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Everything posted by shaunlewis

  1. An error, most likely, since we don't install the mod that goes with that patch, found at https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16864/? The other patches in the FNIS app all require some other mod to be installed, the nexus link to which is given next to the patch name. We don't install any of these in either STEP or SRLE. The exception is the Skeleton Arm Fix, which requires, detects automatically and patches either the CHSBHC, XMPS or TBBP skeletons, whichever happens to be installed. We do install XMPS as part of both STEP Extended, and SRLE, so we run that patch.
  2. Just out of interest, does the path in the last line of that log "animations/female" exist in a non-modded install, or is created by FNIS? I dont have access to an install to check. If it doesnt exist in a vanilla install, it might just be a case of needing to create that folder.
  3. I see you are attempting to use the "GENDER Specific Animations" patch, and the error appears to relate to not having an "Animations/male" and "Animations/female" folder in your virtual MO file-system. What mod are using to provide the gender specific animations?
  4. Well, it is possible, but the first thing you should know is that you will find it more difficult to get support from the community, since it is more difficult to diagnose issues with a somewhat unknown configuration compared to a "by the book" install. As far as the actual mechanics of omitting mods from the guide; don't install the relevant mods, don't install patches that require the mods you are omitting as masters, and don't install anything listing the relevant mods as dependencies in the guide. The conflict resolution will be a little trickier - you can either build your own using the guide, but not forwarding changes that reference the omitted mods; or else install the provided conflict resolution patch, install the mods temporary, load your order in Tes5Edit and apply the "Report Masters" script to the CR patch, pointing to each of the esps you wish to remove in turn; and then remove or edit the reported form IDs before using "Clean masters" on the CR patch and saving. Obviously the first option is much simpler, since Neovalen has gone to trouble of documenting each change and its rationale, but I include the second option as this procedure may be necessary when dealing with other patches down the line, if you decide to continue deviating from the guides.
  5. Dusty, To answer the implicit question, when I am installing optional and patches downloaded with a main mod, I almost always chose "merge" when MO asks, rather than install as a separate mod, to avoid my left Mo pane from becoming too unwieldy. There are a few exceptions - the Embers HD addons come to mind (Lava craters, fireplaces etc), mainly because the addons are often updated independently to the main mod and are effectively treated as a mod in its own right. If you have configured Merge Plugins correctly according to the guide, the assets of the merged mod are copied into the new merged plugin. The operative statement in the guide is the bold bit: If there are other plugin files in those mods not included the merge they must be manually copied to the new merged mod. So, for example, with Even Better Quest Objectives, the "BetterQuestObjectives.esp" is not included in the files to merge, so I copy that manually to to the "----- Even Better Quest Objectives Merged" mod, and deactive the source EBQO mod. I can't think of any in the base SRLE off the top of my head, but if there are mods with optional or patch esps that are not including in a merge, you would do the same. I simply right click both mods -> "open in explorer" and copy the ESPs/ESM across. Blick; an alternative to disabling the merged plugins on the right hand pane, if you are set against disabling the the source mods, is to move the ESPs included in the merge from "Available ESPs" to "Optional ESPs" on the "optional esps" tab of the mod information window in MO. This will achieve the same thing without cluttering up your right pane with mods that shouldn't be activated.
  6. Sorry to jump in, but does this imply that one should create a mod from the output of the texgen script and activate it before running the world generator? I know you stated you followed the STEP instructions, but for those of us that follow the SRLE instructions, the guide as written implies that the mods should be created after both textgen and worldsgen have been run. Since the texgen output is saved to a directory outside of the mod organizer overwrite directory, that means the xEdit script wont know where to find those textures on the first occasion it is run, right? Will this cause a problem, or am I misunderstanding something? I admit the whole dynDOLOD process is a bit like voodoo to me (although worth my firstborn - she was never my favorite anyway).
  7. Is there a reason for Civil War Overhaul appearing twice in the integration guide? I suspect this is simply an oversight in the guide, but I thought I better check.
  8. All, I recently upgraded ENB version to 0.305 on my STEP profile, using 'ENBoost' ie; just an enblocal.ini with "UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true". I use "ENB Manager and Changer" to manage my multiple ENB configurations for my different MO Profiles. Since doing so, the built in FPS counter in ENB is giving me 'stupid' values. I have vsync turned on, and ENB is reporting FPS counts of 7000-8000. I have used FRAPS to confirm the correct FPS, which is 55-60FPS, as expected, so I suspect this is a case of the FPS being incorrectly reported. I think this may be a bug introduced in the update, since the FPS is correctly reported if I revert to 0.292; but since I am using ENB Manager and Changer, it is also possible I may have borked my configuration somehow. So, before I go ahead and report this as a bug (Incidentally, I couldn't find anything on the ENB forums) I wondered if anyone knew of any incorrect configuration that might cause these symptoms?
