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Everything posted by cccow

  1. I don't know the exact decision process, though I think you probably answer your own question! I think it is probably to try and maintain as much balance a possible with what requiem tries to achieve (enemies added need perks and new items need stat & level list adjustments) . Saying that I would wait for the new (final?) LOTD to hit Nexus and the patch updates to see if any of the other Mods are joint patched with Requiem (Oblivion artifacts?), + I have seen a Wheels of Lull patch (how good I know not) + I noticed Helgen Reborn was included in Ultimate Skyrim (modded Requiem guide - which also has a reddit thread). Not sure what that leaves (Mad Masker - I guess you could just buy them all from the shop rather than work out how to integrate on level lists - especially if only for display and stat balance isn't an issue).
  2. Would the elven & dwermer stuff show up that early anyway? I just kinda thought that, if not perfect it still was a limit to inappropriate loot splurge. Anyhow is done now, so be good to know what differences people find, if indeed any. Secondly, not sure if this is factored in, but just in case...this is Icecreamassassin talking of the M&S Immersion patch on the LOTD forum page. It gets in the way of M&S recognition for the gallery displays and the quest triggering or some such. "Yeah I need to put that on the incompatibility list, then make the legacy patch impose the same more immersive delay itself...."
  3. Indeed, ditto Just to say I think that LOTD is due its last v.16 main update in the next week, or at least that was mentioned as the plan. Before ICA moves onto the Odyssey sister project. Only changes likely to be fixes & add-ons for a couple of other mods after that. Though I am little unsure when/if/which may happen. Saying that he may get another itch for some other brainwave! Personally I am away to towards the end of September so will probably just start then. If all goes well I anticipate it could take me a good half year to finish so I'll have to ban myself from tinkering.
  4. Thank you for giving me the chance to play the game the I wanted too without bauxing something up as was my want previously.
  5. Just a heads up of something I saw on the main LOTD nexus thread...in case you weren't aware
  6. Just a heads up of something I say on the main LOTD nexus thread...in case you weren't aware
  7. Have a search of this forum thread, the varying options have been discussed. I was thinking of trying this mod to give an option for toning down the followers - anyone have any experience with it? (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64530/?) Did you install the patches as separate mods on the left hand side from the main mod and then merge and deactivate these, or were the patch esps in with the main mod when you merged them. (possibly then copying the MCM part to the merge and having that as well as the main mod active). Dunno, just a thought. Edit - Above post got there first on this one.
  8. Unless you confusingly rename the other merges in the relevant way...its not a particularly serious idea I admit...
  9. Renaming merges to those esp names might work? Though would be mighty confusing!
  10. Perhaps have a look at the discussion here for CWO as well https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/3sh2ah/how_do_you_install_civil_war_overhaul_nowadays/
  11. Check out mods included in the below packs. The descriptions on the pack page should indicate how to make them play nicely with Step. Saying that, the more you add the more astute you need to be with keeping on top of things. You should check out Dreadflopp's patches & instructions to see if they cover any of the extra mods you end up using (https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Dreadflopp/Dreadflopps_Modular_patches): https://wiki.step-project.com/Pack:Dovahkiin_Reborn for magic and perk overhauls. There are others but not sure how nice they play with Step, though I'm sure some people have got them working - see for e.g. perma & requiem for this https://wiki.step-project.com/Pack:Skyrim_Gameplay_Rebalance for combat and difficulty mods https://wiki.step-project.com/Pack:Survival I think this is still in a workable condition & includes Frostfall - not sure if you want any of the other ones mind. For lighting its a careful balance as Step includes lighting mods. You could look at ELFX https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27043/? If not using an ENB the enhancer certainly darkens interiors, though you would need the 'no ELE' version of the Step patch. An alternative set up using ELE & ELFX (but without the enhancer) is done in Neovelans Skyrim Revisited on this site, though he does use an ENB. For nights there is Realistic Nights https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49472/? Though I am unsure how this plays with the STEP lighting options.
