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The version of the dll on the OP is not the issue. It is essentially the same thing as sheson's and works for everyone else so far.


Crashing entering Whiterun is almost certainly a mod issue. Are you running Troublemakers clothing? Lots of other mods could do this too.


I repeat my questions above:


Do you get CTDs under pure vanilla?

Do you get CTDs under pure STEP:Core?

Do you get CTDs under pure SR:LE?


You really need to sort out your mod issues, I think.


Registered just to post this: After testing with the DLL posted in this thread, I noticed something. 512/512 or similar even configurations were unstable (ctd immediately) for me, but 512/256 or similar 2:1 were perfectly fine.


More specifically, I ran it at 768/384 just for funsies and got to have my longest skyrim session in ages.


Maybe that's important somehow?


This may or may not help, but I was still experiencing an occasional CTD when running Neovalen's provided version of the dll (although at a MUCH lower rate than without the fix, despite stress testing it at my usual trouble spots like the Windhelm bridge/stables/farm area), which I think was build using VS 2010.  I switched to one Phinix built using VS 2008 and had no more random CTDs.  In particular, the 2010 built dll crashed within minutes when I set it to 768/512 for the block sizes, while the 2008 dll gave me no issues with those settings.


Now, this is only a few hours of testing, so there's nothing resembling hard evidence, and even if there is an issues it may come down to something specific on my machine.  However, it may be something worth trying if you're having no luck otherwise.


So perhaps we don't have to be programmers after all to play Skyrim?!

I got version from this enb on nexus https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24235/ ; is this the same as others are using?

I really hope it works since as with others would love to play the game rather than spend all my time trying to diagnose and tweak mods to get stable.

For any interested, here are my tips after spending last month trying to optimize as a noob! (much of which is from great resources around the web, including this one):

1. Use Mod Organizer as makes adding/removing mods much easier. Also supports multiple profiles for different mod combinations/characters

2. Use BOSS after adding/removing any mods (but watch our for unwanted automatic load order changes)

3. Use Tes5Edit after adding/removing any mods

4. Use TPC for textures

5. Optimize Skyrim game textures and TPC with DDSOPT according to this excellent guide https://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:DDSopt (I used High quaility)

6. If you decide to remove a mod, ideally start a new game as this seems to introduce the most instability (added seems to be less problematic)

Really hope this memory patch does stabilize Skyrim and perhaps Bethseda will think to listen/utilize some of the great talent from the community for TES VI?!


Another quick tip, I use an SSD for Skyrim and Mod Organizer (for quick loading mods), but useful to point Mod Organizer downloads to HDD, which saves 20 GB on SSD.


 I switched to one Phinix built using VS 2008 and had no more random CTDs.  In particular, the 2010 built dll crashed within minutes when I set it to 768/512 for the block sizes, while the 2008 dll gave me no issues with those settings.



Could you tell me where to find the one built with VS2008?


Edit: nvm, found them at https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24235/? 



I think the only reason some of us suggested either a hardware or mod setup issue is bc you seemed to be crashing often and at completely random times. 99% of the time this would be either a hardware issue or an issue from a mod with a global script that is crashing your game whenever it decides to run. Could be a mod that did one specific thing and when you run across that script...crash.


Your issue just sounded too random to be caused by the memory patch. I do recommend trying Z's suggestions: vanilla, Core, etc


Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk.


Registered just to post this: After testing with the DLL posted in this thread, I noticed something. 512/512 or similar even configurations were unstable (ctd immediately) for me, but 512/256 or similar 2:1 were perfectly fine.


More specifically, I ran it at 768/384 just for funsies and got to have my longest skyrim session in ages.


Maybe that's important somehow?


This may or may not help, but I was still experiencing an occasional CTD when running Neovalen's provided version of the dll (although at a MUCH lower rate than without the fix, despite stress testing it at my usual trouble spots like the Windhelm bridge/stables/farm area), which I think was build using VS 2010.  I switched to one Phinix built using VS 2008 and had no more random CTDs.  In particular, the 2010 built dll crashed within minutes when I set it to 768/512 for the block sizes, while the 2008 dll gave me no issues with those settings.


