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Installing ASIS and SkyRe with some additional stuff

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I'm having some problems using SUM for all the Patchers in this guide. 


1. Im not sure where to put SUM after I run the patcher ( should it be at bottem of load order or where reproccor.esp was located since you are supposed to renam it.)

and for some dam reason after patching it keeps moving my Automatic Varients and Duel Sheath Redux esps to the bottem of the load order (I have Boss disabled in Sum) no idea why thats happening


2. When I tried to rerun Sum it keeps telling me that ReproccerDragonborn.esp is missing the Reproccer.esp as a master.  I thought this was included in SUM now so I dont know why this is happening.


3. Should I be turning off the reproccer patches before I run SUM? It told me I had duplicate ID's once too.  Never had a problem doing patches manually.


4. When I renamed Sum.esp to Reproccer.esp and later Reran Sum I assumed the new Sum.esp would overite the old SUM.esp renamed Reproccer.esp but it didn't should I just delete the old SUM and replace it.


Does anybody have any advice? Sorry it's a year's worth of questions.

New to SUM

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I'm having some problems using SUM for all the Patchers in this guide. 


1. Im not sure where to put SUM after I run the patcher ( should it be at bottem of load order or where reproccor.esp was located since you are supposed to renam it.)

and for some dam reason after patching it keeps moving my Automatic Varients and Duel Sheath Redux esps to the bottem of the load order (I have Boss disabled in Sum) no idea why thats happening


2. When I tried to rerun Sum it keeps telling me that ReproccerDragonborn.esp is missing the Reproccer.esp as a master.  I thought this was included in SUM now so I dont know why this is happening.


3. Should I be turning off the reproccer patches before I run SUM? It told me I had duplicate ID's once too.  Never had a problem doing patches manually.


4. When I renamed Sum.esp to Reproccer.esp and later Reran Sum I assumed the new Sum.esp would overite the old SUM.esp renamed Reproccer.esp but it didn't should I just delete the old SUM and replace it.


Does anybody have any advice? Sorry it's a year's worth of questions.

New to SUM

1. SUM.esp is in the latest BOSS masterlists, it will place itself properly


2. If you use SkyRe you can't just use the mergefunction without doing some changes. Either rename Sum.esp to ReProccer.esp after it's created (and make sure to use the proper blocklists, it seems you don't since it's trying to include ReProccerDragonborn.esp in the dynamic patch) or in Wrye Bash rightclick on the masterlist for ReproccerDragonborn and change ReProccer.esp to SUM.esp in the list there. Bit more advanced but saves time in the future as you don't need to rename the esp every time


3. Copy all the entries from the qotsafan blocklists into SUM's blocklist. It's located under Documents\My Games\Skyrim\ unlike other dynamic patchers. There should be no need to disable the reproccer patchers whilst running SUM at all


4. If you have been renaming the file from sum to reproccer then it should delete the one you named reproccer.esp whilst re-running, or something odd is going on.


Sorry for slightly bad answers but I'm just about to head out to work


I'm having some problems using SUM for all the Patchers in this guide. 


1. Im not sure where to put SUM after I run the patcher ( should it be at bottem of load order or where reproccor.esp was located since you are supposed to renam it.)

and for some dam reason after patching it keeps moving my Automatic Varients and Duel Sheath Redux esps to the bottem of the load order (I have Boss disabled in Sum) no idea why thats happening


2. When I tried to rerun Sum it keeps telling me that ReproccerDragonborn.esp is missing the Reproccer.esp as a master.  I thought this was included in SUM now so I dont know why this is happening.


3. Should I be turning off the reproccer patches before I run SUM? It told me I had duplicate ID's once too.  Never had a problem doing patches manually.


4. When I renamed Sum.esp to Reproccer.esp and later Reran Sum I assumed the new Sum.esp would overite the old SUM.esp renamed Reproccer.esp but it didn't should I just delete the old SUM and replace it.


Does anybody have any advice? Sorry it's a year's worth of questions.

New to SUM

1. SUM.esp replaces your other SkyProc patches.  Because this includes ASIS.esp, you'll want SUM.esp to load after ASIS Dependency, but before ASIS PostPatch, and before the rest of the post-dynamic patches. Basically, sort it to where ASIS.esp would have sorted previously.


2. Yes, this is normal. ReproccerDragonborn is looking for the actual file Reproccer.esp to be present, but SUM replaces that with SUM.esp. You can use Wrye Bash to fix this, there are instructions in this thread I believe (tl;dr: load WB, look in esp list for files with delinquent masters, go to bottom right of WB to change missing master to SUM.esp instead.)