  9. Forgive me if you have covered this before - I couldn't find anything with the search function. Your instructions for installing CACO instruct users to Deactivate the Dangerous diseases plugin from iNeed, if you use that The next mod "Extra CACO Compatibility Patches" contains a patch for iNeed - with or without Moonlight Tales. According to the download patch, both require iNeed to be installed with Dangerous Diseases. Has this been taken care of with your patches, and it is safe not to install dangerous diseases? What is the reasoning behind the instruction not to install it alongside CACO? Thanks for anything you can share on the matter - I'm trying to make an informed decision on whether to include the dangerous diseases ESP with CACO.
  10. Not sure if this is the correct place to report this, but there is a spelling mistake in the STEP Compilation Files.txt. Ruins Cluttler Improved -> Ruins Clutter Improved
  11. This may be a silly question, but how long have you tested it? I had a similar issue with my set-up on hardware I considered semi-decent - everything ran smooth until I turned around quickly, whereupon I would get some stuttering. I also played with my enblocal.ini values before giving up since going up or down didn't provide much of an improvement. I also tried running in border-less window, which I read would help, without improved. I gave up trying to fix it, intending to come back to it once I had done some other tests. Then I realized it had disappeared. After playing with several mod packs, which meant lots of new starts with the alternate start mod, I came to realise I am affected by this stuttering each time I start a new game, the first time I am in an outdoor environment, and it goes away after about 5 minutes. Since I was playing around for a minute or two, then thinking "hmm, that's annoying. Wonder if changing my configuration will help" and quiting to change things, I didn't notice it was only a temporary problem. I suspect one (or several) of my mods is running some sort of one-time initialization script when outdoors (perhaps DynDoLOD?). It is funny it only manifests itself when 'spinning', but I guess that due to the fact the game needs to load in textures in quick succession under load. Forgive me if you experience this stutter constantly, but I thought I should mention it since I fell in to the trap of reading the wiki warnings about 'stutter' and thought I was affected, when what I experienced was normally, I have come to understand.
  12. I tried that - you have to use Boss. It asks you to select the executable, and gives an error and closes without patching if you say No. The error messages says something like "If you wish to run this patcher without using BOSS, please download and use SUM" -- or words to that effect.
  13. I have been able to replicate the issue with a minimal install order. With Arcane Cleanser, USLEEP, SUM and NPCs Protected Redux installed (and nothing else), SUM fails with the same error. It appears to work if you put Arcane Cleanser before NPC Protected Redux in your load order, however. Since the generated patch doesnt appear to touch the NPC records however, I don't see any problem leaving NPCs Protected Redux disabled while you build it rather than playing with your load order - I get the same 6KB patch either way.
  14. I seem to remember having a similar issue when I forgot to uncheck "Run Loot" in the SUM options pane - I remember thinking at the time that the error should more accurately state "X.esp requires master Y to be loaded before it" like xEdit, rather than complain the master is 'missing'. That may have been updated since. This probably isn't your issue, but it is something easily checked, so I though I would mention it. For what its worth, I am running USLEEP + NPCs Protected Redux on my SoT-based profile I am building, plus running ASIS through SUM for the enchant fix (No DSR on this one tho), and don't have an issue.
  15. All, I am trying to improve my skills in making conflict resolution patches ready for when I decide to add my own choice of mod on top of SRLE that isn't covered by a guide or patch. I attempted, therefore, to complete the SR Conflict Resolution patch myself, without referring to the guide. I am now comparing my own work to that of guide, with idea that if it matches, I can be reasonably confident I now know what I am doing. With that in mind, I have a question about an edit I made that was not included in the SR Conflict Resolution guide. I am sure that given my relative inexperience there is a reason for not including it, but I would be grateful if someone could explain the reasoning. It appears to me that the merged Vividian ENB.esp overwrites the new WeatherTypes CoTCloudy _20_VT through to CoTCloud_24_VT in SkyrimClimate and DefaultClimate, so only the vanilla SkyrimCloudy remains. I understand that the ENB is probably optimised for the default Sun and Sun Glare Textures, so the fact that Vividian ENB.esp reverts back to these from the CoT provided textures, but why does it remove the new weather types? Also, why are the chances of weather types of the region records in CoT master set to 100 each? Is this a percentage, in which case how does it work? Or does it indicate the relative chances in which each type will appear, and the author of Vividian chose to make those with chance "2" twice as likely as those with chance "1"?
