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Requiem Pack (WIP)

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Posted (edited)

Im facing a bit of an issue. Im currently trying to set up SR:LE, REGS, Requiem, and STEP Extended plus a handful of other mods. Needless to say Im way over the 255 plugin limit, currently have 350.


I did not assume this would be a unsolvable problem, just something that takes time. Once I installed and ordered all mods I wanted to do a large conflict resolution patch based on the SR:LE and REGS guides.


However it seems that TES5Edit will not load more than 255 plugins, which totally defeats the possibility of a overview of all conflicts. I can work around this by using the TES5Edit Merge Script addon. I will merge as many mods as possible and then attempt to do conflict resolution with the merged patch plus leftovers. This brings me to two questions;


1) Is there some way to force TES5Edit to load and/ or show more that 255 plugins? What occurs is that TES5Edit will load all the plugins, but will only show 255 in the left hand tree panel.


2) If I create a merge patch (assuming its a safe and functional patch), would this make a conflict resolution patch more difficult? Would all the conflicts for each mod that was merged show up in the merged patch? As far as i can tell the TES5Edit Merge Script preserves each mod within the merge patch, but since I have limited understanding of the tool I may be making an assumption mistake.


Or maybe somebody else has a better way of playing with an overburdened plugin setup, any thoughts would be welcome  ::):

Edited by MadWizard25
Posted (edited)

@madwizard Beyond my knowledge, already trying to have something stable with SRLE + REGS + Requiem... 235 esps, and trying to thin it down to gain stability so over 350 seems to me a bit ambitious.

@smile44 any luck with my build ?

having ctds around riverwood cause of this :

[03/25/2014 - 09:50:21AM] Error: Unable to set the sound's positionstack: [ (000BCD35)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ? [ (0010C334)].FXBirdFleeSCRIPT.OnCellAttach() - "fxbirdfleescript.psc" Line 21

AOS in cause ?

Edited by Nicopad


Maybe try the fix on the AOS nexus page? Read somwhere that it fixes CTD's related to birds or chickens.



(23.11.2013)Possible CTD fix now available in files section under Optional Files.Some people were getting a crash to desktop issue when approaching Riverwood from Helgen. itsfutile has tracked down the possible problem. This addon should hopefully fix it, if not, let me know. The change will be included in the next main AOS release but for now you can either use TES5Edit and copy over the change from this esp to your main AOS.esp or just load the AOS_CTD_Fix.esp after any other AOS related esp in the loadorder. esp esp ESP!


  On 3/25/2014 at 1:47 AM, MadWizard25 said:

Im facing a bit of an issue. Im currently trying to set up SR:LE, REGS, Requiem, and STEP Extended plus a handful of other mods. Needless to say Im way over the 255 plugin limit, currently have 350.


I did not assume this would be a unsolvable problem, just something that takes time. Once I installed and ordered all mods I wanted to do a large conflict resolution patch based on the SR:LE and REGS guides.


However it seems that TES5Edit will not load more than 255 plugins, which totally defeats the possibility of a overview of all conflicts. I can work around this by using the TES5Edit Merge Script addon. I will merge as many mods as possible and then attempt to do conflict resolution with the merged patch plus leftovers. This brings me to two questions;


1) Is there some way to force TES5Edit to load and/ or show more that 255 plugins? What occurs is that TES5Edit will load all the plugins, but will only show 255 in the left hand tree panel.


2) If I create a merge patch (assuming its a safe and functional patch), would this make a conflict resolution patch more difficult? Would all the conflicts for each mod that was merged show up in the merged patch? As far as i can tell the TES5Edit Merge Script preserves each mod within the merge patch, but since I have limited understanding of the tool I may be making an assumption mistake.


Or maybe somebody else has a better way of playing with an overburdened plugin setup, any thoughts would be welcome  ::):

If you use the STEP:Extended patch a lot of plugins can be removed. I'm currently at 140 with some lighting mods, some extras like parallax, weather, Requiem and Faalskaar and I have some redundancies. Have you tried that?


1) Not that I know

2) I don't have experience with the merge script. You should read very carefully how it works. If anything it should make compatibility a little easier because you have less plugins to go through. For such a massive mod setup I would advise you to learn a little T5E, it's really not that difficult and helps a great deal solving conflicts. It's always better if you can look things up yourself.