  12. As you may have guessed I have been (incredibly) slowly putting together a set up for LOTD along with STEP. So I'm all for it. I'd be willing to help out a bit more but a) my basic knowledge is not particularly solid, I have just tried to follow what others have said from various sources, but chiefly from this site (thank you this site!). b) I've made a notably bigger set up than step. Including large chunks of Dreadflopps packs and some others. I'm not expecting it as spot on as a guide should be but (obviously) hoping it will be stable & fun enough for me. I'm not sure I have the energy right now to reset it all up again for just Step. I know I can have a new profile but with all the tinkering I'd have to re-install the mods & redo the ini files. Nonetheless I will watch out for stuff, Noticed so far - Some models (a few weapons & beverages if I remember) and stats from LOTD can get reset, though this depends on load order & was complicated for me by Morrowloot & Weapons & Armour Attributes. - Book Covers is integrated into LOTD but is a master for Step patches. I am trying to get away with using W.Bash to change masters to LOTD. From what I have read this can work, but not always. I did look in TES5 & LOTD, Book Covers & the Extended Patch did seem to match up - but I am aware there may still be some issues. - Some mods have additional patches for LOTD: Improved Close Faced Helms has patches for both LOTD & Konahrik's A. - Further issues arise depending on what supported mods were included in a pack. If Morrowloot then Dreadflopp's pack ('Deleveled Loot') is worth looking at for Bash Tags. Though currently I'm having some form of clash with 'Gold Adjustment' from that pack.Requiem is likely a problem as from what I am aware it doesn't like Bashed Patches & many of the compatibility patches are not meant to be put through one.Immersive Jewellery changes a lot and clashes with Crafting Overhaul and Complete Alchemy Overhaul (if used) and probably others - need unpicking.
  13. Ok this is my understanding. Please anyone feel free to correct me if I've got owt wrong as is entirely possible a) Have you got wet & cold ashes higher than wet & cold in your load order. As far as I understand the delinquent masters message is where you have an esp. higher than its master (thus loading earlier than its master) that it depends on. b) Orange boxes are different & won't stop you bashing. It is because the masters of that esp are in a different order in your load order than when the esp was created. There is a box to the right in Wyre Bash which shows the masters & their order in the highlighted esp. They might indicate an error in load order but not necessarily. Ensure your load order is ok with a combo of using Loot and any recommendations in the STEP guide or the readmes of other mods if you use them, but I don't think you need to fret about getting rid of all the orange squares just for the sake of it. For e.g some mods have the vanilla dlc's in the wrong order, and better not to follow suit. You can sort this out once you have finalised everything in TES5 by right clicking on said plugin and choosing 'reorder masters'. It should then be green next time in Wyre Bash. Note: don't do what I did first time & try & reorder all plugins at once! Only those orange ones, one at a time. Also note that I had a problem re-ordering Hearthfire's Extended & ended up leaving it, but it may just be a one off corruption that happened to me.
  14. This one seems to have had a going over as well recently, though I am aware it was a no go prior to that. Not saying its fixed, I dunno myself... This one has had a going over, I am aware it was a no go prior to that, has it been fixed? Dunno myself... - Unlimited bookshelves
  15. Thanks for the info about not worrying about errors linked back to Skyrim.esm... Regarding the error It seems to be a stand alone package [xx000816] in the extended patch dealing with a place added by Cutting Room Floor, WhitrunWintersandManor. In the second data value package down. The reference under 'Target data/type - specific reference' Can anyone tell me what theirs says instead of 'Target -> [19033220] < Error: Could not be resolved >' ? May help me work out what whatever I have done on top of the STEP install that may have twanged it. Thanks...
  16. Is it normal for TES5 to report this on an error check? It seems to run through all the affected plugins (Skrim esm, NEChildren, BOYD) so I guess it is intentional or my Skyrim esm has got fuddled up.
  17. I like the way you can hide files from a later mod when looking in the conflict tab of the installed mod. I'm hoping this lets me use the Step texture pack while also using a few alternatives.
