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Requiem Pack (WIP)

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Posted (edited)

Great I'll use that then, is dual wield blocking animations needed or is immersive animations enough? (sorry for off topic)

Edited by dreadflopp
Posted (edited)

hey guys, My installation is done I have all the mods I wanted (Step extended + some immersive/exploration/weather&lighting from packs+ couple personnal mods and finally Requiem)I think everything is ready to go, started a game for testing and everything seems to work fine. Before starting a new real game I just wanted to make sure my load order was all right since it's a heavy mod list that I have.here are the files :



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 *I had to move a lot of files else wrye bash wouldnt let me create the bashed patch since the load order wasnt exactly correct with BOSS.*also modified the "step extended patch" so it doesnt rely on Ars Metallica anymore as a master.

Edited by Ezekiel33

This all looks fine, my first thought is that Requiem is a little high but looking closer there shouldn't be much that conflicts with Requiem after it, obviously CH needs to load after as it conflicts with Requiem so you want the CH files to win, but it also works before Requiem as well. RLO - Minor cities and towns interiors.esp was a dummy plugin as it wasn't completed I don't know if that is still the case if it is then you might want to remove that.


I hope this works out for you as with this load you should have a varied, interesting and challenging game though it could do with more population in towns and villages e.g. interesting NPCs for which there is a patch, and you might want to make sure you have some sort of follower mod as just one is going to be problematic for you especially in Bleak Falls Barrow and similar un-dead laden ruins.


Good luck.



There is a patch for the dual pelts problem it is on the Requiem - SkyTest page it solves a problem with Hard Times and extra pelts. I have never had that problem but it should help those that do.



  On 3/17/2014 at 12:45 PM, Ezekiel33 said:

hey guys, My installation is done I have all the mods I wanted (Step extended + some immersive/exploration/weather&lighting from packs+ couple personnal mods and finally Requiem)I think everything is ready to go, started a game for testing and everything seems to work fine. Before starting a new real game I just wanted to make sure my load order was all right since it's a heavy mod list that I have.here are the files :



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 *I had to move a lot of files else wrye bash wouldnt let me create the bashed patch since the load order wasnt exactly correct with BOSS.*also modified the "step extended patch" so it doesnt rely on Ars Metallica anymore as a master.

I would advise you to use my patch, put it after the STEP Extended patch in your load order. If you look at the master files, it's the exhaustive list of stuff forwarded, so you can throw out stuff like Requiem AOS patch, Requiem GDO patch etc.


Diverse Priests is not needed if you use clothing and clutter fixes.


Since you had no problem removing Ars Metallica, Extended needs some little forewarding: Copy the one overwritten entry from Consistent older People into the Requiem BOYD patch. Load it right before the bashed patch. Animated Weapon Enchants and Radiant and Unique Potions both need some forewarding too. You can either do it yourself (shouldn't be difficult if you know how to remove Ars Metallica entries) or wait till I release a patch, which should happen the next few days ::):

Did you check T5E for extended compatibility with the various weather and lighting mods? I couldn't find the time yet, but I bet there are a few entries overwritten. This is nothing gamebreaking or serious, you probably won't even notice but you might miss out some minor features.


I just noticed this pack and wanted to point out that Helgen Reborn and The Cyrodiil Frontier - Fight Against the Thalmor II are not compatible. I found this out the hard in my current play through. You will CTD at Thalmor Prison. From Helgen reborn page:



Q - I crash when I get near the Thalmor Prison.A - If you're using "The Cyrodiil Frontier - Fight Against the Thalmor II" they are not presently compatible. In V103 and up, I have done everything I can do on my end. I have also tried to contact MadFrenchie, but it appears they have abandoned their mod. Some people have said they were able to fast travel to the Thalmor Checkpoint and walk over to the prison from there, so you may want to give that a try if you're getting CTD's.

I fixed CTDs by disabling the Thalmor mods in my current play through. But this pack looks interesting as it includes many of the mods I use on top of SR:LE.

  On 3/17/2014 at 5:26 PM, DanimalTwo said:

I just noticed this pack and wanted to point out that Helgen Reborn and The Cyrodiil Frontier - Fight Against the Thalmor II are not compatible. I found this out the hard in my current play through. You will CTD at Thalmor Prison. From Helgen reborn page:I fixed CTDs by disabling the Thalmor mods in my current play through. But this pack looks interesting as it includes many of the mods I use on top of SR:LE.

