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True Directional Movement - Modernized Third Person Gameplay


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Hey all,

I am working my way through the SkyrimSE v2.3 guide and just got to "Ice skating fixed for real - No more attack sliding movement". Well one click lead to another as is so often the case on the Nexus and I found myself staring at True Directional Movement - Modernized Third Person Gameplay with my mouth agape and I realized this is how I want (NEED) to play Skyrim. It's just looks too darn cool.

So I searched around the STEP guide and found that nearly every mod required to use True Directional Movement was already included in the guide, save for one, TrueHUD. Now reading through the mod description it doesn't seem like it would conflict with any of the other mods related to the HUD but I wanted to ask y'all for your opinions before attempting to modify the STEP guide to my own preference. Can I safely include TrueHUD without breaking the game? If so, where would I place True Directional Movement and TrueHUD in the installation order? I would assume TrueHUD would go down in section 16-Interface with the rest of the UI related mods, but what about True Directional Movement? My best guess is under section 5-Animation and Physics. Does that sound right?

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I hope to hear your feedback soon.

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