If you want a big Requiem install I would personally recommend to go with STEP:Extended and then add the LE mods you want. The texture mods won't conflict. Except for the body mods (which I really don't care for) there isn't too much left not covered in other packs. For weather and lighting I would try something like Natural Lighting and Atmospherics for ENB by Confidence-Man or Opethfeldt 7 when the new version gets released. Or Serenity ENB if you like it a little more cinematic. It saves some slots and looks stunning.

  On 3/25/2014 at 1:47 AM, MadWizard25 said:

Im facing a bit of an issue. Im currently trying to set up SR:LE, REGS, Requiem, and STEP Extended plus a handful of other mods. Needless to say Im way over the 255 plugin limit, currently have 350.


I did not assume this would be a unsolvable problem, just something that takes time. Once I installed and ordered all mods I wanted to do a large conflict resolution patch based on the SR:LE and REGS guides.


However it seems that TES5Edit will not load more than 255 plugins, which totally defeats the possibility of a overview of all conflicts. I can work around this by using the TES5Edit Merge Script addon. I will merge as many mods as possible and then attempt to do conflict resolution with the merged patch plus leftovers. This brings me to two questions;


1) Is there some way to force TES5Edit to load and/ or show more that 255 plugins? What occurs is that TES5Edit will load all the plugins, but will only show 255 in the left hand tree panel.


2) If I create a merge patch (assuming its a safe and functional patch), would this make a conflict resolution patch more difficult? Would all the conflicts for each mod that was merged show up in the merged patch? As far as i can tell the TES5Edit Merge Script preserves each mod within the merge patch, but since I have limited understanding of the tool I may be making an assumption mistake.


Or maybe somebody else has a better way of playing with an overburdened plugin setup, any thoughts would be welcome  ::):

SR:LE + STEP extended seems like the worst idea ever, SR:LE is not a pack based on STEP, it's a standalone guide D:

Posted (edited)

Interesting comments :;):


@ Nicopad: Interesting that you only have so many. I think the majority of my extra plugins comes from STEP Extendended, as well as about 60 other plugins from weapons, armors, and a few gameplay changes.


@ Spock: You mean the requiem STEP Extended patch right? Or the normal STEP Extended patch? If referring to the normal one, yes Im aware of which plugins can be disabled, via the STEP wiki page on the patch. I have removed all those plugins. Im actually pretty confident with using Tes5edit for conflict resolution. However, my problem is i cannot do the conflict resolution if i cannot load all plugins in tes5edit, hence the need for the merged patch.

I think i need to clarify that in regards to conflict resolution i specifically mean with tes5edit. All other conflicts, such as overrides have been solved. Im also using CoT + Weather Patch + ESS + SS + ELFX + ELE + Relighting + Real Vision ENB for weather and atmospherics, its gorgeous!


@CJ2311: I spent quite some time comparing SR:LE and STEP Extended, and its possible for the two to fit together. There are some redundancies and overlaps, but generally its ok. SR:LE covers quite a bit of STEP extended functionality in any case. Tes5edit (in the early days) didnt show too much conflict, and most could be resolved by a patch. And no worries, SR:LE guide makes it clear that its not a STEP pack, so im not treating it as such. Its just my ambition to merge the two with REGS and Requiem. Im fully aware that I may be biting off more than i can chew  ::D:


In any case, I have been busy testing out the tes5edit merge script addon. Its quite nifty, and as long as I stay away from mods that alter cells (mostly anything with navmesh) and script heavy mods, everything else seems to merge fine, and tests well (at least with 1 by 1 testing). It was exhausting however to figure out which plugins contained errors and are better avoided, as well as master issues etc etc. Im now at a list of about 100 plugins i think i can merge safely, which puts me just below 255 limit. Ill soon see if the game even launches, and then on to trying out conflict resolution!

Edited by MadWizard25
Posted (edited)

If you get it to work i will be quite impressed !!

Having ctds when opening menus ingame (inventory or save) with sometimes glitches.... dont know if it(s mod related. any ideas ? i am out of^options (maybe enb related ?)

And here another CTD... more annoying : requiem bug ?

[None].REQ_MassEffectField.RegisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ? [None].REQ_MassEffectField.onBeginState() - "REQ_MassEffectField.psc" Line ? [None].REQ_MassEffectField.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ? [None].REQ_MassEffectField.OnObjectUnequipped() - "REQ_MassEffectField.psc" Line 20

Edited by Nicopad

I did a lot of work with SR:LE+REGS+Requiem today and had it all written down to share with you when my cat turned of my computer and destroyed my text document AND my mod organizer profile. Had to spend an hour reordering install order and figuring out which mods should be checked/unchecked  :( I'm quite upset but I'll see what I remember.

