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This topic is specifically for FNIS related issues when using Mod Organizer.



EDIT: 17th April 2016.

Due to @fore's "issues" with MO he has pulled all support and directed it here.


Let it be stated that the "issues" he notes are due to user error and there is no inherent issue with FNIS running in MO.


Further his claim that FNIS WILL NOT run through MO on Windows 10 machines is just wrong! DO NOT follow the advice he offers regarding using FNIS and MO.



Setting up FNIS to run through MO


Install it like any other mod through MO and make sure it is active (checkmarked) in the left pane mod list.


Since you must launch FNIS through Mod Organizer in order for it to recognize your mods, add FNIS to the list of executables by doing the following:

  1. Click the gears icon Gear_MO.png.
  2. In the Title field, type FNIS.
  3. For the Binary field, browse to your FNIS installation (should be located in <ModOrganizer>/mods/Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS/tools/GenerateFNIS_for_Users) and select the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe application.
  4. Click the Add button. This will add FNIS to your executables list.
  5. Click OK.

Now each time you want to run FNIS, simply select it from the drop-down menu at top right and click Run.


Running through MO

  1. Launch FNIS through MO
  2. In the Available Patches at the bottom of the window, check the boxes for all necessary patches in your setup.
  3. Click the [update FNIS Behavior] button and wait for a message to appear in the window stating "X animations for Y mods successfully included.".
  4. Click [Exit].

After closing FNIS, there will be files in Overwrite (essentially a fake mod located at the bottom of the left pane if sorted by priority ascending) created by FNIS. Right-click Overwrite and select Create Mod, name it FNIS Output and click OK. This will create a new mod listing in the left pane for the FNIS generated files. You will then need to check it to enable it. Each subsequent time you update FNIS behavior, you must open Overwrite and drag the new files back to this mod.


Common Errors

Error 53 or 2012

"Could not find file <path to file>\1hm_behavior.hkx


Ensure the animation sets you have installed are correctly placed in priority in the left-hand pane and FNIS is using the one you want. Open the Data tab in the right-hand pane and examine the filetree to see which animation is being used in the VFS.

Navigate the filetree by expanding: data>meshes>actors>character>behaviors> and see which mod is providing the file.

If the file name is displayed in red, the mouse tooltip will show which other mods are also providing this file. Move the correct mod to the correct location.


Additional cause for Error 2012


A user(@patchling) had Spybot - Search & Destroy+AV 2.5 installed and was constantly getting JIT and 2012 errors, specifically the 0_master.xml was not found. The file was placed in the FNIS temporary_log folder ready for processing but before that could happen it was removed by said program. Opening the start menu > settings > live protection > mode > uncheck "Scan programs before they start" apparently stops that behaviour.



Error dialogue

GenerateFNISForUsers.exe - This application could not be started.

This application could not be started.

Do you want to view information about this issue?


Simply close the dialogue by pressing "No" and enable FNIS in the Left-hand pane. Correct FNIS installation and use explains this in the wiki.


Why does the 6.2 Add-on not look correct in MO?

What you need to remember here is MO is designed to handle 'mods' and what we are installing with FNIS, and its add-ons, are 'tools'.

This means MO is looking for the correct folder structure for a 'mod' as seen by the game. The archive for the 6.2 add-on has as its top folder: "tools" and this is correct for FNIS, not the game.

Simply 'set the data folder' so that the "tools" folder is now at the top of the tree and ignore the next dialogue that asks if you are sure.

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  • 0
Posted (edited)

No way to edit a post twice?


Bit the bullet and moved Skyrim. Apparently Steam does allow for multiple directories per drive (in Settings > Downloads rather than the install prompt), and the whole process was actually quite painless.


Except, the error persists. No idea where to go from here.

Edited by Kolaris
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Is MO also installed outside of program files?


Do you have MO or anything else set to run as administrator? If everything is outside of program files, make sure MO and everything else is NOT set to run as administrator. When everything tries to talk to each other, if one thing has higher privileges than another, this can also cause permissions issues.

