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Requiem Pack (WIP)

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Posted (edited)



first I have to say I really like this guide as well as the included optimizations, very helpful indeed!


I plan on trying a new mod build including STEP:Extended 2.2.9 as base, extended by a basic STEP:REGS and full Requiem. At the moment I'm sketching out which mods to use, which to omit as well as searching for possible conflicts before even starting. I intend to wait at least until STEP 2.2.9 is final and REGS has been carrying over the changes.


So the following questions arose from that, regarding the Requiem installation process, maybe you can help me out on that:


1) Is following these guides in the mentioned order appropriate, considering I would do thorough stability testing after installation of STEP:EX, REGS and Requiem respectively?


2) The STEP:Extended Patch merges Disease Descriptions as well as No NPC Greetings. Both are not needed for Requiem. Do they conflict with Requiem or can they simply be overwritten? Having to leave out the STEP Patch would be disappointing.


3) I intend to use Immersive Armors and Weapons and stumbled across this: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimrequiem/comments/29xl2y/bashed_patch_does_not_incorporate_all_requiem/ I managed to get STEP:Extended 2.2.9 running as described in the guide but I'm still a newbie to bashed patches. I have a basic understanding of what they are for and what they are doing. In the link they mention the line from this guide:




NOTE: Do not add stats, names and tweaks to your bashed patch as it can mess up Requiem's armor and weapon values, just use merged mods and leveled lists.


If I understand correctly that means i have to remove all name and stats tags from mods that come with them and just leave the relev and delev tags? Or is there anything else I have to do to avoid such issues?

Edited by deadbody
Posted (edited)

1) install Step, Regs and test then Requiem.


2) you would need to load Requiem after the STEP patch.


3) No you don't need to do that. When you build the bashed patch you will get options of which you only select the merge and levelled list options.



Edited by Smile44
  On 7/8/2014 at 5:45 AM, Smile44 said:

2) you would need to load Requiem after the STEP patch. 

but the STEP PATCH must be one of the last patches before the bashed patch, isn´t it? in the 2.2.9. STEP instructions the STEP PATCH has a priority 989000

can i rely on loot to order the requiem mods?


The LOOT priority works by sorting a patch with a super high number last among conflicting mods. I used to say load it last in the BOSS days because that was necessary. Now It should be one of the last mods. In STEP Extended I believe two mods are loaded after it, iHUD, and Minty's Lightning. Neither will make any difference since they don't touch any of the same records.


LOOT should sort the requiem mods properly, but there should be someone looking in TES5Edit to make sure.


It doesn't sort Requiem properly as yet. The STEP extended patch deals with issues relating to the mods installed by STEP Extended. Requiem adds other things to it, so it will override where it needs to in STEP. Requiem and all of its patches should load post STEP patch but before the Bashed patch. Mods like Interesting NPCs should load after the Requiem patches with their respective patches following. In other words install Requiem on top of your STEP install.


LOOT does not sort Requiem properly. Requiem needs to be close to the end of the load order but LOOT sticks it in really early so it gets overwritten by a lot of other mods which will cause Requiem changes to not work. REGS does not add changes to vanilla stats so it can load in with STEP and be sorted by LOOT, but you will need to add special instructions for Requiem. Mods that add NPCs and or changes to NPCs need to be loaded after Requiem and it's patches but if you add mods that do not have Requiem patches then those new NPCs may well be very underpowered.


Hope this helps.



  On 7/8/2014 at 5:19 PM, Smile44 said:

It doesn't sort Requiem properly as yet. The STEP extended patch deals with issues relating to the mods installed by STEP Extended. Requiem adds other things to it, so it will override where it needs to in STEP. Requiem and all of its patches should load post STEP patch but before the Bashed patch. Mods like Interesting NPCs should load after the Requiem patches with their respective patches following. In other words install Requiem on top of your STEP install.


LOOT does not sort Requiem properly. Requiem needs to be close to the end of the load order but LOOT sticks it in really early so it gets overwritten by a lot of other mods which will cause Requiem changes to not work. REGS does not add changes to vanilla stats so it can load in with STEP and be sorted by LOOT, but you will need to add special instructions for Requiem. Mods that add NPCs and or changes to NPCs need to be loaded after Requiem and it's patches but if you add mods that do not have Requiem patches then those new NPCs may well be very underpowered.


Hope this helps.



