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SRLE Extended

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  On 1/9/2016 at 3:34 PM, caiuscosades said:

Hello Darth_Mathias and DarkladyLexy,


As a long time SRLE / STEP user who spent dozens if not hundreds of hours testing pretty much every pack combination available, I must say this one is shaping up really well. I'm especially glad that you integrated Bjin's mods in such a toughtful way, as well as some of the best followers out there. Thank you very much for your dedication, I'm Iooking forward to install this extension.


Forgive me if this has already been discussed, but do you plan to include other mods like Vilja, Anna NPCs (which features interactions with vanilla and 3DNPCs followers), Interesting NPCs (I know the latter is covered by SRLE : Explorer's Edition, but still), and perhap's Mirai - the girl with a Dragon Heart ?


Thanks again, and congratulations for your wedding !

My wife uses Mirai - the girl with a Dragon Heart in her game and I must admit I like her so she is up for consideration. To be honest Vija annoys me never used Anna NPC's

I find 3DNPCs followers and Interesting NPC's to fairly resource heavy and require a bit of work to make compatilbe that being said I may look at it down the road, I have have to start being careful about the esp count as we have now hit 208

Posted (edited)

I am sorry to do this guys and girls but my Wife has been doing some more testing and has found a major issue with the last CR I updated yesterday so a new will have to be uploaded this unfortunanltey mean Immersive college of winterhold is now once again required by the new CR.

Edited by Darth_mathias
  On 1/9/2016 at 3:43 PM, Darth_mathias said:

My wife uses Mirai - the girl with a Dragon Heart in her game and I must admit I like her so she is up for consideration. To be honest Vija annoys me never used Anna NPC's

I find 3DNPCs followers and Interesting NPC's to fairly resource heavy and require a bit of work to make compatilbe that being said I may look at it down the road, I have have to start being careful about the esp count as we have now hit 208

I never used them either (except for 3DNPCs), but they looked potentially interesting. I hope you'll include Mirai someday then, I would love to play with her using Chaconne's face thanks to NPC Visual Transfer Tool. Keep up the good work !
  On 1/9/2016 at 5:23 PM, caiuscosades said:

I never used them either (except for 3DNPCs), but they looked potentially interesting. I hope you'll include Mirai someday then, I would love to play with her using Chaconne's face thanks to NPC Visual Transfer Tool. Keep up the good work !

If I do include her (which my wife has been nagging me to do for the past 3 days) I will most likely use the customizer by ClearanceClarence - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65724/?

  On 1/9/2016 at 7:41 PM, Darth_mathias said:

I need some suggestions for home mods


I am currently thinking Breezehome FullyUpgradable - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11158/?

Darth, here are some good homes that I have been looking at:


Druid's Den - Collector's Edition (by Saerilith and Icecreamassassin) [major update / rewrite uploaded recently. The best house mod out there right now, in my opinion. A few minor bugs, but they should be fixed in a few weeks when ICA returns to this mod after the update to Legacy of the Dragonborn]

Jaggarsfeld (by xJACKTHERIPPERx and DarthXile) / Jaggarsfeld Extended (by TechAngel85) [Another fantastic house mod. Tech has fixed this one up very well. The Extended mod requires the original Jaggarsfeld.]

Lakeview Manor Evolved (by mrpdean) [Another cool house mod...this one changes up one of the Hearthfire homes. It has recently come out of beta.]


a few conditions on home mods suggestions they need to in a central location easliy accessable once owned with plenty of storage and the ability to craft items. i like house that you have to improve yourself

if Morskom Estate - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57141/? was closer to whiterun I would have not hesitation in adding this


Jaggerfeld and Jaggersfeld extended possibilites I helped Techangel test it out (I actually discoved his Tes5Edit bug)

Posted (edited)
  On 1/9/2016 at 8:33 PM, xXSHMATTOXx said:

Regarding Dragon Combat Overhaul, you may want to take a look at some forums like this one https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/3dpiz0/correcting_a_few_misconceptions_regarding_dragon/

It Seems that that the Miraak bug is a vanilla issue, just googling Dragon Combat Overhaul Miraak brought up many forums of people with the bug, many of which had never had the mod installed. 

i might do another straw poll on dragon combat mods


new straw poll https://strawpoll.me/6493514 I will let it run for a few days. so I am done for today have fun

Edited by Darth_mathias
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