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Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD


Finally I can see my house from here


You know the price for my mods: blood, sweat and tears. Oh, and your first born.

If you want to help other authors of quality mods then donate to them directly.

For latest information and instructions see the DynDOLOD 2.18 UPDATE POST

What is this?

DynDOLOD is a set of tools based on TES5Edit and TES5LODGen to automatically create a Skyrim mod based on the load order which adds distant LOD for objects to Skyrim. By combining DynDOLOD with TES5LODGen users can create drastically enhanced traditional static LOD plus tree LOD and the new, optional dynamic distant object LOD in a few 'simple' steps.

DynDOLOD is meant for enthusiast modders who are familiar with using TES5Edit. Enthusiast modders have a general knowledge of computers, folders and files, especially Skyrims 'Data' folders and how to install mods safely with a manager or manually.

To fully expand the visual experience and use the additional features offered by TES5LODGen the DynDOLOD package comes with over 1000 new or updated LOD models for objects that were badly missing from the original game like the Skyhaven Temple or landscape features like roads, smaller rocks and dirt cliffs that simply make the distant landscape look much more natural and alive.

What does it do?

It makes Skyrim look like this









PapyrusUtil 2.8 or higher

DynDOLOD Resources - Make sure to use DynDOLOD Resources version only with matching or higher DynDOLOD Standalone versions but never with older versions.

Vanilla Skyrim LOD Billboards from TES5LODGen or Indistinguishable Vanilla Tree Billboards. If using tree mods that do not include billboards, check TES5LODGen for ready-to-use tree LOD billboards for some tree mods. For STEP users all billboards are included in STEP Texture Compilation.


Download standalone and resources from Nexus or use Mega links from the update post

There are quickstart instruction in the main folder. Also check the folder called 'docs' for additional information. See the update post for latest installation information and guides.



Updating DynDOLOD


Read the update posts for each new version for version specific information and update instructions.

Also read the manual how to update an existing save game, watch the video or check DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM.



DynDOLOD - Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - Sheson


  Reveal hidden contents






TES5Edit Team in general


Ehamloptiran and Zilav for TES5LODGen and LODGen for trees


Bethesda for the game, models and textures




DynDOLOD includes LOD assets based on models and/or textures from:


Holy Cow I fixed Skyrim - Sheson

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  On 10/15/2015 at 11:36 PM, Mebantiza said:

If I read priest post correct, it is? possible to get 1.46 working on a mature, existing save? If so, I wish I could tell what I am doing wrong. I know if i start a new game, it works as intended, but no success so far at my current save. at 45 mins to generate a glowy Dyndolod, not counting time to prep the save, its getting pretty time consuming, sadly.

What I exactly did was:


1. Load an existing savgegame (It also was 'infected' by a bad 1.46 integration)

2. Went into a house

3. Looked up, if DynDOLOD was deactivated -> when not, deactivate it -> check

4. Saved the game

5. Closed Skyrim

6. Deactivated DynDOLOD and DynDOLOD - Output files via Mod Organizer

7. Load the game

8. Waited 2 ingame days

9. Changed the house (because a NPC remind me to leave his house oO ) -> I was outside a few seconds, but I don't think this was essential

10. Waited another 5 days

11. Saved the game again

12. Cleaned the save via Savegame script cleaner

12b. 10 unused scripts were removed from my save

13. Deleted everything of existing DynDOLOD files/scripts

14. Downloaded DynDOLOD 1.46, newest papyrus scripts from sheeson, and the functions.pas to fix the 'GLOW error'

15. Installed DynDOLOD like supposed to be (overwrite scripts and function.pas with the new ones)

16. Loaded my savegame, went outside and realised that everything worked fine


That's it, this is how it worked for me.

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 10/15/2015 at 11:36 PM, Mebantiza said:

OK, so I just updated the scripts and the Info panel reports all 4 the same. The problem is not, as before, that this is being installed in-correctly, but rather that I cant get it initialized in my current game. In my current save, L75, fair bit of content done, the info panel shows all 4 the same after exiting the interior cell to solitude. In the new save(off of a completely new start), Dyndolod initializes with no error messages.


