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Everything posted by Sairven
I need a new Survival/Realism mod. :(
Sairven replied to Sairven's topic in General Skyrim LE Discussion & Support
Thanks! And I completely forgot about Last Seed despite ruining a shirt from drool the other night reading about it. :O -
Agreed. There are several other incompatibilities. We'd have to devote a whole section of the wiki detailing which compatibility patches people would need for what. And yeah, merging Lockpicking and Pickpocketing is a little weird in the sense that they're ES staples. Why they did it and what they did with it definitely makes the change worthwhile, IMO. Lockpicking in Skyrim is so boring. With the merge, it kinda piggybacks off of Pickpocketing's perks a little, on top of the extra changes made. That said, we would pretty much have to suggest mods around SkyRe and that's just not a worthwhile endeavor, considering how much SkyRe changes/modifies.
Excuse my necromancy, but I figured I may as well considering the other thread... SkyRe has come a long way in the last 5 months. Very well balanced. And very brutal when combined with ASIS. :D If we were to include it in STEP however, it should be noted that it's now incompatible with Arthmoor's Ars Metallica, unless someone makes a compatibility patch. In specific, you can't make lockpicks from Ars Metallica due to Lockpicking and Pickpocket being merged into one (Fingersmith). Making lockpicks in Ars Metallica requires a perk point in the Novice (for iron (5 picks)) and Apprentice (for steel (10 picks)) perks for the Lockpicking tree. As well, it covers areas that Ars Metallica covered andthensome. So, IMO, we'd pretty much just have to replace Ars Metallica in lieu of SkyRe.
Kept getting weird CTDs until I ran into a post on the official Bethesda Mods Forums that pointed a specific realism mod out as a huge culprit of the same CTDs I was getting. CTDs such as opening containers, looting mobs, going through doors, activating shrines, activating standing stones; pretty much anything to do with interacting with stuff. The mod in question was Realistic Needs and Diseases Since uninstalling the mod, I haven't had any of those CTDs. Now I'm sad because I'm at a loss for what survival/realism mod to go after. Can't wait for Frostfall to get updated to 2.0. Don't feel like toying around with the beta, though. And anyway, its scope is large but doesn't necessarily cover what I'm wanting. Does anyone have any suggestions? I've also tried Nord Needs, but it's a little too basic. Though you can tweak the settings to make it less of an "extra bit of BS to do" compared to stock settings. I'd prefer one that's updated (or rather, not last updated in March)/not abandoned if possible. :D
Yeah. Gigabit did real good with this beast of a card. :D
Elder Scrolls online Trailer Released
Sairven replied to mothergoose729's topic in General Skyrim LE Discussion & Support
I dunno. Everything I keep seeing about ESO keeps whittling away at my doubts. Biggest thing that worries me and that can't be quelled is like others have said, I hope this doesn't adversely affect the single player games. Also, the biggest reason I play ES games is the modding community. Vanilla is great and all, but after that first playthrough it's time for some modding. That's something which ESO won't be able to accomplish. Not to say that they couldn't. WoW has rather limited allowance for modifying the UI. I wonder if that's something they're holding back on revealing? I know they said the UI in general is going to be as nonintrusive as possible. Hmm. Watch and 4 months from now they release some info titled "The Big Reveal: Yeah, you can mod it to a surprising extent." Obviously that's not gonna happen. But if it did... !!!!! lolnah -
