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Well, I had been using Yuril's Quality SnowFlakes HD V2 with the fxsnowsoftsub.dds texture downsampled to 512 res in GIMP, but the blowing snow effect that SNOW provides is just sublime, and I actually like the optional snowflake textures better.


Interestingly, I notice that SNOW's optional snowflake texture replacer doesn't include one I see in QS-HDv2 -  fxsnowsub.dds, so I've asked about this in the comments thread.


Anyhow, since this provides a range of resolution options and a great improvement on the vanilla effect, it seems like a good candidate for STEP: Core.


Not so 'duuuh', really.


You could use SNOW's main download with the blowing snow effect along with Quality Snowflakes.


However SNOW's optional flakes textures download are the same files as Quality Snowflakes, so in that case it's a choice of one or the other.

Posted (edited)

So I should install Snow and then overwrite with Quality Snowflakes, right? Also, do you know if this will work with Snow FX for ENB? I use that and really like it but I honestly can't tell if it uses its own textures (like enb rain). Do you have any knowledge with that?



EDIT: Actually, the Snow FX for ENB page says it should be compatible with all texture replacers, so I assume it will work with this. I can't wait to combine all three of these mods :-P. 


EDIT2: In case you are curious, https://enbseries.enbdev.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1908

Edited by DoYouEvenModBro

My only complaint about this mod is that texture isn't fine enough (judging from the shots and video...haven't tried it in-game). When snow blows like this it's much closer to the texture of sand. This mod looks like the texture is much larger and actually some chunks are in there. Chunks should only be there if it's snowing from the sky, not being wind blown from the ground. In real life, it actually does look closer to clouds/smoke because the texture visibly is very fine. It only feels gritty, rather than looking gritty. I know this mod aims for a more grit look, but in actuality...well here are some pics on how wind blown snow behaves:


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Google provides tons of examples: https://www.google.com/search?q=snow+blowing&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=Knp&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=fflb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=7fBPU_O8Ioe2yASi5oKIBg&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=953#channel=fflb&q=wind+blowing+snow&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&safe=off&tbm=isch


Before anyone goes posting other photos with gritty snow... I realize there are some that look more gritty but the smoke-like snow is far more common. Here's a great example that is high quality and up close:

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Full Size: https://2.bp.blogspot.com/_dUNFBa79vlA/TKCLwhX1FSI/AAAAAAAAFlc/qazJjVjx95k/s1600/15.JPG


You can really see the texture here with the sun shining through it.


That's just my 2 cents and opinion. Take it or leave it. :thumbsup:


I'm enjoying this quite a bit, I recommend trying it and seeing if it doesn't improve your experience (it's just meshes & textures so safe to swap in/out with a manager). It may not be real world perfect, but its definitely a marked improvement on what I had before.


I am using the 1024 flakes with particle patch compatibility. (SNOW v1 x1024-52986-1-0, SNOW v1 x1024 flakes-52986-1-0, SNOW v1 Skyrim Particle Patch compatibilty-52986-1-0). 

I just overwrite the Skyrim Performance Plus files (fxsnowsub.dds isn't replaced for instance).

tl;dr - regular flakes.


I'm also using his Leaves/Dandelion Seeds 512.

Add Real Rain, Real Clouds and Dramatic Clouds for an excellent weather experience (with Serentiy ENB and its enb weather & mist if you're feeling really adventurous).


I just updated to v5 with the prod80 final cut preset, noticeable performance improvement from 4.2 (I have switched up to 5.0 "full/optimized" from 4.2 "performance"). I notice no issues with Real Clouds, the recent update seems to have solved it's issues. I love the sheet lightning effect, I also run minty's lightning with it to add a bit of danger with hostile lighting strokes.


You mean the FINAL version that's Prod's personal version? How does that differ from the default? Prod is a genius clearly but I have trouble understanding his explanations sometimes so I really have no idea.

Posted (edited)

I find vanilla blown snow effects to be too much like smoke or fog and think the more granular and gritty treatment is far more believable and immersive.


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Wind blown snow drifts, like sand, starts out from larger particles, in this case often frozen masses of compacted snow & ice, and get further and further broken down once the wind starts to do its job. So particulates will be varied in size the closer one is to the edges being wind blasted.


Where wind driven snow differs from desert sand is in the "roundness" of the grains.


QuoteSand that is transported long distances by water or wind will be rounded, with characteristic abrasion patterns on the grain surface. Desert sand is typically rounded.

... Quartz sand that is recently weathered from granite or gneiss quartz crystals will be angular.  -wiki



While snow can be fine and powdery, it is far more likely to be in the earlier stages of its life cycle unlike established desert sand dunes.


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Fluffy snow isn't usually blowing around because it is heavier and "wet", it's the dry stuff which does act more like sand. And anyone who has sand blasted by the wind into your face knows that stuff isn't very smoke like or fine.


So the short answer:


Gritty, grainy snow has a basis in reality in the same way different sand types are processed in nature.

Edited by Kuldebar
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