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Conflict Resolution

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Posted (edited)

Hi Neo,

In BOYD, TES5Edit shows in red the following: Non-Player Character (Actor) 0001C23E <SergiusTurrianus> with USKP in "packages" section.


I wouldn't say that it is a conflict as it looks like that the USKP has these packages re-ordered. Just mentioning it as I cannot really understand the reason of this re-ordering.

Any ideas?




P.S.: Also, I take it that you have not yet concluded all the conflict resolution for ELE, right?

Edited by Astakos


Block 0 > Sub-Block 5 > 000563E2 FortSnowhawk02

Conflicting Module(s):

  • Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp (Mod)
  • Relighting Skyrim.esp (Mod)
  • ELE - Interior Lighting.esp (Mod)

Conflict Resolution: Use record from ELE - Interior Lighting.esp then move the DATA - Flags and XCCM - Sky/Weather from Region records from Relighting Skyrim.esp.

Problem Resolved: Enhanced Lighting for ENB did not take into account a skylight added by Relighting Skyrim.

There does not seem to be a conflict with the DATA - Flags.

Posted (edited)
  On 2/25/2014 at 7:40 PM, MrChaos said:

Hi, I am currently resolving conflicts and the XCLW - Water Height is puzzling me.What does it do? Why does USKP for example change this?Also: why does the StepGuide "Basics of Resolving Conflicts" ( https://wiki.step-project.com/Basics_of_Resolving_Conflicts ) say: "Ignore any cell with a conflict of the 'XCLW - Water Height' line. The conflict does not matter. Focus on the XCCN and XEZN lines."It would be great if someone could quickly help :)

I'm curious to know that too. Out of prudence I carry it across when I run into it, but it's still a mystery.Sometimes (often) I feel like a Cargo Cultist when modding Skyrim - I don't understand what all of these things mean or do, but trust that if I follow the form everything will work out. Edited by statmonster
  On 3/2/2014 at 11:57 AM, Astakos said:

Hi Neo,

In BOYD, TES5Edit shows in red the following: Non-Player Character (Actor) 0001C23E with USKP in "packages" section.


I wouldn't say that it is a conflict as it looks like that the USKP has these packages re-ordered. Just mentioning it as I cannot really understand the reason of this re-ordering.

Any ideas?




P.S.: Also, I take it that you have not yet concluded all the conflict resolution for ELE, right?


Regarding BOYD conflict: not sure, as you said it's a simple re-ordering and not sure if it's important. For now I'm going to leave it alone as Arthmoor is pretty good about keeping BOYD up to date.

The ELE conflict resolution is not done yet, no. Working on it now, actually.


  On 3/2/2014 at 4:48 PM, DanimalTwo said:

There does not seem to be a conflict with the DATA - Flags.


I am definitely showing one. The ELE - Interior Lighting module has the "Show Sky" flag removed.


  On 3/2/2014 at 6:33 PM, statmonster said:

I'm curious to know that too. Out of prudence I carry it across when I run into it, but it's still a mystery.


Sometimes (often) I feel like a Cargo Cultist when modding Skyrim - I don't understand what all of these things mean or do, but trust that if I follow the form everything will work out.


This is a good reference for most record types though it isn't fully complete: https://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes5Mod:Mod_File_Format

As for XLCW the CK is the cause of the large negatives and are functionally equivalent to 0.0... from aforementioned web site:



Non-ocean water-height in cell, is used for rivers, ponds etc., ocean-water is globally defined elsewhere.

  • 0x7F7FFFFF reserved as ID for "no water present", it is also the maximum positive float.
  • 0x4F7FFFC9 is a bug in the CK, this is the maximum unsigned integer 2^32-1 cast to a float and means the same as above
  • 0xCF000000 could be a bug as well, this is the maximum signed negative integer -2^31 cast to a float

Short night, went out with some friends. Went ahead and skipped to the worldspace edits for ELE - Interior Lighting.esp and finished that up. Whats left to do:


ELE - Interior Lighting.esp Blocks 6 through 9

All other ELE modules. (smaller)


A lot of work, but worth it in the end.


I have some questions about ELE and conflict resolution with USKP. I am trying to do this without following the guide and hoping I can do it quicker since I then don't have to switch windows and check record numbers. Is the principle to forward all changes from USKP when it comes to XLCN, XCMO, XCCM etc or are there situations where these should not be forwarded? And when it comes to DATA - Flags (skylight), should these be forwarded to ELE from USKP (and ELFX) even if TES5Edit doesn't show a conflict but does so after this record has been forwarded?

One final question, is there a way when applying a filter in TES5Edit to make it show all conflicts but not those water height records since these don't seem to need forwarding?

Posted (edited)

Sorry to spam but I am really trying to understand TES5Edit and making patches and I decided to start over with ELE and patching it and I am following your guide. Why is Block 0, sub-block 8, 000DDF7C, XCCM - Sky/Weather from Region & DATA - Flags from USKP not forwarded? Did you miss it or am I missing something?

Edited by dreadflopp
Posted (edited)

Did anyone else have to search by the FormID for the Honeystrand Cove Cell? 
Ok, I have been tinkering with this cell for a minute and I can't find a way to make resolve this conflict:

Block 1 > Sub-Block 2 > 0001525D HoneystrandGrove01
Conflicting Module(s):

  • [*]
EnhancedLightsandFX.esp (Mod) [*]ELE - Interior Lighting.esp (Mod)

Conflict Resolution: Use record from ELE - Interior Lighting.esp then move the DATA - Flags and XCCM - Sky/Weather from Region record from Skyrim.esm.
Problem Resolved: Enhanced Lighting for ENB did not take into account a skylight.