Yeah, the card was a limited edition type of thing back when the 560 Ti's first came out. Plus it was only $10 more than the others so I was like "You bet I'm getting this ****!" I need to get up to speed on recent parts updates and such. I like to spend a good 4 months researching stuff before building a new comp. Gives time to find out if anything new and shiny is coming out. I'm so far behind now. Haha. I always stick with NVIDIA because I know how to OC them. Plus, there's plenty of utilities out there for it. Gigabit uses one called VTUNE. Thing has excellent functionality. Though not as detailed as EVGA's. NVIDIA Inspector (I had it before STEP recommended its use, incidentally :P) is superb at showing what your tunings are doing. Here's a pic of my tunings. OC'ing is computer specific, so YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED if you have a 560 Ti and want to mimic my settings: https://i.imgur.com/1T1fo.jpg
I'm not sure Skyrim knows or cares about your VRAM, it'll just use what's there (if Skyrim itself is what handles that in the first place). Â What card do you have? Â I might not upgrade for a while, but when I do it's going to be a beast :DGTX 560 Ti. I've spent hours setting everything up. It's made by a company called Gigabit, the stock VRAM was 2048MB. Very easy card to OC as well. Hell, I could push the VRAM even higher if I had better cooling. If I could have "relations" with it, I totally would. Speaking of OC'ing. I have only barely touched my CPU and my RAM is at stock settings. I could probably make this beast last another year if I needed to (had it since May 2010, minus the graphics card which was an upgrade I got ~December 2011). But nah, I intend to build a new computer sometime next year, hopefully by the 3-year mark of this one's life. Might be getting one of my old buddies to install water cooling. He's been at that game/business for nearly a decade now, so... yeaah. O_O
Epic moments in Skyrim
Sairven replied to thalastwon's topic in General Skyrim LE Discussion & Support
ASIS + Skyrim Redone combo made for an epic battle earlier today. Decided I wanted to test my level 15 character against a giant. Ran around way west of Whiterun, a little north west of the Sleeping Tree Sap giant camp. Found me a giant. Plus 9. Saved my game. Went into sneak mode. Drew out my bow. Notched an arrow. Let it fly. Even though my sneak was pretty good, and I was far away, they spotted me very quickly. Ended up fighting 10 giants and a mammoth around a rocky outcropping. Was tense as all hell. Took the Mammoth out first so I didn't have separate AI to deal with. Managed to kill it before most of the giants got to where I was. Drew my sword and board as the first giant came into melee range. The battle against the 10 giants lasted for at least 20 minutes. I probably spent 20 health potions and around 10 stamina potions. It was a good fight. And I won. :D -
I'm biding my time waiting for an upgrade. Can still run full STEP with slight FPS loss. My VRAM is through the roof @ 4047MB. Single card. :P Does Skyrim even register that much or does it max out at some point? I think it does, not sure.
Maybe a Turkey saying "I'm thankful for.." right next to the STEP logo? :D Also, Happy Thanksgiving, all!
PMGPMGPMGPMG Psyrim got updated! :D
Sairven replied to Sairven's topic in General Skyrim LE Discussion & Support
Even the combat music is good. The choices he made for combat fit seamlessly with the rest of the music, while still being combat-oriented type of music. Once combat is over, the switch fits nicely. Something tells me he's a DJ. XD Edit: Just adding more instead of making a new post. What I really like is how some of the tracks have a vanilla music sound to them. Sometimes I'm left wondering whether it's working or not, then I realize it is. -
PMGPMGPMGPMG Psyrim got updated! :D
Sairven posted a topic in General Skyrim LE Discussion & Support
Psyrim by meathax https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1041 A total music overhaul using Psytrance/ambient trance. Psyrim 2.0 fit the atmosphere very well, and 3.0 definitely trumps its efforts by a long-shot. The amount of music has nearly doubled (or doubled in size, at least). I've played about 4 hours with 3.0 so far and can definitely say that meathax has done well once again. Hard to believe it's been nearly 1 year since 2.0 was released! IIRC, Psyrim was once in STEP loooong ago. But I'm not recommending it for STEP based on the reasons it was taken out. Not that it was bad, just that it was not part of STEPs goals. It definitely enhances the mood of the game though, even if you don't like psytrance/ambient trance. As an added bonus, 2.0 is still available for download! All the music used is under the GNU Creative Commons. Free to use. -