In the current save, I travel to Solstheim and again, get all 4 ID's the same, but json does not belong message persists. 


If I read priest post correct, it is? possible to get 1.46 working on a mature, existing save? If so, I wish I could tell what I am doing wrong. I know if i start a new game, it works as intended, but no success so far at my current save. at 45 mins to generate a glowy Dyndolod, not counting time to prep the save, its getting pretty time consuming, sadly.


ADDED:So far, Im having good success loading earlier save points in my current game. Im to Level 67 and Dyndolod is initializing in those np. However, I would point out, not all those saves had 1.45 loaded into them. most did not. I have not had to clean any of those old saves, despite all the old mods and scripts in them. Usually, I just have to load save, maybe fast travel to a new location-and that is sufficient to initialize 1.46. So far, I have been able initialize Dyndolod on saves up to about 10/11/15(L74). Any saves after that, from 10/13/15 onwards(about 1 level ago all told)-all contain the json error. What changed? Well, 1.46, so something happened when I tried to install it, all subsequent saves since then, even on full installs with all the recents fixes, STILL are not enough to undo what happened.. I do know many of those old saves never had Dyndolod loaded into them at all, but Im hard pressed to remember exactly when I started using 1.45. It wasn't that long ago, but it was definitely longer than 2 days ago. Whatever it is about my saves, its literally anything within the last few days, since 10/11, wont update properly.


On a side note, I removed Immersive Citizens after you mentioned how long it took to load. I recall Arthmoor mentioning it used very intensive routines to do what it does. That convinced me to remove for performance reasons.

It seems the error message somehow sticks through the saves, though it should be overwritten with the success message when new esp/json is present. The long start up delay with the AI mod is only when you do a coc from main menu. 3DNPC has the same effect. I assume this is because the game is not correctly starting when doing coc from main menu for testing purposes. I do not think it means anything for normal games starts and play through.

The steps from PRieST seem fine and should work for any case.


  On 10/16/2015 at 7:31 AM, plaGGy said:

So, i maybe Need a Little bit of help here, since im not sure about the load order in MO.


Im using Skyrim HD with some other stuff, which should be irrelevant, for Trees im using Realistic Aspen with Fitting Billboards, Purity with fitting Billboards.


Right now my load order is (stripped of the irrelevant stuff):




-Optimized Textures

-Vanilla Billboards


-(Texture LOD Output Folder using the TexGen Script)


-Billboards for Purity

-Realistic Aspen

-Billboards for Realistic Aspen

-DynDOLOD Output Folder (Using the WorldsGen script)


Im using the medium Settings in the wizard, nothing else manually changed.


The scripts are both running and being finished, i have wonderful animated Waterfalls, distant Settlements etc etc, but the TREE LOD seems to be off. Ist almost the same as the original LOD data which is shipped with the mods. All Tree LODs are too bright and they dont seem to fit the Color as well.


Am i doing something wrong?

Is the load order correct? Atm the manually created Texture LOD Folder via the first script in Tes5Edit is overwritten by some textures from Skyrim HD and a few other mods.

I can not judge the quality of LOD tree billboards others created :)

But you can adjust the overall brightness of the tree LOD. Click through to advanced and change the LOD Brightness drop down. Uncheck all Generate Static LOD, Create texture atlas and Generate DynDOLOD and it will only update tree LOD, which should be fairly quick.

