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  'vfxninjaeditor said:
  'techangel85 Wrote said:
Don't forget to also change the "uExterior Cell Buffer" when changing ugrids. Remember this formula to calculate the Cell Buffer: (uGridsToLoad + 1)^2. In the case of ugrids to 7 that would be: 7+1x8=64 ( 7+1=8 and 8^2=64). For those that are rusty on math any number to the power of 2 is that number multiplied by itself. (8^2=8x8=64' date=' 4^2=4x4=16' date=' etc etc)[/quote'']

I thought someone determined that the new Skyrim patches from Bethesda automatically changes these values based on your uGrids setting?


Quite possible. I haven't messed with ugrids in over a year so changing the buffer might not be needed anymore and I'm just giving old advice. :p


Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk.


Another subjective review; I DO NOT have a core STEP installed, but followed the STEP guidelines for installing what I have. I would suspect many players are in this same situation.


I will not play an unstable Skyrim (OCD, I guess), any crash at all and I'm troubleshooting, reverting, starting over for the nth^3 time, etc. My "basic" game and machine setup is very stable. My current game has 72 mods including 41 STEP mods, SKSE, ENB .244 (speedhackwithoutgraphics is TRUE for these tests), slightly modified ini files for about 25% more Papyrus loop time budgets and increased draw distances for grass, archery distance, etc. No crazy threading or other undocumented tweaks. No Safety Load or any other "crash fix" mods.


Hit a mod load that began to randomly (didn't test that long) crash (CTD's, one freeze), stopped, copied (literally) the entire game setup. The copied game crashes (CTD's) in about a minute using Vurt's stress test, at seemingly random map locations. Applied Garfink's texture resolution reduction "fix" to the copied setup and in-game CTD's stopped. Ran Vurt's stress test 5 times. Average time-to-CTD was right at 6 minutes. Game itself never crashed on me with the texture resolution reductions.


Compiled Sheson's default patch and ran Vurt's test on the Garfink'd game with the patch. Did not crash within 16 minutes, but game became very "laggy" at times with considerable stutter everywhere after about 10 minutes (scripts?). Ran Vurt's test on original setup (original texture sizes) with patch, did not crash within 16 minutes, but game was experiencing same extreme lag and stutter at the end.


Have about 16 hours play on original game setup with no crashes. Gonna start cranking my texture packages up from Performance level now and see if the game will hold together.


@Sheson; thanks so much for this. I value stability over eye-candy, but now, it seems, I can have both.


Well heres my load order...




From a new game using alternate start with Faendal and Gorr from interesting npcs I entered random dungeons, ran between every major settlement, entering random buildings, even with asis increased spawns running, would have random judders out in the wilderness but asume that was in regard to cell transition? four and a half hours (my skyrim folder is 32 gb thereabouts with a texture folder of just over 9gb with 75% textures 2k and the remainder 1k) later occasional freezes which lasted a second at most, no crashing, so am soooo grateful for this, just gotta figure out why my savegame has gone from just over 8mb to just over 12mb in four odd hours.....


The lag/shutters could be due to frame rate flux. Enable frame rate limiter (42 fps) v-sync and triple buffering and try the test again.


Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk.

What is triple buffering???

The lag/shutters could be due to frame rate flux. Enable frame rate limiter (42 fps) v-sync and triple buffering and try the test again.


Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk.

What is triple buffering???
It is double buffering, but three times. :p

I have tried this mod a couple times and I can't seem to notice any difference. Sheshon PMed me a couple weeks ago and I tried his version of the skse loader, and I couldn't really notice any difference. I was using ENB boost, cell stabilizer, safety loader and the skse loader and I would still get crashes pretty frequently, as I progressed further into the game they became more and more regular to the point that I couldn't stand to play anymore.


I removed safety load and installed neovalens version of the skse loader and tried again on my old save. I probably played about 20 minutes before crashing on the main road to whiterun from riverwood. I started a new brand new save game and played on that, and go maybe an hour into it before having a random crash while accessing my favorites menu.


I have a fair number of mods installed, but none of them are far out of the ordinary and there doesn't seem to be a connection between the crashes I experience. I had the standard 5 ugrids. Most of my mods and ini edits followed the step guide and I am using a combination of mostly 2k/1k textures. I was using sheshons version of the dll for about a week before I removed it from my game. I would say for me the mod has had no perceptible effect. Shame too. The complete lack of any stability in a modded game of skyrim has made it literally unplayable for me, I had high hopes this might do the trick for me :/.


I have a suspicion that Safety Load has damaged my save somehow. No real proof, but I am almost certain that it corrupted it beyond any repair, even when I removed it, I was unable to play.


I started a new game though after removing safety load and still managed to get a crash in a relatively short time. Hard to blame safety load for that. Honestly with all the "memory fixes" I have tried the stability of the game seems to remain pretty much constant for me. No change.


Find your skyrim.ini file (the one in my games\skyrim) and add the line:




to the "general" section.


As mentioned earlier, you may or may not need to also add "uExterior Cell Buffer=64" (when using ugrids of 7) to the same section of the ini.

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