In the tutorial the author of TES5Edit said to right click on the header and copy as override. I had to search the FormID (0001525D) in Cell/Block 1/Sub-block 2/ to even find what needed to be resolved. It shows that the ID is contained in Sub-Block 2, but it's not displayed on it's own like the others in the Sub-Block.

Posted Image

When I right click on Sub-Block 2, the only option available is to "deep copy as override" and that was never covered in the tutorial. I know that if I right click Interior Lighting.esp at the top of the right pane, I can copy as override, but it doesn't show my changes in the SR Conflict Resolution.esp. The same thing is happening with Block 5 > Sub-Block 4 > 00083559 Labyrinthian01.

Also, is there a reason that many of the edits I am making are not saving under The SR Conflict Resolution.esp? It stopped after 00013A89 DawnstarBarraks. Is it because I skipped the Honeystrand Grove edit?

Edited by FamousDeadGuy
Posted (edited)

I'm not sure I understand your problem but I'll give it a try.

First you have to find in the left panel Block 1 > Sub-Block 2 > 0001525D HoneystrandGrove01 but not in Skyrim ESM but in ELE - Interior Linghting.esp

Once you found it select it and now go to the right panel.

Right click on [88] ELE - Interior Linghting.esp and choose copy as override into... and select SR Conflict Resolution.esp or new esp if you haven't created it already.

Then you will have to find DATA - Flags and XCCM - Sky/Weather in Skyrim.esm (still in the right panel) and drag and drop into SR Conflict Resolution.esp

Hope that helps  ::):

Edited by Redferne
  On 3/8/2014 at 11:34 PM, Redferne said:

I'm not sure I understand your problem but I'll give it a try.

First you have to find in the left panel Block 1 > Sub-Block 2 > 0001525D HoneystrandGrove01 but not in Skyrim ESM but in ELE - Interior Linghting.esp

Once you found it select it and now go to the right panel.

Right click on [88] ELE - Interior Linghting.esp and choose copy as override into... and select SR Conflict Resolution.esp or new esp if you haven't created it already.

Then you will have to find DATA - Flags and XCCM - Sky/Weather in Skyrim.esm (still in the right panel) and drag and drop into SR Conflict Resolution.esp

Hope that helps  ::):

Hmm, I think I experienced something similar. I typed this in for an edit and it took me to a different directory but I made the changes just fine. So every time I make an edit I have to reference the mod conflict list and find them then drag them to my patch?

Posted (edited)

You just blew my mind. I started with "CELL" under the skyrim ESM, are you saying I should have just started in [88] ELE- Interior Lights? That guide is kind of misleading. I get how to do the actual editing, i think. Things are often turning green after I follow the directions. The problem is that the SR Conflict Resolution.esp does not contain all of my edits. I am messing up a large step somewhere I know it. That video didn't really help me at all, I guess.

I have made it all the way to the end of the initial cell edits, and only Block 1 and two edited entries are displayed in my patch.

aaand it crashed. I guess I will start googling a pre-made one. Because I am clearly too inept to do this. *FRUSTRATED* I have been working on this for almost a week. 

Alternatively, if anyone wants to hit me up on TS, Mumble, or Skype and give me a hand, that would be righteous. Normally I wouldn't beg like this, but that crash just lost me about 2 hours of work.

Edited by FamousDeadGuy
Posted (edited)

You have to launch your SR Conflict Resolution.esp everytime you want to add something to it. 

When you leave TESVEdit remember to check SR Conflict Resolution.esp otherwise it won't save your changes.

To add something in the SR CR when you launch TESVEdit just to check the mod's esp that are conflicting and your SR Conflict Resolution.esp

Another tip, in the right panel right click anywhere en check "Hide no conflict rows". It will only show you the conflicting information.

You might want to try the previous Skyrim Revisited guide. The instructions for resolving conflicts were much more detailed. That's where I learnt  :;):

Edited by Redferne
Posted (edited)
  On 3/9/2014 at 12:53 AM, Redferne said:

You have to launch your SR Conflict Resolution.esp everytime you want to add something to it. 

When you leave TESVEdit remember to check SR Conflict Resolution.esp otherwise it won't save your changes.

To add something in the SR CR when you launch TESVEdit just to check the mod's esp that are conflicting and your SR Conflict Resolution.esp

Another tip, in the right panel right click anywhere en check "Hide no conflict rows". It will only show you the conflicting information.

You might want to try the previous Skyrim Revisited guide. The instructions for resolving conflicts were much more detailed. That's where I learnt  :;):

Yeah but when I right clicked at the top to add to override, I would make all the edits and it wouldn't save them. Is there a place I need to go to save them? Literally I was looking through my edits and it gave me an overload error, thank the gods that it didn't save anything.

Also: Thanks for the help so far. I think that the video actually made this more difficult I have been right clicking the form ID instead of opening the FormID and clicking on the ESP to use for the patch. This is a pretty steep learning curve.

Also, what do you mean by "launch" my conflict resolution ESP? Please explain.

Edited by FamousDeadGuy

Saving does not happen until you exit TES5Edit. When you exit a list comes up, with tick marks on the left, those are the files that will be saved (if you do not want to save it remove the tick/check mark). If you did things correctly, you should only see the "SR Conflict Resolution.esp". If TES5Edit simply exits, it means you did not change anything. If any other ESPs are listed you changed things you shouldn't have.

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