brokenpaine Posted August 18, 2015 Posted August 18, 2015 Immersive Jewelry by Forteverum The release version of this mod has just gone live. The mod is now out of beta and provides a host of new features. Read below. This mod is not only a synthesis of nearly every jewelry pack or mod on the Nexus, but an expansion of them all several times over, including retextures, leveled lists, and both a new crafting and a new enchanting system. This mod turns jewelry from mere dress up accessories into an integral part of the world... into TREASURE.For all its visual immersion and AI simulation of a medieval fantasy world, the core game mechanic of Skyrim is largely about questing for treasure, bringing it back to town to sell, and then improving oneself so that you can get even more. Treasure is at least what sustains and fuels the forward momentum of the story, so shouldn't it have more attention paid to it? This mod aims to benefit the immersiveness of exploration and discovery by fleshing out the history of the world through its most precious artifacts - the things men steal and kill for: jewels. A completely lore based system of magical correspondences revolving around the gems and metals as "Earth Bones" and their astrological resonance with the Aedric planets, meaning that some stone and metal combinations are better for certain enchantments than others. Enchantment becomes a matter of questing and experimentation and not mere power leveling until the skill is maxed. Every piece of jewelry will respond to enchantments in different ways - you can experiment with them or actually study the art of enchantment in the same way you study alchemy.More than 4200 jewelry variants distributed through new leveled lists, with different jewelry types according to culture, era, and social status, +600 more enchanted variants. Different jewelry will be found in draugr ruins than in dwemer ruins as well as among the forsworn, and even among vampires, in the spirit of mods like Skyrim Coin Replacer. Why so many gem and metal combinations? Because enchantment works differently on every piece.Every one of the 1700 rings included in this mod may be swapped instantly from the left to the right by clicking right equip or left equip, the same as equipping weapons in the right or left hand. Custom enchanted rings and custom named rings can also be swapped with their names and enchantments intact. One does not need to forge to swap rings, nor find rings for one hand or the other. More than 200 bracelets may also be found and swapped.It is possible to wear a total of four rings (3 + the Ring of Matrimony) and 2 bracelets, making "unlimited" mods less necessary.A new crafting system for every piece of jewelry based on realistic metal portions, with several new sizes of ingots and raw ring shanks factoring into the crafting process. This crafting system is an expansion of the standard ingot smithing system and does not alter it, other than material weight.A realistic revaluation of precious metal and its potential use as bullion. Now a gold ingot found in a treasure hoard of sacked ship cargo will be worth a whole lot more than a Honningbrew Mead, and you'll craft a whole lot more than 2 rings from it.Complete and absolute consistency with regard to item value based on material components and standardized tooling done in the creation of the item. This was painstakingly calculated for each piece of jewelry. The same considerations were made for weight - now the value of a piece is reflected in the amount of precious material composing it.Apothecaries and alchemy shops now stock recipes for enchanting combinations alongside the potion recipes.Gems are now categorized by size and weight rather than luster and clarity, to justify the visual discrepancy in size of some of the featured jewelry pieces. The centerpiece of a circlet is no longer the same flawless gem as the one that barely covers your knuckle.Crafting recipes for every one of the more than 4200 jewelry variants, which only appear in the crafting menu if you have one of the needed ingredients.New religious amulets found in Draugr ruins with triple animal motifs that reflect the different pantheon of the ancient Nords.Unique meshes and jewelry pieces for every remaining jewelry or quest item or jewelry reward item in the game that re-used vanilla meshes. Rings like Madesi's ring or Viola's Ring are now visually unique, which justifies their retrieval quests.Three well written lorebooks distributed throughout the world which explain both the crafting system and the proper correspondences for enchantment, including one written in rhyming verse.The shopkeepers who have dialogue mentioning their "unique" cultural craftsmanship now truly sell a selection of pieces appropriate to their race and different from anyone else.Built for compatibility with Kryptopyr's Complete Crafting Overhaul and its innate system for boosting enchantment power based on value, which creates even more combinations in the search for the perfect piece of jewelry for your enchantment.New imprefvicticious textures and cubemaps for pieces from several popular jewelry mods, which give an updated look to the included pieces. New ground objects for jewelry mods that did not have them, plus new previously unreleased meshes with gem transparency. Interesting, Lore friendly, super SEXY jewelry, check out the vid also, dudes voice is hilarious! (at least for me, no offense intended)Could be a possible replacer for GemlingQueenJewelry in Step. I'm about to load it up via StepCore and Extended. I'll let you know what I find in TesEdit. :) 1
