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Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD


Finally I can see my house from here


You know the price for my mods: blood, sweat and tears. Oh, and your first born.

If you want to help other authors of quality mods then donate to them directly.

For latest information and instructions see the DynDOLOD 2.18 UPDATE POST

What is this?

DynDOLOD is a set of tools based on TES5Edit and TES5LODGen to automatically create a Skyrim mod based on the load order which adds distant LOD for objects to Skyrim. By combining DynDOLOD with TES5LODGen users can create drastically enhanced traditional static LOD plus tree LOD and the new, optional dynamic distant object LOD in a few 'simple' steps.

DynDOLOD is meant for enthusiast modders who are familiar with using TES5Edit. Enthusiast modders have a general knowledge of computers, folders and files, especially Skyrims 'Data' folders and how to install mods safely with a manager or manually.

To fully expand the visual experience and use the additional features offered by TES5LODGen the DynDOLOD package comes with over 1000 new or updated LOD models for objects that were badly missing from the original game like the Skyhaven Temple or landscape features like roads, smaller rocks and dirt cliffs that simply make the distant landscape look much more natural and alive.

What does it do?

It makes Skyrim look like this









PapyrusUtil 2.8 or higher

DynDOLOD Resources - Make sure to use DynDOLOD Resources version only with matching or higher DynDOLOD Standalone versions but never with older versions.

Vanilla Skyrim LOD Billboards from TES5LODGen or Indistinguishable Vanilla Tree Billboards. If using tree mods that do not include billboards, check TES5LODGen for ready-to-use tree LOD billboards for some tree mods. For STEP users all billboards are included in STEP Texture Compilation.


Download standalone and resources from Nexus or use Mega links from the update post

There are quickstart instruction in the main folder. Also check the folder called 'docs' for additional information. See the update post for latest installation information and guides.



Updating DynDOLOD


Read the update posts for each new version for version specific information and update instructions.

Also read the manual how to update an existing save game, watch the video or check DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM.



DynDOLOD - Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - Sheson


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TES5Edit Team in general


Ehamloptiran and Zilav for TES5LODGen and LODGen for trees


Bethesda for the game, models and textures




DynDOLOD includes LOD assets based on models and/or textures from:


Holy Cow I fixed Skyrim - Sheson

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Posted (edited)

Aah dammit, I did it again .. Forgot to override skips on the "Vanilla Skyrim LOD Billboards" zip, so Wrye Bash was blocking the .txt files which needed to be installed :)


Thanks Zilav, apologies for not learning from last time I did the same trick when learning about DynDOLOD 1.46.


Edit : Even more embarrassing - If I had followed step 4 of my own installation guide I would have found the answer  :blush:

"Cleetus git ma gun, hoss needs put outta his mizzery!" 


Edit 2 : Now we are cooking with gas ..






Spot the SMIM windmill ( a little to the right of my cursor )

Edited by alt3rn1ty
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I've managed to install Dyndolod and it looks fantastic but I have one question, after installing DynDOLOD I decided I wanted to install 3 more mods (they are all follower mods) will I need to rerun DynDOLOD again for this just in case or should it be fine to just let it slide, I ask because I know some follower mods (Inigo is one) are included in the DynDOLOD patch.

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Posted (edited)
  On 4/2/2016 at 1:54 PM, Rebel47 said:

I've managed to install Dyndolod and it looks fantastic but I have one question, after installing DynDOLOD I decided I wanted to install 3 more mods (they are all follower mods) will I need to rerun DynDOLOD again for this just in case or should it be fine to just let it slide, I ask because I know some follower mods (Inigo is one) are included in the DynDOLOD patch.

There usually is no technical requirement to update existing DynDOLOD.esp or generate LOD from scratch because mods were added afterwards.

Edited by sheson
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Posted (edited)

I have STEP Core + Requiem and a few other (mostly gameplay) mods installed. Everything, including DynDOLOD, was working great. I decided to update a few of the mods (Hunterborn, Campfire, ICAIO, STEP Compilation, etc) and so I decided to update DynDOLOD to 1.47 from 1.46. I did a fresh install following the STEP guide instructions. I am pretty sure that in all the updating something got messed up with the tree billboards.
The billboards for these trees include rocks, but those rocks are not there when I actually get closer, as you can see in the second image.

