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Everything posted by Astakos

  1. All of these errors are harmless and will not cause any problems. I have been using Elysium Estate like...forever...and never run into any problems. It is my all time favorite and a permanent resident in my must-have mod list! If you need technical explanation about these errors then: First Error on ElysiumEstate.esp: Author has placed the key to the house inside a harvestable shrine. In order for the shrine to be harvestable the key is defined as an ingredient but it is still a key as it has the "VendorItemKey" keyword and she shrine is defined as a "Tree". As per TES5Edit's record definitions, a key cannot be harvested from a shirine but for the game is perfectly acceptable as the shrine is "the tree" and the key is the "harvestable ingredient". Second Error on ElysiumEstate.esp: It is merely a navmesh flag not known by TES5Edit. Probably this flag does nothing in game and most probably is not even used by the game. Hence the error in TES5Edit. Most of the other errors in ElysiumEstate-HFNoKids.esp are because a record has an "enable parent" reference that is initially disabled. This is valid for TES5Edit to not be happy about but the fact is that TES5Edit does not know that these "enabled parent" references are getting enabled (or remain disabled) when you run the various configuration options as per the Elysium Estate books via scripts.So, probably this is one of these times that TES5Edit rightfully complains but none of these errors is actually an error. It is that TES5Edit cannot look behind-the-scenes in most cases and validate any given scenario!
  2. The Relighting Skyrim plugin in base SR:LE is a custom version by Neo that touches only the places that ELFX doesn't. Therefore is perfectly compatible with ELFX and subsequently with ELE. EDIT: Oops...a bit late my reply was!!
  3. Well...TBH I am always alternating between Merge Plugins Standalone and the old-good Merge Script 1.95 depending on the situation! Especially merging RW2 is 100% verified to be a very successful merge with Merge Script. Having said that, I still have the feeling that if Mator sees me recommending his excellent but unsupported nowadays script will...jump on me!
  4. You do not need to create any LOOT rules or anything. Just drag the relevant esps at the end of your load order in the right pane of MO keeping the mentioned order between them. Then fire up the Merge Plugins Standalone and...merge! That is the case for any (I mean ANY) plugins you want to merge. You do not care where LOOT puts them before the merging...just drag any plugin that is to be merged down last to you load order. These plugins will never be used again after the merging! DO NOT TRY to put them between other plugins or try to mimic a suggested merging order while keeping the plugins in the, let's say, middle of your load order. Just drag them down!
  5. Well, it requires quite some tedious and conflict-forwarding work but...yeah, it is recommended. I have doen it for my selection of NPC mod and works great. Just a piece of advise especially if you want to ensure USLEEP compatibility... Clean any plugin that needs cleaning, make every plugin compatible with USLEEP fitst and then merge them in an order that the last plugin carries the vast amount of changes as for them to be the last ones they remain in your merged esp. That will save you some time. Also, I would recommend for such a merge (especially when merging multiple plugins concerning solely NPCs) to use the latest merge script instead of the merge plugins standalone. Sole reason for this is that you get to work in the same TES5Edit session and forward/conflict-resolve everything in the very same session without having to quit and reload. Also be very careful if you choose to copy assets from the script...the order of each mod's assets and their overrides is absolutely crucial. I wish i could help you more on pinpointing exactly what to do as to save you some time on this merge but I am not using these particular mods (I mostly use Inhabitants of Skyrim as my main merge). Good luck!
  6. I wish I could prove you wrong but we are entirely sharing the same thoughts! I never liked this flower-series for the very same reasons you explained!
  7. Well, they are not so bad but I can see your point! I am curious though if these spells are compatible with Ordinator...need to check on that tonight.
  8. Make sure your SKSE.ini is located in the correct folder as specified by SR:LE (extended or base). Then check to see that indeed the file extension of your ini is indeed an ".ini" file and not saved as i.e. SKSE.ini.txt. These are the 2 most common mistakes for having Block 1 as 256 in MBL.
  9. It seems that rxkx2 pulled all his mod off Nexus! Cannot understand what would have made him do that as his mods are hands down the best of their kind! Let's hope he will re-consider this move!
