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Posted (edited)

This mod intends to adjust every type of lighting inside the Skyrim game so it will both look better with ENB
and make it a lot easier to customize an ENB preset without ruining some parts of the games look. Which is the case
with the vanilla Skyrim lighting in some parts depending on the ENB settings used.
Official mod threads;
ENBDev Forum
Feedback, the ingredient that make things grow
As I have written in my ENB guide "feedback is what this project needs to be able to grow and keep being updated".
And this is true whether it is my ELE project, ENB resource or my guide project or some mod by another person, feedback is in my eyes and ears suggestions, remarks, "bug control" that let's the creator know of things he or she can improve upon from a certain users own perspective. So if you see something that does not feel or look right please let me know and I'll see what I can do about it.
Things like " this does not look good", "this is ********", "that mod did it better" does not count as feedback just useless and for me, the reader, irritating comments. By rephrasing for instance "that mod did it better" you could say "that mod this/that better" which let's me know what you think looks better in another mod and thus I can look into it and see if or how I can improve upon it.
I am open for suggestions and will not turn anything down if it's possible to do/create
Mod features:

    • Exterior Lighting/Weathers

 - Weathers have been given more natural colors and they are also not dependant on imagespaces in the same way as vanilla was.
 - The weathers have been configured for a better Day/Night detection during Day, Sunset, Night and Sunrise. Middays uses 0% nighttime settings, Midnights uses 0% daytime settings, Sunrises uses ~70% daytime settings and Sunsets uses ~65% of daytime settings.
 - *Implemented Mindflux's snow FX additions directly into my snow weathers changes.
 - It also fixes some visual bugs with enb activated such as dark horizons during stormy, rainy, foggy and other dark weathers.
 - The sunlight have been balanced throughout every weather so there won't be a Storm weather that has brighter sunlight than a Clear weather.
 - The shadows have been changed to enhance the visual appearance of the SkyLighting effect by using Boris color assignment in his enbweathersample.esp as a template.
 - Removed as much sky banding as I could, but this will change depending on how you set your sky settings to. Darker sky = possibility of increased sky banding.
 - Created a new sun.dds texture to go along the new weather changes and to enhance the Sun Rays feature available in ENBSeries. It will have no grain/noise, no banding and will not overexpose most of the sky as the vanilla sun.dds does.

  • Interior Lighting (Former ELE - Imagespaces)

  •  - This covers changes in the imagespaces and LightingTemplates which have been configured as the exterior lighting, for more natural occurring colors.
     - I applied the same shadow method color assignment as the exteriors, they have been properly lit based on the exterior lighting that shines in from cracks in the walls for instance or based on the amount of windows in the interior cell.
     - *I have assigned the proper weather regions to all of the interior cells and removed the Sky from interiors that did not need them to be on.
     - I have made the interior DirectLighting to be better used as an Indirect lighting which I have found serves as a good character lighting. The direction and color of them have both been tweaked towards that end.
     - I have also corrected the visual "bug" with dungeons looking bright as day. I have changed all of the interior classed cells so they would look more natural based on the location of it. Temple of Kynareth is a "bright" classed interior while the Dragonsreach Basement is a "Dark" classed interior.
     - *I have also made it so that interiors with dungeons in them have been properly lit based on the location. Pinewatch is a good example of such a place, it starts in a farmhouse leading down to a dungeon.
     - *And I also made some performance optimizations to all cells that benefitted from such edits and it won't interfere with Skyrim Project Optimization either, in fact I recommend using that with ELE.
     - Last but not least all the Imagespaces and LightingTemplates have been named based on what type of interior cell they affect so that the end user if he/she so feels somethings does not look quite right with his/hers ENB preset can simply edit that particular interior cell type without affecting anything else. Explanation of the abbreviations assigned to the imagespaces and lighting templates can be found under the Mod testing tools & resources further down in this thread.

    • Light Bulbs, Interior/Exterior

  •  - This covers Light Bulb changes which is the light that emits from fireplaces, candles and chandeliers among other things.
     - Corrected the placement of the Light Bulbs. Assigned new coloring to them based on images I have taken of it's "Real Life" counter parts, or taken something that comes close to the same type of light.
     - *Comes in two versions, scripted and unscripted. The scripted version uses the JIT Script to both increase the number of Shadow and non-shadow lights possible to put in to an interior cell but also to increase performance by temporarily disabling a number of lights. Then there is the non-scripted version that uses the old fashioned way of putting the right amount of lights to not cause flickering of any kind.
     - Last but not least all the Light Bulbs have been named based on what type of light source they are placed at so that the end user if he/she so feels somethings does not look quite right with his/hers ENB preset he/she can simply edit that particular Light Bulb type without affecting anything else.