I still need to get Torchlight 2. I loved the first one (and, consequentially, all the stuff those devs have done. Most especially the 2000+ hours I played of the first Diablo O__O). I've heard it's a bit easy though. But eh... I've never seen ARPGs as bastions of grand difficulty. Their very nature is to make things simplistically easy after a while. Like, right now in PoE, I've managed to create the most easy-mode character ever. It's a lightning spells/crit shadow. My crit chance is ~39% (which is VERY high in PoE, btw), so enemies are always affected by the Shocked status ailment, which increases damage done to them by 40% for each stack (stacks up to 3, for a total of +120% damage.... Yeeeaaaah!). On that note, crits give a better chance of inflicting status ailments (Shocked, Ignited, Freeze). But I also have a 25% chance to inflict Shocked on simple lightning damage thanks to passives. All I do is use Sparks and Arc totem (sets down a totem that uses that skill, Arc is basically Chain Lightning) like a madman. Things die. 'nuff said. I really need to record myself going through a map sometime. It's just ridiculous. Sparks [active skill] + Fork [support gem](projectile splits in two when it hits an enemy) + Faster Projectiles [support gem](Sparks fly around for 3.5 seconds. Simple "physics". faster = more distance before disipating = more damage ftw. Oh, and dangerous to those with epilepsy] + Increased Critical Damage [support gem] (more damage when I crit... and I crit often XD). I think I will record myself today. It's very gear-dependent, though. Got lucky with 6 out of 10 pieces of gear. ****. I love Path of Exile. But it makes playing other games so difficult now. This indie developer did a good job.
Skyrim GEMs has been adding A LOT of player homes over the last couple of days. A lot. O_O Here's a few they've added (with Skyrim GEMs' description under link): Dusks Cabin https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25739/ A very small, cozy cabin near White run. Outdoor sky and weather visible from inside. Several crafting amenities. Heimsgaror by Danthegeek (not what you're looking for, as it needs TES5edit cleaning, there's a post in the comments detailing how to fix the issues though) https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16766 A small, lore-friendly home with many amenities including a vegetable garden with chickens, an herb garden and a stable. Hunters Treehouse (not really what you're looking for, but still cool) https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15317 A very small treehouse located between Whiterun and Riverwood. Some storage, one shelf of books, one weapon plaque and a weapon rack. Thistle Cottage (Last updated in February though heh heh) https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10313 A small 1-room cottage SW of Riverwood. Follower friendly. Bookcase, Alchemists lab, Weapon rack, Weapon wall mounts, weapon display case. Activate the Wash Basin and receive Blessing of Cleanliness for 8 hours, which cures disease. There's another, but it is plagued by navmesh issues apparently. I got dangerously bored the other night and installed Leveler's Tower just for the arena. Man, that is a HUGE cheat, but daaaamn is that arena fun. If you use ASIS, it works with the Leveler's Tower's arena. Just, uh... be warned: Need a good machine, and even then you can still come close to melting it. Haha. https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14152
I've ran into two of the shipwrecks and two of the camps. I was afraid they would be OP (lots of shinies and such), but nope thank goodness. Ran into two of the camps. One is pretty bare-bones like an abandoned camp. Pretty cool find though, as I wasn't expecting it (was in an area I've been through several times without the mod installed). So far they've been in areas that make sense and add a little flesh to otherwise completely barren regions, like stated. Being cheaty was one of my worries that thankfully isn't the case. It really is a little bit extra on top of the sparse amount we got in vanilla.