remotely Posted September 8, 2015 Posted September 8, 2015 Just noticed that there's no link. Here it is: I'm enjoying this mod. Before I'd only pick up jewelry to sell (or fence) but now I find myself inspecting all jewelry and jewels, and hording the most impressive pieces. Like the OP states, "super SEXY jewelry." It's also lore-friendly: I'm finding jewelry where the style makes sense (e.g., ancient nordic-styled jewelry deep in nordic tombs), and there's even uniquely-styled jewelry. Gem type and metal type matter when enchanting, too, which make enchanting less dull by having an experimental aspect to it (no more "I'll imbue an enchantment on this random ring I found when exploring, then never take it off again"). v1 of the mod added in swappable left/right-hand rings, which I found impressive because it's a versatile feature that it feels like the game has always needed. But the feature is not overpowered (you can't wear an unlimited number of rings, just 4 total and all of which are visible). It's a huge improvement on the previous version (v0.99), which did not have the swapping script. The mod has cut down on the number of mods I use, too, since it already includes 26 (?) different mod's meshes and textures. It's also compatible with Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade (CCOR). 1
paradoxbound Posted September 20, 2015 Posted September 20, 2015 I am trying this out now, just a note this mod adds weight to septims, not a bad thing in my humble opinion, so the Exchange currency mod is a must. It also causes issues with slots clashing with Dual Sheath Redux. I don't think it is a candidate for core or extended but I do think it is a potentially great mod for including in an economy overhaul STEP pack. This is a type of pack that is sadly missing.
Forteverum Posted September 20, 2015 Posted September 20, 2015 (edited) My thanks to those who have been discussing this mod. Let me point out in response to the above poster that while there is a conflict with the default Dual Sheath Redux settings because of the use of three left handed slots for rings and bracelets, there is a guide posted on the front page that suggests alternate slots that can be used with Dual Sheath Redux and helps to avoid conflicts with other popular mods' slot choices when making replacement choices. Immersive Jewelry does have features of an economy overhaul when used with other mods like Exchange Currency, Investment Price Config, etc., but for those less interested in this aspect there is a "twink version" that does not add weight to coins or realistically alter ingot weights. The mod continues to be developed and presently I'm working on a patch for Wintermyst so that the variety of jewelry added is seen in Wintermyst enchanted varieties and with the swapping left hand ring function. Since I have always been a user of STEP since 2012, I would be interested in what the mod might need to become a part of STEP. Edited September 21, 2015 by Forteverum
TechAngel85 Posted September 20, 2015 Posted September 20, 2015 The first thing that comes to mind is compatibility with Complete Crafting Overhaul.
Forteverum Posted September 20, 2015 Posted September 20, 2015 On 9/20/2015 at 7:38 PM, TechAngel85 said: The first thing that comes to mind is compatibility with Complete Crafting Overhaul.-which it certainly does have by taking advantage of several of CCOR's features, the most important of which is CCOR's toggle to deactivate certain recipes from showing in the crafting menu. Further, every jewelry piece is tagged with CCOR's keyword to alter enchantment strength based on value. Finally, the forsworn weapons it adds are tagged to work with the "learn to craft" feature that CCOR has, which is done by breaking down forsworn equipment. 2
paradoxbound Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 Been playing with it a few hours now and I like it. Setup was trivial, no patching and it took 5 seconds to change the slots on Dual Sheath Redux. Play well with CCOR which is a must for me. As far as I am concerned it does what it say tin. Could be a contender for extended but it does add changes over the original game with extra jewellery styles, however they make a lot of sense lore wise. 1
Crimson13 Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 I'll admit that it sounds awesome, at the same time I loath mods adding weight to the currency. I don't understand why this mod adds it, it's about jewelry what does it have to with money weight?