First of all a question. Anyone knows how to resolve this?


Good thing is everything seems to work. I no longer have naked bandits in my game.

First of all i removed Realistic needs and diseases and bring out your dead because of personal preference and that I didn't want to do patches for the patches that exists for them.

I rebuilt my bashed patch and only included leveled lists. If names and stats are included requiem stats will be overwritten if the plugins aren't correctly tagged. It seemed easier for me to let load order decide which names and stats to use.

I switched OBIS - requiem patch to that one that nicopad uses. Several records in the OBIS patch was overwritten (by SR:LE i think) and needed forwarding/merging with TES5Edit.

Nightingale hall.esp (from REGS) needs weapons stats merged with requiem (if i remember correcly)

Requiem USKP patch should be loaded early in the requiem plugins load order, otherwise it overwrites stuff (sorry don't remember what)

The two "conflict resolution" fixes from the main SR:LE guide needs to be removed or redone with requiem in mind. At least one record ffrom the SR:LE subguide can be removed.

Non-player character (actor) conflicts need to be checked and fixed with TES5Edit in several plugins. Those in SR:LE confliction resolution needs to be redone with requiem in mind.

Someone with better skills than me should check immersive college of winterhold/requiem conflicts, even though the author of ICoW says they are compatible several conflicts exists.

Improved closefaced helmets needed records merged with requiem records.

Here is my load order:


  Reveal hidden contents


Here is my conflict resolution patch if someone wants to check what I did. Remember that I am no expert at this and that it is a WIP:



@ dreadflopp


May i ask why Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp and WeaponsArmorFixes_GuardDialogueOverhaul_Patch.esp are in a custom position in the load order? The latest BOSS beta places them quite a bit lower for me.


And remember not every conflict is a compatibility issue, some overrides for records are safe, other records are automatically merged when skyrim runs, and some records offer such minor incompatibility that its not worth manually overriding them all.


That OBIS - Requiem patch must be for an older version of Requiem or has had a master removed in a silly manner via T5E or WB.


The referenced record that cannot be resolved is supposed to reference that REQ_StalkerFaction.


For the ICW mod, I suggest copying the NPC records from Requiem/any overhaul and only forwarding the package changes from the ICW mod, because the mod author who made ICW made a lot of silly and unnecessary changes to the NPCs' stats, perks, and behavior.


@MadWizard, I'm well aware of that ::): . I have sorted GDO before Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp and the patch after WAF. I don't remeber why, sorry.


A question about conflicts. I have some follower mods that add existing characters as followers. One is included in REGS that adds Karliah as a follower. Should those be leaved untoched? If so it seems that they level up as the PC do. If they are merged with requiem records I believe they will have static stats.

  On 3/25/2014 at 6:18 PM, MadWizard25 said:

@ Spock: You mean the requiem STEP Extended patch right? Or the normal STEP Extended patch? If referring to the normal one, yes Im aware of which plugins can be disabled, via the STEP wiki page on the patch. I have removed all those plugins. Im actually pretty confident with using Tes5edit for conflict resolution. However, my problem is i cannot do the conflict resolution if i cannot load all plugins in tes5edit, hence the need for the merged patch.

I mean the STEP:Extended patch and the Requiem pack patch. The Requiem pack patch doesn't cover all extended mods though (it's built for core) but can be built upon to save plugins. To use the STEP:Extended patch you need to delete it's Ars Metallica entries using T5E. If you do, it would be welcome if you are willing to share the file so it can be provided on the wiki.


I made 2 patches for individual extended mods a page back, if you add the Requiem Bring Out Your Dead patch and the Requiem pack patch you should be good for all Requiem conflicts with extended. Not that the Bring Out Your Dead patch doesn't forward a single Consistent Older People entry and some of Requiem Hard Times' changes (mostly skin color and marryable flags). You won't miss out on anything cruicial. Requiem Bring Out Your Dead should be loaded after all other patches.


I'm currently pretty occupied and won't be able to make new patches for a while.


@dreadflop, Ok added some edit's I missed to my requiem resolution.

I still believe amidianbornaddon is not compatible (you should be able to build at smelters without requiered perks)

Another question, is your game stable ?

And last, followed your idea and removed RND (less scripts) and removed footprints (again less scripts)

Will see what it changes.

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