Wrong thread, I think :o
Posted (edited)

How do you take Ars Metallica out as a master for the Extended Patch? I've been trying to get that to work with no luck. I have the Extended Patch loaded up in TES5Edit with Ars Metallica still installed so that the patch would open, but I don't know where to go from there. The missing master error the only thing keeping me from building the dual sheath patch and getting into the game. 


Edit: I kept looking for solutions and this thread got me into the game: https://forum.step-project.com/topic/4085-how-to-remove-mod-master-dependendy/

I removed the VMAD per the last post and I was able to clean the masters and build my patches. Yet to see if I have any CTDs.

Edited by monkeychef

Just started playng SR:LE/REGS/Requiem. Will report on how it works. A quick question, is bandits supposed to be naked. If so I need to install a SFW-version of better males.


open the file in TES5Edit, click on the + sign and click on File Header - in the right hand pane there will be a list of masters right click the header of Ars Metallica and select remove. It is a master - no more. Of course the more detailed way is to compare the patch to the Ars metallica plugin and remove those files pertaining to that mod - still need to do the first thing and remove as a master to the patch.



  On 3/17/2014 at 9:01 PM, dreadflopp said:

Just started playng SR:LE/REGS/Requiem. Will report on how it works. A quick question, is bandits supposed to be naked. If so I need to install a SFW-version of better males.

No they are not, something in your load order is interfering, it could be to do with IA or the addon files for either Requiem or amb, either way you can sometimes fix this using the console and clicking on the character in question - I haven't tried this so can't describe how it works, one of the key mods has a fix in the description. You could re-order your patches might do the trick.



Posted (edited)

Since the nexus stopped working I'm giving up for the night. I have only played the game for about 10 minutes but really liked it so far, except for the naked bandits. Without nexus it's hard to find what I have done wrong. I'm attaching my loadorder if anyone wants to help. It's basicly SR:LE with the mods installed in a different order. Install order is:

STEP: Extended with all non SR:LE mods deactivated

SR:LE with some mods already included in STEP reinstalled since they were overwritten. EFF, Deadly Dragons, Run for your lives deactivated. SR:LE conflict resolution cleaned from deactivated mods.

Additional mods: Autosave manager, Come together n out of the way, Carpenter chest for hearthfire, Blacksmiths storage chests, Brynjolf and Vex thieves guild followers, Enhanced skyrim followers - Aela the huntress

REGS 3.02 with SRLE conflict resolution

Requiem with STEP patch cleaned from unused mods (arvak, run for your lives, deadly dragons, animated enchantments)

I noticed that I probably need to install some more Requiem patches for 3DNPCs, trade and barter and Guard dialogue overhaul but this shouldn't be the cause of naked bandits?

Load order is below. I have let BOSS do the sorting with unrecognised plugins sorted as advised by SR:LE, REGS and STEP


Some other questions:

Should I add bash tags to the requiem esp's? I noticed that weapon damage and probably other things gets overwritten by the bash patch for some items? The damage came from WAF if I remeber correctly.

Skyrim crashes for me when I exit the game with requiem. Any idea why? This is the error message:




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Edited by dreadflopp
Posted (edited)

Ok here goes, I am not happy with everything yet but I am working on it :) .


For exemple, not happy with what i see in bashed patch, even if i don't understand everything.

And still having a bug with vendors gold. Didn't check smelter yet.



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I had the same crash exiting Skyrim yesterday but it's not coming from requiem, my guess since i updated REGS and Boss is that it comes from one of those. During Boss installation it also install c++ something... might come from that.

Edited by Nicopad
  On 3/18/2014 at 9:49 AM, Nicopad said:

I had the same crash exiting Skyrim yesterday but it's not coming from requiem, my guess since i updated REGS and Boss is that it comes from one of those. During Boss installation it also install c++ something... might come from that.

Yesterday I tried to remove all requiem mods and patches and updated bash patch and fnis/sum and the crash was gone. Reinstalling requiem and the crash was back. I will try again to see if I can reproduce it. Thanks for sharing the load order, I will compare them tonight and see if can can fix my install.


I can't really help you with the requiem related issues, but both of you seem not to read the notes on REGS: Realistic Room Rental is NOT compatible with Requiem.

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