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Everything posted by Sairven

  1. Ehhh a realism debate is rather quite pointless, for several reasons. But here's the number one reason: Quicker does not mean instant.
  2. I've been using this for 100+ hours (honestly I'm being modest, it's probably been well over that) with no issues. It's basically a fix. I always felt that getting up after being knocked down was ridiculously drawn out. Here we are, the Dragonborn: Able to train our bodies to ultimate perfection (and beyond now thanks to one of Bethesda's patches!). But oh god no we have to take forever getting up. The changes are tastefully done. You don't immediately get up like nothing happened, but you also don't take forever getting up either. It's compatible with anything that does not change the same two files: mt_getupfromback.HKX mt_getupfromfront.HKX
  3. That's actually a pretty good idea. At least now the face butcher has a better use other than the achievement. XD
  4. This graphics mod used to be a part of STEP's ENB installation process. I haven't installed ENB in a loooong time though so I dunno if it still is.
  5. Awesome, thanks for the confirmation. :D Looks like I know what I'm doing next play through. :3
  6. Oh yeah my mistake on the dragons thing. I was thinking of DD's dragon assault mechanic.
  7. Yep, using this. I wonder, is there a way to disable this mod handling dragon encounters? I have a perfect symetry with two mods that deal with dragons and I'd rather not have something else that messes with that in any way.
  8. My point exactly, in way less words. :D
  9. Oh yeah meant to point out ASP as well. But honestly, as per STEP's mandate his mods really don't fall under STEP. Then again if I had my way, I'd hold everyone (even TheCompiler (sorry bro <3)) to STEP's mandate just to prove a point: Then we'd lose about 40% of the mods that are in STEP. OK sorry that should be contained to topics designated for that purpose.
  10. I dunno if I'd suggest this for STEP but: It should be noted that this is the guy who did the massively popular mod for Diablo 2 called Median XL (Brother Laz). He's a big time modder outside of Elder Scrolls. :) His goals in modding generally center around extreme balance (if you haven't all ready noticed with the description page of this mod). Oh you want this ((initially) seemingly) massively OP thing that does 1337^42 damage? Good luck, you're gonna have to earn it (and you'll hate yourself while doing so). I'll be using this mod in my next playthrough for sure. Thanks for pointing it out! Edit: And not only is he a big time modder outside of ES, he also does unique item design for the Action RPG called Path of Exile. His uniques range from "just leveling a character" types to "this is an endgame item" types. So you could also call him a game designer.
  11. Oh god yes. There are a few sounds I want to do away with and just don't feel like going through massive efforts in doing so. Thank you for this. :D
  12. Become High King of Skyrim Clearly this is a just for fun mod. And in the spirit of this mod, nay-sayers are welcome to go back to the topic list (but you don't have to). :D I saw this mod pop up in the "Latest Files" section of the Skyrim Nexus main page a few days ago and something made me click it. This mod has come a long way since its addition to the Nexus! For now I'm just waiting for some more updates and such before jumping in. I've always (well, since January 2012 anyway) wanted to be High King of Skyrim because **** it why not?! The mod author has added a few more ways to become High King beyond simply assassinating Jarl Elisif and Jarl Ulfric. Looking forward to seeing where this mod goes over the next few months! Here's a gratuitously epic trailer video someone did: [video=youtube]http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7avlCBGQFM
  13. I've been thinking of using this one. THough the whole tree clearing thing kinda makes me hesitant. Which MCM config option turns that off?
