4 weeks later...

Added Forge Beyond to the pack. Only reason I haven't added it before was because I wanted to test it myself first. It might be the best weapon pack I've ever seen when all aspects are considered. The guns are very well made, balanced and implemented. The only thing I might do something about is make the Marksman Rifle use CaliberX's 4.7mm ammo.

  • +1 1

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