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Posted (edited)
  On 5/1/2015 at 12:41 PM, caiuscosades said:

Hello everyone, hello dreadflopp,


I understand this guide doesn't fully support SRLE the way REGS attempts to, but does anyone use Revenge of the ennemies along with OBIS (included by the former) ? I'd like to go with both of them, unfortunately they do conflict and it seems that problem can't be adressed by just fixing load order. See for reference the conversation between Asyrin and Jebbalon on the first page of OBIS' comments (as we speak):




Which road should I take here, considering my TES5Edit "skills" are quite limited ?


On a side note, is it too soon to include Ultimate Combat in my playthrough since you're still tweaking it ?


Thanks a lot for your guide anyway, I think I'll use most of it for my last (?) playthrough.

I load OBIS after Revenge of the Enemies, so that i can keep the OBIS bandits and all the other enemies modified by revenge of the enemies. I alway keep RotE in my load order, even if the enemies get too strong. I think it makes them much more interesting, giving them powers and perks coherent with the characteristics of the enemy (like falmer that can turn invisible or vampires that can turn into bats). Without it i find that enemies are not only easy, but too much alike on a combat point of view.

Edited by Lonewolf
  On 5/1/2015 at 12:41 PM, caiuscosades said:

Hello everyone, hello dreadflopp,

I understand this guide doesn't fully support SRLE the way REGS attempts to, but does anyone use Revenge of the ennemies along with OBIS (included by the former) ? I'd like to go with both of them, unfortunately they do conflict and it seems that problem can't be adressed by just fixing load order. See for reference the conversation between Asyrin and Jebbalon on the first page of OBIS' comments (as we speak):https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31264/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D31264%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D909993&pUp=1

Which road should I take here, considering my TES5Edit "skills" are quite limited ?

On a side note, is it too soon to include Ultimate Combat in my playthrough since you're still tweaking it ?

Thanks a lot for your guide anyway, I think I'll use most of it for my last (?) playthrough.

I think most of your questions have been answered. In use ultimate combat, I have just forgot to remove the testing note. I use it with default settings and it works really well. Revenge of the enemies is a little messy but it works. It is just not very compatible but it is easily fixed in TES5edit. Just let other mods overwrite it if you're not comfortable with solving conflict. Be careful if you use my patches, they probably overwrite OBIS since they patch RotE. You need to remove the records from the patches that overwrites OBIS. Or not use RotE. There is the mod Stronger that GPThree mentioned but I haven't tried it. You could try without RotE, the game is probably hard enough without it.


Thanks Harpalus,


On the contrary, I couldn't have hoped for a better answer. I think I'll follow your advice, skip RotE and try Combat Evolved. Any thought about Erso's Enhanced AI or Animal Tweaks ? The latter may compliment well Combat Evolved, if not redundant with SIC.


Regarding combat mods, Duke Patrick's seems interesting indeed but I can't use it for the reason you mentioned, will have to choose between UC and DE. Tough dilemma...


Thanks again.


This looks to be and interesting patch for Morrowloot. I'm sure some of this is already done by the various patches already, but this one also adds them to the world.


aMidianborn Contect Addon Morrowloot Patch


description from mod page:


"Adds Gold Ebony, Silver Ebony, Glass Steel and Glass Thalmor armors to the world as statics and removes them from leveled lists."

Posted (edited)
  On 5/1/2015 at 5:18 PM, caiuscosades said:

Thanks Harpalus,


On the contrary, I couldn't have hoped for a better answer. I think I'll follow your advice, skip RotE and try Combat Evolved. Any thought about Erso's Enhanced AI or Animal Tweaks ? The latter may compliment well Combat Evolved, if not redundant with SIC.


Regarding combat mods, Duke Patrick's seems interesting indeed but I can't use it for the reason you mentioned, will have to choose between UC and DE. Tough dilemma...


Thanks again.


Erso's Enhanced Enemy AI tweaks almost identical settings as Combat Evolved. I believe Enhanced Enemy AI only has 5 odd records that don't conflict with Combat Evolved. I've only tested Combat Evolved. Run one of the two, not both. Frankly, any claims that they work well together are placebos.


I've never used Animal Tweaks, but it's made by the same author as Combat Evolved and so it likely "does what it says on the tin". You might want to check your load order for conflicts after you've installed it. It probably conflicts with SIC and High Level Enemies, but I'm not certain without checking.


As a last recommendation, if you want to keep yourself from "backpedalling" during combat, then I also recommend the very small Backup Movement Speed Reduction. It has very minor enemy movement speed conflicts with Ultimate Combat which can be safely ignored. (I load Movement Speed Reduction after Ultimate Combat). I consider backpedalling to be one of the most common combat exploits after health potion abuse, so this one's never leaving my load order.

Edited by Harpalus

Revenge of the enemies adds flavor tithe game by adding new skills to enemies, but I'm uncertain of how balanced it is. I'm thinking of removing it. One thing I noticed, and this might apply to my play style only: crafting doesn't level naturally. The only way I've found to level crafting is to craft stuff that you are not going to use. This means that I craft lots of daggers until I reach max level in crafting. This also means I reach a higher level without leveling any combat skills and combat will be much harder. After approximately level 30 the game gets much easier. I am now going to add back the mods from the hardcore section of this pack. But I'll try without revenge of the enemies. The main reason is its compatibility issues. Even though I have resolved all of them it conflicts with many mods that people might want to use. I'm also going to try the mods harplus suggested, combat evolved as well as the mod that lowers the backpedling speed. I'm also going to check out the morrowloot patch that gpthree suggested, but that fits one of my other packs. Lastly I'm going to try to create an OBIS - Morrowloot patch and add OBIS to this pack if I succeed (it's more time consuming than hard, but there are more scripted utilities available now than last I tried).

My time has been limited lately unfortunately so this might take a week or two.


I just wanted to stop in and say thank you, Dreadflop. I've used your packs in the past and they clearly involve a lot of thought and testing. You've personally made my Skyrim much more enjoyable. It's good to see you working on this again.

  On 5/2/2015 at 10:29 PM, Asyrin said:

I just wanted to stop in and say thank you, Dreadflop. I've used your packs in the past and they clearly involve a lot of thought and testing. You've personally made my Skyrim much more enjoyable. It's good to see you working on this again.

Thanks for your kind words
Posted (edited)
  On 5/3/2015 at 10:14 PM, Asyrin said:

Any chance you'd consider a patch for PerMa and Morrowloot? It doesn't seem like anyone has made one yet...

I have tried but the leveled list in PerMa is created by the dynamic patch and the formIds will be different for every user. A morrowloot patch is therefore not possible. I might figure out how to work around this though. I'm getting some ideas right now...I won't have any time in the next few days but I'll post some thoughts on this later, possibly in one of my other threads since PerMa won't be added to this pack but rather Dovakhiin Reborn or possibly as an advances optional in the Modular Morrowloot Overhaul page. Edited by dreadflopp


Sorry, everything I try when it comes to compatibility between PerMa and Morrowloot fails. What is needed is a Morrowloot dynamic patch or xEdit script which is beyond my knowledge. What you could do is delete the leveled list from the PerMa patch using xEdit. You would miss out all weapons, armies and other items that PerMa adds to the leveled lists but it should make it compatible. The items that is craftable with PerMa would still be craftable.

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