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Open Cities Skyrim


New version out updated for 1.6 with all the navmeshes fixed.  This mod does a lot of world editing and the previous version I tested 4 months ago dropped my fps from 30 to 15.


Listed for its general awesomeness and the need for lots of testing to see if the conflicts and fps problems are all gone, I don't doubt the author's testing or abilities one bit and he will fix any actual problem we find so I see this going in a pack at some point.



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This mod does a lot of world editing and is a performance killer.

The author seems to disagree:

Performance and FPS



Open Cities Skyrim should not produce a significant change in your frame rates and performance. Due to the liberal use of occlusion planes in the mod, the game will not render anything on the opposite side of the city walls in any given location. So your viewing content will be limited to roughly what you'd see if you were in the closed city worldspaces. The closed city worldspace system was NOT devised by Bethesda to improve frame rates. It was devised to conserve system memory on the XBox 360 and PS3. You're playing on a PC. Or, at least legally speaking you ought to be anyway.


Anyone who insists that this mod is a framerate destroyer is already experiencing other problems with their game. Do keep in mind, Skyrim is not one of those silly shooters that requires 60fps at all times in order to be playable. Dropping from 60 to 55 would go absolutely unnoticed. Even playing with 30-40 frames would go unnoticed to those folks who keep those dumb little indicators running while they play.


If you're seeing a massive frame rate drop, point the finger somewhere else. This mod is absolutely not the cause of your problems. I know this may seem harsh, but this sort of disinformation was rampant with the Oblivion mod and wasn't true then either and I absolutely will not stand for this sort of disinformation being spread now either.

I'll definitely be throwing this on to test regardless.  It's unfortunate that this mod breaks anything that relies on the actual city cells, but I think it works with STEP almost entirely.  Assuming it gets to a stable state, it might be worth including and it's growing popularity will surely sway mod authors to make compatibility patches.

This mod does a lot of world editing and is a performance killer.

The author seems to disagree:

Performance and FPS



Open Cities Skyrim should not produce a significant change in your frame rates and performance. Due to the liberal use of occlusion planes in the mod, the game will not render anything on the opposite side of the city walls in any given location. So your viewing content will be limited to roughly what you'd see if you were in the closed city worldspaces. The closed city worldspace system was NOT devised by Bethesda to improve frame rates. It was devised to conserve system memory on the XBox 360 and PS3. You're playing on a PC. Or, at least legally speaking you ought to be anyway.


Anyone who insists that this mod is a framerate destroyer is already experiencing other problems with their game. Do keep in mind, Skyrim is not one of those silly shooters that requires 60fps at all times in order to be playable. Dropping from 60 to 55 would go absolutely unnoticed. Even playing with 30-40 frames would go unnoticed to those folks who keep those dumb little indicators running while they play.


If you're seeing a massive frame rate drop, point the finger somewhere else. This mod is absolutely not the cause of your problems. I know this may seem harsh, but this sort of disinformation was rampant with the Oblivion mod and wasn't true then either and I absolutely will not stand for this sort of disinformation being spread now either.

I'll definitely be throwing this on to test regardless.  It's unfortunate that this mod breaks anything that relies on the actual city cells, but I think it works with STEP almost entirely.  Assuming it gets to a stable state, it might be worth including and it's growing popularity will surely sway mod authors to make compatibility patches.
That would be so awesome! I already tried the old open cities with the beta-patch and no problems. but it did cost me some fps, if outside of an city but with open gates, nevertheless what the author says.

Just a warning, the author has decided to slap Oblivion gates straight in the middle of the cities for some reason, and he loudly refused to make them optional... :/

  'Kelmych said:
Several days ago Arthmoor published Open Cities Skyrim - No Gates with no comments or details' date=' perhaps because he doesn't like the gates either. I don't understand why Open Cities included these gates.[/quote']

Why does everyone seem to have their panties in a bunch over this?  I understand it's easy to fix yourself, but damn...

  • 2 months later...

Does anyone here use Open Cities? It's been updated a bunch of times since Bethesda fixed the navmesh issues and it seems pretty bug-free from what I've seen.


Is there any list of compatible mods with this? I see that Perfect Whiterun has just been updated for compatibility, although I would prefer something like 7K Better Whiterun, but it's still a nice addition.


I've ran it a bunch of times, and I'm planning on using it on the playthrough I'm putting together right now. Never used one of those city "makeover" mods though, my bet would be that unless it specifically says its compatible it won't be ^^


Mods that should be compatible with Open Cities:

  • Expanded Towns and Villages
  • Perfect Whiterun - the latest version is compatible with OCS.
  • Solitude Docks District (?) - should be compatible; Liberation Beacon might cause issues, though.
  • Expanded Winterhold Destruction Ruins - should be compatible, the navmeshes are updated.
  • Scenic Carriages - compatible since 1.2.
  • Lively Taverns Inns and Taverns - no reason not to be compatible.
  • Interesting NPCs - same as above.
  • Elvenwood - should work.
  • Detailed Outskirts - Workshop only; an extension for Detailed Cities and Open Cities.
  • Unique Taverns - conflicts with Expanded Towns and Villages, but shouldn't do with OCS.

Mods that aren't compatible with Open Cities:

  • Whiterun Outskirts Market - the author wanted to do a compatibility patch, but he doesn't know how. Let the author know if you can help.
  • 7K Better Whiterun - hasn't been in development in quite a while, I doubt it will ever be compatible.
  • Beautiful Whiterun
  • Immersive Cities Project - hardly compatible with anything, looks very promising though.
  • Towns and Villages Enhanced - the towns are probably not compatible.
  • Sexy * mods - some cities reportedly caused crashes.
  • Nernies Solitude and Village Expansion - unconfirmed, just asked the mod's author, but I bet it's not compatible.

I'm gonna edit this list as soon as I find anything more.

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