3. It doesn't matter, as long as they are sorted correctly. Duplicate EDIDs is a different problem and there's a FAQ on SUMs page itself about resolving this one.


4. Don't rename your patches manually, that is A Bad Idea.


I'm having some problems using SUM for all the Patchers in this guide. 


1. Im not sure where to put SUM after I run the patcher ( should it be at bottem of load order or where reproccor.esp was located since you are supposed to renam it.)

and for some dam reason after patching it keeps moving my Automatic Varients and Duel Sheath Redux esps to the bottem of the load order (I have Boss disabled in Sum) no idea why thats happening


2. When I tried to rerun Sum it keeps telling me that ReproccerDragonborn.esp is missing the Reproccer.esp as a master.  I thought this was included in SUM now so I dont know why this is happening.


3. Should I be turning off the reproccer patches before I run SUM? It told me I had duplicate ID's once too.  Never had a problem doing patches manually.


4. When I renamed Sum.esp to Reproccer.esp and later Reran Sum I assumed the new Sum.esp would overite the old SUM.esp renamed Reproccer.esp but it didn't should I just delete the old SUM and replace it.


Does anybody have any advice? Sorry it's a year's worth of questions.

New to SUM

sum should be loaded like this:



Bashed Patch, 0.esp



PostASISPatch.esp change master file to SUM.esp from ASIS.esp via wrye bash 

qotsafans Ars Metallica Patch.esp

qotsafans WIC-CraftOnly ReProccer Patch.esp

qotsafans Miscellaneous ReProccer + Destruction Tweak Atronach 50 Patch.esp

ReProccerDragonborn.esp change master file to SUM.esp from Reproccer.esp via wrye bash

other patches don't have dynamic patches as masters as I recall.

so you need:

0. delete skyrpoc patchers from documents and settings\.blah-blah...\skyrim\

    delete skyprocdebug folders for all patchers except sum in MO\overwrite\skyprocpatchers\

    it's just in case.

1. build patches without merging. make backup

2. build with merging dynamic patches

3. make sure all your dynamic patches and sum in overwrite folder of mod organaizer, and change master files for patches written above

4. delete all dynamic patches except of sum from overwrite folder and you should be capable to run sum again and merge dyn.patches without problems.


Even more confused now.

I understand most of your directions but I feel like a Im missing a critical step somewhere. Should I be adding the blocklists of qotsafan compatibility Patches (Asis and T3nd0_Reproccer) to Documents\My games\Skyrim\Skyproc\ SUM mod blocklist.

or im i deleting that. Im not understanding Iroha's last post of deleting the skyproc patchers folder. and for some reason duel sheath redex and automatic varients are back in my load order while also being in SUM. I think I'm killing my Skyim. RIP


Boss for some reason is not recognising SUM.esp so thank you for showing me where to put that and how to rename reproccer Dragonborn.esp master to SUM.esp in Wyre Bash.

I also noticed that the PostASISPatch.esp in qotsafans latest compatibility patch 3.6.9 doesn't have ASIS.esp or ASIS Dependency.esp as Masters for some reason. The older versions still have them as masters so I reverted to an older version.

I also only have about 8000esp's (im just mesin up on everything) (;


Thank you for trying to help me but I think im making things worse by misunderstanding your directions.


Even more confused now.

I understand most of your directions but I feel like a Im missing a critical step somewhere. Should I be adding the blocklists of qotsafan compatibility Patches (Asis and T3nd0_Reproccer) to Documents\My games\Skyrim\Skyproc\ SUM mod blocklist.

or im i deleting that. Im not understanding Iroha's last post of deleting the skyproc patchers folder. and for some reason duel sheath redex and automatic varients are back in my load order while also being in SUM. I think I'm killing my Skyim. RIP


Boss for some reason is not recognising SUM.esp so thank you for showing me where to put that and how to rename reproccer Dragonborn.esp master to SUM.esp in Wyre Bash.

I also noticed that the PostASISPatch.esp in qotsafans latest compatibility patch 3.6.9 doesn't have ASIS.esp or ASIS Dependency.esp as Masters for some reason. The older versions still have them as masters so I reverted to an older version.

