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Everything posted by Sairven

  1. Hmm. Well, one or several of the mods I randomly installed (I installed a lot more than I listed) is messing up on me. Or I might just need to reinstall because something weird happened during my Morrowind Overhaul installation and I think that's what messed things up. This is why I prefer doing 100% manual installs. It may take a lot longer, but at least you know what to do if something goes wrong. That's one reason I hate modding Oblivion. Everyone does those installer things for OMM or WB. Let the people with masochistic tendencies and who enjoy using their brains do manual installs IMO.
  2. This is a pretty good list of must-haves that stay as true to lore as possible: https://www.reddit.com/r/Morrowind/comments/19ycge/morrowind_modding_guide/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Morrowind/comments/1dpm4h/morrowind_modding_guide_part_2/ There are a few things from that list that I didn't bother with for various reasons: Hospitality Papers -The game can be made difficult enough. No point in adding more frustration on top of that. Especially since no one (in game or on the internet) wants to say where you get those papers from. I will admit that it increases immersion since there's dialogue that specifically says you must have those papers to do anything in that particular place. Shut Up! -While I like the Skyrim version of this mod, NPCs yelling at you adds to the atmosphere of Morrowind. Skyrim's annoying NPCs were just that: Annoying. Yes I'm looking at you, Nazeem. Nastier Camonna Tong -No particular reason for not getting this. I really just didn't care enough and knew I was going to be modding the piss out of the game so I just didn't bother. Oblivion Style Vampires -No. Nonononononononononononononono. Morrowind's vampires are different because they're a different kind of vampire. If you hate lore, use this mod. Otherwise, stay the **** away. Tamriel Rebuilt -Don't feel like it just yet. Maybe a few months from now I'll play a game with it. Signposts Retextured -Like stated, Morrowind Overhaul covers signposts. This mod is for use with Tamriel Rebuilt. Main Quest Enhancers -Personal taste. You can leave some of the nastier esps out, but on the whole I didn't want to install a mod with a bunch of esps only to actually use 1 of them. And the only esp I was going to use has an issue with creating clones. Westly's Master Headpack -No matter how much I mod the game, there's no way in hell I'm playing Morrowind in third-person. So I just didn't bother with this one. So those are the mods I didn't bother from that list. Now for mods that I installed which he didn't list: Frostmoth Repaired https://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/27457/ Without giving spoilers: The game constantly makes reference to this happening and there's text which implies it is being done. Unfortunately, Bethesda forgot to implement the actual repairs into the game. lol IndyBank https://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/14887/ Not lore-friendly, rather more for immersion. This mod enables something present in Oblivion and Skyrim: Purchasing houses! In Morrowind if you wanted a house, you took it. If you're role-playing a character that doesn't fall into that niche, obtaining your own house legitimately is somewhat limited and almost always involves killing (or otherwise getting rid of) the occupant anyway. Fair Magicka Regen v2B https://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/39350/ As much as I love Morrowind, I do not love its magicka regen. This mod fixes that problem without being broken. It's probably the best and most balanced magicka regen mod out there. Merchants https://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/197/ This mod's description is too vague. I hope I don't run into merchants with 50,000,000 septims. Whatever the case may be, the vanilla amount of money that vendors have is annoying enough that I honestly don't care if they did put a broken amount in.
  3. Thanks to that sale the other day ($5 for the win) I can finally play Morrowind again after too long a time. I promptly modded the crap out of it in hopes that the game is broke so I can't play. Morrowind is probably my most played game of all time. And my playtime for a game I started playing a little over a year ago (Path of Exile) went over 2000 (two-thousand) hours a few months back. D: I know that if everything works I won't be playing anything else anytime soon. lololololol
  4. Yep, it was mostly see-through. At first I did put too much though. Had to scrape and perfect it and all that. tbh I probably could have went full on perfectionist mode because there was still a bit left on parts of the heatsink. But eh, whatever.
  5. Haha, yes, I do indeed live in a holler. It's pretty nice here. I should post some pictures some time. And guess what? My thermal paste did in fact come today! Haha! Finally, I get to go back to playing me some Skyrim. I splurged (well, spent 1 whole extra dollar) and bought some funky allegedly "better" stuff. Not like it matters. I smeared just under too much onto my heatsink. XMFD Yeah, that first episode is abysmal. The second one isn't much better. But oh man. It becomes great real fast. My theory is that they were trying to draw in fans of the old series but ended up failing miserably. Ended up making old fans and new viewers hate the whole thing based on that first mess of an episode. It's definitely worth pushing past those episodes. I seriously haven't met a person yet who did so and did not find themselves hooked. Now for me to start up Skyrim again. :D
  6. If you decide to watch it, may as well start with the 2005 reboot. Just be forewarned that the pilot/first episode suffers from British Pilot Episode Syndrome: It really, really sucks. And the second episode is kinda weak. But if you can (you should!!!) push past that, oh man. It's not even exponentially better. Goes from a 3/10 for the first, to a meh/10 for the second, and a solid 8/10 for the third and just gets better. OK maybe that is exponential. And.. no mail yet today. 90% of the time they're slow to deliver to my road when there's a package of any sort. I just hope they're not simply being lazy today since it is Friday. And it's been a bit rainy. Ffff my pessimism tells me I won't see this thermal paste for another week.