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I don't think this was happening before, I searched for this tree using its form ID and figured it is supposed to be TreePineForestSnow05. The only .dds file of this tree is in "Step Mod Compilation and v2.2.9.2 Patches\textures\terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm", and it does include little rocks on either side. Are the tree billboards supposed to have this? It really doesn't look great because the 'rocks' pop away but the trees don't look so bad (they just need to be darkened). 
EDIT: Here is my modlist:

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and plugin list: 


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Edited by kcinlober
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Posted (edited)
  On 4/2/2016 at 6:00 PM, kcinlober said:

I have STEP Core + Requiem and a few other (mostly gameplay) mods installed. Everything, including DynDOLOD, was working great. I decided to update a few of the mods (Hunterborn, Campfire, ICAIO, STEP Compilation, etc) and so I decided to update DynDOLOD to 1.47 from 1.46. I did a fresh install following the STEP guide instructions. I am pretty sure that in all the updating something got messed up with the tree billboards.




The billboards for these trees include rocks, but those rocks are not there when I actually get closer, as you can see in the second image.

DynDOLOD uses the billboards you installed. As far as I can tell the STEP texture download includes those billboards with those rocks intentionally. Install different billboards without rocks if you do not like them. Then generate tree LOD again.

Edited by sheson
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Posted (edited)

DynDOLOD Guide for Wrye Bash users ..


.. has had a bit of attention, brought it up to date and in line with DynDOLOD 1.47, amended a few instructions and redid all the screens, plus added a little bit of info reference using mods billboards and their install order, and not forgetting also using Wrye Bash Override Skips on extra billboard sets ( hopefully I will pay attention to my own advice in future :) )

Edited by alt3rn1ty
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Posted (edited)
  On 4/2/2016 at 7:13 PM, sheson said:

DynDOLOD uses the billboards you installed. As far as I can tell the STEP texture download includes those billboards with those rocks intentionally. Install different billboards without rocks if you do not like them. Then generate tree LOD again.

Thanks, I probably should have mentioned this in a thread for the STEP Compilation mod but i was thinking in circles trying to comprehend all of this in the context of my mod setup.


I read the DynDOLOD manual pretty thoroughly as well as the readme for ultra trees and decided to give that a shot since my hardware is pretty good. I followed the gamerpoet's video for updating (even though I tried it on a new game), and also the steps in the ultra tree text. I chose these for my mesh settings for 'tree':

Mesh mask  LOD 4        LOD 8     LOD 16    VWD      Grid     Reference
tree       Static LOD4  Static LOD4 Billboard Checked  Far LOD  Unchanged
For the most part, it looks fantastic! Here are some screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qVnAH
I had to increase my default heap memory to its maximum to avoid ILS, but otherwise it runs very smoothly.
I did run in to a minor issue with one type of tree. As you can see below the little branches of one type of tree (which turned out to be TreeReachTree02) is purple when far away.
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I read through a previous conversation in this thread you had with Doryani (who had the same problem with some fort wall LOD) and followed what you had him do. I found the .bto file for the area in question (Tamriel.4-32.12.bto) and in nifscope I found the trees and clicked on one. There are three nodes for each, 1 BSMultiBoundNode, 8 BSMultiBoundNode, and 15 BSMultiBoundNode. All have the BSShaderTextureSet point to three files, textures\dyndolod\lod\dyndolodtreelod.dds (twice) and textures\dyndolod\lod\dyndolodtreelod_n.dds. Both files are in their respective locations.
What else should I do? Its just the tops of the trees that are purple, but all of the BSMultiBoundNode's for the entire tree point to the same files.
Edited by kcinlober
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Posted (edited)
  On 4/3/2016 at 5:44 PM, kcinlober said:


Thanks, I probably should have mentioned this in a thread for the STEP Compilation mod but i was thinking in circles trying to comprehend all of this in the context of my mod setup.


I read the DynDOLOD manual pretty thoroughly as well as the readme for ultra trees and decided to give that a shot since my hardware is pretty good. I followed the gamerpoet's video for updating (even though I tried it on a new game), and also the steps in the ultra tree text. I chose these for my mesh settings for 'tree':