  10. When you have plugins for NPCs changing their appearance, then the Tints, Morphs, Head Textures etc of this plugin(s) should win the conflicts. These records are tightly connected to the facegen data of these cosmetically altered NPCs. This means that in most case there will not be any green color in your patch in TES5Edit. This is normal and it is mostly the case when you are patching plugins with NPCs (Actors) Hope this helps! :)
  11. Ogham...really mate I cannot see where you stumble... Shurah's recommendations are really straight forward...he says for example: "Breezerhome Fully Upgradable must be positioned above my plugin" which means before his main esp, which makes perfect sense as most of Breezehome mods edit a bit of the surrounding exterior navmeshes. So he proposes that because he wants his navmeshes to take precedence. Also, do not forget that what Shurah recommends is in comparison to his main esp. He says" My esp should be placed...wherever...he does not say that these esps should be placed...wherever! Therefore, when he says that his esp should be loaded below -> he means after and when he says that his esp should be loaded above -> he means before. Trust me this is what he means! As a rule of thumb...any mod author recommends a load order that will make his/her plugin compatible or less "problematic" with others. This does not mean that this load order must be followed no matter what, especially for SR:LE that there is conflict resolution involved. A mod author cannot assume that the user knows how to patch in TES5Edit. Hence the rule for RW2 that contradicts to what SR:LE has etc etc. Take my word for it that this is what Shurah means...if you really want to see for yourself load up your mods in TES5Edit...I am sure you will understand what Shurah means ;) Finally and just to explain it a bit further; Neo gave a global priority rule for ICAIO as he wants to maintain full compatibility with all the aliases, markers and navmeshes that this mod involves. This is why ICAIO is loading where is loading in SR:LE and whatever other mod minor-conflicts with that...well, there is always the conflict resolution scenario into SR Conflict Resolution.esp Hope this clarifies a bit your worries!
  12. Great news Neo! Very glad to hear that! I just love that mod! ...and no conflicts, IIRC, with base SRLE No no dont! Well, I ma not that young but not that old either! So don't worry! I was the last of my entire social cycle that got married! last of the Mohicans! I am sorry guys but I am not using, nor have ever used Upgradable Breezerhome. I am solely using Elysium Estate as my home. Ogham I believe that when Surah above his esp it means before his esp and when below he means after. Like the representation in the right pane of MO.
  13. That is great news if Neo is considering this mod. It deserves all the attention it can get! Darth, I have the feeling that your wife and my wife have a lot in common!!
  14. Yeah, I do hope so as well! That will be great! On a separate note, for both SRLE and SRLE Extended, I do recommend (and I mean like i do 1000000 times recommend) this mod: Dynamic Follower Dialogue - DFD It has so much content, very well thought, corrects a major vanilla bug (female suldry sound) and it is compatible with FCO, EFF and HF conditions. It has its own MCM menu and you can choose which NPC to exclude from DFD etc etc. The author is a very nice and helpful guy who is always willing to assist and address issues. To be honest, after having played around with this mod for a while, I am seriously thinking of ditching FCO. All in all FCO is mostly for followers and DFD is rapidly growing up adding a lot of lines to idle follower dialogue. But the thing that really bugs me with FCO is that followers comments are not always suitable for a given occasion or the fact that they barely shut up no matter how low you adjust the frequency in the MCM. DFD's dialogue conditions are really well thought of, covering most scenarios and are really well implemented. As I said, this is a perma in my mod list!
  15. ^Probably because MO reports a hash error upon extracting it. This error though is due to a bad packaged file in the textures folder (this file has nothing to do witht he entire mod) and MO complains abt it. From my testing it is safe to ignore MO's warning as all assets in the BSA have been extracted in full. I have manually cross-tested this in every released version and MO seems to correctly extract everything despite the warning message.