TechAngel85 Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 On 9/26/2015 at 11:31 PM, Crimson13 said: I'll admit that it sounds awesome, at the same time I loath mods adding weight to the currency. I don't understand why this mod adds it, it's about jewelry what does it have to with money weight?There are a lot of mods that do similar things...adds/changes something that has nothing to do with the mod's content. Take the player home, Jaggarsfeld, for example. While creating my extension mod for it, I discovered a ton of edits to things that have nothing to do with the mod itself, like edits to worldspaces which are not in the slightest bit connected to the mod in any way. I chalk most of these things up to newbie mistakes that just never got fixed. I think this one is intentional though because the author changes the way some crafting items work, like the ingots. I'm sure the weighted money stemmed from those changes to keep it consistent. For example, you take 200 gold that weighs nothing to make a gold ingot that weights 20lbs...where did the weight come from? So for consistency, you make the gold coins weigh 0.1lb each which would equal the weight of the gold ingot. Law of even exchange. Disclaimer: The example above is purely speculative and those numbers are purely for the example given. I have no idea the weights this mod adds nor the reason for them.
Forteverum Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 (edited) Techangel is basically right, but it's more than that. The mod isn't about "jewelry" per se, but "jewelry-as-treasure". Part of assigning value to objects is the ratio of value to weight. The diversity of new items are made of many different materials, and these different materials also have many different properties including value, enchantment tendencies, and weight. It's not just a jewelry mod, it's an immersion mod, and the immersion it adds is specifically related to what the character ought to desire and prefer in looting. (other than the different jewelry in different cultures' dungeons) The assignment of a weight of .01 to a septim is not at all an arbitrary thing that was assigned to the coin willy nilly, but something with a specific purpose. There are 4200 pieces of jewelry added by Immersive Jewelry, and the weight of every single piece is accurate in proportion to its composition against the weight of a septim. I did this by hand for every piece based on its recipe, in addition to calculating its value the same way. This is explained in a long article that is posted at the mod's Nexus site called "How I arrived at Ingot Weights": To summarize the article, it basically states that, taking 500 septims with a weight of .01 "feathers" and a value of "1", then you have a pile of 500 septim coins with a weight of 5. Taking the value of gold (in CCOR) and the value of copper, and using chemistry to calculate the weight by mass if those septims are only 40% gold and 60% copper, you arrive at a gold bar that weighs 2.954 Skyrim "feathers", and a bar and a half of copper. Immersive Jewelry replaces this gold bar with a smaller palm sized mesh for realism and to make gold seem more valuable. The old forearm sized mesh is used for a 10x size (and value) quantity which appears in all the old places in the world that a gold ingot was supposed to be a good reward, like the pirate treasures or the hold of the Blackblood marauders. Via the proportions of atomic density, this also allows you to calculate that an iron bar weighs 1.2 feathers, which is reasonably close to vanilla. In fact, using atomic density proportions for every element, we can arrive at weights for silver, copper and malachite as well. The mod gives quicksilver the atomic density of zinc for this calculation, orichalcum that of lead, and moonstone that of feldspar (orthoclase moonstone). Since bars can make 4 rings each, you end up with quicksilver rings of .25, silver rings of .40, and gold rings of .75, which is not only reasonably close to vanilla, but manages to be justifiably consistent throughout - especially when the weight/value ratio of these objects when appearing as loot is matched against the player's carried septims. The result is that gold and silver things are more valuable when of large mass, but not necessarily when of small mass, where ebony and elven things can shine. The point was to fix game problems like too much endgame gold and meaningless value of gold ingots. If playing with limited carry weight mods, the mod was intended to give incentive to players to loot jewelry rather than clutter. If using the Exchange Currency mod that was designed to work with Immersive Jewelry, it gives incentive to prefer carrying notes over bullion, and bullion over coins. Hunting for jewelry and true "treasure" justifies the suicidal risk of venturing into ancient crypts that stacks of bloody "hide armor" and 100 septim gold bars do not. The mod adds an ingame lore book from a fictional imperial goldsmith's guild that explains how the value of every piece of jewelry can be appraised to the exact septim. Of course, if the intended sense of continuity and "realism" that the mod tries to create with the above calculations isn't as important as the player's sense of convenience when playing, one can just download the .esp of the mod that doesn't have coin weight or specially weighted ingots. Edited September 27, 2015 by Forteverum
Shadriss Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 Thanks for the full explanation - it makes sense on a lot of levels. Honestly... there's only one thing that prevents me from using this... 4200 pieces is just WAY too many for me to go through and figure out. :) I mean... sure, it'll have a lot of use in that respect, but holy CRAP that's a lot of things to filter through. If this had a way of creating jewelry similar to how Enchantment works (pick a metal in this menu, a jewel in this one...) then it might be more manageable, but even in CCOR, that is a LONG potential list of stuff. Add into that the way SKYUI does crafting menus now... *shudder* Much respect for the work though... just... too many choices!
