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ENB first check the root folder for files with the appropriate names.. then the enbseries folder. If the ini files are not detected in either location it will create new default ones. If no .fx files are detected then it will just look wrong. 


As for all those ENB managers.. most of them still have various issues with finding everything and swapping around files. The most sure way to make sure is to do it manually. And by simply getting into a habbit of just moving everything but the files mentioned above into the enbseries folder it is really easy. 


The only real issue is with presets that also use SweetFX since it brings in a new folder with all the shaders.. and its own config files and .dll. 

But by far most use the standard names for the SweetFX files hence they are easy enough to add to the list as well. 


If authors wanted they could redo the pathing of the shaders they use to just be enbseries... but I think that is a bit too much to hope for! :) 


As always, take what you like, leave what you don't, and hopefully at least some of it's useful:


Before installing any ENB presets, get Boris Vorontsov's ENBSeries. Since the introduction of ENBSeries for Skyrim, there have been hundreds of ENB presets created; however, most are not kept updated with have not been updated to use the latest version of ENBSeries. versions so Please refer to the chosen ENB preset's documentation to ensure the correct version of ENBSeries is downloaded.


ENBSeries now has the option of using the memory reducing features of ENB without the graphics modification. This is helpful for users with low-end systems that can handle higher texture quality, but not the enhanced graphics and processing of ENBSeries such as, shadows, SSAO, and SkyLighting. The installation of ENBoost does not require an ENB preset.



  • Get the latest version of ENBSeries from here.
  • Extract the contents of the WrapperVersion folder to the root Skyrim folder (not the DATA folder).
    Nvidia Optimus users will have to use the InjectorVersion folder.
  • Navigate to the Skyrim folder and open the enblocal.ini file in a text editor. Then Under the [GLOBAL] section change UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=false to true.
  • Now Under the [MEMORY] section set the required values1.
  • Save and close the file. ENBoost is now installed and will run when you launch Skyrim.


Suggested ENB Configurations

There are ENB and other lighting mods presets that come in just about every style and color. This section can be extremely subjective and, as such, STEP suggests to browsing around to find the perfect solution of preference preset. There isn't an official STEP recommended ENB Presets (yet);, however, below are a few excellent, widely-used presets and information about them. To make a suggestion or comment on out-of-date information for the listed ENB presets, do so on the ENB Guide Thread. For general installation instructions, see the Installation tab; however, it is highly recommended to follow the author's installation instructions found on the ENB Preset's Nexus page.


ENBSeries v0.236 vs v0.262+

The latest versions of ENBSeries available to download are v0.236 and 0.2622. Most ENB Presets which that are still in active development have been updated to utilize one of these two versions, or have stated that they are compatible with them. Since, at the time of this writing, these are the latest versions available for download, The below recommendations below are current for either one or both of these versions. So, what's the difference?

There have been several improvements between the two releases. From v0.236 to v0.262 the following has been added:


1. I think it would be useful to link to where one can find these values.

2. I know the version numbers are in the header, but I feel as though people may skim over that...then read the sentence and go "wait, which versions?" I'm thinking of the format found in textbooks, to give you an idea.


Thank you for this! I've already taken your corrections and applied them. Your contributions in this manner are most welcome! My grammar is horrible and I'm not afraid to admit that!  :teehee:  While going through school I was a straight-A student; however, if I had a B in any subject is was always English class. Then in college those B's turned to C's... :ermm:


Already, it's been a long while so I'm assuming everyone is good with the Installation section. Now we're getting into some better stuff. The next section for review is "Editing the Enblocal INI". ENB authors, if you can please give this section some extra attention. We need to make sure the descriptions of the parameters are accurate and the recommendations are solid. This section has been updated to v0.264.


Since Boris resolved the issues with v0.264, I'll be using it going forward. I've also backtracked and updated the ENB Choices page for this version (it only involved changing the text).


The [PROXY] section of the INI file allows for use of a second d3d9.dll file. This enables the ENB to be compatible with other post-processors such as FXAA, SMAA, and SweetFX. The following is an explanation of the [PROXY] parameters:


This is actually more general then just other post processing hooks. But in most cases then it is true... depends on how detailed you want it to be. 



The forcefakevideo card is removed in the latest version as I recall... Will have to double check. 



LOD Bias controls the sharpness of LOD textures. Values are should remain between -0.5 and 0.5; any higher or lower and texture degrading can occur. Lower values result in sharper textures.


I guess this could use a bit of a rewording... in general if you go beyond that range then you will get significant visual changes/degradations. 

However you still do get them even when you alter it inside that range as well. 



For the super samping resolution entry I guess you could add that people should do a search for the topic before doing it, since it is effectively "overclocking" of your monitor and it will void warranties if you do so... and get any permanent issues after! Just so people at least have been warned. I guess we could even add in a few of the more popular search results since the same can be done through drivers. The end result is the same and there is no difference in how it is done. 



