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Have you been back since the latest enb series binaries included enboost? That seems to be helping since last I ran New Vegas. I'm installing a new build inspired by EssArrBee's wiki as we speak, lot's of good stuff currently on Nexus.

  'redirishlord said:
Considering the success of the 1.7 alpha of SKSE with the memory patch 3.0 features' date=' I wonder if a new NVSE with the same is something we can hope for?[/quote']

That would be Killer!!!:woot:



I didn't read your posts EssArrBee, Redirishlord


So nvSe is out...but using the ENBoost for FNV would be a great start huh? thanks for the info :D

^not that I would stop using nvse.exe


@AyleidRuin, I think you can forego 4gb patch in favor of enboost. I'm using E ENB & NVSE. I set my memory in enblocal to 10240 (the max) with the default 256 reserved since I have 16gb RAM + 2gb VRAM to work with. I'm sure memory patch 3.0 features would manage things even better, I just don't know if NVSE is stil being developed like SKSE is.


Well, today (yesterday but I'm still awake) I started experiencing CTDs, lots of them. My crash dumps were like the ones Nearox was having before stabilizing his game (unable to find C-Runtime symbols, even with unqualified search and lots of memory problems). Kudos to Nearox for posting here and in the enbseries forums.


So, here I am trying different options and possible solutions but nothing seems to be working. SSME, SKSE 1.7, memory values tweaking @enblocal.ini, .dlls compiled under different versions, you name it.


First sign of progress was achieved by uninstalling The Dance of Death (damn my luck, two days ago I was saying that that mod worked like a charm). This put an end to three 100% reproducible CTDs I was having but we're only halfway through.


The "final fix" was increasing my user virtual access (cmd > bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 2900).


After uninstalling The Dance of Death and increasing virtual access CTDs stopped. No crash/freeze whatsoever. I was still having some nasty stuttering but that was ELFX fault and has nothing to do with this.


I know I'm not giving a lot of details and I'm not even running STEP right now (going to install the new version in a couple of weeks), but the virtual access thing really made the game better, no ctd at all, and I haven't seen it as a possible solution.


Was my problem totally unrelated? Is there another way to achieve the virtual access "fix" that's more popular than this one and that's why I haven't heard about it? I'm really curious.


I'm using SKSE 1.7 by the way.


Well, today (yesterday but I'm still awake) I started experiencing CTDs, lots of them. My crash dumps were like the ones Nearox was having before stabilizing his game (unable to find C-Runtime symbols, even with unqualified search and lots of memory problems). Kudos to Nearox for posting here and in the enbseries forums.


So, here I am trying different options and possible solutions but nothing seems to be working. SSME, SKSE 1.7, memory values tweaking @enblocal.ini, .dlls compiled under different versions, you name it.


First sign of progress was achieved by uninstalling The Dance of Death (damn my luck, two days ago I was saying that that mod worked like a charm). This put an end to three 100% reproducible CTDs I was having but we're only halfway through.


The "final fix" was increasing my user virtual access (cmd > bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 2900).


Glad that you fixed it. Doesn't IncreaseUserVA only apply to 32 bit systems though? I thought 64bit allocated up to 4gb by default?

I don't have the slightest idea. After that every single reproducible CTD disappeared and the FTL flying show started.

IncreaseUserVA can't and shouldn't be used with 64-bit Windows, because it can already give 4GB of memory (called user-mode virtual address space) to programs.


It's only needed for when you're try to use programs that want more than the default 2GB limit that 32-bit Windows allows.


By setting it to 3000, you've just allowed Windows to give 3000MB to any program, and reduced the amount of memory the Windows system can use from it's default 2GB to 1096MB. Remember that Windows 7 x86 (32-bit) is limited to using a maximum of 4GB of RAM.


Reducing the memory for the Windows system is fine as long as you aren't using any 32-bit drivers which assume they can use the normal 2GB of memory for the system, and then find out they can't. This can cause all kinds of problems, even errors when writing files, such as was explained here.


Another important thing to keep in mind is that some of the 1096MB you're leaving for windows may be used for something called hardware mapping, which is system RAM used to match memory on hardware devices, including your videocard.


If you've got only 4GB of RAM, that hardware mapping has to happen there, typically around 128-256MB for video cards, and with other hardware devices can reach a total of 512-768MB, all taken away from the memory you've allowed Windows. If you've got more than 4GB of RAM, then hardware can be remapped above the 4GB mark, and so all of the first 4GB will be available to Windows + your program(s).


Finally, increasing the UserVA value (and thus lowering the Windows system VA) can cause more paging - using your page file - which means using your HDD/SDD as a cache to extend your available memory through the use of virtual memory. This can slow things down considerably, and translate to lower performance in your game. To avoid this, you should try to make sure all unnecessary processes are disabled or not running while playing Skyrim.


So I suggest using caution with IncreaseUserVA, and if you notice any strange behavior with your system or things not working as expected, try reverting it with cmd > bcdedit /deletevalue increaseuserva.


Bottom line? If you're having to use IncreaseUserVA, then if at all possible, upgrade to 64-bit Windows, and invest in some more RAM!

  'Allsunday said:
Great answer keithinhanoi' date=' thank you! Thing is, I already use w7 x64 and I have 4gb. Do you have any idea why did I see an improvement after that change?[/quote']

Ahh, I see. Technically, you're not giving Skyrim access to more memory, because on Windows x64 a 32-bit application can access 4GB of memory.


In Skyrim's case, there's the 3.1GB limit because the rest is needed by the system (kernel) if I understand things correctly.


Your original problem causing the crashes is you've increased Skyrim's "hunger" for RAM by modding it, and that is competing with system resources because you've only got 4GB of physical RAM to play with. So Skyrim has probably been running out of memory before it hits the 3.1GB limit.


By setting IncreaseUserVA to 3000, you are likely limiting the available memory space allowed to the system, which in turn insures Skyrim has 3000MB to use, and so you don't see crashes anymore.


However, the same problem applies as I mentioned before - some drivers may expect more RAM to be available, and when they don't see it, things will stop working correctly.


Basically, you're playing with fire, and your choices are to either reduce Skyrim's "hunger" with lower resolution / more optimized texture packs or fewer mods, or preferably invest in more RAM - not very expensive, but well worth it.


I do need more RAM and I'm going to buy it next month (vacations took all my money :P). Thank you, now I understand. I do not have a lot of textures tho but I'm going to check how much memory Skyrim is consuming.


I've got a Weird issue I cant get my head around. I've installed latest skse and enboost, disabled all mods and then did a test with Memory Blocks Log.


skse.ini settings:


  Reveal hidden contents


MemoryBlogslog.log output:


  Reveal hidden contents



Why would it stop at 256 on block 1 when I've clearly set it to 512? I performed the test by continually spawning actors until the game crashed. Did it several times every time game crashes on 256 ram usage. 

I'm using Mod Organizer and the log file outputs to my overwrite folder while I've installed skse in the main skyrim directory with the settings file in Skyrim\Data\SKSE\skse.ini


Nvm I'm an idiot. Fiddled around with it so much i didn't realize I wasn't using the latest skse. Updated to the alpha and it works like a charm:)

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