  14. IIRC there was a recent update to USKP which addressed the LvlPredatorScript.pcp thing but we have to wait for other mods to make changes accordingly. From my understanding, it basically comes up when mods add spawn points. USKP fixed vanilla spawns, but it's up to mod authors to mimic USKP's fix. It's an issue we'll have to deal with until everyone gets on the same page. I recently did a 100% fresh Skyrim install and haven't had any problems with LvlPredatorScript.pcp (using ASIS, OBIS, Immersive Creatures, Immersive Patrols, Hunting in Skyrim, and several other mods that should, by all accounts, be causing that issue), but before that it made up about 80% of my crashes. So it may just be a matter of simply biting the bullet and letting your current character(s) RIP. D: On the whole though, adding those esps to your exclussions lists will help. Imagine it like a tourniquet. It's the absolute last resort that any first aid goes to because it's the only thing you can really do outside of just letting a person bleed out. It'll suffice until, again, everyone gets on the same page. :( And sadly we face one of three issues on this: 1) Mod authors not having the time to make the necessary changes. 2) Mod authors not having enough experience to know what to do. 3) Mod authors thinking their **** don't stink. (I doubt this is the case with the authors in question, but it does happen from time to time (hell, there was once a time that I didn't know what to do with the CK nor had I any experience whatsoever with that sort of thing and ended up helping a 20+ year veteran programmer fix a problem with his mod just by starting the CK up and saying "This doesn't look right? What do?"))
  15. Immersive Patrols without ASIS adds enough of its own spawns for its stuff. So all you have to do is: Go to this folder: skyrim\Data\SkyProc Patchers\ASIS Find and open IncreasedSpawns.ini Scroll down to the [ModExclussions] section and add all your Immersive Patrols esps below whatever's there. Here's a list of all the Immersive Patrols esp's for your convenience (IIRC the mod author will be merging one of them into one of the others, but you don't actually have to have the ESP in order for things to work): Immersive Battles.esp Immersive Brigands.esp Immersive Dawnguard.esp Immersive Dragonborn.esp Immersive Events.esp Immersive Factions.esp Immersive Mercenaries.esp Immersive Patrols.esp Immersive Travelers.esp Immersive Werewolves.esp If you're a brave human and for whatever reason use ASIS's AutomaticSpells.ini, go into that and add at least the following (or everything above that I just listed) under the [NPCModExclusions] section: Immersive Battles.esp Immersive Patrols.esp And don't forget to rerun the patcher thing after doing all this! :D This is all just for Immersive Patrols of course. But it might help to do the same for Immersive Creatures (consider that by default DeadlyDragons.esp and SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp is all ready added to the [ModExclussion] section in the IncreasedSpawns.ini) since Immersive Creatures also has its own sort of increased spawn system which, for whatever reason, cannot be decreased below 1% chance of happening. There are absolutely no problems running OBIS with ASIS because all OBIS does is RANDOMIZE bandit spawns, not increase them. Unless you like to take chances and use the battles esp.
  16. It's pretty stable. Only one that might not be is the Solitude one if you happen to be close to maxing your VRAM at all times (in which case... well, you're just as likely to have just as many problems elsewhere in Skyrim anyway lol). He did add some trade-goods type of stores on two of the Solitude ships and along the piers. And he's pretty good about keeping the mod clean. As far as compatibility goes: He's got plenty of compatibility patches available, although since the mod is modular you can simply leave out any particular dock esp as needed.
  17. I have to admit, with STEP. I do use a lot of SR mods though.
  18. I dunno man. I've been all about lore-friendly stuff since I first got involved with STEP back in December 2011. People read Better Docks' description and automatically think "Oh it ADDs stuff. This is against STEP!!1" To which I'm like "So does the following (not an exhaustive list)": Ants In My Pants Sounds of Skyrim Lore-Based Loading Screens Race Menu SkyUI WATER Beards Diverse Priests More Village Animals The 418th Step And just like those mods, it only adds what should have been there in the first place, and very tastefully so. In some places there's only two or three fishing boats with a little extra added to the piers. Others have a few more things. There are also a few dock workers added as well. Solitude is the most extensive addition, but since the mod is modular you can simply leave out Solitude if you want. Plus the mod author is cool with adding compatibility patches for stuff. I guarantee if STEP members gave him a chance he'd make whatever changes necessary. Better Docks is a sailor's boon. If you were ever a sailor who saw more than a handful of docks, you can appreciate what Better Docks does. I've been to plenty of crummy docks and harbors. Even in the worst situations there was more to them than all the docks of Skyrim combined. Hell, my ship got a rocket launched at it in one harbor while we were moored to the pier. OK sorry I get a little heated when talking about this mod because I see nothing but dumb reasons for it not getting included in stuff. Roar.