  • 0

MO is inside the Skyrim directory, so it moved along with it. Everything is cleared out of the old Program Files directory. Tried all combinations of Admin on/off, UAC on/off.


I'm a bit confused by what's being displayed in FNIS and the log file. Why is Bathing in Skyrim being read first? It's lower in both MO's left pane as well as the load order. And I'm pretty sure SR:LE had me install many other animation mods which I'd expect to see mentioned.

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I'm having some problems with FNIS and Mod Organizer while trying to load a save game. If I start from the save game that I've downloaded (a mod-free save from right after the intro carriage ride as that is buggy as hell) it plays fine right up until i quit the game and try to launch the latest save. At that point it crashes. The end of my Papyrus log looks like this:

[08/20/2016 - 05:44:18AM] error: File "Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 23
[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[08/20/2016 - 05:44:18AM] error: File "Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 27
[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[08/20/2016 - 05:44:18AM] [Arissa] Loaded: SkyUI.esp
[08/20/2016 - 05:44:18AM] error: File "Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 31
[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[08/20/2016 - 05:44:18AM] error: File "Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 35
[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[08/20/2016 - 05:44:18AM] FNISSM started.
As you can see it crashes when it tries to load FNISSM (Sexy Move). It did the same thing for PCEA2 but I am much more okay with not having that mod.
Please please help me, I just want this to work and not have to go back to NMM.
  • 0
  On 8/20/2016 at 2:14 PM, Greg said:

The save you downloaded depends on all the old unofficial patches so it won't work with USLEEP. The best advice I can give you is to delete that save, install Alternate Start: Live Another Life and use one of the alternate starts if your goal is to avoid having to go through the vanilla carriage ride.

Actually, EnTorg's issue stems from something else.  Those are normal GetFormFromFile checks that USLEEP does in order to remind users in-game that they can't use USKP patches with USLEEP.  The save file does not depend on USKP patches.


@EnTorg  The papyrus log is not a crash log.  Try using Crash Fixes as it may prevent the crash entirely or if you turn the logging option on (beta v12 only) it can tell you what may have been the cause of the crash.  At any rate, the use of LAL is still advisable if you want to skip the opening Helgen sequence.

  • 0

Okay, let's just say that that didn't work. In response to Greg, I used a script tool in TES5Edit that switched the mod dependency of all of my mods that required the old Unofficial Patches to USLEEP and I'm not that worried about the starting a new game thing, it's mostly to avoid that flipping carriage bug (basically carriage ragdolling all over the place), but the suggestion to use LAL is much appreciated.


In response to Ishara, I downloaded Crash Fixes v12 and it told me that I was experiencing a FootIK error. After a little digging around I found that this is an error that seems to effect games with too many animations. So I disabled all of the poser mods that I had installed, re-ran FNIS, and went ahead and launched the game. Good new? The save game loads. Bad news? Something is wrong with my skin texture and the game gives me the dual errors of "FNIS Sexy Move" and "FNIS PCEA2" stopped with ERROR(s): Last FNIS generation failed. I am running FNIS from within MO and then merge the files created in the overwrite mod into an FNIS Output mod. I don't see how this process is going wrong as I am using the FNISGenerateforUsers every time before I run the game, merging the files, and activating that mod. I also make double sure to turn off the Output mod before generating new behavior. It always tells me that I have passed the generation and there are no warnings or conflicts. 


As for the skin glitch, it showed up right after I removed all of my posers from the game and appears on both old save files and new games. It is very odd because my skin texture appears to still be there but only from certain angles. View from top down my character is nothing but black in the classic style of everything but hands feet and head. Zoom in close and position the camera looking up at the character and the original skin texture seems to poke through in strange manner.


At this point I have to ask, could I just export some of my most essential mods to a new profile in MO and try to use them from there?



  • 0

Sure, you can create a new profile in MO and activate only the mods that you want to use.  All of your installed mods will still show in the left pane, but only the ones you activate will be used for that particular profile.


