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SRLE Extended

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@ dunc001


Can i ask how you found following my CR Sub would love to hear some feedback on it.

No problem following it.  One thing I would say is it would be better listing the actual esp names required rather than just the mod names as I found myself a couple of times having to abort, load up different esps and then start again (CWI ELFX patch springs to mind as the list just says Immersive College of Winterhold).  The descriptions for why things are being done are pretty concise.  Both CR guides (yours and Neo's) take as read an understanding of what each record is (assuming whoever is doing it actually wants to understand why they're moving certain values and ignoring others rather than just blindly plodding through it).  As there is so much to get through I have just been entering the FormIDs in the box in the top left and clicking Enter to jump directly to the next record rather than manually locating it - I guess that's the right way to do it?  Colour coding is good BTW :)


A quick question - how do I edit the NPC Retextures Merge to remove Ivarstead as a required master?  In my extended load order I have removed most of the Arthmoor Villages in favour of JK Lite and ETaC, and Ivarstead is one of the ones which has gone.  I know I could create a dummy esp but I'd rather remove it and clean the merge esp.

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you need to locate 00019FE8 <Golldir> and use the factions, Items from Endgame overhaul instead of Iverstead. you will also need to remove the packages as well  then clean master afterwards.


I'll make the change to the CR sub guide you recommend as well.


or you could do this:


Wyre Bash Create Dummies (Uses this method if you do not have the esp plugin downloaded)

Use this method to create dummies of plugins you wish to remove from the premade Conflcit Resolution.

  1. Load Wrye Bash click on the NPC Retexture Merged.esp and select File->Create dummy esps (this will create fake esps for what you are missing and place them into the overwrite folder).
  2. Load TES5edit with only NPC Retexture Merged Selected wait until backgound loader has finished.
  3. Right click on SRLE Extended Conflict Resolution and check for errors.
  4. Remove the records that are broken from NPC Retexture Merged (they will show after checking for errors).
  5. Save and Exit.
  6. Load NPC Retexture Merged again in TES5Edit and then clean masters once done save and exit.
  7. Remove Fake plugins fron the overwrite folder.
Edited by Darth_mathias
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Astakos, thanks again for another excellent reply. I've already done the CRs manually for SRLE and SRLEX, however my full build doesn't include some core and SRLEX mods so I'm going to have to do one enormous CR manually following all of the SRLE and SRLEX CR, then adding in the SRLE/REGS CR where still relevant, then going through each of the remaining additional mods record by record as you suggest. However I'm still trying to get my plugin count down by a further 120 or so after all the core and ext merges so I may be some time!


No problem dunc001!! Glad I could help!


Well, basically this is the way to go with conflict resolution. Building up experience as you go along reading the guides and then do your own stuff!  :;):


Getting your plugins down by 120?? How many esps do you currently have?

A piece of advise when massively merging mods...try to merge mods of relatively similar nature...i.e. landscape mods, weapon-armor-items mods, NPC overhauls, etc...don't mix them all together as this can result in problems when you need to decide their load order. TES5Edit is your friend for deciding this.

Also try to not be overoptimistic with merging MCM scripted mods...massively doing this can result to problems.


If you are having a lot of standalone weapons-armor mods you can merge a vast number of these together without any major concern.


Also, going back to an oldest post of mine to you regarding merging...always (I mean always) load up ONLY your "wanna be merged" esps into TES5Edit and look for any conflicts between them.

If there are conflicts between them, you will have to create a custom patch to accommodate the conflict resolution for these plugins and merge it together with your initial "wanna be merged" list for these mods.

This will ensure a smooth merge without any hidden/missed conflicts.

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No problem dunc001!! Glad I could help!


Well, basically this is the way to go with conflict resolution. Building up experience as you go along reading the guides and then do your own stuff!  :;):


Getting your plugins down by 120?? How many esps do you currently have?

A piece of advise when massively merging mods...try to merge mods of relatively similar nature...i.e. landscape mods, weapon-armor-items mods, NPC overhauls, etc...don't mix them all together as this can result in problems when you need to decide their load order. TES5Edit is your friend for deciding this.

Also try to not be overoptimistic with merging MCM scripted mods...massively doing this can result to problems.


If you are having a lot of standalone weapons-armor mods you can merge a vast number of these together without any major concern.


Also, going back to an oldest post of mine to you regarding merging...always (I mean always) load up ONLY your "wanna be merged" esps into TES5Edit and look for any conflicts between them.

If there are conflicts between them, you will have to create a custom patch to accommodate the conflict resolution for these plugins and merge it together with your initial "wanna be merged" list for these mods.

This will ensure a smooth merge without any hidden/missed conflicts.

Excellent, thanks for the advice.  Plugin count before I started doing the core/SRLEX merges was somewhere in the high 400s :p  I haven't added many additional weapons or armour mods (maybe four or five, and I've removed a few from the SRLEX list), it's mainly the REGS stuff (quests, world spaces, JK Lite & ETaC Complete, 3DNPCs, etc).  I've added in Beyond Reach and Summerset, I've added two player homes but removed Jaggarsfeld, I've added in Horses On Patrol, Hunterborn, AGO/ABT/N2T, Sneak Tools, etc.  Lots of little things which for some reason contain esps (Simple Potions).  I've added a lot of retextures/animations/meshes which don't have esps so don't add to my plugin count.  I didn't add Fat Bastards in Skyrim ;)  Oh, and I did add Harry Potter spells just for a laugh :D


And please, just call me Dunc.  Only my mother calls me dunc001 ;)

Edited by dunc001
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Couple Questions/suggestions on Armor Progression and other armors...


