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Requiem Pack (WIP)

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Posted (edited)

I noticed that there was an armor you could build without the perks, as you mentioned. Figured I'll just restrain myself from smithing that :-) maybe I'll just remove it and install book of silence the STEP suggested way. I think my game is stable, will get some time tonight to try. Yesterday was spent patching, didn't get the time to play much. I have some exterior SR:LE textures in 1k/2k mix instead of 2k to help make the game more stable. I will Ddsopt better males and immersive creatures today for the same reason. I think I'll take your suggestion and remove footprints to.

Edited by dreadflopp
Posted (edited)

Not bad for me to, just got my ass kicked bye bandits which are not easy targets with OBIS !!

Going to check my bashed tag to check I won't be looting anything better than orckish or Elven gear when it's not intended than I think I will be good !

Oh I also disabled spawns in SIC menu.

Anyone tested the civil war overhaul and it's requiem patch ?

Quite confident Bashed patch is not good for Requiem "spirit" Going without ....

Edited by Nicopad

No bashed patch? But.. but that's sacrilege!


Seriously though, no bashed patch makes me very nervous, especially because loss of merged leveled lists. I guess its fine if you only play with IA and IW but with more mods... :(


In any case, why do you suspect that it does not play nice with Requiem?

Posted (edited)
  On 3/26/2014 at 2:26 PM, MadWizard25 said:

In any case, why do you suspect that it does not play nice with Requiem?

Trying to make a bashed patch many different ways, but when looking at it with TE5edit :

some leveled list completely empty, (green ones with filters)

some containing leveled items like glass weapons at lvl 50 and so on which i don't think we would like with requiem.

Going to check if doing it manualy is to much of a hard work or not.

Or if just leaving the last mod handling it's list is enought. (mainly requiem ones)

Have a look at your bashed patch and tell me what you think.

@spock In the Step pack requiem I beleive you forgot to forward the AAOOXarrianBowUnbreakable in NightingaleBow01

Question about TE5edit : About the Location like 00018A56 whiterunlocation, is there any forwarding to do or is it "automatic" ?

Edited by Nicopad
Posted (edited)

I didn't edit the Step pack from spock but put mine after his....

You can remove AOS requiem patch, Trade and Barter Requiem patch if using Spocks and It also solves other problems from STEP.

Sharing my requiem patch has soon has I learn how to put it in my dropbox :) (yet didn't check my masters but I use EchantedAwakened requiem).


Also maybe going without a bashed patch is overreacting.... but still not happy with it !

Edited by Nicopad

Ok. Thanks! Put it in the public folder of your Dropbox. If you are using the desktop client, just right click the file and choose share link. Are you getting spawns from obis and sic since you removed the leveled list bash patch?

  On 3/26/2014 at 3:55 PM, dreadflopp said:

Ok. Thanks! Put it in the public folder of your Dropbox. If you are using the desktop client, just right click the file and choose share link. Are you getting spawns from obis and sic since you removed the leveled list bash patch?

Yes, leveled list have not diseapeared just have to go look for them in the mods.

I think I am going to make a bashed patch then remove what I don't like in it. Faster than making one from scratch.

Posted (edited)

What is it you don't like? Enemies spawning with to high level item? If so you could make a patch for that mod or remove bash tags if the mods not needed. And then share your findings ::D:


Someday you might want to use a bashed patch and doing it this way might save you some time when you do.

Edited by dreadflopp
Posted (edited)

Yup 2 things I don't want : Enemies with two high weapons, and leveled enemies. Requiem is made with unlevelled enemies, requiem patchs for obis sic and so also work with unlevelled enemies but when I check on the bashed patch it is not always that way.

For exemple Deadly dragons spawning is dépendent on your level.... yet unlevelling them might be unplayable....

Going to work on that tonight.... will share my experience.

Anyone can give me an insight on how works the tags Relev and Delev ?

found this :

Relev: Mod overrides an item value in a leveled list.

