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Everything posted by Sairven
The problem may lie in the fix itself. From one of the papyrus log errors (not really one of those bad type of ones from what I can tell) I used to get I think he applies a script which ensures something respawns regardless of whether you enter a cell which means things in that cell respawn regardless of you resetting the timer by being/going there. In a way, that could be considered a bit cheat-y. But then again, do flowers in real life stop blooming just because you keep entering the garden every day? edit: incoherent blabbering above etc etc etc
Neither are required if you use this mod. For now the projectile soul trap effect is handled in an optional esp. We've been PMing back and forth. It's mostly a sort of "open beta" type of situation with this mod. He spent a lot of time (over 1000 (one thousand) hours) on this mod and wants to make sure things are mostly compatible with people's setups.
Good point. I wish I knew how to mess around with TES5Edit outside of cleaning. "One of these days" I keep telling myself. ha hahahahaha ha ha ha :(
The problem with patches is that people need to realize it's an actual enchanting overhaul and that they need to learn how to let go of their precious quick-fixes. There have been so many attempts at fixing the enchanting skill tree problem that making patches for everything is an absolutely absurd thing to expect of one modder. Also, read the description page. Most things can be easily "patched" by simply loading this mod later in your load order. Edit: Here's what the description page has to say about compatibility: The list of compatibility questions is growing long, so here is a summary: Enchanting Awakened is COMPATIBLE WITH: ..* SkyRe (just download the SkyRe version in the files section) ..* NO DLCs (just download the NO DLC version in the files section) ..* SPERG ......-You will need to respec your own Enchanting perks. (you can use SPERG's MCM menu function to do so) ......-After respec'ing, you can install Enchanting Awakened. It will replace SPERG's enchanting tree & you will be set. ......-I am unsure whether you'll still get extra perks at levels 25, 50, 75 & 100 (I think you will - can someone confirm?) ..* Empowered Magic ......-Make sure Enchanting Awakened is LATER in your load order than Empowered Magic. ......-The only change you will notice is that Enchantments once again will be buffed by perks like Augmented ........Flames/Frost/Shock (a feature Empowered Magic removed). I think I may add this same change to the next ........version of Enchanted Awakened anyhow, so they soon will be seamlessly integrated. ......-Also, a minor point: if you want to retain the small damage-over-time effect added to the soul trap spell by ........Empowered Magic, do not choose the "Soul Trap Projectile" option when you install Enchanting Awakened. ..* ACE (Athyra's Comprehensive Enhancements) ......-Just be sure to remove ACE's Enchanting module if you have it installed currently. ......-All ACE's perks, besides Magic Anticipation, will be respec'd for you by Enchanting Awakened. You will have to ........respec the Magic Anticipation perk yourself if you don't want to lose a perk point you've invested. (or you can ........use the console to add one Enchanting Awakened perk to make up for this single loss of a perk point) ..* Enchantment Effect Replacer (100% compatible) ..* Rune Weapons FXS Replacer (100% compatible) ..* Forgotten Magic Redone (100% compatible) ..* Magic Duel (100% compatible) ..* Phenderix Magic Evolved (100% compatible) Enchanting Awakened is NOT compatible with: ..* Requiem (I will try to add compatibility when I get some free time) ..* Animated Weapon Enchants (might patch this eventually) ..* Acquisitive Soul Gems or Enhanced Projectile Soul Trap ......-EA does the same thing as these two mods. Simply uninstall them, make a clean save without them, and then install EA instead. ..* Artifact Balance Overhaul (load EA lower in the order and it will probably be okay, though)
[insert incoherent blabbering here]
I'm gonna blabber incoherently until more people acknowledge this fix, as it's about as crucial as most other fixes. My wording was pretty poor (or incomplete, rather): It fixes a bug which people don't realize exists. And when you do install this fix, you're suddenly made aware of just how much that bug was affecting things. The bug was introduced in one of the Skyrim patches. So it's not some un-lore-friendly thing. Or has the USKP addressed this one?
I do have to admit, corpse punting was pretty damn entertaining.