Edited by sheson
  • 0
  On 10/16/2015 at 9:05 AM, PRieST said:

What I exactly did was:


1. Load an existing savgegame (It also was 'infected' by a bad 1.46 integration)

2. Went into a house

3. Looked up, if DynDOLOD was deactivated -> when not, deactivate it -> check

4. Saved the game

5. Closed Skyrim

6. Deactivated DynDOLOD and DynDOLOD - Output files via Mod Organizer

7. Load the game

8. Waited 2 ingame days

9. Changed the house (because a NPC remind me to leave his house oO ) -> I was outside a few seconds, but I don't think this was essential

10. Waited another 5 days

11. Saved the game again

12. Cleaned the save via Savegame script cleaner

12b. 10 unused scripts were removed from my save

13. Deleted everything of existing DynDOLOD files/scripts

14. Downloaded DynDOLOD 1.46, newest papyrus scripts from sheeson, and the functions.pas to fix the 'GLOW error'

15. Installed DynDOLOD like supposed to be (overwrite scripts and function.pas with the new ones)

16. Loaded my savegame, went outside and realised that everything worked fine


That's it, this is how it worked for me.

Ok, ill give this a try. A few comments


3. I assume you mean deactivate from within the game. MCM Dyndolod? If so, thats simply not possible as for me, the active box is greyed out regardless where I am, indoors or out. The only option I have is to disable in NMM(or simply delete the esp), then save? and exit? This part is important because I feel any step missed and Im back to erroring out again.


6. Don't use MO


9. Your right-This step is superfluous.


I have time today to run through this-again. Thanks for the step-by

  • 0
  On 10/16/2015 at 5:44 PM, Mebantiza said:

Ok, ill give this a try. A few comments


3. I assume you mean deactivate from within the game. MCM Dyndolod? If so, thats simply not possible as for me, the active box is greyed out regardless where I am, indoors or out. The only option I have is to disable in NMM(or simply delete the esp), then save? and exit? This part is important because I feel any step missed and Im back to erroring out again.


6. Don't use MO


9. Your right-This step is superfluous.


I have time today to run through this-again. Thanks for the step-by

To 3: Hm, I had the *.json error massage, active box was greyed out (and DynDOLOD deactivated)...thought it was so, 'cause I was in a house. I meant do deactivate it manually, if it isn't already. Can't say what difference it makes, if you deactivate the esp while DynDOLOD is still active


To 6: So NMM? I thought it won't make any differenes at this point


To 9: We should leave this out from now on ::D:

  • 0
  On 10/16/2015 at 8:07 AM, kranazoli said:


After generating a new Dyn Worldpass, but using SB 3.06-beta these three files Dyn masters:

  1. AshRocks.esp
  2. Moss Rocks.esp
  3. SulfurRocks.esp


Among the rows, I'd like to ask:


These 3 files needed for DynDOLOD.esp to exists at the load order?

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 10/16/2015 at 9:19 PM, PRieST said:

To 3: Hm, I had the *.json error massage, active box was greyed out (and DynDOLOD deactivated)...thought it was so, 'cause I was in a house. I meant do deactivate it manually, if it isn't already. Can't say what difference it makes, if you deactivate the esp while DynDOLOD is still active


To 6: So NMM? I thought it won't make any differenes at this point


To 9: We should leave this out from now on ::D:

You can only ever turn it off outside in a worldspace that has dynamic LOD. If it is already of for whatever reason just proceed. If you are going to use the save game cleaner anyways it doesn't really matter anyhow.


  On 10/16/2015 at 10:03 PM, kranazoli said:

Among the rows, I'd like to ask:


These 3 files needed for DynDOLOD.esp to exists at the load order?

Not sure what you are asking,. DynDOLOD does not require any other mods. If you have mods that modify the worldspace by adding objects with (new) LOD or if you have mods that add/ modify the base elements of these objects they will end up as masters in DynDOLOD.

Rocks have LOD. You have mods that add/modify the base elements of rocks. The three mods you listed are fine and cause no error.

Edited by sheson
  • 0

I give up, no matter how many times I do this, or following instructions to the letter, I can-NOT for the life of me, get this working on my 'corrupted' saves. Full re-installs with everything cleared and updated, are simply not working. At worst, I lose a few days progress, including all of Soul Cairn, and roll back to L74. That save, does initialize properly, and its not like it was from 30 levels ago. 


