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Everything posted by Hyareil

  1. Tech, have you tried Remiros' Shrines HD? Might be worth comparing the two. Ren's mod has been a staple for years, but Remiros' seems really well-done and colors are closer to vanilla.
  2. The original mod by Fudgyduff got updated today: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19832
  3. I don't know which mod exactly were you trying to preview, but most likely it's an issue with BC7. BC7 is a new texture compression format that was added in DirectX 11 and is supported only by Skyrim SE. Many SE mod authors utilize BC7, because it offers better quality than DXT5. Unfortunately, the preview plugin wasn't updated to work with BC7, so you can't preview those textures in MO2.
  4. BetterQuestObjectives-AMBSkyforgePatch.esp is only installed if you check aMidianBorn Skyforge Weapons in EBQO's installer. It shouldn't be checked. The patch is not needed if you're using content addon from Book of Silence. TIGERSHARK27, it would be best if you reinstalled EBQO and made sure that the only selected options are the ones required by STEP: https://wiki.step-project.com/Even_Better_Quest_Objectives If something isn't listed, it should be left unchecked.
  5. For warpaints try this: PAINTERLY - a High Res Vanilla Warpaint Retexture
  6. Discussion thread: HD Reworked Baskets by Halk_Hogan_PL Wiki Link A new mod by Halk_Hogan, the author of Realistic HD Baskets. SSE version available.
  7. Better Beast Races has been hidden on Nexus. The author is retiring from modding.
  8. The mod has been hidden by the author. Quote from the page: It adds skin textures for vampires. They aren't included in XCE - Xenius Character Enhancement.
  9. New version was released. It's also now available for SSE.
  10. Why? Isn't the alternative version closer to vanilla?
  11. I noticed that the elven eye textures included in the compilation come from the default version of Natural Eyes, not the "Elves Alternative Eyes" optional file. Despite the name, "Elves Alternative Eyes" is more similar to the vanilla eyes than the default version of Natural Eyes. Comparison from the mod page: Was it intended? I read all posts in the discussion thread, but I couldn't find anything.
  12. It seems you accidentally set MO to group mods by Nexus ID. The default setting is "No groups". You can select it from the dropdown list below the left panel.
  13. Textures located in \textures\armor\draugr are used by Ancient Nord Armor. It's not added by any mod, although it's not as easily available as other armor sets. Textures located in \textures\actors\draugr are used by the draugr (creatures). Their armor isn't "worn", it's part of the draugr model itself.
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