Yeah I had to get rid of dead body collision for this reason. This is how I saw it: Realistic and severe inconvenience versus Unrealistic and no inconvenience Since I play with a lot of mods which greatly increase Skyrim's overall difficulty (Frostfall, Realistic Needs, and several others), I felt that having this one was a bit too much. Especially since there were several immersion-breaking instances due to it. Stuff like slightly bumping into a wolf corpse only to watch it get punted like I was a giant. Or my "favorite" glitch from GTA: Vice City that was made available in Skyrim thanks to this mod: Dying because I'm walking up or down something (would generally be stairs or steep inclines in GTA. corpses of all types in Skyrim with this mod). Yeah I'd rather just walk through dead bodies tbh.
I've been using this mod for a loooong time now. Despite its warnings about incompatibilities, I've had 0 (zero) issues running it with various STEP installs (performance, core, extended, 100% full install with all hi-res options picked, etc). There's really no reason why this shouldn't be included in STEP as it does fix a bug which people don't realize exists.
All of the banners are weathered except for Eastmarch, which kinda makes sense due to Stormcloaks crawling all over the place. So I just don't see an issue there. And why wouldn't they be uniform? Each "state" is called a "Hold". Each Hold is governed by someone known as a Jarl. Each Jarl has a court wizard, housecarl, and steward. They also appoint thanes who also have their own housecarl. What's to say the hold border banners isn't another thing they might have in common? The rebellion didn't last forever, you know.
SKYRIMLE Skyrim Immersive Creatures (by lifestorock)
Sairven replied to phazer11's topic in Skyrim LE Mods
Yeah, use the primary mod instead. When setting it up in Immersive Creatures' MCM, make sure to use the Lore-Friendly preset (I think). It's a pretty good mod. Lots of options, too. -
I use More Plants and Recipes as well. Mostly I use it for decoration purposes. <___< Anyway, some lesser-known mods I always make sure to install: Replace Your Criminal Face Use the Face Sculptor (added by Dawnguard) to escape the repercussions of your crimes. Price scales with bounty. Pretty nice for thief and assassin role-plays. Better Docks Makes sensible additions to Skyrim's docks (Solitude, Dawnstar, Windhelm, and Riften. Also Solstheim if you have Dragonborn.). For the most part they're actually quite tiny, and if the addition isn't tiny it still makes sense (Captain Aldis refers to several military ships which don't exist in vanilla and, what do you know, there's a military ship (well.. a coffin-transporting ship at least) in the Solitude Better Docks). In Riften, there's maybe 3 or 4 extra little fishing boats. In Dawnstar you have slightly extended piers and 2 or 3 fishing boats. Things to keep in mind if you're gonna install: -If you did a full STEP install (or even partial) and are struggling to maintain 60 FPS, don't install the Solitude module. You'll crash or have excessive amounts of stutter and 3-10 FPS and it just won't be pretty. -If you did a full STEP install with highest quality textures, feel free to install the Solitude module. However, it's best if you know what you're doing with ENBoost otherwise you'll have the same problems. -If using Immersive Settlements or Expanded Towns and Cities don't use the Dawnstar Module. Or choose which ever one of the three you want to keep. Dawnstar always felt just right to me aside from its docks so I kinda feel Immersive Settlements' and ETaC's changes to Dawnstar are way overboard. Anyway, Better Docks is modular. If you're using a mod that makes changes to an area, it's best to just not install that module of Better Docks. Flora Respawn Fix Fixes a bug that no one knows (or realizes) exists. I always got annoyed when it had been a long time since the last time I visited an area only to find out that nothing had respawned. I'm actually not sure why this isn't in STEP come to think of it... Don't let the "Incompatible" bits scare you. I have always had a full STEP install going with this mod installed and NEVER had any issues. Training Dummies and Targets or, if you have Falskaar: Training Dummies and Targets - Falskaar Edition Convenient little mod if you use mods which make combat more difficult. And absolutely necessary if you use Duke Patrick's combat mod. Oh yeah I forgot one: No Killmoves - No Killcams - No Killbites I've tried almost every killmove/cam mod on the Nexus (unless it was released after June 2013). This one actually works without tweaking INI settings that don't actually work (unless you want more killmoves/cams... in that case it works just fine)). If there's one thing I hate about Skyrim, it's getting my immersion ripped all to pieces by having my perspective get changed without my actual input. My second-most-hated thing is killmoves and killcams. They feel cheap whether you're doing it or an enemy is doing it. Interestingly enough, this mod actually has a tendency to make fights harder which leads me to assume that killmoves/cams don't actually happen "if you were gonna kill them anyway". If you're like me and want to get rid of that crap, this mod truly works.