Now, this is only a few hours of testing, so there's nothing resembling hard evidence, and even if there is an issues it may come down to something specific on my machine.  However, it may be something worth trying if you're having no luck otherwise.

I had a similar experience, but subsequently found that this was more likely an issue with my environment and running my tests back-to-back without clean initializations ... still not sure, but definitely, it was my own environment.


I know this because I was able to run other, higher combinations the following day after at least one reboot.


Regerdless, there definitely are limits to how much memory can be allocated to each block, and these limits will depend on user environment. My fairly rigorous testing and high uGrids (up to 17) and hours of gameplay at uGrids=11 have revealed that there is no need to allocate anything more than 512/256 (the default) to the memBlocks (in fact, 420/200 is plenty for me at uGrids=11, maxed-out Skyrim INIs and nearly 150 plugins, and I have hours of gameplay without a single CTD).


Z in your gameplay testing do you just run about doing this and that minor quest, or do you actually start like the main quest so dragon events happen all the time, or the civil war so those events happen... it is all well and good if you can run about and look at the scenery.. but if it breaks the instant any sort of dynamic event happen then we are still more or less at status quo.


Edit: Also the higher level you become, then by default the more stuff unlocks from the leveled lists, adding even more stuff to load. So it is not enough to just run about at a set and low level range either.


Z in your gameplay testing do you just run about doing this and that minor quest, or do you actually start like the main quest so dragon events happen all the time, or the civil war so those events happen... it is all well and good if you can run about and look at the scenery.. but if it breaks the instant any sort of dynamic event happen then we are still more or less at status quo.


Edit: Also the higher level you become, then by default the more stuff unlocks from the leveled lists, adding even more stuff to load. So it is not enough to just run about at a set and low level range either.

I am playing my own personal STEP:Requiem playthrough from scratch. Now at level 8, and I have been testing under Mempatch 3.0 since level 3, so lots of quests and mechanics being tested. I am also using timescale=12, and my game has lots of scripts and highly controversial INI settings (that are likely controversial because they are not possible without the mempatches). It does not make any sense that this would cause me any main quest issues down the road and not give me some kind of indication by now of such problems. No dragons yet, as I am using timing is Everything and that kind of thing is delayed somewhat (default is level 12 I think, so I set to level 15 for Requiem).


I have tested this stuff all under another profile where I can fast travel all over the place. In that profile (STEP), I am level 40, and I fought two dragons under the mempatches ... probably 2 hours of normal gameplay at high uGrids. No glitches other than vastly increased loading/launch times. SPM output is always quite consistent, and I can see where locations correlate with peaks and troughs in memory and CPU/GPU.


Really, not a single glitch in 15+ hours of gameplay under conditions that were not even remotely possible just a couple of weeks ago. I will say that my game stability is largely due to my vigilant mod management, including patches, texture opt, avoidance of problematic mods, plugin management, Bashed Patch, etc. The point is that the mempatches only enhance my capacities, and they have not introduced any detectable errors whatsoever. No noticeable effect on savegames, scripted events, travel, autosave, physics ... nothing.


the only difference with/without is my capacity to run the game smoothly and under ridiculous config settings and increased load times (but caching is still efficient so that load times are not increased on cell exit/reentry).


In my own quick and dirty testing (between necessary work/life tasks!) had me unstable at ugrids=7, but stable at 5 (running around and entering/exiting multiple cells).

I am sure this is due to having so many textures and 240 plugins loaded though...


Regerdless, there definitely are limits to how much memory can be allocated to each block, and these limits will depend on user environment. My fairly rigorous testing and high uGrids (up to 17) and hours of gameplay at uGrids=11 have revealed that there is no need to allocate anything more than 512/256 (the default) to the memBlocks (in fact, 420/200 is plenty for me at uGrids=11, maxed-out Skyrim INIs and nearly 150 plugins, and I have hours of gameplay without a single CTD).

Please be extra careful in testing with lower than default settings of 256MB. At this time the effects of changing block2 in any way is not well tested and understood. Only go crazy for science.