  • Delev: Mod deletes an item from a leveled list.

but i don't quite understand

Edited by Nicopad

A little update on merging plugins. Well, it seems to work rather well. The game launches and i can start a new game. This is without a conflict resolution patch mind you. I have found out that pretty much anything can be merged except cell editing mods (such as new villages, or changes to locations), anything that messes with navmeshes, script mods, interface mods (MCM does not like merging), and masters/ large overhauls. This means I have reduced plugin count from 340 to 240 roughly.


One big hurdle I came across is that within the merged patch, there is no way of knowing which mod contributed which record in a lot of case. It stands to reason you should not merge anything that modifies the same record/ sub record. This isnt a big problem with a well built mod setup, and I have found it easier to create 2 or 3 merged patches so you can have one overwrite  the other. It takes time though to sort everything out. One example is merging of some of the requiem patches. The merge patch should go after the last merged plugin, but since load order is so important regarding Requiem this can be tricky.


In any case, I will head on to testing out mods as best as possible (without conflict patch), see if any more are broken by merging, and then head on to conflict resolution.


@nicopad. I'm getting a grip of the bashed patch now. Make sure you are not hiding things with your filter och hiding non coflict rows as I did. Will check your conflict resolution. Look at the question I asked in the wrye bash support section. Might clear thing up with the leveled lists and why some stuff "makes it" to the bashed patch and some stuff don't.

Posted (edited)
  On 3/26/2014 at 8:07 PM, dreadflopp said:

@nicopad. I'm getting a grip of the bashed patch now. Make sure you are not hiding things with your filter och hiding non coflict rows as I did. Will check your conflict resolution. Look at the question I asked in the wrye bash support section. Might clear thing up with the leveled lists and why some stuff "makes it" to the bashed patch and some stuff don't.

Ok read and understood, a small patch might do the trick for those items, like addind nightingal items at lvl 1 in a patch and making it relev delev. So adding a lvl version is easy but deleting a new item for bashed ?

If you are at it look a location entry with conflict and tell me if you think something has to be done.

Well after all bashed is good :) just overrided one or two list in my requiem conflict.esp and put it after the bashed patch.

Edited by Nicopad

If you want to delete a new item a mod adds:

add that mod to your conflict resolution patch

delete the unwanted items from your conflict resolution patch

add delev tag to your conflict resolution patch

make bashed patch

hopefully works  ::):


I'll add some STEP:extended mods you are using+the enchantment mod to my install and add your conflict resolution records to mine. I'll also add the STEP/requiem patch by Spock and remove uneeded records from my patch. By doing this it will be easier to combine our efforts to make SR:LE/REGS/Requiem work flawless  ::):


@nicopad great work on the patching, I copied quite a lot. Found some things in your patch though. More on that below.


First an answer to your question about location. ACPR doesn't need patching. Check this thread:



You patched quite a lot of things from College of winterhold. I'm not to sure about those. I'm thinking it might break that mod. I haven't played it though so if you are confident about it maybe it's fine.


00018A56 - patches REGS mods. Maybe ask them if it is needed since they seem very confident with conflict resoulution

00076f3A - see above

All your quests edits patches immersive college of winterhold with uskp, maybe this to should be done by the REGS team if its needed?


If you have delev tag on your patch, all these do is remove stuff from nightingale hall, is that intended?
00013ed7 KZIZ - Keyword Count should be  6
000F849B   COCT - Count, should be 2
0007E5C3   KZIZ - Keyword Count should be 7
What does your magic effect patches patch? None of them are needed for me. The plugin loaded right before your patch is, for me, EnchantingAwakenedAWEPatch.esp
Updated my dropbox conflict resolution patch link:
I do not use immersive armors/weapons add-on
There won't be any new stuff in it for you Nicopad. Loadorder should be, if anyone wants to check it:
SR Conflict Resolution.esp
REGS - SRLE Patch.esp
STEP Pack Requiem Patch.esp
My conflict reolution.esp



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