  16. Spizone, It sounds like you might be confusing the Archive pane in MO with the left-hand Mod pane. The pane you are looking for is also on the right-hand side, under the tab labelled "Archive". If I am mistaken, and you are using this, make sure you remember to tick "Have MO Manage Archives" at the top of that pane on the right, with the correct tab selected. You want them ticked on the left, and on the right under "Archives", and unticked on the right under "Plugins".
  17. Dreadflopp, I think the instructions for installing the STEP patches on top of a SRLE base install on your modular patches wiki pages may be missing a mod - Elemental Staves.esp (from the Elemental Staffs mod, strangely enough) is a master of the STEP Extended.esp patch, and is not included in the SRLE guide or listed in the mods to install on top.
  18. Really, I think you are coming at this from the wrong direction - Nebulous has the right idea. Rather than build a massive list full of incompatible and functionally equivalent mods and then try and trim back, it would be better to trim back to the base install and slowly add on. I get the impression from your previous posts that you haven't tested as you went along, and I have serious doubts about your PCs ability to reliably handle such a play through; even on that handsome bit of kit you posted about earlier. Instead, as painful as it is after spending the time installing, I would either pick one of STEP Extended (which is a more "vanilla like" experience) or SRLE (which is more of a 'what could have been' but not necessary as Bethesda intended) and go back to a base install of either, then add-on a few extra mods, maybe a small pack, at a time. MO profile features will be very helpful here, and unless you deleted the installers as you went, you wont need to re-download. Then, test test test as you go - at least pick a start from the alternate start list, perhaps the camping in the wilds, and at least run around for a minute or two and watch your FPS. Perhaps toggle god mode in the console and spawn a couple of dragons and 25 or so bandits, and maybe keep an eye the script latency test activated through the convenient horses MCM, once you have that installed. At some point, you will notice things just aren't working too well, and at that point you can make a reasoned decision on how much you need to cut - at least for this particular play through on this particular MO profile. I know it is easy to think wrongly about what you can reasonably expect - you have brand spanking new hardware, and it's a nigh on 5 year old game, right? Unfortunately, the age of the game engine is exactly what restricts the amount of additions you can sensibly get away with. If you push me on the question as posted, I would say keep smart souls and dump the others, but really, do give serious consideration to going back to basics and build slowly. As the adage goes, plan to throw one away. At least you are familiar now with the mechanics of actual modding process, so things will go much smoother, and I really think if you tackle it as you are now, you are going to end up putting another couple of hours work into something that probably won't be particularly enjoyable to play.
  19. Dear Lord...what kind of hardware do you have that can handle that kind of list? :O_o: Enchanting Awakened conflicts with both Acquisitive Soul Gems and Smart Souls. I believe "Brawl Bugs Patch - Plugins - Modder Resource" is included in enhanced blood textures and "Come together N Out of the way - Nausicaa-S Tweaker" is redundant with EFF, right? You also appear to have the wrong version of "Armor and Clothing for Kids", since you appear to have New Children installed rather than RSChildren. There may be more, but those are the few that are obvious from a quick glance of that list.
  20. You are right - that does appear "too small". Did you remember to launch the Skyrim Launcher as part of the "Configure Skyrim" section at the top of the SRLE guide? If you did forget, I am unsure if doing it now with fix the ini files in your MO Profile. You may wish to investigate spINI. Download and run it _OUTSIDE OF MO_, and it should detect your MO profile, which you can select under the "INI Path" option on the setup tab. Then, on the basic tab, "Defaults" -> "Ultra" -> "Save and Exit" should get your ini files back to a reasonable state to add the SRLE recommended tweaks.
  21. Forgive me if this has been addressed previously - I did search the thread but couldn't find anything. With regards to Archery Gameplay Overhaul, the Nexus download states that this mod "Requires Skyrim - Enhanced Camera (Version 1.2) OR Immersive First Person View." The integration guide indicates that Skyrim Enhanced Camera was "dropped". I am assuming this means it is uninstalled completely. I also am of the opinion that I would rather do without the enhanced camera, if possible. I note, however, that we are not installing Immersive First Person View. Are we installing AGO without meeting the pre-requisites, or is the Nexus overstating the need for a camera mod?