  'sheson said:
  'z929669 said:
Regerdless' date=' there definitely are limits to how much memory can be allocated to each block' date=' and these limits will depend on user environment. My fairly rigorous testing and high uGrids (up to 17) and hours of gameplay at uGrids=11 have revealed that there is no need to allocate anything more than 512/256 (the default) to the memBlocks (in fact, 420/200 is plenty for me at uGrids=11, maxed-out Skyrim INIs and nearly 150 plugins, and I have hours of gameplay without a single CTD).[/quote'']


Please be extra careful in testing with lower than default settings of 256MB. At this time the effects of changing block2 in any way is not well tested and understood. Only go crazy for science.



Yep, for science ;)


So far, so good.


The lag/shutters could be due to frame rate flux. Enable frame rate limiter (42 fps) v-sync and triple buffering and try the test again.


Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk.


Lol. I have no idea why, but your suggestions stopped the lag and "extra" stutter during a long Vurt stress test. I ran around for 15 minutes and things "looked" normal when I stopped and reverted back to default speedmult. I misspelled "tcl" and didn't notice, so I took off on my test at ground level. Pretty hilarious. I wonder how the Flash keeps his feet on the ground in hilly terrain.



  'z929669 Wrote said:
Regerdless' date=' there definitely are limits to how much memory can be allocated to each block, and these limits will depend on user environment. My fairly rigorous testing and high uGrids (up to 17) and hours of gameplay at uGrids=11 have revealed that there is no need to allocate anything more than 512/256 (the default) to the memBlocks (in fact, 420/200 is plenty for me at uGrids=11, maxed-out Skyrim INIs and nearly 150 plugins, and I have hours of gameplay without a single CTD).[/quote']

After last 2 days of testing, I have come to the following preliminary conclusions:



1. Vanilla + USPs + ugrids 17 = rock stable (flew around at speedmult 500, tcl, for 1.5 hours in this simply because I was shocked it really works, no issues, game still plays smooth, no stutter)

2. STEP:Core 2.2.7 (an install from november 2013) + ugrids 5 = rock stable (played at speedmult 300 for about 2 hours, no issues, very smooth, finished intro scene and then did random stuff)

3. STEP: Core 2.2.7 + ugrids 7 (continued on the save from #2) = stable (played at speedmult 300 for approx 1 more hour) but there was considerably more stutter when looking around (enboost can be cause of this but whatever settings I tried with this particular setup, it was the same)

4. SR:LE (as of revision 07:16, 24 January 2014) + ugrids 5: crashes every 15-40 minutes for me. Not reaching VRAM limits. Minimum FPS about 40 at any one time.


- Not saying or implying at all that SRLE is the cause of my crashes, just that it somehow doesn't work for me. Fairly sure that there is somewhere an error on my part. Although I did reinstall the entire mod list twice over the last 2 days, the issues still persits.  But since the crash happens anywhere in exterior world and is pretty much guaranteed to occur within 30-40minutes, I suspect either a faulty mesh install from my side or some kind of global script ruining it on my system. Will be testing soon if it is stable on my system when disabling FF/RnD/WnC. 


- Either way, I'm happy to report that the patch itself absolutely works, and can confirm z92's findings that 512/256 is plenty for ugrids5 at all times. When running ugrids17 + vanilla, memblock1's highest size was 505mb after the 1.5 hours of running around.


- Now I'm back to reconfiguring SRLE, or at least trying to determine which mod is going the issue on my system. Just curious if Neo or someone else has played a recent SRLE revision extensively with this mempatch and if you encountered zero stability issues or whether you also experience a few/rare CTDs. Should that be the case, then we may be running into engine script limitations here. However, seeing as vanilla + ugrids17 would also place tremendous stress on skyrim's scripts this is unlikely to be the case... So I hope it's an error on my part. 


Then again, this is just my personal testing on my system. Things could work very well for you, so this is not directed at the quality of SRLE at all.  


I can confirm that it works fine with SR:LE latest version. Installed it all on Wednesday and played for a couple of hours in and out no worries except low FPS (20) occasionally.




Edit: Oh this was with Ugrids 7, didn't seem to notice any cell loading going on ahead of me, partly due to the DOF from unreal I expect, not sure if I need anything higher.

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