Anything in the STEP Patches you want to use in your own patch is fine. You just need to continue to distribute it through STEP, like you do now, for permission reasons with SMIM. We will probably start putting Pack patches in the nexus Optional files as we move toward a solution that lets us support Packs more thoroughly. You can also make a wiki page for any plugin you create if you feel it is necessary.


After we finally get 2.2.9 out, you can bug me about anything if you have any questions.


Just a small headsup about the patch:


The silicon lottery really really hates me. I bought an r9 290 vapor-x in hopes that it will be more stable then the pcs+. Well, the card I received is even more unstable then the pcs+ ones, producing black screens more frequently and putting BSODs in the mix :(


I spend a lot of time troubleshooting my hardware, testing the card in other people's stable systems, testing other cards in mine. Despite the fact that testing a Syrim pack on an unstable system is kind of useless, all the troubleshooting kind of reduces my motivation to sit down and do more trouble shooting in form of a pack patch. Hopefully I can resolve my GPU issues in the near future, maybe if I keep sending cards back one will eventually work.





  On 7/8/2014 at 5:19 PM, Smile44 said:

Requiem needs to be close to the end of the load order but LOOT sticks it in really early so it gets overwritten by a lot of other mods which will cause Requiem changes to not work. 


So if i set the step patch with a high priority and then i add a rule to load requiem after STEP patch, will loot order rightly?


It would be great to have the input / access to advice as for now I'm generally referring to patches already made and on the nexus for the specific mods in question e.g. Azirok's mods. Spock made a patch / patches for STEP, though they may be a tad out of date. I am no expert on patching though I can and have produced some here and there I am not passionate about it. In the case of Requiem there are only a handful needed for a STEP install and some of those are optional but as requiem touches nearly everything in the game any mod loaded after it needs to be carefully chosen so that it adds something to the game. For example Requiem allows locks to only be picked with at lest one perk in the tree, but you can also open locks with a weapon or spell if your skill is high enough (except master locks). If you feel that Lock overhaul is better and you must have it then load it after Requiem - but it isn't really needed. Traps are more dangerous and hidden so similar mods are not needed but may be preferred, dragon fear negates "Run for your Lives", "When vampires attack" not needed as those random attacks are stopped and DG does not start until level 30. Dragons vampires and werewolves are faster and far more dangerous, AI is improved both animal / monsters and allies / enemies, NPCs have better stats, potions and weapons, economy is harder and so on. There are so many mods that can enhance the game but are already covered in this overhaul, including specifically placed items and creatures / enemies.


What Requiem doesn't really cover is textures, animations, lighting weather etc.. oh and of course new lands dungeons and buildings yay REGS. So nothing bar the bashed patch should be loaded after Requiem unless it specifically needs to or you want another mods function instead - but that way does lead to problems, complexity and patching.


Thanks for your input SRB.



  On 7/8/2014 at 6:52 PM, Roberbond said:



So if i set the step patch with a high priority and then i add a rule to load requiem after STEP patch, will loot order rightly?


Yes, you could do that. You can also add a higher priority number to the plugin that you want sorted after the STEP patch that will sort it lower if there is a conflict between that plugin and the STEP Patch. Just make sure the priority number is lower than the Bashed Patch.

Posted (edited)
  On 7/8/2014 at 6:52 PM, Roberbond said:



So if i set the step patch with a high priority and then i add a rule to load requiem after STEP patch, will loot order rightly?


Possibly it depends on your modlist - why not pm it to me or your ideas for mods you would like to add and I will get back to you as to what you should do. Other wise Let Loot sort all your mods then add Requiem to sort last, see what happens. I have not played with loot  too much as I am quite happy with BOSS. I sort Requiem.esp at BOTTOM Realism then all relevant patches after that which would be the Shield fix, then Resources, followed by Dragonborn then the CCOR patches, then any REGS related patches and NPC mods plus patches.I have merged a lot of mine though to keep the count down. so the end of my load order looks like this.



  Reveal hidden contents



Hope this helps.




P.S. I sort the SR Conflict Resolution patch late because it does not overly interfere with Requiem, I do not know if the STEP one does but if it did the I would need to sort Requiem.esp after it etc...


EDIT Ninja ered. But my answer has more protein in it even if it is largely indigestible. ::):

Edited by Smile44

I have had another issue with the new step core patch. Loot can´t order my mods if i set requiem after the step patch because there is a redundant error. 

My solution was to give 100 priority to requiem.esp so it loads at the bottom of my order list. But it is not loaded after  STEP Core patch. Your requiem patch is loaded after STEP Core patch.

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