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Thane (4/12)



  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you good sir for the guide and also for your word and fix about the recent windows updates breaking MO's proxy executable. You probably saved me a ton of time figuring out what went wrong ! Here's a quick word about my experience (if it can help someone) because I apparently didn't have the KB3176938 update and still had the issue : I'm on Win10 pro, was on the november update. MO was running fine, thanks to this guide. I just updated to the Anniversary update, against my wishes , but because I want to get Forza Horizon 3 soon, which you can't download let alone play unless you have the AU installed. I checked and MO was indeed broken, running FO4edit returned error messages of this type : "Fatal: Error loading plugin list: <EAccessViolation: Access violation at address 7236F608 in module 'MSVCR120.dll'. Read of address 0147D000>". I checked the windows update history and didn't see any KB3176938 update, only KB3176937, KB3176936 and KB3176935. Uninstalled KB3176937, that did nothing, can't uninstall KB3176936, uninstalled KB3176935 and that fixed it. Thanks again :D
  2. Thanks for the information on this thread, couldn't get this to work properly before...
  3. Thanks for the guide, helped me quite a bit with setting up F4SE's custom control map :)
  4. Tried your archive, here's what happened : (game was vanilla + unofficial patches, SkyUI, RaceMenu and Alternate start, so the skeleton used was the vanilla one) your files as default : CTD your weight _0 mesh copy/pasted and renamed as weight _1 mesh : CTD as well your weight _1 mesh copy/pasted and renamed as weight _0 mesh : no CTD but body is exploding So your meshes have a skinning problem (exploding body being the symptom) and the _0 mesh is the one making it crash. I should add that it also strangely not crashing on my actual modded MO profile, don't really know why but it was not because of using another (XPMS extended) skeleton, it crashes with that skeleton too on the almost vanilla MO profile. Sorry I can't really help more than this, the only difference between the _0 and the _1 mesh at a glance in Nifskope 1.1.3 is that your _1 mesh has the bone names written in between brackets (for example [LClv] ) and the _0 mesh does not have them, and I have no idea if that has any relevance at all.
  5. I assume quite a few people will be happy to hear this mod has finally been updated, and with FISS support ;)
  6. Another great mod maker leaving because of the modder-insulting mobs. A shame really...
  7. It's definitely worth the asking price and more if you haven't played the console versions. Solo has both quality and quantity, and decent replay value. You're looking at something like 30 hours doing only the main story I guess and something like 70 hours or more if going for 100%. That's not even mentioning online which can be absolutely massive if you adhere to it / have friends to play with / can get past the fact that it can be a really buggy mess sometimes. I don't think the GTA series is genuinely politically incorrect however to be honest, I would say it's more "post-modernism on roids" but I don't know if that's exactly the right way to call it (I suppose people who've played the game might understand what I'm saying though). KB / mouse for driving is more than good enough for solo, it's only in multiplayer races that it would put you at a disadvantage. It's more flying helicopters and airplanes that I'd be worried about, at least with default controls, but it's still totally doable as well. As for graphics I personally have mixed feelings about it, you can really tell it's a game that was originally released on old gen consoles almost 2 years ago. It's definitely not AC Unity quality (for example) and perhaps not even Watch Dogs level either (texture quality wise it sure as hell isn't). At least it runs well on a wide range of PCs (unless you enable the "extended" options and ultra quality grass in which case not even a GTX980 will run at 60 fps all the time in 1080p...). The art direction is amazing though, so in my eyes it's still a great game in the visuals department.
  8. Some armor / weapon mods on nexus have renders on their description too (usually they also have ingame shots though, and there's always user screenshots I suppose) on topic : I'm betting a cookie that gaben / volvo and Bethesda make a damage control announcement along the lines of "We have listened to the community, and we have decided to lower our cut of the paid mods revenue, and increase the modders'" or "We will give xxx % of our cut to charities, etc". I doubt they will be bold enough to kill the thing entirely, but who knows. Also and despite this having been already mentioned, I would like to add myself to the list of the people disgusted by the amount of outright hate and horseshit being dumped on the so called "rogue" mod authors by hordes of often 1 post users who generally have contributed nothing to the community...
  9. In addition to this and the link Heliadhel posted earlier on this page, there's also these resources : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55921/? and https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/2yxfu9/ive_been_playing_with_the_shadow_settings_in_the/ . The authors of the different guides don't agree on everything however, pretty far from it. For instance the guy on reddit is saying "fShadowBiasScale: Adjusts the distance at which mipmaps of the shadow map begin to be used. Higher numbers push them further away, which makes the lowering of this number across higher quality presets a strange decision. Some kind of optimization perhaps. Crank it; I think 1.0 is the cap." Whether you should use a lower value like 3000 or a large one like 8000 and up is personal preference (characters / stuff up close vs global environment realism) but this is obviously ridiculous, anybody can see the difference between say 3000 and 9000, just look at distant trees for a second... Also ultra vanilla is 8000, so saying "the devs intended it this way" just doesn't make sense. Really would like to see some evidence of this, he's the only one recommending to deviate from ultra vanilla (3000) and talking about light flickering.
  10. version 3.2.0 officially released, changelog is only "advanced" features : Version 3.2.0 FEATURE Sculpt brushes now have Falloff option Fixed BodyMorph bugs (Shared geometry is no longer a problem) FEATURE BodyGen (Note this feature is inactive until next SKSE version 1.7.3+)
  11. oh right, I thought that didn't make much sense and you didn't seem to have that in your own documentation, good news :)
  12. Bring the upvotes to the staff, most of the stuff I want to upvote is posted by STEP staff members and I can't do it, this is a real scandal :D
  13. I never even realized you were supposed to have the HRDLC .esps enabled when generating lol, I always generated with my normal setup of loose files and FPS wise I think it runs very well, only vram usage can get pretty heavy :p
  14. I suppose you're mostly right, but there's a big exception to that : TAZ, which got 1500 endorsements in 2/3 months (it has 1705 atm, more than K ENB...)
  15. In fact I'm already following STEP recommendations and using ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false with block 1 = 1024 (because DynDOLOD) and block 2 = 256 :) I may try setting it back on true using block2 = 384 to see if there's a difference but I doubt it, to be fair my game is hardly of model of smoothness despite me trying almost every ENBoost setting combination under the sun (all ReservedMemorySizeMb values possible, enablecompression true and false, fixlag true and false etc)...
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