  16. Hi Neo, I have the feeling that the reason you decided against it was that there are a few towns/villages/settlements that you can travel to but not from. I know that this was the deal-breaker for me when I was using this mod. Also, funny enough, there is no carriage from Winterhold which again would make you stuck there if are not into using the map's fast travel or you are over-encumbered. From Nexus posts I can see that the author is considering of adding some further carriage options (travel from) but I have no clue when this will happen. Overall is a far lighter and less-problematic mod than BFT. Not that I had that much of problems using BFT but its original author have stopped supporting it and the new guy that took over is not that involved for the time being. On the other hand, "Complete Fast Travel" is not that much of a viable alternative for solely the reasons that you want to switch to it; meaning compatibility with Arthmooor's Towns. Because, IIRC, for most of his towns this mod does not have a "travel from" carriage system which effectively is the same as disabling these locations on the existing BFT MCM menu!
  17. Hi Ogham, Have u run DynDOLOD after you installed Aurora Village? There is a patch in Enhanced Landscapes DynDOLOD's inis that patches all these trees (actually removes them). I know that for sure because..em..I have given this part of the patch to AceeQ to include it in his set of inis in the installer. Regarding Immersive Patrols, well yeah, there might be some minor issues with enemies or rival factions spawining inside the city. Author proposes to use her town folk protected version. not entirely immersive I agree but still this is a quick way of maintaining the village "alive". Just my 2 cents!
  18. Thanks Darth! I will have a look!
  19. Hey Darth, I am seeing that you are using Immersive Horses. How would you briefly compare that to CH? Are there any features that you are missing from CH? (well, apart from that handy script latency feature). Is it indeed lighter script-wise from CH? I am thinking of making the switch as I want to make my game a bit lighter in terms of scripts but...well..I just do not know yet; so gathering opinions for the time being and I ma planning on testing it shortly. Thanks!
  20. Well I am sure that Shurah suggests this load order for RW2 because of these 2 conflicts with ICAIO: \ Worldspace \ 0000003C <Tamriel> \ Block -1, -1 \ Sub-Block -2, -2 \ 00009B9B \ Worldspace \ 0000003C <Tamriel> \ Block 0, 0 \ Sub-Block 2, 1 \ 00009078 As both of them are resolved in SR Conflict Resolution.esp there is nothing you should worry about!
  21. Well you can always merge the individual ETaC Towns/Settlements into 1 esp and their respective patches into another. Although merging ETaC Towns (and maybe patches depending on your choices) is nas trivial as just running the Merge script or standalone as it contains navmeshes. It requires a bit more work in Ck but I am sure you are aware of that. BUT...i do see your point about future compatibility with ICAIO. And I tend to agree. I just do not think that it is a major issue if you ditch some more ETaC towns in the next update of ICAIO (whenever that will be). I have done it quite some times and have not run into any problems. Thing is that I am still in the testing phase of my last ever playthrough of Skyrim as a warrior mage. So I am still checking and testing etc. Though TBH Skyrim looks so empty without these overhauls. Especially ETaC. But your thoughts is something that i have been thinking as well. Ditching ETaC!! We will see...
  22. @Nebulous112 I haven't been following this mod's nexus comments for a while, I am using this mod and works great, but what this guy ZoneWarp has written is just wrong...i mean seriously wrong. This is one of these rare mods that the order of its masters are so inherently hooked onto the quest behavior that simply will break whatever one is doing in TES5Edit. It needs a bit of work in CK from the author to rectify this, which I am not sure that he is up to it. Besides it doesn't really matter that much in game...mod works!
  23. Ha ha ha!! You never rest, right?
  24. Right! Yeap! TBH I was thinking to try Ultimate Combat and TK Dodge now that they have been updated and supported by FNIS. I am using latest version of Duel (together with Enemy AI Overhaul + PERMAZones) which is not bad at all. We will see...thinking also to put Vigor - Combat and Injuries into the mix. Oh boy, a never ending story!!
  25. Well, you can still use ETaC modular and include the cities/settlements that are still compatible with ICAIO. Pour into the mix Arthmoor's towns, DoS full (that u r using) and JK's Superlite (extremely minor incompatibilities with ICAIO). You will have a nice layout, although I am still missing ETaC Rorikstead!
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