Finally saying that egde AA and SMAA used together will be a better result is more or less subjective rather then objective! :) But I dunno if you feel that is in the nitpicking department. 


That is it for now! Back to making dinner! 


How detailed? As much detail as you are comfortable giving! Even if it doesn't make it into the Guide, it will help me to better understand from a user perspective which, in turn, will help me to better make decisions on what is relevant  to the Guide and what isn't. So give me all the detail you can muster! Keep in mind that this section will be it for the enblocal file. There will not be any seperate, more detailed guide as there will be for the enbseries file. So all relevant info will need to be included here in this section.


As for the rest of you post, I will look into that stuff once I eat some dinner myself.

  On 9/18/2014 at 5:23 PM, Aiyen said:

This is actually more general then just other post processing hooks. But in most cases then it is true... depends on how detailed you want it to be.

Added to the statement to generalize it better. 

  On 9/18/2014 at 5:23 PM, Aiyen said:

The forcefakevideo card is removed in the latest version as I recall... Will have to double check.

This is true. In the first release, Boris hadn't removed the parameter though. I just downloaded the latest release (without version change) and it's been removed. As such, I've removed this from the page. 

  On 9/18/2014 at 5:23 PM, Aiyen said:

I guess this could use a bit of a rewording... in general if you go beyond that range then you will get significant visual changes/degradations.However you still do get them even when you alter it inside that range as well.

Added to this line to better explain. 

  On 9/18/2014 at 5:23 PM, Aiyen said:

For the super samping resolution entry I guess you could add that people should do a search for the topic before doing it, since it is effectively "overclocking" of your monitor and it will void warranties if you do so... and get any permanent issues after! Just so people at least have been warned. I guess we could even add in a few of the more popular search results since the same can be done through drivers. The end result is the same and there is no difference in how it is done.

Added to this explanation a warning and a link.  

  On 9/18/2014 at 5:23 PM, Aiyen said:

Finally saying that egde AA and SMAA used together will be a better result is more or less subjective rather then objective! :) But I dunno if you feel that is in the nitpicking department. That is it for now! Back to making dinner!

Actually, in my testing I've found that I can turn SMAA quality down lower when EdgeAA is enabled without any visual loss. This would indicate that combining the two results in a higher quality image. Also to that end, EdgeAA alone doesn't take care of all the jaggies, but adding SMAA on top of it does, again, indicating that using them together results in a better image quality. With that said, I've generalize the statement by saying it can "possibly" provide a better image quality because results may vary and I haven't had anyone to confirm my findings.


I will check it out in greater detail later, and hopefully be a bit more helpful.. just been a stressful week for me! Hopefully it will all clear up for next! 


Thanks Aiyen! I'm planning on contacting a few more ENB authors that I've had contact with in the past to see if they'd be willing to help out once we get to the more advanced ENBseries INI Guide. We'll probably need all the help we can get. Prod80, MTichenor, SkyrimTuner and Bronze316 are at the top of that list. If you know of anyone else that might be helpful and willing to pitch in, let me know.


Okay, I'm going to push this forward and assume the Enblocal INI section is good to go. If anything comes up, I'll revisit it. Next section to review is the Enbseries INI section. Keep in mind that this section is just basic editing of the effects and quality. If for some reason adjusting the quality of one of the effects provides no real benefit, please state so. There is no reason to tell users they can adjust the quality of an effect if it'll have no effect on performance.


Okay here goes 



There are quite a few entries which only have an effect if you use the default files.


Use original Post processing: This will only work if the file is based on Boris´s default file. The object one will still have an effect since it is object specific. 


Bloom, lens etc. require that you have a corresponding .fx file to work. In the case of bloom then you technically have two options. The vanilla default and the ENB specific one you find in the .fx file. For lens then it both requires a texture and a .fx to work. For DoF then again you need a .fx file that actually does something. 

Also the bloom quality have no real effect... at least I cannot see any difference, but then again I have not tried to use the default file in ages.. and most do not use that anyways. 


For both the SSAO and reflection with the Scales then the following apply 


//-- Scale Info --
//50% scaling : 0.5 -> best performance
//60% scaling : 0.774596669241483
//80% scaling : 0.894427190999915
//100% scaling: 1.0
//150% scaling: 1.224744871391589
//250% scaling: 1.581138830084189 -> best quality
You do not have to use those values specifically, but they show how the values progress.


Hope that was all clear n stuff! 


Before I go into editing anything, what would the file be based off of, if not Boris's default? Do ENB authors not use the base ENB files from Boris and work from there to create their presets? Or are you saying some authors may delete or edit the code in a way that wouldn't allow the UseOriginalPostProcessing parameter to function anymore?


Also what is this with the scaling? Is that for the SizeScale parameter? If so, it's not included in the section for users to edit. Should it be? If so, should it replace the quality parameter or just be added as an additional parameter?

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