Appreciate all the assistance from Sheson and everyone else. 


The new 1.46 does look great, I enabled the glow effect, but Im not 100% if that's working since I haven't really seen many pictures of it in action, besides the one a few pages back. I went up to HH and looked down and could see windows backlit in DragonsReach. What is a good spot to go to see the effects in action?

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I think I might be having a similiar issue as Mebantiza.  I was playing through my save using Dyndolod 1.45. Everything working fine. About 7 hours of gameplay and heading to darkwater crossing. Then I saved the game and quit. I come back it and try to load the save. CTD as it looks like its about to load in game. I try it again. Same thing. I try a couple saves before. Same. I find a save back about 15 minutes of gameplay. Load it up and keep playing. Save the game in Darkwater crossing. Go to load it and CTD. I try to open the saves in save game cleaner and the program crashes.


I was recommended to use save game script scapel by flexcreator. I run that on my saves and no change. So I decided Ill go back and hour or two of gameplay. Play through and at the same area (after valtheim towers) I get the save issue. I try uninstalling dyndol lod and I am able to save again. Does this seem like a performance issue or a bad install on my part of Dyndolod? I really like the mod and want to continue to use it if possible. Just seems strange that it would start at a particular point in the game. I also tried loading a save game 3 or 4 hours back and went straight to the location (with dyndolod installed) and I was able to save. 

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 10/17/2015 at 12:12 AM, sheson said:

You can only ever turn it off outside in a worldspace that has dynamic LOD. If it is already of for whatever reason just proceed. If you are going to use the save game cleaner anyways it doesn't really matter anyhow.


Not sure what you are asking,. DynDOLOD does not require any other mods. If you have mods that modify the worldspace by adding objects with (new) LOD or if you have mods that add/ modify the base elements of these objects they will end up as masters in DynDOLOD.

Rocks have LOD. You have mods that add/modify the base elements of rocks. The three mods you listed are fine and cause no error.

Yes, I was in a hurry... I understand you.



1.) I have generated Bashed Patch with the 3.07 EXP WB version. This version of WB added those 3 files as well to the Bashed Patch. Don't ask why. I don't know how WB works, but also noticed at the WB topic as well.


Every time when I tried to create DynDOLOD Worldpass it has stopped with the earlier posted errors, issue. Can't find some kind of master files, blabla, ... Didn't matter I have run without Bashed Patch enabled or disabled at the load order. Every time, it has stopped working.


2.) After that I have generated a new Bashed Patch, but at this time with the "latest" 3.06-beta version of WB. That version of WB pu just 4 files to the Bashed Patch and DynDOLOD Worldpass went over without any issue. Even if I have left the Bashed Patch enabled.


At this time I saw, which files was dyndolod.esp master files. And those 3 files was as master files for dyndolod.esp. So, I guess the problem was that WB 3.07 EXP put too much files to the Bashed patch, which would be okay I guess without DynDOLOD. For instance who do not use DynDOLOD, and happy that -3 esp less at the load order. But with DynDOLOD those files are required.


I don't know how WB works, but also hard to decide wheter which file(s) DynDOLOD "requires". Just now, as you wrote:


"If you have mods that modify the worldspace by adding objects with (new) LOD or if you have mods that add/ modify the base elements of these objects they will end up as masters in DynDOLOD.

Rocks have LOD. You have mods that add/modify the base elements of rocks. The three mods you listed are fine and cause no error."


Yes, they do not cause error if they are present, but cause problem if earlier WB put them into a Bashed Patch, as it did.


I hope, at this time I have managed to express myself a little bit better. :)


With WB 3.07 EXP these files can be mergable into a Bashed Patch.

I guess(!), just I guess, nothing more... which I signed by green okay and DynDOLOD won't complain about missing master files, but which are red they are needed for DynDOLOD. But I guess just if they were present at the load order.