Skyrim in-game journal (shameless plug)
Sairven replied to LynziRaeighn's topic in General Game Discussion
Despite having very little time to do much of anything, I got caught up reading quite a bit of your character's journals. :D -
Haha, that'd be awesome. And great for modding experience, too. And for fun. And.. and.. and.. YES!
Morrowind 12 years later...
Sairven replied to Garfink's topic in General Morrowind Discussion & Support
Feel free to hate me when you get done playing: Page 1 Page 2 Some recommendations/thoughts: Hospitality Papers This mod is absolutely awesome for immersion... But at the same time I understand now (after using the mod) why Bethesda didn't require you to have them: Gameplay. Unless you want to spoil the fun by knowing who the NPC is who sells the papers, it's a pure annoyance that can be skipped. Feel free to disregard this advice though. Shut Up! On the flip-side, this is a total immersion breaker. Don't install. This mod detracts from Morrowind's atmosphere. Arrow De-nocker If you only install one thing that this guy recommends, make sure it's this one. Skyrim inherently having this spoiled me and I couldn't do without this mod when I went back to Morrowind. Oblivion Style Vampires Nonononono. If you know TES lore, you know to stay away from this. Morrowind Vampires are the way they are due to the whole Vampire bloodline/clan thing. If you're out for gameplay though, go ahead and install. Random Passive Cliffracers If you've never played Morrowind: **** lore and **** immersion and **** realism, install this. If you have played Morrowind, well you know what to do: install this. lmao Antares Big Mod No recommendations, but I wish we had this kind of mod for Skyrim factions. :( Main Quest Enhancers This one depends on whether you like obviously cloned NPCs and/or things. Due to how this mod works, sometimes a few of the NPC additions are obvious clones. Clones are a personal pet-peeve of mine so I stayed away. Otherwise, it's an exceptionally awesome immersion enhancement mod. The fact that someone did that for Morrowind and years later Bethesda didn't bother to do this at all for Skyrim is disheartening. Skyrim Main Story ending spoilers -
I'll have to remember that for the future. Also: I've been learning how to make mods (and fiddle with Papyrus) recently, and an idea I have requires me to learn how to do textures and meshes. I might try this Roadsign thing in the next few weeks as a practice sort of thing and let you all criticize it from Oblivion to Sovengard and back. Although there most certainly will be a neon sign optional.
All right, I'll concede defeat for now. Only thing I ask is that we remain objective if Hanaisse comes back and does a weathered version. Because, like I all ready said: I agree, the road signs being so sterile IS ridiculous and silly. But compared to the alternative... I'll just pretend Sheogorath got bored and decided to liven up Skyrim's road signs. XD Also, something cryptic: Look at the downloads from HiRes Legible Road Signs compared to what STEP recommends. For reference, look at STEP recommendations for these: Dragon Glyphs HD Chiseled Detailed Chests Washed-out dirty Radiant and Unique Potions and Poisons Booze v2 Non-Glow SPOILER: Legible Road Signs is the only one among those with such a high and distinct disparity between STEP recommendation and what the majority did. Although admittedly, Legible's release probably had a lot to do with what people chose since there weren't that many downloads (edit: meaning stuff available on the nexus. mods, textures, literally: et al) to choose from at the time.
Don't worry, WilliamImm. I'm with you on this one. I applaud STEP's determination to go after things that are "realistic" and/or vanilla, but in terms of actual use: I don't think the users in this topic who speak out against Roadsigns Redone actually look at roadsides. There it is: The call out. STEP's recommendation is absolute garbage if you actually use roadsigns. Yeah, it'd obviously be better if this one was more weathered. But [barely] "Legible" Road Signs are painful to actually look at in-game. Like, legitimate eye-strain type of painful. You guys can keep your faux-realism. I'll be happy with something that doesn't hurt my eyes.
