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Everything posted by Jverv

  1. This is a PSA: Make sure to go endorse mods on nexus in your download history every so often, and also support Lexy for this amazing guide and the time involved (which I plan to do next month when money is a bit better)!! This has been a PSA, go about your normally scheduled problems and questions!! TY
  2. I'm of the same mind with CHorses. I feel it is so well done and almost feels as if it was made into the game that I would be hard pressed to change. I would want some good reasons and or a pros and cons of why we would. Why fix something that is not broken is my opinion.
  3. She reverted back to the older Racemenu. The newest one causes that. Revert and go back to an old save.
  4. I appreciate that! I'm always playing catch up lol.
  5. I'm asking Doubleyou in the bethini forum. wait, I'm noticing the guide links to Oldrim, and thats what I downloaded. Is that a problem?
  6. Sorry, forgot you had your hands in a lot of tools. Skyrim SE is crashing after I updated and linked the ini's to my profile in MO2. Pre update I did not link the inis through to my profile in MO2. Now when I go into game and change the games settings I crash to desktop.
  7. I updated Bethini and now whenever I go into my settings and tab out to save them, I crash. This is the first time I set Bethini to find my MO2 profile. Is it a read/write thing?
  8. I updated Bethini and now whenever I go into my settings and tab out to save them, I crash. This is the first time I set Bethini to find my MO2 profile. Is it a read/write thing?
  9. Same install Lexy. I just back up my overwrite folder every so often, and also my load order and plugin order. I then change profiles. It’s obviously not ideal but as I continue the zmerges I’ll test each time to make sure it does not screw up my current playthrough profile. I’m very confused to what happened but I’ll just keep a closer eye. I’ve yet to finish the new zmerge update as trying to problem solve this took me two days.
  10. Yes to the esp's Lexy. I just realized that while going through the forum. I did not finish the merges or the profile yet to test. The other profile (old merges) was the one that had issues. After about 4 hours of troubleshooting I ran a back up of my left and right MO2 profiles and it worked so I backtracked it to a problem with zpatch and maybe a loadorder problem. Either way I left the loadorder and then added deleted my old zpatch and zpatch back up and that seemed to do the trick. Not really sure why it would have been changed as I have only run zmerge for the other profile. I could always do what you suggest and run a second location of MO2 but it makes things more time consuming when updating and it takes up a ton of space. I'll just have to be more careful from now on and test updates. For others out there that may do the same make sure to back up your overwright folder and be careful when running different profiles in MO2.
  11. Yeah I know about the zpatch, there their and unchanged. I have no missing masters in mo2. Really confusing. Something somewhere is either doubling up not on. Can’t figure out what though. Thought there might be a known issue. Oh well. Thanks for reply!
  12. So I’m not sure what happened but I’m trouble shooting. Just wondering if anyone had the same problem; I’ve been doing the zmerges slowly for another profile in mo2. Then switching back to my main play through profile to play the game. I’ve done a handful with no problems but then yesterday I switched profiles to play and I’m missing textures. Mainly things like fires in fireplaces and some clouds in snowy areas. Also the clouds on the map. Does zmerge put something in the overwrite folder? I don’t think my game updated as I go offline in steam. Wondering if zmerge drops things in the overwrite folder or if it somehow can change the old merges? I renamed them so I would not overwrite my “old†merges. Any direction would help since I was playing fine one min and then did a merge or two and went back to the profile and that happened. I’ve been trouble shooting and back tracking but nothing seems obvious. Thanks!
  13. Thanks guys, and thanks for the heads up about mon. I'll prob wait for that as I've not started a playthrough yet, just testing. That way I can test the new patch build as I play. I'll see about the space either way tho. I have an Oldrim folder that takes up a lot of space. Saving things incase things get removed from nexus. Can prob drop it tho.
  14. Hey guys, loving the guide. Wondering what the timeline will be for the changes in v5. Are you waiting for LOTD v5 to be released before you do your zmerge release or is that change down the line? I ask because I'm about ready to start a playthrough after some extensive testing. I've been playing through different areas testing to see if I installed the guide correctly. After a crash here or there I feel it should be fine for the most part. I really don't want to start a playthrough just to have the guide updated as I would not be able to keep playing without updating lol. No rush, I know everything is monumental with this guide. Just curious.
  15. This; https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21436 looks like it could be a great addition to the guide. I finished the guide, it is amazing and I'm looking forward to a playthrough. The game looks beautiful and the guide is a masterpiece if you have the time and patience for modding. I'm waiting to do an actual playthrough till after the next guide update. For now I'm just testing things and adding in a few mods I prefer like visible weapons, and the like. Thanks again Lexy!
  16. Something, most likely that deleted the folder. Because I have not run ccleaner. I started a new profile and did it all over and it worked. Not that much work, thank god because of the suggestion to set up profiles in MO.
  17. I didnt run it but I did run razor cortex so ill try and do the setup again. Thank you for helping trouble shoot
  18. actually it's still giving me "access violation at address 00..... in module 'merge plugin.exe' read of address 000000" I'm running outside of mod organizer with only the basic esms loaded testing if I still get errors. I've reinstalled and also rebooted. Do I need to run relinker again or something. Again was working yesterday so I'm not sure what happ. I'm trying to redo the merges. I am not opposed to trying zmerging I just know nothing about how to do it or settings. I know your changing the guid over soon. I turned of add blockers and took ownership of the files as well. At a loss here?
  19. Thank you lexy, was gonna try that, but thought i did something more. Modding can be a battle lol. You end up trouble shooting all the wrong stuff!!
  20. ** Nevermind, still having the violation, lol ** I'm getting an access violation in merge plugins that I didnt get before. Looked it up online and found some things but it worked yesterday. Thoughts?
  21. Huh, a stable guide, who knew... Well I am now a beta tester lol.
  22. Ugh, after years of syrim modding and doing multiple guides, this is the first time I realized we need to manually "extract" bsa's. I'm an idiot. Idiot check fail... So I will go through the guide and fix that.
  23. Guess thats my question then, I don't have that folder in NSUTR. Just a bsa and esp. I made the folder in stunning statues, was not planning on deleting just could not figure out what folder you meant. Thanks for quick response!!
  24. I'm sorry but this: [No Snow Under The Roof] COREBSA ExtractedMergedNo snow under the roof - 3.2 - PrometheusFiles to download : MAIN FILES - No Snow Under the Roof 3.2Special Installation: Remove the following file(s) and/or folder(s): meshes\prometheus\architecture\statuessnow folder (Better-Shaped Talos Statue with Greatsword and Stunning Statues of Skyrim will provide these meshes.)does not make sense to me. We delete the folder we made in stunning statues now? There is no folder in NSUR. I'm sure this has been bought up before but 600+ pages of forum is rough to get through and my search turned up nothing. Thank you for the amazing guide guys, I love this stuff!!
  25. I use Homemaker a lot and half of my settlements are empty after updating because of clean save so def need a warning on updating. Would suggest a new play-through for update because it works fine without update and the updates are minimal in comparison to having to rebuild settlements. Just my two cents.
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