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New STEP Vsync Settings (all STEP users affected!)


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I just did it the other day...

i set it to zero and my fps went rediculously high.


Ill look back but for me its always worked logically...

You need to test specifically how we did here with all the variable and in a 100% STEP:Core installation. https://forum.step-project.com/topic/5439-step-v229-official-bug-reports/page-17?do=findComment&comment=105371 Just turning it on and off is not really a thorough test.

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Tech just to throw it in here.... vsync settings would not care one bit if you got STEP or whatever... just starting the game in absolutely pristine would be enough! :) 


The only dilemma that can be in this case is if driver settings are set to overrride vsync, or some other application force it to do it. 

Everything when testing this should be default driver setttings (IE everything set to application controlled, and vsync obviously disabled), set in global mode... no inspector, or any other application that you might think is handy. 


I honestly think that 95% of all issues with vsync is because people are using inspector, or similar software to create profiles and somehow messed it up... (insert rant about how I fail to see the point in all that sort of software to begin with... )


Tech just to throw it in here.... vsync settings would not care one bit if you got STEP or whatever... just starting the game in absolutely pristine would be enough! :) 


The only dilemma that can be in this case is if driver settings are set to overrride vsync, or some other application force it to do it. 

Everything when testing this should be default driver setttings (IE everything set to application controlled, and vsync obviously disabled), set in global mode... no inspector, or any other application that you might think is handy. 


I honestly think that 95% of all issues with vsync is because people are using inspector, or similar software to create profiles and somehow messed it up... (insert rant about how I fail to see the point in all that sort of software to begin with... )

If you look at our testing we covered the drivers as well. We tested all combinations between driver, game (INIs), and ENBoost.


Interestingly, we found out that Nvidia when forced off or on, works as it should. AMD does not and the driver can be overridden by other instances of vsync for AMD users.


Thats what I was getting at...

leave it default which is true. It doesnt matter if the setting is in either ini because the default it 1.


Now if you want to disable it then that is when you must have the ini tweak in both inis.


AMD is very simple in its settings, too simple in my opinion.

I have always left the inis mostly default and found zero issues.

the only issues that I have encountered is VRAM but that my own deal and is kinda why I dont play it anymore.


Thats what I was getting at...

leave it default which is true. It doesnt matter if the setting is in either ini because the default it 1.


Now if you want to disable it then that is when you must have the ini tweak in both inis.


AMD is very simple in its settings, too simple in my opinion.

I have always left the inis mostly default and found zero issues.

the only issues that I have encountered is VRAM but that my own deal and is kinda why I dont play it anymore.

No! It has absolutely no impact when in SkyrimPrefs.ini. If you think it does, it is because you are not controlling for all of the factors.


See the most recent table I posted.


Again ... iPresentInterval has NO EFFECT in SkyrimPrefs.ini under ANY circumstances. It belongs in Skyrim.ini, and Skyrim itself misplaces it in SkyrimPrefs.ini (How do we know? Because the auto-generated INIs contain the setting there, and it has no impact there, but it does in Skyrim.ini).


EDIT: I altered instructions in all of the guides (I think) to handle the exception caused by Skyrim Configurator


I did something wrong right from the start.


When I downloaded Nvidia Inspector I moved the .exe file to my desktop and ran it from there. All my settings and options within Nividia Inspector were detailed in my first post.


Today I spent several hours trying every combination of driver version and yadda, yadda, yadda.


Then for some reason I downloaded Nvidia Inspector again and unzipped it and moved the entire folder to my desktop. I double clicked the .exe file from inside the folder and the skies opened the heavens cried and I have a set of settings and such that looks exactly like all the screenshots I see and the instructions I've read so many times.


Just to be clear;

STEP instructs this:

Download Nvidia Inspector. This is a portable program and requires no installation. Simply place in a convenient location and create a shortcut to the executable.




I was supposed to place the whole folder with all the files (.exe, .xml, etc) placed in a convenient location. There's even a conveniently provided shortcut in the folder right there.


Boy do I feel dumb. I'm so sorry. And, I'm sorry I started something. Please forgive me. And, thanks for the help. STEP is a special place you all should be proud of yourselves.


I think the point here is the 'Configurator' shows this setting as the default, 1, if the Skyrim.ini is edited outside of MO and that setting is removed.


Incorrect, the 'Configurator' lists all settings as they currently are set up in the ini files. Only if the setting is not present in the ini files does the Configurator show the setting as its default. This way Configurator shows exactly how the settings are going to be used by the game.

Unless a setting exists but in the wrong ini file in which case Configurator will show the configured value even though the game will not use it.



a) iPresentInterval is not in Skyrim.ini and not in SkyrimPrefs.ini -> game will use 1, configurator will show 1

b) iPresentInterval set to 1 in either Skyrim.ini and/or SkyrimPrefs.ini -> game will use 1, configurator will show 1

c) iPresentInterval set to 0 in Skyrim.ini -> game will use 0, configurator will show 0

d) iPresentInterval set to 0 in SkyrimPrefs.ini -> game will use 1, configurator will show 0



No problem ... thanks for clarifying that this was user error and that we don't need to worry much about 'wild' Inspector dialogues ;)



We should probably clarify in the NVIDIA Inspector instructions so that others don't have the same issue ... I think I know what to write, but since I don't have the app, you might be equipped to do so more accurately if you would not mind doing that.



Thanks for clarifying ... we are now telling users:

e) iPresentinterval set to 1 in Skyrim.ini and DELETED from SkyrimPrefs.ini -> game will use 1, Configurator will show 1



We should probably clarify in the NVIDIA Inspector instructions so that others don't have the same issue ... I think I know what to write, but since I don't have the app, you might be equipped to do so more accurately if you would not mind doing that.

I can do that. I'll get it done in a bit. I've actually been wanting to review that whole Guide.



Thanks for clarifying ... we are now telling users:

e) iPresentinterval set to 1 in Skyrim.ini and DELETED from SkyrimPrefs.ini -> game will use 1, Configurator will show 1

There needs to be mention of having to manually edit the INIs using the INI Editor instead of the Configurator in order to do this after MO is set up.

Users can still follow our current INI instructions using Configurator, but they will still have iPresentInterval=1 in SkyrimPrefs.ini, which should not hurt anything. They should be able to delete iPresentInterval=1 from SkyrimPrefs.ini  if they want either before or after using Configurator --or not at all-- and get same result.


Sound right?




I think you may have misunderstood what I said because from what you just clarified, that's exactly what I was saying. At least that is what I was hoping it was saying.

At any rate, it makes no matter, it is just good to get some clarification.

If I may be so bold as to say: As nice as that 'Configurator' appears, it probably doesn't need to exist. Surely the INI Editor in MO is sufficient?




I think you may have misunderstood what I said because from what you just clarified, that's exactly what I was saying. At least that is what I was hoping it was saying.

At any rate, it makes no matter, it is just good to get some clarification.

If I may be so bold as to say: As nice as that 'Configurator' appears, it probably doesn't need to exist. Surely the INI Editor in MO is sufficient?

Yeah, I noticed that , too. I think you had it right, but he read it differently.


Configurator has a lot of extra stuff that is not present in the INIs ... hidden stuff that is not presented to the user when the game produces the INIs. Some of it is nice, actually. Most of this hidden stuff should not be changed though.


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