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Magic Mod Recommendations?

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Hi, new to STEP (Skyrim LE) and I'm starting the process of installing CORE and Extended on a powerful system. Can anyone recommend a better magic solution than Vanilla? Balanced, nothing over powered, not buggy and will work with STEP Extended.


Apocalype spell Package, Better Magic and Empowered Magic sound interesting. Please share your insight with these or others.


Thank you

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In Modular Morrowloot Overhaul under the section Skills, Powers and Magic there are a few. Supposedly they work fine together but the patches may be outdated.

I Still need to redo them... 

I guess I'll re-download those first and check them but the patching method may be a little different.

I'll make a new post after seeing if there is any patches needed for them

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Oh dang there more to it than I originally intended it may take awhile to get back to you... Its outdated on info and I don't have perms to change stuff for that pack.


If you pick ones you like... I'll take a quick peak to see if there is anything severe

Edited by hishutup
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There is an annotated list of some of the Skyrim magic mods in the Magic Pack ideas page in my signature. I continue to gather information on these, and what users want the magic mods to provide, until I startup a Magic Pack for STEP.

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I have reviewed a lot of "Magic" stuff for Skyrim and decided to try Forgotten Magic Redone. I have not gotten too far with it, but I like the way it works. I was wondering if anyone has created something like it for Priests/Clerics of the Nine Divine or Daedric Princes? Something that would allow a player to role play a devote worshiper of a greater Power (Divine or Daedric). Something that would give specific "Blessings" (spells/resists/bonuses, etc.) within the sphere of the greater Power. Also, these blessings would grow in power. I miss playing a Cleric in table top D&D.

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I like to play as a druid style character with no physical armor or weapons and Be A Better Mage perfectly suits this style with lots of summoning spells and mage armor enhancements and new spells. There are bunch of improvements for bound weapons as well. The mod will boost your mage for higher level game play which is important if you are looking for a long playthrough. It only has 460 endorsements so it's either slipped under the radar or isn't for everyone's taste. Suits me down to the ground and a big improvement on vanilla.

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Thank you Teabag86, Skyrim is a Druid friendly environment. Forgotten Magic Redone has a Druid line of spells, but I have not used them yet, so I can't give you a review. Druid Essentials and Wrath of Nature has some buzz, but as I'm at work now, I can't really investigate. 
I have sent a message to someone fielding updates for FMR and asked if they could create a similar spell system specific to Priests/Clerics which would have individual spells for each of the Nine Divine or Daedric Princes. Basically you could play a Priest/Cleric of one of these Powers and gain their "blessings" in the form of unique spells that grow in power.
I have a lot of info on what would be cool to create, but zero backround on how to do it. I have never used the Creation Kit (CK) but It might be possible to use the CK to infuse an amulet with general "blessings" (% resist disease, % poison, etc.), and create a few books of spells with unique names for standard spells (Tainted Grasp, Love's Embrace, etc). The tricky part would be to have them scale with use or player level.
If anyone knows about this stuff and would like to collaborate, I would be very interested.
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