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Requiem Pack (WIP)

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Posted (edited)

No you just need to remove the files relating to better Vampires, use the CR build guide to help you find them, there are not many then remove BV from the file header as a master. Here are the file you want to remove from the CR patch -  I think (it may be worth checking).


  Reveal hidden contents
Magic Effect =
0300D3C1 DLC1ReanimateFFAimed25
Conflict Resolution: Use record from Better Vampires.esp and move the added properties for the SayOnHitByMagicEffect script from Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp.
Problem Resolved: Script properties added by unofficial patches were not properly forwarded.
[EDIT] 0301419C DLC1PCVampireAbsorbMagickaConcAimed
Conflict Resolution: Use record from Better Vampires.esp and move the Conditions block from Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp.
Problem Resolved: Conditions fix from unofficial patches was not properly forwarded.
[EDIT] 0301571A DLC1BatsEffect
Conflict Resolution: Use record from Better Vampires.esp and move the added properties for the DLC1BatEffects script from Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp.
Problem Resolved: Script properties added by unofficial patches were not properly forwarded.
Spell =
[EDIT] 0300BA54 DLC1VampireRaiseDeadLeftHand01
Conflict Resolution: Use record from Better Vampires.esp and move the Flags from Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp.
Problem Resolved: Resistance flag fix from the unofficial patches was not properly forwarded.
[EDIT] 03013EC8 DLC1VampireRaiseDeadLeftHand02 through 03013ECB DLC1VampireRaiseDeadLeftHand05
Conflict Resolution: Use record from Better Vampires.esp and move the Flags from Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp.
Problem Resolved: Resistance flag fix from the unofficial patches was not properly forwarded.

Once you've done that, click on File Header for the mod and look in the right panel for the master Better Vampires.esp - right click and remove.
Hope this helps.
Edited by Smile44
  • +1 1

Nope you need all the masters present before you can load the patch to edit it. Once you have made the edits then those files can be hidden again.




OK,  so I've fixed the patches and I've executed SUM (ASIS + DSR + Requiem for the Indifferent), but I think my load order is messed up:



  Reveal hidden contents



What should I change? 



If this is LOOT sorted then you are probably OK, but if you are using SR then you will need to move the SR CR patch and the ELE -Interior Lighting Merged.esp (if you are using it down to be just above the bashed patch. Also you can't use ELFX Exteriors and Lanterns of Skyrim they clash big time. Lose Lanterns if you don't want to edit the CR patch again. Finally you will need to make your own CR patch to ensure that key mods are winning conflict battles e.g. Requiem. The link at the bottom of the previous page should help with that.




P.S. I've only looked very quickly at your list, so apologies if this is not a complete analysis, do not have time tonight unfortunately.


Thx pal, you already helped me quite a big deal. I'll be damned if I can't make this work.


Btw: Wouldn't putting Requiem and all its patches at the very bottom of my load order just above my bashed patch and Requiem for the Indefferent solve my problems since Requiem would win every "battle"?


That is the recommendation of the authors of Requiem, but there are some mods that I would want to win. Strictly speaking any follower mods or combat enhancement mods e.g. DCO need to load after Requiem mods, so do mods that add NPCs so yes as long as you do that alongside these mods Requiem patches then you should be golden. but watch out for clashes with sound and or lighting mods. TES5Edit is your friend.




OK. I'm currently checking for battles via TES5EDIT and I've already created 3 rules for LOOT based on Azirok's load order (e.g. Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp was loaded after Requiem.esp). I hope I don't screw up my load order in the process. ::|:


Smile44 : wouldn't a NPC added by a mod that loads after Requiem be too powerful (that is to say, not "requiemed") ?


My Inigo is loaded before Requiem. So is my interesting NPCs... Is it wrong ?


Scratching my head... Well, I totally know I'm wrong if Azirok does it the other way but I don't understand the logic...


And, as far as I know, I've not seen any specific problem with my load order : Inigo does not seem either too strong nor too weak (nor Tora Fair-Child from interesting NPCs). And till recently, my game was quite crash free, the only bug I had was very rare male nude NPCs and even rarer headless NPCs (the naked NPCs not being related to the known error with immersive weapons).


Lately I have had several crashes so I suppose something's wrong after 61 levels of fun.


The NPC mods need to be loaded after so that you get all the intended look and characteristics the mod author intended, then you load the requiem patch for that character which should add the key Requiem perks and perhaps toughen the character up a little depending on whether it is too weak for Requiem. That said such patches really don't need much as the weapons and armor they use will be already up to requiem stats due to the way Requiem works unless they are unique and not patched.



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