    • FX Effects, Interior/Exterior

  •  - This module will handle all FX changes introduced by the ELE suite. It will make changes to the windows dynamic changes so the ENB itself will have full control of that (there is window settings for full time cycle so why have it applied) and it will also adjust the placement add or remove some FX effects based on what I think looks better

    • Spell and Torch Lighting

  •  - This changes the color, radius and intensities of all the spell Light Bulbs and the Torch light as well. As with the other mods this has more natural colored lights which fits the different types of spells better, fire shouldn't emit almost white light in my opinion.

    • ELE - plugins
    • ELE Plugin - RS Light Color

    This plugin make changes to the so called "Parent" Light Bulbs, not the same as the placed light bulbs in exterior and interior cells!
    It alters the colors so they emit more natural and "correct" color based on their placement in the World. All light bulbs placed at fire type of light sources give off natural "fire light" and the same goes for Candle lights etc.
    It was created for Relighting Skyrim first and for most and is fully compatible with it but also work for vanilla lighting or mods that does alter the ParentLight Bulbs found in the Object window inside the Creation Kit.

    • ELE Plugin - Falskaar

    This alter certain interior cell menu values to allow my ELE - Interior Lighting module to take full control of Falskaar's interior cells.
    Certain things was set to be adjusted per cell in the Falskaar mod which made my changes to have no affect on those interiors, this plugin fixes that "issue".

    • ELE Plugin - FX Emittance

     - In vanilla and Relighting Skyrim the sun lit Light Bulbs in the interiors uses something called Exterior Emittance to make the Light Bulb change it's coloring based on the time of the Day.
    This will make those colors more natural and not plain white or grey as is the case with the vanilla game.
    Notice:I have slight color blindness, Deuteranomaly which in layman's terms means I have trouble perceiving the color green accurately. Therefore the colors in my ELE suite might be slightly stronger in the blue color. But I don't rely only on my eyes to determine a certain color for a certain effect I do a lot of research about how colors are perceived and emitted through and from different objects and I shot and gather a lot of reference shoots based on what I need to determine a color for a certain type of light in the game engine, for example ambient lighting color or the color fire emits and so far I myself think I have done a pretty good job at achieving what I set out for, natural and smooth colors that a person is used to in real life with a slight touch of cinematic effects embedded into the mix.

  • Edited by TechAngel85
    • 2 weeks later...
    • 2 weeks later...

    Therefore I made a couple of ELE - plugins for other mods such as Relighting Skyrim, corrected the color for the dynamic changing "sun light bulbs" and also changed the colors to more natural and correct colored light bulbs, all of them, without making it incompatible with any of the Relighting Skyrim esp files. And will focus my attention on the DLC when it comes to Light Bulb changes because NovakDalton don't have any of the DLC's yet.


    Wouldn't it make sense to team up with NovakDalton? Your approach seems kind of an extension of his, couldn't ask to incorporate his work and work together?


    Because... well... I can hardly wait till this is finished :)


    yeah a good polished plugin for enb will be very nice. For the longest time i used a custom plugin i made, taking the exterior imagespace records from the RLO-weathers module and combined them with the interior imagespace records from the ELFXEnhancer plugin, then went through and tweaked them all to my liking. However, I eventually stopped using it because I got frustrated trying to balance too many settings -- it's so much work to tweak, save, and test in-game every setting in each separate imagespace profile.. gets exhausting, especially for someone (me) without much experience with color/lighting profiles. So, I have much respect for anyone who is able to do this and see it through to the finished product that can be released to the public :thumbsup:


    im glad i saw this though, i will definitely be trying out all of the plugins JawZ already has posted on the enbdev forums


    This is why I just made my ENB so that it largely ignores the image spaces and everything can be controlled from the .fx files instead.

    That way I only have to alter the color values, which is a rather quick process compared to assigning new image spaces etc. And ofc. use the fine work of the people who have altered the light bulbs so that the lighting looks like it should!


    This is why I just made my ENB so that it largely ignores the image spaces and everything can be controlled from the .fx files instead.

    That way I only have to alter the color values, which is a rather quick process compared to assigning new image spaces etc. And ofc. use the fine work of the people who have altered the light bulbs so that the lighting looks like it should!