Mesh mask  LOD 4        LOD 8     LOD 16    VWD      Grid     Reference
tree       Static LOD4  Static LOD4 Billboard Checked  Far LOD  Unchanged
For the most part, it looks fantastic! Here are some screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qVnAH
I had to increase my default heap memory to its maximum to avoid ILS, but otherwise it runs very smoothly.
I did run in to a minor issue with one type of tree. As you can see below the little branches of one type of tree (which turned out to be TreeReachTree02) is purple when far away.
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I read through a previous conversation in this thread you had with Doryani (who had the same problem with some fort wall LOD) and followed what you had him do. I found the .bto file for the area in question (Tamriel.4-32.12.bto) and in nifscope I found the trees and clicked on one. There are three nodes for each, 1 BSMultiBoundNode, 8 BSMultiBoundNode, and 15 BSMultiBoundNode. All have the BSShaderTextureSet point to three files, textures\dyndolod\lod\dyndolodtreelod.dds (twice) and textures\dyndolod\lod\dyndolodtreelod_n.dds. Both files are in their respective locations.
What else should I do? Its just the tops of the trees that are purple, but all of the BSMultiBoundNode's for the entire tree point to the same files.


Use console tfc to fly really close to such a tree and get a screenshot of what is going on up close. All those trees use the same texture you found - so it is not missing. Maybe try unpacking both dyndolodtreelod.dds and dyndolodtreelod_n.dds from the archive again to make sure they didn't get corrupted somehow.

Edited by sheson
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I tried unpacking both .dds files from the archive again and found no change.


here are the screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/H9968


in the bottom 2 pics i found a similar (probably another reachtree*) tree that had no such purple for comparison.


I think I can see the branches being used in the dyndolodtreelod.dds file (the very top in the middle).

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 4/3/2016 at 7:41 PM, kcinlober said:

I tried unpacking both .dds files from the archive again and found no change.


here are the screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/H9968


in the bottom 2 pics i found a similar (probably another reachtree*) tree that had no such purple for comparison.


I think I can see the branches being used in the dyndolodtreelod.dds file (the very top in the middle).

Please download these updated hybrid LOD trees and replace them in ..Data\Meshes\DynDOLOD\lod\trees\*.nif


Then update the static LOD. No need to generate, set Expert=1 in ini, select worldspace, click "Execute LODGen.exe" button


Please let me know if this fixes the problem.

Edited by sheson
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  On 4/3/2016 at 11:27 PM, sheson said:

Please download these updated hybrid LOD trees and replace them in ..Data\Meshes\DynDOLOD\lod\trees\*.nif


Then update the static LOD. No need to generate, set Expert=1 in ini, select worldspace, click "Execute LODGen.exe" button


Please let me know if this fixes the problem.

Yes it did! Thanks so much! What was the issue with those hybrid trees? Just a corrupted file?


Thanks again for the help, and for developing this. Dyndolod w/ ultra trees is a complete game-changer. Skyrim looks so much better.

  • 0
  On 4/4/2016 at 7:33 AM, kcinlober said:

Yes it did! Thanks so much! What was the issue with those hybrid trees? Just a corrupted file?


Thanks again for the help, and for developing this. Dyndolod w/ ultra trees is a complete game-changer. Skyrim looks so much better.

Great, I will include the updated trees in the next update. There was something weirdly wrong with a texture path.

  • 0
Posted (edited)

I've run into an issue. So, last week, being impatient, I cooked up some billboards for SFO 2.5. I had a problem with the treepineforest02 trees receiving the treepineforest04 LODs.  I messed around a bit, trying to see if I had made any mistakes, then I just took my test billboards out. I chalked this up to me making some mistake somewhere, just one that I didn't have time to find. 


Today, I see that Vurt has uploaded his own set of billboards, and after regenerating, I find the same issue. 







Any idea on what is going wrong here? 

Edited by Skadi
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When generating LOD, it explicitely shows in the messages log what billboard files are used for particular TREE records. Either a bad file naming or conflicting file overrides.

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  On 4/4/2016 at 6:43 PM, Skadi said:

I've run into an issue. So, last week, being impatient, I cooked up some billboards for SFO 2.5. I had a problem with the treepineforest02 trees receiving the treepineforest04 LODs.  I messed around a bit, trying to see if I had made any mistakes, then I just took my test billboards out. I chalked this up to me making some mistake somewhere, just one that I didn't have time to find. 


Today, I see that Vurt has uploaded his own set of billboards, and after regenerating, I find the same issue. 







Any idea on what is going wrong here? 

As Zilav said, check the xEdit log for lines like


TreePineForest02 [TREE:00018A02] using LOD Textures\Terrain\LODGen\Skyrim.esm\TreePineForest02_00018A02.dds


Then make sure the billboard dds matches the look of the full model tree.

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