  1. Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcish&DaedricWeapons.esp
  2. Weapons & Armor_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp
  3. CCO_Frostfall_Patch.esp
  4. 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp
  5. 3DNPCEFF.esp
  6. AshRocks.esp
  7. Complete Crafting_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp
  8. GQJ_DG_vampireamuletfix.esp
  9. Moss Rocks.esp
  10. Moss Rocks_DB.esp
  11. ORM Convenient Alsvid.esp
  12. Paralyze.esp
  13. RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Unsorted.esp
  14. Radiant and Unique Potions Poisons and Booze.esp
  15. SulfurRocks.esp
  16. WM Trap Fixes.esp
  17. World_Map_No_Fog.esp

I think the plugins with red would be better not to "put" into a Bashed Patch. Most likely DynDOLOD requires them. But the green ones, I guess okay in a Bashed Patch and DynDOLOD does not will complain about one of them missing when generating the DynDOLOD process.


More or less? Clearer now? I hope so...

Edited by kranazoli
  • 0

If Bashed patch from 306 works but 307 does not when patching the same load order, than there is obviously some kind of a bug in newer WB patcher. Not surprising because bashing for Skyrim is under development, it is not finished, not tested enough, and the whole feature is "experimental" except for leveled lists. if you can't find what is wrong yourself and report to WB devs, then

1) When building bashed patch in 307 don't deactivate any merged plugins if WB asks to

2) Unselect all bashing options except "Leveled lists"

3) Open patch in TES5Edit and remove all groups except leveled lists there just to be sure, then Clean Masters.

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 10/17/2015 at 2:01 AM, Mebantiza said:

I give up, no matter how many times I do this, or following instructions to the letter, I can-NOT for the life of me, get this working on my 'corrupted' saves. Full re-installs with everything cleared and updated, are simply not working. At worst, I lose a few days progress, including all of Soul Cairn, and roll back to L74. That save, does initialize properly, and its not like it was from 30 levels ago. 


Appreciate all the assistance from Sheson and everyone else. 


The new 1.46 does look great, I enabled the glow effect, but Im not 100% if that's working since I haven't really seen many pictures of it in action, besides the one a few pages back. I went up to HH and looked down and could see windows backlit in DragonsReach. What is a good spot to go to see the effects in action?


This is really weird. If all script instance are removed there should be no old data interfering. Everything gets new form ids each generation (unless you delete DynDOLOD_next-object.fid) to avoid overlapping of old data anwyays.

Just a hunch, can you rename the *.skse save file with the same name as the *.ess cleaned save to further remove old data when loading the new esp?


The latest script I posted may have printed out messages to the papyrus log. Can you check? What does the MCM page information show?


  On 10/17/2015 at 5:06 AM, raventower said:



I think I might be having a similiar issue as Mebantiza.  I was playing through my save using Dyndolod 1.45. Everything working fine. About 7 hours of gameplay and heading to darkwater crossing. Then I saved the game and quit. I come back it and try to load the save. CTD as it looks like its about to load in game. I try it again. Same thing. I try a couple saves before. Same. I find a save back about 15 minutes of gameplay. Load it up and keep playing. Save the game in Darkwater crossing. Go to load it and CTD. I try to open the saves in save game cleaner and the program crashes.


I was recommended to use save game script scapel by flexcreator. I run that on my saves and no change. So I decided Ill go back and hour or two of gameplay. Play through and at the same area (after valtheim towers) I get the save issue. I try uninstalling dyndol lod and I am able to save again. Does this seem like a performance issue or a bad install on my part of Dyndolod? I really like the mod and want to continue to use it if possible. Just seems strange that it would start at a particular point in the game. I also tried loading a save game 3 or 4 hours back and went straight to the location (with dyndolod installed) and I was able to save. 

You are reporting a CTD. Read the FAQ.


  On 10/17/2015 at 7:21 AM, kranazoli said:

Yes, I was in a hurry... I understand you.



1.) I have generated Bashed Patch with the 3.07 EXP WB version. This version of WB added those 3 files as well to the Bashed Patch. Don't ask why. I don't know how WB works, but also noticed at the WB topic as well.