  7. I live in the middle of no where in the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee, sadly. At this point though I could have just drove an hour to the nearest one. But since I've all ready purchased the thermal paste, may as well wait on its eventual arrival. On that note, haven't checked the mail yet today! I need to get on that. After all these decades, finally got my mom into Doctor Who. She really liked David Tennant and was sad at his departure. :3
  8. I have been waiting 11 days for this thermal paste. I'm starting to get stir crazy now. I wanna play some Skyrim, darn it! If I had a Tardis, I would break a hole in the fabric of reality just to go back in time to tell myself to change the shipping options.
  9. I'd even settle for a Skyrm GEMs type of deal. There's some pretty sweet looking mods but their requirements are intricate: This Mod requires Mod A, Mod B, and Mod C Mod A requires Mod 1 and Mod 2 Mod C requires Mod A, Mod 2, and Mod 3 Mod 3 requires Mod B and Mod 2 Mod B has no extra requirements but it's suggested you have Mod A and a certain version of Mod 1 that other mods which require it don't support anymore. Mod B will not work with newer versions of Mod 1.
  10. Where the **** is my thermal paste. Stop being lame, mail system. :|
  11. Yeah for the 2005 reboot Series 1 was mostly them trying to prove to the BBC that it was worth bringing the Doctor back. Series 2 was further solidifying that plea and then it just gets better and better from there after the BBC finally relented. There's plenty of melodramatic antics in the reboot. Though not on the scale of the old series, of course. I still wish I could go back in time and rewatch the old shows again. My memory gets worse and worse as time goes on. :(
  12. What brought about this topic: Around a week ago my CPU's heatsink decided to pop off while I was cleaning my computer's innards of dust (just using a canned air duster thingy). There's still a little thermal paste left on the heatsink and the bar covering my CPU but I don't want to chance anything. So, I'm left doing nothing but re-watching my Doctor Who (the ones starting at the 2005 reboot) DVDs/Blu-Rays and all the extras. It amazes me how little CGI they actually use in that show compared to what you might expect. I also fantasize about how much more they could accomplish if they teamed up with the Jim Henson Company. Right now I'm watching the series out of order on purpose. Started with Series 5 (Matt Smith), went to Series 6 because man Matt Smith is just great. Now I'm mixing Series 2 and 3 together. Next will be Series 1 and then Series 4. I wish I could get hold of the older seasons. I used to watch them all the time as a kid. Jon Pertwee was always my favorite. :3 Matt Smith is my second favorite. He nails the part so perfectly. David Tennant is a shaky third favorite. It's sometimes pretty obvious that he's a Doctor Who fan so at times he becomes my least favorite. His Doctor's storylines were ****ing amazing though so that skews my opinion of him towards a more favorable one. So, which Doctor is YOUR favorite? How about your second favorite? And while we're at it, who is your favorite companion? Rory. Definitely Rory.
  13. I've personally never been a fan of ENB. But I have used it. Like others have said, you can install it whenever. I have installed it at the beginning of a full STEP install, the middle, end. Also long after a full STEP install. If you don't wanna be grumpy about ENB like me, learn how to tweak the settings. I know how, but it'd be so much easier if I could do so in-game. Is that possible now? Been a long while since the last time I messed with ENB.
  14. I noticed someone mentioned getting the infinite load screen glitch. I don't know for a fact if it's due to this particular mod or if it's just a weird conflict between this mod and something else, but I can confirm that disabling it almost completely eliminated that glitch for me: Chesko's Lore Based Load Screens Before disabling that I would get the infinite load screen glitch just about every other time I had to encounter a load screen. After disabling it I rarely get the issue. I know enough about modding in load screen stuff to know that there honestly should be no problems whatsoever. But disabling it made the issue go away almost entirely so... Almost entirely because I have a few other mods that add load screen stuff (I think they're all Chesko mods as well (Frostfall and something else I believe that may not be Chesko's) and the infinite load screen glitch seems to have a better chance of happening when one of those are the first to load. Now that I gave, I want something in return :D Been scouring this topic trying to figure out which STEP mod wasn't compatible with Skyre as I saw it cryptically mentioned in another topic. All I've seen is Ars Metalica get mentioned and Destructible Bottles (in relation to a realistic needs mod). So... what mod in particular just simply needs to be disabled? :3 Thanks for the help btw.
