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Requiem Pack (WIP)

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Yes these are part of Azirok's Miscellaneous Patches mod page. Well the last one is one of Spock's. They should already be on the page for STEP. I will have to check. I have posted the load order for these on the pack page, well at least some of them.



Posted (edited)



YOu could still use the Uncapper to customize the type of character you want. Requiem probably slows downs leveling a bit and so you could increase the weight of some skills and decrease others. Something like a Ranger could have more weight toward Archery, Light Armor, One-Handed, Sneak, and maybe one magic like Illusion, and decrease weight of Heavy Armor, Two-Handed, the other Magicka schools. Just make sure that any of the SkillExpGainMults and PCLevelSkillExpMults are not set to zero. If you want to not contribute to Player Character level when that skill levels, then set it to .1 or .2 so that it takes 10 or 5 levels of that skill to contribute as much as one default level up.

I don´t understand how to tweak those settings. I mean I don´t know how much must I lower or rise the values.


I have testing a very beautiful mod: 

Ethereal Elven Overhaul:https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24273/?

it has a requiem patch: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46720/?


but if i use the requiem patch Irileth appears naked. If I uncheck this patch in MO she is dressed again.


I can´t back to use the vanilla elven again. See the differences:

Posted Image

Posted Image

the naked one:

Posted Image

Edited by Roberbond

Quick question: What ingredients are required to create soul gems at the smelter? I'm using Requiem with Hard Times but can't seem to find the right ingedients as well as any informations about that. I of course have the second perk in the Enchanting tree unlocked which is requiered.


Posted (edited)

You find lots of soul gem fragments as you go around, far more often that intact soul gems. These are obviously a key ingredient you also need to grind bones and skulls to get other key ingredients. If the option to craft soul gems does not come up then you have not found the relevant crafting book. In Requiem you have to find crafting books to make anything at the smithy unless you turn off the need for that in the MCM. You could just try that and see if soul gems come up as a craft-able item.


A problem has come to light with aMidianborn content addon, if you use that plugin it must have a delev and relev tag (done in wrye bash). Failing that you can use the console to get the player to reset. There is this advice from Tech.


"To fix the naked NPCs on current saves do the following:

  1. [*]Find the NPC. [*]Open the console ( ~ key ) [*]Click on the NPC to display its Base ID [*]Type in 
resetinventory <Base ID> .....(For example: resetinventory 0008774F) [*]Hit Enter and the command will run. You will probably see the NPC turn partially invisible. [*]Close the console and the NPC should be fixed.

This will have to be done for any naked NPCs or NPCs missing items (like boots) that are encountered. This method isn't ideal; however, it does prevent users from having to restart their games in order to fix the issue."


For changing the uncapper settings have a look at this thread. - LINK



Edited by Smile44
  On 7/27/2014 at 11:31 PM, deadbody said:

Quick question: What ingredients are required to create soul gems at the smelter? I'm using Requiem with Hard Times but can't seem to find the right ingedients as well as any informations about that. I of course have the second perk in the Enchanting tree unlocked which is requiered.


IIRC it is done at the smelter under Misc. Also IIRC the ingredients are refined moonstone and quicksilver? I have only been able to create lesser and common soul gems.

  On 7/22/2014 at 9:15 PM, Roberbond said:

i have found a few more requiem patches in the nexus with mods used with STEP.


misc requiem patches: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54562/?

  • Patch for Bolts Vizualized 
  • Skyrim Coin Replacer Redux patch for Requiem

and many more patches with mods outside STEP


Requiem - Unique and Radiant Potions Poison and Booze patch: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52209/?

I tried to use the Bolts Visualized Patch but LOOT stops sorting load order with it. The message says something about "circular dependencies" (sorry have forgotten how it is realy called), so I use the unpatched version.

Posted (edited)
  On 7/28/2014 at 12:15 AM, Geheiligt said:

IIRC it is done at the smelter under Misc. Also IIRC the ingredients are refined moonstone and quicksilver? I have only been able to create lesser and common soul gems.

The soul gem level you can craft depends on the skill level, every 20 levels. Your suggested recipe doesn't work, maybe CCOR has something to do with that?


Edit: found the solution, Requiem - Hard Times was the problem as it changes the mechanism a little. One has to create a "soul gem merging crystal" at the forge first, which is listed under MISC there and requires several ingredients like petty soul gems and powdered bones.

Edited by deadbody
Posted (edited)
  On 7/28/2014 at 12:14 AM, Smile44 said:


"To fix the naked NPCs on current saves do the following:

[*]Find the NPC.

[*]Open the console ( ~ key )

[*]Click on the NPC to display its Base ID

[*]Type in resetinventory <Base ID> .....(For example: resetinventory 0008774F)

[*]Hit Enter and the command will run. You will probably see the NPC turn partially invisible.

[*]Close the console and the NPC should be fixed.

This will have to be done for any naked NPCs or NPCs missing items (like boots) that are encountered. This method isn't ideal; however, it does prevent users from having to restart their games in order to fix the issue."

I tried that  and it does´t work with my game. Nothing happens. It is very weird bug. 



  On 7/28/2014 at 12:26 AM, BUBISHI said:

I tried to use the Bolts Visualized Patch but LOOT stops sorting load order with it. The message says something about "circular dependencies" (sorry have forgotten how it is realy called), so I use the unpatched version.

Yes, i had the same problem. The problem is the requiem patch has the same name as the original (you don´t need the original one), and is a master mod in the STEP patch.  I had to remove bolt visualized  reference as master mod in the step patch.



Another question: Can i use any body replacer (UNP, CBBE, prometheus,etc)? i can´t understand why "better males" has no effect and other mods as XCE scarfaces or elven ethereal are no compatible and need a patch.