  18. Anonymous people https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56744/?
  19. Have a look under here https://wiki.step-project.com/Pack:Modular_Morrowloot_Overhaul . I should say I am not 100% about all this as I am in the elongated process of a set up myself and have not been able to fully test yet. As you are probably using mods not covered by any of the supported packs (as I am) then you would need to check & if required patch these yourself after you have taken what you can from the pre-prepared ones. There is a video guide on doing your own conflict resolution https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Neovalen/Skyrim_Revisited_-_Legendary_Edition/Conflict_Resolution + Step instructions https://wiki.step-project.com/STEP_Patches_for_Packs Back to the patches that you asked about...dreadflopp states "If you use one or more of my packs, parts of my packs or SR:LE a) If you use High level enemies, download and install the replacement plugin. b) Download Modular Morrowloot Overhaul patches. Install all patches that are relevant to your install. SR:LE users should install all STEP and STEP:Extended patches and read the subguide. Sort the plugins in numeric order. If two or more patches uses the same number you are supposed to only use one of them. This is very important, never use two plugins with the same number." c) You can then merge the patches via TES5Edit merge script (instructions on how linked in the guide) in the order indicated in the guide I'm don't think that the War Assemble & Lighting packs are supported by the patches though individual mods in them might be. You might find other patches under 'other mods' or even the SLRE or explorers patches within the main MMO Patch depositary. However if you are going to use any of the latter two you need to check if your set up matches its conditions. More on that is discussed in the 'subguide' referenced above. I do admit it is a bit confusing but dreadflopp has done a really good job with guidance & support for an enlarged set up, and with that many permutations not an easy job!
  20. If you have not already, have a look at the pack 'MMO', itself split into different packs in a pick & mix fashion. It covers quite a few of these (& perhaps some other ideas too!) https://wiki.step-project.com/Pack:Modular_Morrowloot_Overhaul . A good effort has been made to offer some patches too, especially if playing with STEP as a base. Others are covered in SRLE though of course you'd have to factor in the different set up & if that affects any choices https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Neovalen/Skyrim_Revisited_-_Legendary_Edition That still leaves a couple. I don't imagine Sky complete would be much of a problem. Not sure about how animal tweaks, skytest animals or smart cast play.
  21. Thanks for the suggestion, I had a look but its not quite where its at either. I think if I try anything (& I may not bother if it looks too risky stability wise) I'll try the Death Alternative in order to have either me or any companions stay down to the fight's end when they go down, & if everyone does I'll just quit skyrim & reload for death rather than its alternative.
  22. ...instead of dying you stay in bleedout until your followers either win, resuscitate you and you all carry on, or die and the game ends (like Dragon Age for e.g.) I am aware of Death Alternative and Skytweak's extra lives, but neither is quite what I'm thinking of. The game difficulty will be hard with the added mods & my character will be more of a orchestrator with support magic and sage knowledge. It might save me reloads & restarts aplenty!
  23. Just a heads up that I saw this on the MLU forum "Sorry, the aMidianBorn Content and ICH patches do in fact conflict. They will be in need of a combined patch in the "use only one" fashion. Until then, one will have to do with non-ICH aMidianBorn variant helmets with MLU stats (use non-ICH version of aMidianBorn)." ...or vice versa I guess. Not sure how much it affects...the reponse was to reported head disappearance with silver/gold ebony helmet so it may be minimal.
  24. I saw this by the MU author on the forum page is a response to whether the changes were too much...any relevance? "You're not the first to feel this way and I plan to make some changes to address it in the future. At the moment, MLU's still being finished (mostly just patches like the Immersive Armors and Immersive Weapons patches) and my burst of free time the last couple months has come to an end. Firstly, MLU's not meant to be just an updated Morrowloot - it's a gameplay overhaul built around Morrowloot (hence the "whole profile" theme). My description might be a bit unclear about this up front (and an overhaul of the page is on my list). After I have the whole product where I want it is when I plan to release a modular version (1.0), which should make it easier for users with conflicting preferences. In addition, I'll go ahead and upload my only direct improvements to Morrowloot 4E Edition on a separate page (fixed leveled lists, updated LWE patch, not my crafting changes) since it deserves an update and I certainly owe the author. The MLU core will most likely consist of, in addition to the 4E imports and changes, Rare is Better, Encounter Zones, deleveled quest rewards, and (most likely) the removal of Fortify Crafting effects (because I feel vanilla crafting ruins Morrowloot). In the meantime, my 4E Edition patch is still up here if that suits your tastes better: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65582/"
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