Every time when I tried to create DynDOLOD Worldpass it has stopped with the earlier posted errors, issue. Can't find some kind of master files, blabla, ... Didn't matter I have run without Bashed Patch enabled or disabled at the load order. Every time, it has stopped working.


2.) After that I have generated a new Bashed Patch, but at this time with the "latest" 3.06-beta version of WB. That version of WB pu just 4 files to the Bashed Patch and DynDOLOD Worldpass went over without any issue. Even if I have left the Bashed Patch enabled.


At this time I saw, which files was dyndolod.esp master files. And those 3 files was as master files for dyndolod.esp. So, I guess the problem was that WB 3.07 EXP put too much files to the Bashed patch, which would be okay I guess without DynDOLOD. For instance who do not use DynDOLOD, and happy that -3 esp less at the load order. But with DynDOLOD those files are required.


I don't know how WB works, but also hard to decide wheter which file(s) DynDOLOD "requires". Just now, as you wrote:


"If you have mods that modify the worldspace by adding objects with (new) LOD or if you have mods that add/ modify the base elements of these objects they will end up as masters in DynDOLOD.

Rocks have LOD. You have mods that add/modify the base elements of rocks. The three mods you listed are fine and cause no error."


Yes, they do not cause error if they are present, but cause problem if earlier WB put them into a Bashed Patch, as it did.


I hope, at this time I have managed to express myself a little bit better. :)


With WB 3.07 EXP these files can be mergable into a Bashed Patch.

I guess(!), just I guess, nothing more... which I signed by green okay and DynDOLOD won't complain about missing master files, but which are red they are needed for DynDOLOD. But I guess just if they were present at the load order.

  1. Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcish&DaedricWeapons.esp
  2. Weapons & Armor_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp
  3. CCO_Frostfall_Patch.esp
  4. 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp
  5. 3DNPCEFF.esp
  6. AshRocks.esp
  7. Complete Crafting_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp
  8. GQJ_DG_vampireamuletfix.esp
  9. Moss Rocks.esp
  10. Moss Rocks_DB.esp
  11. ORM Convenient Alsvid.esp
  12. Paralyze.esp
  13. RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Unsorted.esp
  14. Radiant and Unique Potions Poisons and Booze.esp
  15. SulfurRocks.esp
  16. WM Trap Fixes.esp
  17. World_Map_No_Fog.esp

I think the plugins with red would be better not to "put" into a Bashed Patch. Most likely DynDOLOD requires them. But the green ones, I guess okay in a Bashed Patch and DynDOLOD does not will complain about one of them missing when generating the DynDOLOD process.


More or less? Clearer now? I hope so...

So the current beta seems to create some form of invalid data with some mods. The invalid data is always there. Regardless of DynDOLOD trying to use it or not. This needs to be reported on the WB thread.


Did you check the patch for errors in TES5Edit, nothing shows I guess?

Edited by sheson
  • 0
  On 10/17/2015 at 11:42 AM, sheson said:

This is really weird. If all script instance are removed there should be no old data interfering. Everything gets new form ids each generation (unless you delete DynDOLOD_next-object.fid) to avoid overlapping of old data anwyays.

Just a hunch, can you rename the *.skse save file with the same name as the *.ess cleaned save to further remove old data when loading the new esp?


The latest script I posted may have printed out messages to the papyrus log. Can you check? What does the MCM page information show?


You are reporting a CTD. Read the FAQ.


So the current beta seems to create some form of invalid data with some mods. The invalid data is always there. Regardless of DynDOLOD trying to use it or not. This needs to be reported on the WB thread.


Did you check the patch for errors in TES5Edit, nothing shows I guess?

That one was not the latest beta. The latest beta from Nexus works fine. That one was the 3.07 EXP version of WB. I have reported to suitable WB topic. That version is an experimental of the 3.07 "branch". The latest version, which is beta 3.06-beta works fine.


