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Texture 1.


Texture 2 coming soon.




In fact I will do some proper testing and will also attach with and without NACMM for both textures, then move the images to the OP.




OP updated.




I am going to start using your mod and ditch QMwR and NACMIM, but - again - I would really appreciate:

- Merged ESP for Dawnguard and Dragonborn for Texture 1 and 2

- No Player Marker for Texture 1.


I would also encourage Mod Testers and Admins to have a look at this mod!


As far as any colored map marker mod goes, they all should be compatible.  You just have to install it after mine.


The only thing edited when changing the map markers is map.swf. You can see that my mod also changes the color and size of the markers to fit the style of the map, so that obviously means you will be overwriting my map.swf with another.  That's all you have to do.


If you can, post some screenshots of how it looks in your game with Texture 1, no ENB. Just curious to see how the color is different from pc to pc.


and thanks for the kind words


I'll post the screenshots here tonight, no problem. How about the changes I requested, would you be able to implement them?



Yes, I can implement those things.  I already had a No Player Marker for Texture 1, but I had to update the texture, so I removed it temporarily.  I will have it back up.


I can also merge the esp's for Dawnguard and Dragonborn, but it is not on my super important things to do currently.  I will get it done though.


I was going to install this mod but one of the comments says:


...the lines "uLockedObjectMapLOD=" and "uLockedTerrainLOD=" in the .ini are known to cause the infinite loading bug and are sadly required to make this mod work ( Removing those two lines from the .ini also removes the textures/background scene from the map ). I'd get an infinite load every time I went from The Bannered Mare -> Whiterun while this was active. As soon as I disabled it, sure enough the infinite loading stopped. If you've got a lot of mods (~150+, I'd say) then use this map overhaul at your own discretion.

Can someone else confirm this?


The guy has 150+ mods installed, which is his problem.  Disregard what he says please.


I have never encountered the infinite load screen as long as I've been using it, and I haven't had any other users complain about it being an issue.







I also want to mention that I will be editing the lighting of the map menu for those who don't use ENB. It will be slightly brighter, with a tad more contrast.


That's great, I'll track your file. I use Texture 2 with no player marker for now. The fact that the map zooms in on your location is actually a nice feature, as if you use a map, you should really know where you are - briefly. Player marker was somewhat an equivalent of modern GPS locator, which didn't feel right for Skyrim. Map zoomed in to your location, but without you actually being able to see the exact position is realistic I think. Therefore I wouldn't fix it, but accept it as a "feature".


As for ILS - I use nearly 400 mods in my current set up. ILS' started only recently, but they are inconsistent and not very frequent. Installing your mod had no impact on frequency or consistency of them.

  • 3 weeks later...

Excellent.  I need to download my whole mod collection afresh, and this map will definitely be in my new permanent setup.  Though it's a big change to the vanilla 3d map, the design looks entirely in keeping with the maps seen throughout the game, and feels like it was always meant to be this way.


I can't seem to get this mod to work, I get the map to load but the markers seems to float on the map and as I scroll the map, the markers move not relative to the map scrolling and end up changing spots. Anyone have this problem? Have I installed this incorrectly?


It's too bad, I really like the looks of this map, it harkens back to the days when you got a "shitty" cloth map with your Elder Scrolls game.........


Hang on a minute... I just ordered the Elder Scroll Anthology and that comes with several "shitty" cloth maps... what do others do with these cloth maps?

  • 4 months later...

I remember this mod had quite a few conflicts that required a custom patch - it may be due to those.

Is patch/conflict(s) documented anywhere? I love the looks of this but it's way too finicky (even if putting at bottom of load order and making the SkUI tweak) for me to feel comfortable with it.


I too much preferred it visually over vanilla. I'll give the unpacking thing ago, I was still using NMM last time I tried it. :) Appreciate the response! The conflict with SkyUI isn't likely to spam an error log or anything is it? Papyrus is still a bit beyond my scope of knowledge for now. ;)


Gopher has made a Mod sanctuary about all that is essential in this mod.

>_< All he said was to untick the SkyUI map box, which is in the readme for the mod page. I'd already used the mod successfully, I just wasn't sure if there was some hidden thing going on on the backend that could screw anything up.


The fact that if ANYthing ends up after it in the load order it freaks out makes me apprehensive, which is why I removed it for my "real" playthrough.

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