    You just have to rub in your mods and tweaking don't you... I'm still waiting on those files for the ice and glaciers btw.


    Back OT: interesting. Very interesting.


    This is why I just made my ENB so that it largely ignores the image spaces and everything can be controlled from the .fx files instead.

    That way I only have to alter the color values, which is a rather quick process compared to assigning new image spaces etc. And ofc. use the fine work of the people who have altered the light bulbs so that the lighting looks like it should!

    bah! you keep mentioning this enb you have.. is it this ??


    I now just rely on the PNENB.esp for my imagespace.. but am always looking for an alternate


    I promise it will get a proper release before the end of this month..... Rootsrat have not said anything bad about it! And is hunting down the last few bugs as we speak.... (As long as he is not trapped in an ILS somewhere)


    But more related to this, then I do offer JawZ some nitpicking from time to time! I really do respect his work! Great source of inspiration, and his work is mostly always top notch! I will most likely also make a profile for his mods if he gets to finish it someday!

    It is just such a silly large amount of work that you do not really get just how big it is until you try to do it yourself! :)


    And phazer... will get them for you now... You should learn to just poke me in steam! Much faster response time! :)


    This is why I just made my ENB so that it largely ignores the image spaces and everything can be controlled from the .fx files instead.

    That way I only have to alter the color values, which is a rather quick process compared to assigning new image spaces etc. And ofc. use the fine work of the people who have altered the light bulbs so that the lighting looks like it should!

    You just have to rub in your mods and tweaking don't you... I'm still waiting on those files for the ice and glaciers btw.


    Back OT: interesting. Very interesting.

    New ice glaciers would be incredible. Mine currently look neon blue with my ENB.
    • 10 months later...
    Posted (edited)

    Ok so thought I would ask this question again, but here at the STEP forum and not ENBDev forum.


    A while back I made a feature for the Interior Lighting modules I called "True Adaptive Interiors" which made the interiors have a time cycle with different visuals based on what time it was. So in essence interiors had different visual look during the day compared to the night, sunset or sunrise.

    I did not continue working on it because I did not get enough of user input on the matter for or against it, so decided to save me some work.


    I know that ENB preset users doesn't really need this feature, but what about you guys who run without it or just use the ENBoost with or without small adjustments to keep the vanilla look intact.

    Is this worth adding into ELE again or should it just be as it is, looking the same throughout the entire time cycle of a day?


    The changes between Day, Sunset, Night and Sunrise will not be as big as exteriors, but it will still be a noticeable change in the ambient lighting to give it that feel of being for instance night or day.

    regular interiors such as Dragonsreach, stables and similar interior cells with exterior light present, windows etc. will have the most noticeable change while dungeons and caves will either have no change or a very small change.


    If anyone is interested in testing this feature out to better get a feel for it, let me know and I'll upload a test file of that feature.

    This will not delay the next update to be released which should happen this weekend or before that at most next week. I will do my best to keep that promise.

    Edited by JawZ
    • +1 1

    I use the Serenity ENB preset with your ELE, so I've got that already if I understand correctly. There does seem to be several STEP users who run enboost by preference or necessity, I think they would benefit greatly from you including that option in ELE, day/night cycle affecting interiors is very immersive even when the effect is subtle.

    Posted (edited)



    If I remember correctly prod80 does not feel like interiors should have different light settings introduced by ENB as that would look weird having interior cells that has no external light shining into certain interior cells. I might be wrong but in any case with ENB interior cells are "limited" to having only Day and Night spceific time adjustments, this "new" ELE features will have that + sunset and sunrise specific visual changes.

    My thoughts exactly, it's the details that makes the final render "pop".


    My approach to ELE is not too only make things better for ENB preset users but also for none ENB users or those who just use ENBoost or a "Vanilla with ENB SSAO" effect or similar that does not alter the vanilla look.

    But of course it is first and fore most a mod to improve the use of an ENB preset in Skyrim.





    I want to make ELE as all around good as I can do it. Whether or not a end user use an ENB preset they should feel and see that this is an improvement over vanilla lighting, not a "re-lighting", to borrow a reference to a vanilla texture that has had it's saturation and contrast increased or decreased without any quality increase.


    Oh and by the way the updated first post, is it ok or should i revert back to the previous version or something shorter? Just thought I would add some info on the mod here so there wouldn't be any need to go back and forth between sites for some info on what it does.

    Edited by JawZ

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