  19. Oh yeah, Immersive Settlements does have a BFS:SaC patch now. Hmmm. I remembered the other reason I stayed away: I use Better Docks which makes tasteful changes/additions to all the docks of Skyrim. Immersive Settlements will eventually be making changes to Dawnstar, and I happen to really-really-REALLY love Better Docks' Dawnstar docks changes. This wouldn't be a problem at all since Immersive Settlements is modular but... well, as it stands it has 14 esps atm. D:
  20. I use Expanded Towns and Cities, Immersive Patrols, and Inconsequential NPCs with no problems. Either ETAC or Realistic Room Rental also has a compatibility patch, though I think it requires use of the LITE version of Realistic Room Rental. ETAC makes no changes to Winterhold, so I figure it's compatible with Immersive College of Winterhold. I prefer ETAC over Immersive Settlements because I know ETAC is compatible with Better Fast Travel: Ships and Carriages (with patch). With Inconsequential NPCs and Lantern Caretakers (for Lanterns of Skyrim), along with Immersive Patrols, I find there's no need for Travellers of Skyrim. Plenty of peoples to run into in your travels. :D
  21. I'm gonna be using this instead of W.A.T.E.R no matter what STEP decides. Personal reasons. Plus, we all ready use almost 100% of isoku's 11 mods (that are on the Nexus). Call me a fanboy. Also, IIRC wasn't isoku the original author of W.A.T.E.R (I think before it became W.A.T.E.R)?
  22. No problem. :D I think there may be some things I'm forgetting (changes to other ASIS ini's) but on the whole, this should go a long way in decreasing CTDs and/or freezes. Any incompatibilities between ASIS and Immersive Creatures (I saw someone mention they used this as well) will have to be taken up with the IC mod author. For whatever reason, they also do extra spawns which can only be brought down to a 1% chance in their MCM config. If IC's extra spawn kicks in and ASIS scripts try to add more based on each extra mob spawn, things could get a little funky. Simply adding the Immersive Creatures esps to the exclussions list in ASIS's IncreasedSpawns.ini could actually mean that nothing, at all, added by IC would be affected by ASIS. The mod author should consider adding a 0 to those parameters.
  23. For those using ASIS with this mod and having CTDs or freezes or whatever else, try doing this: Go to the following folder /Data > SkyProc Patchers > ASIS Locate the IncreasedSpawns.ini Scroll allll the way down to the section with the header "[ModExclusions]" Add all the Immersive Patrols esps that you have installed under that section. Save the ini. Redo your ASIS patch. Here's a list of Immersive Patrols esps if you just want to be lazy and copy paste the whole lot into there lol: Immersive Battles.esp Immersive Brigands.esp Immersive Dawnguard.esp Immersive Dragonborn.esp Immersive Events.esp Immersive Factions.esp Immersive Mercenaries.esp Immersive Patrols.esp Immersive Travelers.esp Immersive Werewolves.esp This significantly decreased my CTDs and freezes when I had both running months ago. Also, if you're running ASIS + Immersive Patrols + Apocalypse Spell Package (or anything else that adds or changes or does anything with spells): Go to the AutomaticSpells.ini file Scroll down to the "[NPCModExclusions]" section Add the following Immersive Patrols esps: Immersive Battles.esp Immersive Patrols.esp I extensively tested these a while ago and found that a good portion of my CTDs and Freezes were due to magic users brought in by those two were trying to use Apocalypse Spell Package spells on their enemies. As soon as they started lobbing stuff at an enemy the game would stutter and then freeze or CTD a second or so later.
  24. Woooooooooooooow. If there was anytime that this word was absolutely appropriate, it is definitely now: Shenanigans. :(
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