SKYRIMLE Oblivion Gates in Cities (by Arthmoor)
Sairven replied to Sairven's topic in Skyrim LE Mods
Yeah I kinda feel the same way. Random ones out in the wilderness? Yeah, sure, I can dig it. In cities? Eehhhh no, not unless it's done as a sort of monument type of thing. Although, a correction for someone in this topic: According to lore, Skyrim was hit pretty heavily compared to elsewhere during the Oblivion Crisis. I read it in one of the in-game books several months back, but Arthmoor references the same thing as well IIRC. -
Oblivion Gates in Cities by Arthmoor https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/42754 Just like the name says, adds Oblivion Gates to the 5 major hold capitols (Solitude, Markarth, Whiterun, Windhelm, and Riften) in Skyrim.
SKYRIMLE SUM - SkyProc Unified Manager (by Leviathan1753)
Sairven replied to darthbdaman's topic in Skyrim LE Mods
??high acidity -
How often are these statues actually seen in game though? Honestly, I'm not really sure what would screw people's machines over. I know ultra high quality lanterns do but that's mostly thanks to how they're made. IIRC ultra high quality fences cause the same issues. Statues don't have the same properties that both of those have which cause people problems (lots of see-through parts, for lack of a better way of putting it). I kinda get the feeling that we should wait on this one. The author generally makes 2k versions of his works (check out his Nexus profile). This one was put on the Nexus barely five days ago and only around half have 2k versions so far. He's also not finished with all the statues available and intends to make combined packages.
The Ysgramor Unchained bit was the sole reason I didn't post this up days ago. Granted, we could always put Detailed Instructions for not installing those specific files. Otherwise I've been using: Hircine Altar Grim 4K I used the Grim version due to personal preference. The context in which we see Hircine's Alter in-game really doesn't make much sense. It is, in my mind, akin to how ridiculous it'd be if Nordic ruins/catacombs looked brand-spankin'-new. I mean people are having frequent meatings (haha, get it?) there for god's sakes. Mara Gold 2K I'm pretty satisfied with the Mara one since I use Live Another Life and am constantly making new characters, so I get to see it a lot. And man I gotta say the untextured Mara statue always looked like a pile of golden **** to me. The MASS retexture/upgrade is pretty good looking. Don't have a character who can view Vermina (or Hircine) atm. I'll try to grab some screenshots.
SKYRIMLE Faster GET UP STAND UP animation vanilla friendly
Sairven replied to PopReference's topic in Skyrim LE Mods
Many fences of text ahead. I finally got around to watching the video. My get up animation is not that fast (using the latest version as well)... weird. Though it is notably faster than vanilla. Maybe the mod author altered the animation in order to showcase it in video? But then again, my argument still stands because this is a tweak for the get up animation itself. If you're in ragdoll, you still have to wait before the get up animation kicks in. This animation tweak does not alter that. If it helps, consider that your character is gaining their bearings before getting up. Also, real life is not like the movies where our glorious and pure and holy protagonist gets the crap beat out of them, forcing a long and drawn out sexual encounter with the ground before finally mustering up the energy to kill the antagonist just after a snarky one-liner. No. In real life, things happen fast. If you're in a close-quarters combat situation and you're hugging the ground, it's all ready over... unless you have an adrenaline rush. IMO, that's what this mod is akin to. If the player just simply plays on the easiest difficulty then there's really no issue because it's doubtful that enemies will kill them that fast. But for the rest of us... yar. And now I'm gonna circle back around and reference combat flow. If I wanted to watch someone take forever getting up, I'd go to a retirement home. As for me, I'd rather have my immersion not be disrupted by being forced to realize I'm sitting here playing a game. By being forced to realize that the only reason the vanilla get up animation takes so long is for "balance" purposes. -
SKYRIMLE Faster GET UP STAND UP animation vanilla friendly
Sairven replied to PopReference's topic in Skyrim LE Mods
And that's just one of many reasons. Adrenaline is another. In terms of gameplay: Waiting for your character to get up is annoying, to say the least. I'm a fan of realism, but not to the point where it actually detracts from gameplay. There's plenty more reasons.