Note: There's a TLDR with videos for better explanation than my poor attempt. :P Edit: Derp, forgot to include a link to the website <_<: https://www.pathofexile.com/ Path of Exile is pretty much a "hardcore" ARPG made my hardcore ARPG gamers for hardcore ARPG gamers. It's basically Diablo 2.5 (or, what most people end up saying once they've played it: What D3 should have been). It's been in development for more than 5 years, and man... It is extremely fun. I pretty much dropped out of the STEP community because of this game. Speaking of which, fans of STEP should really consider giving this game a go when it hits Open Beta. It will be 100% free-to-play with micro-transactions to fund the developer. I'll let you think about that last bit for a few line breaks... There is no pay-to-win. At all. The only micro-transactions are cosmetics and utility. You can buy more stash space and extra character slots (utility (by the way, you all ready get space for 24 character slots off the bat, for freeeee)), and the cosmetics are literally cosmetic, no "use" beyond... being cosmetic lol. Stuff like Extra Gore (you can all ready get extra gore from some Uniques (thing Legendaries, except worthwhile. And oh, btw, a level 8 legendary can still be useful, if not integral, at level 74+). The game doesn't hand-hold. At all. This is a very niche game, and the developers intend to keep it that way. Oh, something kicked your **** in? Too bad, BAHAHAHAHAHA. As far as gameplay goes, think Diablo 2 meets Final Fantasy 7's materia system with a revamped and way better Final Fantasy 10 passive skill tree. The Passive Skill Tree is daunting when you first look on it, but after you fail misserably on your first character, you get the hang of it. Also note that the Passive Skill Tree is just that: Passives. Your actual skills come in the form of Skill Gems that you can socket into corresponding sockets on your gear (materia system). More on that in the videos TLDR: The best way to explain the game, and what really ends up selling it for people, are the Build of the Week videos Chris makes about beta testers' builds. Latest build. The guy doesn't really do anything except explode on enemies for ridiculous damage XD Character build that's built around a low-level unique: Build showing off wild stuff you can pull off via the passive skill tree and cleaver use of active skills and support gems There's 15 in total. If you're not all ready drooling, feel free to cycle through their videos. As the game is an indie game, it's not going to look like the prettiest thing possible. I love STEP for making my Skyrim look amazing. Path of Exile's gameplay more than makes up for the lack of graphics. There will be 3 acts when the game hits Open Beta. There's a 4th planned act, and the dev intends to release at least 1 per year (or less than a year if the game is a success). Right now it's in Closed Beta. You can get into closed beta for $10. But since OB is so close, there's really no point. There will be a character and stash wipe when OB hits anyway. Open Beta will probably hit mid December. I honestly wish they would have pushed the date to February because of all the AAA games that get released this time of year. Open Beta has a release now, AND they pushed it past the AAA games release window! 23 January 2013 is when Open Beta comes out FTW ( https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/58436 )And Dragonborn is coming.................... I'll be playing PoE once OB hits until the inevitable Unofficial Patch comes for that. XD But after that point, I dunno. Haha.
I was going to try and use mods, but the ones I need don't work for 1.8. I've tried the [VATS] Skyrim.ini tweak, but it's not working. All I want to do is simply get rid of these mother ****ing immersion breaking kill cams for magic and archery. Does anyone know how to effectively get rid of this crap? I swear, I'm half tempted to offer Bethesda $1000 just to give us an option to be rid of this stupid crap. Here's the ini tweak I tried that did not work: [VATS] uVATSRangedPercentSneak=0 uVATSRangedPercentGlobal=0 bVATSIgnoreProjectileTest=0 bVATSForceRanged=0
Weird. :( Any clues as to what might be causing it? I don't have WATER installed, but I have before with BD running and had no problems. There's a few other STEP mods I don't have installed. I also don't have that Movable Statistics mod, do you have either of those? Hmm. If so, I may have to break down and go after those two to test. ~180 gameplay hours out of 350 total with Better Docks installed and I haven't had an issue (except for compatibility and the above mentioned problem which seems to be fixed as of the latest update to the compatibility patch).
The Thief's Guild issue finally got ironed out after a bored individual spent a whole day (a WHOLE day, straight near abouts it sounded) fixing everything. Sorry for the necromancy. But I felt it was necessary. :P The fix came around 27 October, I think.
The compatibility patch or the main mod? I've never had a problem with the main mod (aside from a "Make way!" issue when some dock workers and that dude you tailed for the theives guild quest got into a "scruff" (after a minute he went on about his business)). But I did crash on the compatibility crash after hopping around like a madman in the docks for 30 minutes. He updated the compatibility patch again a few hours ago, so maybe the issue got ironed out.
Update: Better Docks now has a compatibility patch for Solitude Docks District! Also has a compatibility patch for another mod (Sea of Ghosts, for those interested (not recommending for STEP): https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15862)