Armor Progression Overhaul - Light
- Includes UNP Rogue Armor, but you also have us install the entire UNP Rogue Armor seperately?
Armor Progression Overhaul - Heavy
- Nice looking re-tex for Crimson Twilight...https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60389/?
Armor Progression Overhaul - Cloth
- Nice looking re-tex for Scarlet Dawn Armor (alternate version)...https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69357/?
MiniArmorsCollection - Merta Assassin Armor - UNPB TBBP
- Since this is a high heels version, do we need to add...Do Not install meshes\DX\MiniArmorsCollection\Boots?? 
edit...disregard the UNP Rogue armor thing above...you're beating me to it :)
Edited by Gutmaw
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Couple Questions/suggestions on Armor Progression and other armors...


Armor Progression Overhaul - Light
- Includes UNP Rogue Armor, but you also have us install the entire UNP Rogue Armor seperately?
Armor Progression Overhaul - Heavy
- Nice looking re-tex for Crimson Twilight...https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60389/?
Armor Progression Overhaul - Cloth
- Nice looking re-tex for Scarlet Dawn Armor (alternate version)...https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69357/?
MiniArmorsCollection - Merta Assassin Armor - UNPB TBBP
- Since this is a high heels version, do we need to add...Do Not install meshes\DX\MiniArmorsCollection\Boots?? 


Nice to have you back Gutmaw hoipe you had a good trip?


I have pull UNP Rogue Armor now since i twas pointed out i forgot to do it earler

I need to take a look at those armor retextures in game.

As for the merta assassin armor it doesn't seem to matter its for the high heel verison (but I could be wrong)


Edit: I prefer the orginal armor textures.

Edited by Darth_mathias
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Ok guys i want some options. I think we should drop APO - Cloth as most of the armors double up with APO - Light I just find it odd the Mod Author choose to do that. And we coudl install the 3 other armors from the orginal mods.

well we're using the Highheels system not required version of merta assassin and the other mod it's just for unpb meshes. Anyway I don't really like this armor. It's making the character look like a hooker....

Darth insisted on that Armor i doesn't use it either but i wouldn't say i don't like it.

Edited by DarkladyLexy
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Ok guys i want some options. I think we should drop APO - Cloth as most of the armors double up with APO - Light I just find it odd the Mod Author choose to do that. And we coudl install the 3 other armors from the orginal mods.

Darth insisted on that Armor i doesn't use it either but i wouldn't say i don't like it.

Food for thought regarding the APO series by cp44:


"I'm dividing these mods into 9 basically because Nexus doesn't give nearly as much notice to users for updates as new files. Files that start small and grow slowly tend to get buried on the Nexus. When I finish, I think I'll consolidate the 9 separate mods into one and add a significant new feature. So at some point this will turn into one massive mod with like 10+ main files."


Eventually 1 file to install per your wiki instructions & we're good to go. Heavy/Skimpy being the most recent of the 9 now uploaded.

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Ok guys i want some options. I think we should drop APO - Cloth as most of the armors double up with APO - Light I just find it odd the Mod Author choose to do that. And we coudl install the 3 other armors from the orginal mods.


well if you drop Cloth version you'll have to install 4 armors and the light version has only 3 additional armors (btw from light version we already had them almost all except Dark Envoy). So by math cloth wins. Anyway just 2 armors are the same Scarlet dawn and yennefer. Does these conflict with each other or why one has to go?

Edited by paul666root
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well if you drop Cloth version you'll have to install 4 armors and the light version has only 3 additional armors (btw from light version we already had them almost all except Dark Envoy). So by math cloth wins. Anyway just 2 armors are the same Scarlet dawn and yennefer. Does these conflict with each other or why one has to go?

the only difference is the materials needed to craft the armors and enchantmnet by the looks of it.



Food for thought regarding the APO series by cp44:


"I'm dividing these mods into 9 basically because Nexus doesn't give nearly as much notice to users for updates as new files. Files that start small and grow slowly tend to get buried on the Nexus. When I finish, I think I'll consolidate the 9 separate mods into one and add a significant new feature. So at some point this will turn into one massive mod with like 10+ main files."


Eventually 1 file to install per your wiki instructions & we're good to go. Heavy/Skimpy being the most recent of the 9 now uploaded.

intresting didn't know that. I did notice there was a "skimmpy" version which we won't be installing.

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Ok everyone needs to go and show Whetstone of some love as he has fixed the placement of Sofia now when you first meet here she can now be found the empty far left whiterun stable there is a gate you can open to get to her. This fix has been rolled into the lastest CR.

Edited by Darth_mathias
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Bloody hell, just doing the mod merging for my extended extended load order is taking me forever!  So not looking forward to the CR...


Anyhoo, question for anyone who knows - one of the mods I have added is Cliffside Cottage (player home) which has Vivid Weathers.esp as one of it's masters (it's in the Tamriel worldspace so interacts with weather).  Vivid Weathers.esp is obviously now part of Vivid Weathers - Merged.esp and I don't want to simply rename that esp given that the guide points out the mod author requires this exact naming convention.  So I am wondering if I can use WryeBash and rename the required master in the Cliffside Cottage plugin to Vivid Weathers - Merged.esp (plugin details tab, right click on Vivid Weathers.esp and rename)?  Would this be OK?

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