I also only have about 8000esp's (im just mesin up on everything) (;


Thank you for trying to help me but I think im making things worse by misunderstanding your directions.

your skyrim isn't dead.

if you want to add some patches to blocklist - then keep \My Games\Skyrim\SkyProc\SUM Mod Blocklist.txt but kill consistensy

technically sum blocklist isn't necessary for SR+SkyRe&ASIS because we have all needed mods in other patchers blocklists.

if newer version of PostASISPatch.esp doesn't need asis or dependency - it's strange, mine have. But they are identical from inside as I see(i looked throu the notepad, hehe, and it seems identical besides masters), so you can use any I think.

if sum includes duel sheath redex and automatic varients - just kill parasite esp's. kill it with fire.

if you have somethiing like

[15]                                       [sUM]  Patch needed: true

[16]                               [Run Changes]  Running jar: ..\Automatic Variants\Automatic Variants.jar

[17]                               [Run Changes]  Successfully ran jar: ..\Automatic Variants\Automatic Variants.jar

[18]                               [Run Changes]  Running jar: ..\ASIS\ASIS.jar

[19]                               [Run Changes]  Successfully ran jar: ..\ASIS\ASIS.jar

[20]                               [Run Changes]  Running jar: ..\Dual Sheath Redux Patch\Dual Sheath Redux Patch.jar

[21]                               [Run Changes]  Successfully ran jar: ..\Dual Sheath Redux Patch\Dual Sheath Redux Patch.jar

[22]                               [Run Changes]  Running jar: ..\T3nd0_ReProccer\ReProccer.jar

[23]                               [Run Changes]  Successfully ran jar: ..\T3nd0_ReProccer\ReProccer.jar

in ModOrganizer\overwrite\SkyProc Patchers\SUM\SkyProcDebug\=--Debug Overview--=.txt  you shouldn't worry


Thank you for all your help.

I got up to step 2 and it started working fine.

Turns out Reproccer.esp wasnt saved properly to SUM.esp in wyre bash so reproccerDragonborn.esp wasn't picking it up. Caused alot of my problems.

Thanks again for all your patience


I was wondering what settings people are using for Deadly Dragons with this setup.  I've got mine set on expert as per the SR guide, but I feel like it needs some tweaking for Skyre. They're deadly alright, but I also feel like they die too fast.  


I'm only two dragons in, at level 9, so maybe they scale to be a lot harder.  The first dragon fight it seemed like the guards and the Jarl's housecarl did most of the work.  Then I got ambushed by a shock-oriented dragon on my way back down the Throat of the World.  One full shock breath was enough to pretty much finish me, but once he landed the for the first time I was able finish him before he took off again with some swings from my Axe of Whiterun I got from the Jarl.  I play with healthbars off so I was kind of surprised when he went down so fast.


This is on my sword and board Nord so it presents some challenge surviving until he lands, but I imagine on my archer or mage it'll be downright easy. I know I can just tweak the attributes up a bit to increase their health/stamina/magicka, but I wanted to get an idea of what people have found to be a good balance before I do so. 


Hmm looks like I have an issue with soul trapping.


Every time I try to soul trap an opponent I can "only trap one" after that the spell stops working, this is same for weapon enchantment or soul trap spell, To clarify it looks like this: I get into a fight,I cast soul trap at an opponent, he starts glowing, I kill him,animation plays and I get a soul gem filled. Next opponent, I cast soul trap, enemy starts glowing, I kill him and nothing happens...It matters not if I use soul trap spell or weapon enchantment.


Any ides what's causing this? I followed the install guide to the letter and everything else works great.


Also I should mention that it only happens when I try to Soul trap the same type of creature in a row, so if I trap a giant, I can forget about trapping any more giants, but if I afterwards choose to trap a goat it works on the first goat and fails for all goats after the first one...


Hmm looks like I have an issue with soul trapping.


Every time I try to soul trap an opponent I can "only trap one" after that the spell stops working, this is same for weapon enchantment or soul trap spell, To clarify it looks like this: I get into a fight,I cast soul trap at an opponent, he starts glowing, I kill him,animation plays and I get a soul gem filled. Next opponent, I cast soul trap, enemy starts glowing, I kill him and nothing happens...It matters not if I use soul trap spell or weapon enchantment.


Any ides what's causing this? I followed the install guide to the letter and everything else works great.


Also I should mention that it only happens when I try to Soul trap the same type of creature in a row, so if I trap a giant, I can forget about trapping any more giants, but if I afterwards choose to trap a goat it works on the first goat and fails for all goats after the first one...