  15. This is not a 1:1 compare. Something else has also been changed in the second screen ... ENB maybe? Anyway, we can't use this as a direct compare.Whatever.it got cloudy... -__-Finally, a real use for Clear Skies! >:D
  16. It's actually not changing directions, it's being removed. Point The Way changes a few of the signs around, although I couldn't tell you why in this example, you'd have to look at the map. The post definitely looks better than before. The signs blend in a lot better as well, the current ones look like Vanilla signs with a not-so-fantastic paint job. I've walked by that sign post a lot actually.... And Riften's sign is still there, it's behind Solitude and just below Markarth. I always laugh when passing that post because the Riften one is point virtually the opposite direction, taking the road into consideration. XD I need to install Point the Way... but then I won't have something to chuckle about when passing through there and other places. :( TBH, Bethesda kinda messed up most of the signs pointing to Riften. I get the idea that it was meant to be somewhere else, or another town was supposed to be there otherwise, and they just forgot to fix the sign posts.
  17. That's good to hear, Pioneer. I kinda want to play around with 1.9. :D
  18. Hmm. I don't like the install "instructions" (seriously, can't we do better than that? Shenanigans) for Soul Gems Differ and would have installed this one to test. Only problem is that there's only changes for black, common, and grand. Although, the changed ones do look pretty good in the screen shot. Hhmmm.
  19. Yeah, the thought did cross my mind. I have two bluray sets that happen to have discs with a 3D version that I still haven't got a use out of. :3 I'll also be doing some sound editing so there are other things the money will go towards. Which reminds me, what's an actually good sound card for that? I finally got the urge to record stuffs. I did a little more research last night before heading to bed and am pretty much not doing the Titan. That price:performance ratio is disappointing when I could just get a GTX 690 instead. Or go for something even cheaper that isn't overkill and use that until the next big thing comes out next year.
  20. Glad I ran into this topic. XD I have a literal unlimited budget coming up (The money I'm getting is "Use it, or lose it" money) and have to spend as much of that money as I can I guess in that regard I should consider going with the Titan? TBH, I don't want to deal with SLI at all. But that's probably because I'm getting old and crotchety. "It's new? **** that ****." Sorry if I derail the topic. Kinda want some opinions on this build. Mostly in regard to the Titan and whether I should bother with it or not. I'm going to be doing some graphical work and bad, memory leak filled programming (hence the 16GB RAM and I7 instead of I5). And some music editing as well. But mostly gaming. XD https://pcpartpicker.com/p/JRpN Should I even bother with the Titan though? I'm thinking it's not worth it even on the ridiculous budget I have to work with. We're talking $10,000+ here. I'll be doing multiple monitors if I go the Titan route. It's a maybe if otherwise.
  21. Oh god thank you guys for the faster get up mod suggestions. That **** annoys me to no end. Our characters can do so much, but it takes 5+ seconds to get up. IRL combat (which I have experience with), you die if it takes you that long to get up. I could be on my feet from a fall in a second with over 100 pounds of gear on me (not counting other things). There's no reason it should take the mfing Dragonborn that long to get up. Especially with all those muscles. lol Anyway, I have this mod installed and am currently on an RP playthrough that will take a while before I unleash dragons on the world at large. I'll try to hurry up with starting the main quest so I can give my thoughts on the mod. No real ETA though as I'm having some freezes and CTDs with this latest full STEP install. I think my PC is getting old on me. :(
  22. That was a nice catch. The wolf howls always bothered me in how crappy they are. Definitely going to be using this when I get back to Skyrim.
  23. "Oh she's got a viking helmet on now it's tasteful" I died.
  24. Can't fault you for not looking at the USKP change log. Thing is a BEAST. I've read it several times and my brain refuses to retain all the information. XD
  25. I wish I had more time to devote to STEP. But I can say that Relighting Skyrim, OLSE, and Relighting Skyrim - Dawnguard all go together (or will eventually in the case of OLSE). Been playing with RS and RS - D for a while and several lights are fixed. Nearly too many to name, TBH. Definitely way more than Enhanced Lights and Effects. Edit: Although the fixes done by EL&E are pretty nice, so there is that. But given how many lights are broke for ENB, I feel that quantity is better than quality in this case. Again, just wish I had more time to test this stuff. Getting a private forum psyched and ready for Path of Exile open beta in 2 days has consumed so much of my free time somehow. D:
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