I didn't wheter I checked the Bashed Patch, or not. :/ At this moment I won't use that EXP version, or don't allow WB to put those "rocks" to a Bashed Patch.

  • 0
  On 10/17/2015 at 2:01 AM, Mebantiza said:

I give up, no matter how many times I do this, or following instructions to the letter, I can-NOT for the life of me, get this working on my 'corrupted' saves. Full re-installs with everything cleared and updated, are simply not working. At worst, I lose a few days progress, including all of Soul Cairn, and roll back to L74. That save, does initialize properly, and its not like it was from 30 levels ago. 


Appreciate all the assistance from Sheson and everyone else. 


The new 1.46 does look great, I enabled the glow effect, but Im not 100% if that's working since I haven't really seen many pictures of it in action, besides the one a few pages back. I went up to HH and looked down and could see windows backlit in DragonsReach. What is a good spot to go to see the effects in action?

Well, here is how things stand atm. Im carrying on with the 'bugged' save, too much content to redo haha. I was up at the very peak of Throat of the world, it was a clear, sunny day, and here is what I am seeingenb2015_10_1622_37_54_62-0.jpg?rev=0



Now MCM is still reporting not initialized of course, cant read json etc, but those are definitely not vanilla LODs. I have to ask, is it possible that error message itself is in error? That the new Lods really are loading, but MCM for whatever obscure reason, insists it is not? The information tab never goes away of course, so when im outside I can always see what the ID# is. It always reports all 4 the same. If I roll back to the 'un-corrupted' save, MCM reports all is well, and the bottom two query options vanish, as you intended.

  • 0
Posted (edited)
  On 10/17/2015 at 4:27 PM, Mebantiza said:

Well, here is how things stand atm. Im carrying on with the 'bugged' save, too much content to redo haha. I was up at the very peak of Throat of the world, it was a clear, sunny day, and here is what I am seeingenb2015_10_1622_37_54_62-0.jpg?rev=0



Now MCM is still reporting not initialized of course, cant read json etc, but those are definitely not vanilla LODs. I have to ask, is it possible that error message itself is in error? That the new Lods really are loading, but MCM for whatever obscure reason, insists it is not? The information tab never goes away of course, so when im outside I can always see what the ID# is. It always reports all 4 the same. If I roll back to the 'un-corrupted' save, MCM reports all is well, and the bottom two query options vanish, as you intended.

You always have improved static and tree LOD. The MCM is only about the dynamic LOD. Do you have waterfalls, windmill fans, fires in the distance? If you do its a mystery but hey :)

Edited by sheson
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  On 10/17/2015 at 5:06 AM, raventower said:



I think I might be having a similiar issue as Mebantiza.  I was playing through my save using Dyndolod 1.45. Everything working fine. About 7 hours of gameplay and heading to darkwater crossing. Then I saved the game and quit. I come back it and try to load the save. CTD as it looks like its about to load in game. I try it again. Same thing. I try a couple saves before. Same. I find a save back about 15 minutes of gameplay. Load it up and keep playing. Save the game in Darkwater crossing. Go to load it and CTD. I try to open the saves in save game cleaner and the program crashes.


I was recommended to use save game script scapel by flexcreator. I run that on my saves and no change. So I decided Ill go back and hour or two of gameplay. Play through and at the same area (after valtheim towers) I get the save issue. I try uninstalling dyndol lod and I am able to save again. Does this seem like a performance issue or a bad install on my part of Dyndolod? I really like the mod and want to continue to use it if possible. Just seems strange that it would start at a particular point in the game. I also tried loading a save game 3 or 4 hours back and went straight to the location (with dyndolod installed) and I was able to save. 

Look at my topic here https://forum.step-project.com/topic/9131-most-saves-get-corrupted-constantly-losing-progress/


I had the exact same problem. All save games get corrupted and cost me hours of progress. I uninstalled a bunch of script-heavy mods, including DynDOLOD and everything is fine now. Looking at your post, maybe the culprit was DynDOLOD amongst those mods I uninstalled.

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