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Vividian - Weather & Lighting enhancement - CoT - RCRN and Pure Weather


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Greetings everyone,as you might have seen Version 6.0b Vivid Color Version has been released. Yes the whole ENB has been rebuild again using more efficent code (Thanks to Aiyen!) and gettig rid of old stuff. For example we do not use ebpalettes anymore. As a result the overall Magenta tone is gone now that made snow and darker weathers strange colored. Now all colors are like they ment to be by their authors, except ofcourse the saturation ;)Also we got rid of the Skylighting as it is not really needed anymore. That means you have a performance boos about 10-15%. Either more FPS or More stable FPS can be expected.  Aloot of other things changed, most likley PW and RCRN Weathers now have their own Climates of Tamriel weathers so if you plan to use them together with the extended Weathers Mod we offer, you can now experience that they fit much better together.(Yes we made RCRN compatible with Climates of tamriel and expect Punishment from the Authors very soon :D)Anyhow, there might be some bugs in weathers that could look strange. If you encounter such, please report them here.Getting debug info:press ^ open the console and pause the game like that.Press Shift+Enter to open up the ENB window. In the enbseries.ini window open the Statistics tab.Please report the Weather ID's , Time and transistion values of the actual weather.Also if you think some things need to be changed by its lighting we sure would like to hear your Opinion.The extended Nightvision options has not been integrated yet. That will come soon. Now, have fun testing! :) 


6.0b- rebuild the whole Vivid version ENB on the base of the enbeffect.fx and ebbloom.fx files of aiyen.- Changed the whole colorcorrection to function without a enbpalette. As a result the overall magenta tone is gone now and colors are shown as they ment to be.- New bloom additions and changes. The new bloom is now more performance friendly and of course looks a bit different;)- Disabled skylight. This should gain you about 15% more Performance which should show itself in either more FPS or more Stable FPS.- Overworked all RCRN and Pure weather weathers and made Climates of Tamriel weathers compatble if they are combined.- Added a slight Eye adaptation effect. - still need to experiment with this but expect more noticeable versions to come.- refined the sunsprite- replaced the Static Depth of Field with a more performance friendly version.- added a NoBlurSky mode for static Depth of Field

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The colour palette change is immediately noticeable and does change how the ENB "feels". It seems more natural and a little less autumnal, if that makes sense. I was accustomed to the old palette but will not find it hard to switch.


The bloom seems different too. I know you said it changed but I can't put my finger on a good explanation for the experience. Is the bloom a bit stronger in some situations where there is mist or smoke?


I did see a significant performance improvement over 5.50 with DoF off. At the coc Riverwood location I was getting 51fps at 1440p which is a few fps higher than before. I remember that with 4.151 I got 37fps outside Riverwood, 5.0 gave me 39fps and 5.50 gave me around low to mid 40s. Now it is 51fps steady.


Also, do you intend to offer a Brighter Nights and Interiors option again?

Edited by DanielCoffey
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Yes the bloom is stronger cus it adds up to the natural Skyrim bloom. Still a bit tweaking is needed on that.


Great you got a bit more FPS :)


Brighter nights and Interiors are already being developed. They will be available in the next release.

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I have found a minor issue with 6.0b which you make want to ensure is working as intended...


The colour of smoke seems to have more of a blue tint than I was expecting. Standing in Riverwood next to the forge on a bright, sunny day and watching the smoke as it rises over the rooftops I noted that it has a somewhat persistent blue colour. I saw the same blue on mid-distant waterfalls but it may just be an issue of getting used to the new palette.


I used TCL to stand looking down on the smoke and got a better shot of the colour which I can show you if you can't reproduce it.


The mods I am using are the SR:LE collection.

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I actually just noticed the smoke as well in the new game I started recently.  For some reason it never really jumped out at me before, but as soon as I started this new character the appearance of the smoke has been bothering me.  I even thought I might be missing textures for the smoke since it looked so blue.  I've been trying Vividian as well (first time trying an ENB, so it's been a bit of a learning curve for me), but even without the ENB active, I still feel that the vanilla smoke looks too bluish-gray. Wood smoke, when it's burning well, should be whiter than that.  Is it possible to actually make the smoke whiter (with or without Vividian)?

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i just tested though the weathers, but i cannot reproduce this heavy blue coloring, i once overworked the partivles so maybe thats why, have a look at the latest beta here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wvrz92pn64y0dls/AADGNb89FLWQ33UmRgezmK0ta

Maybe that fixes it already.



well, not sure, without, smoke is influenced also on vanilla skyrim on the ambient lighting, direct ligting and bloom colors. so i guess a normal texture replacement wouldnt do it.

What i can do here is kinda lower the lighting influence and rise up the intesity. that makes them white/grey. But on costs of other effects. so i need to be careful with that.

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I swapped to the dropbox version you linked and reloaded that save. For the first few seconds, there was no visible smoke from the forge and then it drifted up in a strong blue column. I admit I am standing up at the top of the roof in the path of the smoke to show the effect more strongly but it is very distinct.


The time of day is 10am and the sky is the bright blue, sunny with occasional white clouds.


There was no visible difference in the smoke between the version I had earlier today and the new one.

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It is more or less just the directional z value in the weather and then bloom amp´s up this color. You can alter the weather to only have grey smoke by doing full desaturation of the lighting contribution etc. I find this is a better way and then use bloom to get back a little bit of color. 


Alternatively then I guess it would be possible to alter the particle system so that it behaves in a different way. But not sure there. 

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