Side note:

If you want to install a currently installed mod with different options for a new profile, simply re-name the current installed mod folder (I tend to use - ), then re-install the mod from your downloads tab (unless of course you imported from a file, in which case re-import)

  • 0

Thank you Ishara, I'm trying to go through that process now, while deactivating the least amount of mods possible. I currently have 228 and it's hard to keep a game stable with that many.

  • 0
Posted (edited)

I'm having a bit of a weird thing happening. If not an actual 'issue'.


What seems to be happening is that every time i start the game (or load a save?), FNIS (or maybe TK Dodge/TK Hitstop both of which i use and are working properly) is generating Meshes/~AnimationDataSingleFile.txt in the Overwrite folder.


The exact same .txt file has already been in my fnis - output mod for a while now, so i just keep deleting the newly generated one rather then merge and replace.


Any ideas what is causing this and how to stop it?

Edited by Brumball
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  On 8/30/2016 at 12:16 AM, Brumball said:

I'm having a bit of a weird thing happening. If not an actual 'issue'.


What seems to be happening is that every time i start the game (or load a save?), FNIS (or maybe TK Dodge/TK Hitstop both of which i use and are working properly) is generating Meshes/~AnimationDataSingleFile.txt in the Overwrite folder.


The exact same .txt file has already been in my fnis - output mod for a while now, so i just keep deleting the newly generated one rather then merge and replace.


Any ideas what is causing this and how to stop it?

Actually the file you are seeing is not the same as that which is in the mod created by FNIS. Notice the tilde ~ at the start of the filename? This is the working copy of the file and it is being kept by mistake in MO's overwrite folder, probably due to another process hindering the FNIS tool from deleting it upon completion. Nothing reaally to worry about but I would suggest you check to see if any other processes such as AV packages, firewalls, drive imaging or other software is active.

  • 0

Hey All. Really stumped for the last few days. I cant find help on error 55 anywhere...

My modlist is 266, plugins 248 - cannot figure out which one is causing this:


-FNIS 6.3XXL (with spells, creatures, and extra main update file for 12000 custom animations (instead of 8000)).

-FNIS sexy move 6.1

-Immersive animations.... (tried FOmod with 2 main checked and all option checked)

-Immersive Armors patch.... for CBBE - TBBP - Bodyslide (with imp fix, nord heavy fix, bodyslid conversions



-Arch gameplay overhaul

-added xp32's "New Animation for 1H Weapon to see if that would fill in the missing 1hm_attackpowerforwardsprint.hkx crap







FNIS Behavior V6.3 XXL   10/7/2016 11:56:12 PM
Skyrim: - E:\New Steam\steamapps\common\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\ (Steam)

Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMS2BBP (129 bones)   male: XPMS2BBP (129 bones)
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix"
Patch: * xp32's "New Animation for 1H Weapon"
Patch: * DServant's "Archery Gameplay Overhaul"
Patch: * tktk1's "TK Dodge / Ultimate Combat"  

Installing FNIS PCEA2

ERROR(55): Could not find a part of the path '..\..\meshes\actors\character\animations\FNIS_PCEA2\1Bergzore_ImmersiveAnimations\1hm_attackpowerforwardsprint.hkx'.





  • 0
Posted (edited)

Thanks for the response Greg. Is there a list of all the FNIS errors somewhere that Im not aware of?


I have no antivirus installed. I checked my file path in the error: \meshes\actors\character\animations\FNIS_PCEA2\1Bergzore_ImmersiveAnimations\1hm_attackpowerforwardsprint.hkx'. and sure enough there is nothing there.


Here is proof of there being no PCEA2 folder in that location as I stated above when I checked:

E:\New Steam\steamapps\common\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Mod Organizer\MO Versions\Mod Organizer v1.3.11\mods\Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS\Meshes\actors\character\animations.......

>FNISBase (folder)

>FNISCreature Version (folder)

>FNISSpells (folder)



Now that I think about it, PCEA2 did not download right away in MO downloads list. It just kind of remained at 0%. I had to force close the program and cancel the specific download. All my other mods had no problem. Even big downloads like INPCs started after a few minutes. Why is that?

Edited by solution9

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