  22. Warlocksg, Did you, or rather can you, test your install minus the additional mods you installed on top of STEP? The fact that you can run loot successfully without error and load your mods in TESVEdit means you don't have any missing masters, but does not indicate that your load order is correct. Once you are sure the base STEP install is sound, I would suggest slowly adding your additional mods a few at a time until you get your crash. At least then, you are more likely to isolate which mod (or combination of mods) are responsible - there are just too many things that could go wrong in a 100+ mod install, and the papyrus log generally won't help you isolate what it is; log spam is normal in correct installs and unless you are either the mod author or extremely familiar with the code, you won't know what is normal for each mod, or else totally benign.
  23. Also, thanks Greg. I can confirm that spawning 20 bandits inside Halted Stream Camp does not cause any issues other than a 15FPS loss. I suspected that the conditions of the test were unlikely to occur during normal gameplay, but I wondered if it was similar to the TCL and fly around at high speed test - not something ever likely to happen in game play, but something you want to be able to do without crashing, if I understand correctly; and of course, my vanilla-ish profile handled it just fine. I guess that, unless someone can tell me I have made a mistake with my configuration above, the best thing to do is continue slowly at test by spawning 20 bandits, unless I start to hit freezes in actual gameplay. Thank you for your help.
  24. Thanks for the speedy reply. Installing and repeating with Memory Blocks Log gives some respite - I dropped down to 5fps and it took about 90 seconds, rather than a few seconds, before it froze. I am confident that is because the issue is not completely reproducible rather than any improvement simply by installing the log plugin. The log itself looks like this: logging of blocks enabledlogging max values onlyTimer disabledBlock1 Block2512MB 256MB85 885 885 9....312 166312 167312 168312 169312 170312 171312 172312 173312 174312 175312 176312 177312 178 I believe that means that the SKSE Memory patch is working as intended, but correct me if I am wrong. I did try adding --forcesteamloader to the SKSE executable, but this results in no basic change. My SKSE.ini is:[General] ClearInvalidRegistrations=1 [Memory] DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768 ScrapHeapSizeMB=256 [Display] iTintTextureResolution=2048 and the memory section of enblocal.ini: [MEMORY]ExpandSystemMemoryX64=falseReduceSystemMemoryUsage=trueDisableDriverMemoryManager=falseDisablePreloadToVRAM=falseEnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=falseReservedMemorySizeMb=128VideoMemorySizeMb=3714EnableCompression=trueAutodetectVideoMemorySize=false The 3714 comes from vramsizetest reported value of 4064 - 350 (for windows 8.1). Am I mis-reading the log and I do indeed need to make changes to my ini files? Thanks for your assistance.
  25. All, Firstly, thanks for the work on these guides, and please forgive me if I have posted in the wrong forum. I have recently completed a marathon few days of Skyrim installation; my wife says, I am starting to think she is right, that I enjoy modding this game more than actually playing it! I had originally installed SR:LE, but while trying to add my own selection of other, non graphical, mods on top, it was clear my hardware wasn't going to cope too well. Therefore, through the magic of MO, I reverted to a STEP install without ENB, considering that might be a less challenging base on which to build on. I have installed a stock, as-per-the-guide STEP Extended install, with the sole addition of the Alternate Start - Live another Life mod. Before installing the LAL mod, I benchmarked my install, with the following results: It appears that, graphically, STEP Extended isn't taxing my hardware too much, which is as I expect - my GPU is a couple of tiers higher than that recommended for my resolution according to Toms Hardware tier list, and it appears only my CPU (at 3.6GHz rather than "closer to 4.0GHz" in the background section) falls anywhere short of the "Beyond Step" recommendations. I have however, before I commence with adding additional mods tested the stability of the install using harpalus' test, posted on Dreadflopps modular patches page (which I intend to use). All seems fine with the Solitude dragon spawning test and the bandit camp clearing test (I used KnifepointRidge01). There seems to be some difficulty with the NPC spawning test however. I tgm and spawn 100 bandits in solitude. Skyrim quickly freezes after 3-4 seconds. I should note that, trying the same test with the minimum modded 'vanilla' I consider playable - that is; SKSE, ENBoost, USLEEP, SkyUI, Cleaned ESMs and Optimized Textures - results in nothing worse than an 20FPS drop while I hack every single one of them to death with an iron sword. Clearly, something in STEP is effecting my ability to spawn and fight large numbers of NPCs. My questions are: Should I consider my inability to pass this 'test' as something indicative of a problem with my install?Is this a hint that I will indeed need to upgrade my CPU to at least a 4GHz-er before I can continue building on it?Or can it be this test just hokum, and I can ignore this? I admit I havn't played a full play-through of Vanilla Skyrim and all the DLCs so I don't know how likely I am to run into such large spawns. I would be grateful for your advice on the matter.
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