Forteverum Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 (edited) On 9/27/2015 at 5:42 AM, Shadriss said: Thanks for the full explanation - it makes sense on a lot of levels. Honestly... there's only one thing that prevents me from using this... 4200 pieces is just WAY too many for me to go through and figure out. :) I mean... sure, it'll have a lot of use in that respect, but holy CRAP that's a lot of things to filter through. If this had a way of creating jewelry similar to how Enchantment works (pick a metal in this menu, a jewel in this one...) then it might be more manageable, but even in CCOR, that is a LONG potential list of stuff. Add into that the way SKYUI does crafting menus now... *shudder* Much respect for the work though... just... too many choices! lol Wait a minute, the point isn't that you're supposed to craft all these things. The point is that you never know what you're gonna find out in the world, and will still be finding new things in new playthroughs. Loot is what dungeon crawling all about, so it should be interesting loot. As far as the crafting menu goes, in addition to CCOR's toggles, you can only craft pieces based on what kind of gem you have in your inventory, so it is very like what you're suggesting. Plus, every gem mineral appears in 5 sizes, so if you're only holding one of those sizes in your inventory, you're only seeing 20% of what you can craft out of a particular gem. Add to that the fact that there are perk and quest requirements to these things too, and it's very manageable. Edited September 27, 2015 by Forteverum
Shadriss Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 True, as far as it goes. But when you throw in how enchantments affect each combination? THAT'S where the issue starts for me. Maybe on my next playthrough... but for now, or until someone simplifies the process (Archery enchants work best with this metal and this jewel...) I just don't have TIME to check all those possibilities.
Forteverum Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 (edited) On 9/27/2015 at 7:05 AM, Shadriss said: True, as far as it goes. But when you throw in how enchantments affect each combination? THAT'S where the issue starts for me. Maybe on my next playthrough... but for now, or until someone simplifies the process (Archery enchants work best with this metal and this jewel...) I just don't have TIME to check all those possibilities.It's supposed to be like alchemy, where you experiment and learn throughout the course of a playthrough. You never thought alchemy was something you didn't have time for, and would be better with a system where you just made potions instantly, did you? The way enchantment is in vanilla, the way to get good effects is to simply grind them - you can just enchant iron daggers over and over again. With this system, if you use the right combination, you don't have to be such a master enchanter, so you don't have to grind. To ease the burden of "checking" all the possibilities, though, you can find recipes at the alchemy shops, just like with potions. They also drop on warlock and forsworn characters sometimes. Of course, you can also learn from the enchanted jewelry items you find - they're always a good example of a fruitful combination. Then of course, there's the two lorebooks that explain them all comprehensively. I wrote the second one entirely in rhyming verse, you know. Not only have I given you a way to find and explain the enchanting system for yourself all in one, but I went to the trouble of making it rhyme and have meter, for gods sake. lol What more would one have to do? Edited September 27, 2015 by Forteverum
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