Edited by Roberbond
  On 7/28/2014 at 12:40 AM, Roberbond said:

I tried that  and it does´t work with my game. Nothing happens. It is very weird bug. 



Yes, i had the same problem. The problem is the requiem patch has the same name as the original (you don´t need the original one), and is a master mod in the STEP patch.  I had to remove bolt visualized  reference as master mod in the step patch.



Another question: Can i use any body replacer (UNP, CBBE, prometheus,etc)? i can´t understand why "better males" has no effect and other mods as XCE scarfaces or elven ethereal are no compatible and need a patch.

Try removeallitems before you resetinventory. Maybe this helps.


I use CBBE with Requiem and had no visible problems yet.


Could You tell me how to erase the visualized reference in the STEP patch, please.

Do I need to rerun load order after it? I'm still a beginer and afraid to break my game.



copied from this thread:  https://forum.step-project.com/topic/4347-edit-out-plugin-from-step-patch-using-tes5edit/


"Well, you can always try to do it this way:

1/- Open Wrye Bash and select the STEP Extended Patch.
2/- Click on the right pane and find Ars Metallica in the masters list.
3/- Right Click on ars metallica --> change to --> select an empty esp, or at least one that doesn't contain many records (for example BWS.esp and Thundering Shouts.esp which are both part of STEP, but are empty)
4/- Click the save button under the masters list.
5/- Open the STEP patch in Tes5Edit, right click it, and select Check for Errors.
6/- Delete the records that have an error in them (But do NOT delete anything in the Quest group, it is normal for those to have errors)
7/- Clean masters."


thanks to CJ

  On 7/28/2014 at 12:26 AM, BUBISHI said:

I tried to use the Bolts Visualized Patch but LOOT stops sorting load order with it. The message says something about "circular dependencies" (sorry have forgotten how it is realy called), so I use the unpatched version.

That is because the Requiem patch is standalone, you do not need the original mod. SO keep the patches version.


Removing the visualized reference is easy as the Requiem patch has the same data in it. Load up the Extended patch in TES5Edit, expand the file and click on "file header" find the master reference for Explosive Bolts Visualized, right click and select remove. At the top of the masters list right click and select "Add" the find the new entry, right click and choose edit then type in the name of the Requiem patch for Explosive bolts visualized. Save and you are golden.


That said it occurs to me that you might just need to edit the original entry for EBV to the Requiem patch (I have not tried doing it that way) if it allows you to do that it would be so much faster. This method is only possible if the essential data and files in the .esp are not changing only the master record itself.



  On 7/28/2014 at 1:11 AM, Roberbond said:

copied from this thread:  https://forum.step-project.com/topic/4347-edit-out-plugin-from-step-patch-using-tes5edit/


"Well, you can always try to do it this way:


1/- Open Wrye Bash and select the STEP Extended Patch.

2/- Click on the right pane and find Ars Metallica in the masters list.

3/- Right Click on ars metallica --> change to --> select an empty esp, or at least one that doesn't contain many records (for example BWS.esp and Thundering Shouts.esp which are both part of STEP, but are empty)

4/- Click the save button under the masters list.

5/- Open the STEP patch in Tes5Edit, right click it, and select Check for Errors.

6/- Delete the records that have an error in them (But do NOT delete anything in the Quest group, it is normal for those to have errors)

7/- Clean masters."


thanks to CJ



  On 7/28/2014 at 7:39 AM, Smile44 said:

That is because the Requiem patch is standalone, you do not need the original mod. SO keep the patches version.


Removing the visualized reference is easy as the Requiem patch has the same data in it. Load up the Extended patch in TES5Edit, expand the file and click on "file header" find the master reference for Explosive Bolts Visualized, right click and select remove. At the top of the masters list right click and select "Add" the find the new entry, right click and choose edit then type in the name of the Requiem patch for Explosive bolts visualized. Save and you are golden.


That said it occurs to me that you might just need to edit the original entry for EBV to the Requiem patch (I have not tried doing it that way) if it allows you to do that it would be so much faster. This method is only possible if the essential data and files in the .esp are not changing only the master record itself.



Hmm, I'm a bit confused because both of you deal a different way with the same problem.

Smile44 solution sounds more simple so I would do it this way :


1. Check my load order in Mod Organizers plugins panel for the original EBV mod and remember its position - this is important for 4.

2. Deactivate the original EBV mod in Mod Organizers left mod panel

3. Load the Requiem EBV patch and sort in next to the deactivated EBV mod so it takes over the priority number of the original mod.

4. Make sure that the new patched version is placed exactly in the same load order in the right plugins panel as the original one. This way I don't need to rerun LOOT.


5. Load extended patch in TES5Edit by unchecking all other mods in it.

6. Expand the file, find master reference for EBV, right click and remove.

7. At the top of the masters list right click and select "Add" the find the new entry, right click and choose edit then type in the name of the Requiem patch for Explosive bolts visualized.

8. Save.


9. I don't need to recreate a Bashed Patch. No need for rerunning Dual Sheaths Redux or FINIS.

10. Resume playing.




I posted both methods but the first is to deal with a more complex removal of a master that includes having to remove specific file from the patch. Requiem patches should usually be after Requiem, I'm not sure where EBV loads normally so I would be careful with that. The main thing is that EBV has to active in your load order when you open the Extended patch in TES5Edit or it wont load up. Once you have that you just change the masters over as described above and you are golden. You can then remove EBV.




So in your opinion after I replace the EBV plugin and errase the extended patch dependancies on it I can safelly move it down my load order past the STEP extended patch and past Requiem to the place where all the Requiem patches are placed.

EBV normally is loaded somewhere in the middle in the left priority panel and in the middle of my load order. If I have to move it behind Requiem I would do it in both panels: priorities and plugins.

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