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Everything posted by Marlen

  1. Those, who use SRO, to what place in the list you put it? And same question for new(old) Kryptopyr's modes.
  2. Hi, I am at the very beginning of the guide, just wanted to report the error in it. On the mod "Faster Mining" it is written that "Faster Mining 6-3" is in "MAIN FILES", but instead it is in "Optional Files" section. Files to download : MAIN FILES - Faster Mining 6-3
  3. I've installed Requiem day before yesterday, mostly using Mr_Moal's guiding of MCM settings. So, my Skyrim is now S.T.E.P. Extended + Requiem. No Bashed Patch. For now it's stable.
  4. That's the problem I don't know how to make it. Thanks for answering.
  5. "non-MO users can register the BSA, make a plugin to load or extract to loose files (not recommended)." How to create plugin for it or register the BSA? Can anyone tell me please?
  6. hey, I suggest to add "MCM icon" right to mods that MCM settings needs to be changed.
  7. I am ok by installing it manual, just it's bit harder to update mods. I don't have any issues installing S.T.E.P. manually from very beginning, I use MO only when mod requires Mod Manager to install the mod and just copy files from installed location by order. :)
  8. Thx For the answer.I just got used to install manually and i know that i wont mess up if i will do it all manually. I know that with MOD Manager's it's alot easier but i need to learn it from zero, so for now i will do it manually and again, Thanks Alot, you really helped me.
  9. lol, i dont have MO, so that's why i am asking :D i installed manually and now i am thinking what mods i will need reinstall, if i will delete Designs of The Nord. :D
  10. does anyone knows what mods this mod overrides?
  11. This is true.
  12. This mod makes look like all the swords the same for me.. i prefer vanilla more with delarp.
  13. Did you tried to use Natural Lighting and Atmospherics for ENB by Confidence-Man? Here's link for it https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50065/?
  14. just use both framelimitter and vsync in enblocal
  15. Now Seagate/WD hdd's are not good that they were long time ago. Just Bought 1TB Toshiba/Hitachi HDD works brilliant I know it will serve me long time as toshiba/hitachi on my ps3.
  16. lol'd hard on this.
  17. what shadows settings you use in Skyrim Launcher Ultra Or High, i mean its worth 4-5 fps for Ultra Shadows when using ENB.
  18. what shadows settings you use in Skyrim Launcher Ultra Or High, i mean its worth 4-5 fps for Ultra Shadows?
  19. This one for vanilla lighting, Natural Lighting and Atmospherics for ENB by Confidence-Man: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50065/
  20. https://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Skyrim_INIs there it is.
  21. Not Mentioned that in "M" "Skyrim Coin Replacer" replaced by "Skyrim Coin Replacer Redux" https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48195/ Edit: In Changelog i mean.
  22. i mean it wont be overkill on 1920x1080 resolution to use move from baseline on 2gb card like using "Realistic Smoke & Embers" on High Quality.
  23. Hello, Should i follow Baseline or i will be able to play on higher texture quality with HD 7870 2GB?
  24. Question Got Solved.
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