I followed the guide to the letter as well and haven't noticed the same. Just today I soul trapped one draugr and he ran off on a merry chase to find me (I was above him on a platform). I dropped down after he'd run off and engaged another draugr, soul trapped it. They both died and I got both souls, even though one was far off in another room fighting my follower he encountered on the way up.

Hmm looks like I have an issue with soul trapping.


Every time I try to soul trap an opponent I can "only trap one" after that the spell stops working, this is same for weapon enchantment or soul trap spell, To clarify it looks like this: I get into a fight,I cast soul trap at an opponent, he starts glowing, I kill him,animation plays and I get a soul gem filled. Next opponent, I cast soul trap, enemy starts glowing, I kill him and nothing happens...It matters not if I use soul trap spell or weapon enchantment.


Any ides what's causing this? I followed the install guide to the letter and everything else works great.


Also I should mention that it only happens when I try to Soul trap the same type of creature in a row, so if I trap a giant, I can forget about trapping any more giants, but if I afterwards choose to trap a goat it works on the first goat and fails for all goats after the first one...

I followed the guide to the letter as well and haven't noticed the same. Just today I soul trapped one draugr and he ran off on a merry chase to find me (I was above him on a platform). I dropped down after he'd run off and engaged another draugr, soul trapped it. They both died and I got both souls, even though one was far off in another room fighting my follower he encountered on the way up.
well, your follower maybe finished him:)

Also some enemies are immune to soul trap, some don't have souls. By the way, I finished adapting mighty magick to SkyRe


Hmm, solved the issue, problem was caused by ASIS Increased spawns, I accidentally switched ASIS spawns to "off" while running SUM yesterday, looks like every creature I couldn't trap was in fact one spawned by ASIS that wasn't removed from game, so technically they "shouldn't have been in the game, hence no souls could be gained from them". Turning ASIS spawns back online solved the problem.


Iroha Wrote


Also some enemies are immune to soul trap, some don't have souls. By the way, I finished adapting mighty magick to SkyRe

Looking forward to it!

Mighty Magick Skyrim arrives to the guide

Finally, the only aspect of SkyRe's changes that I, personally, don't like, can be replaced. Magic.
I played with Mighty Magick before and like this mod, that's why I chose it instead of other magic overhauls.
In short, main features of Mighty Magick:
  • almost vanilla in perk tree
  • adds many new spells
  • and alters many vanilla
  • spellpower scales with your mastery
  • voicepower scales too
All that in single esp now. Provides changes from DLC's (requires dawnguard) and unofficial patches.

To make Mighty Magick work with SkyRe without replacing SkyRe magic features compatibility patch must be installed. More than hundred (may be 2??) of edits, SkyreScriptFix changes provided (but scriptfix still should be in load order).
With SkyRe compatibility patch MM will provide:
  • spellpower scaling
  • voicepower scaling
  • new spells
  • total replacement of few altered/replaced by skyre spells with more useful ones. I am lazy enough to create new spellbooks, and I don't have rights to alter mighty magic/skyrim redone.
  • replacement of some altered by skyre spells with similar, but better ones. For example, enemies now can be calmed more than once. Earlier, due to skyre's v.1.2 bug mage could calm enemies only once, even after death&respawn they remained immune .
  • perk tree change: "Recovery" comes back to Restoration skills
  • perk tree change: "Master of Mind" comes back to Illusion skills
  • perk tree change: new perk "Phantasmagoria" added to Illusion skills
  • All SkyRe perks will remain on its places. And will work.

OP pt.13.1 - install instructions
Next post - instructions for save-preparing

Safest upgrade instruction for existing characters

1. Prepare your save before activating MM esps.
    a) load desired save.
    b) go to interior. Wonderful, if it's free from NPC's, but it's optional.
    c) undress your character. Completely.
    d) type in console player.dispelallspells  This will dispell all non-constant, non-scripted effects
    e) remove all vanilla spells your character have, except flames and healing by console or spell eraser power.  No need to erase new spells provided by mods.
    f) drink potion of respec. Add through the console If you don't have one.
    g) save in new slot and exit game.
2. Activate Mighty Magic esps (ones that I uploaded).
3. Re-build Bashed Patch.
4. Re-run SUM.
5. Download MM overrides esp for qotsafans patches and copy to Mighty Magic Skyrim folder. Needed to provide changes until qotsafan will release updated patches with MM support. Also with this esp NoSkillLimit.esp should be deactivated (my esp do the same).
6. load game, wait until messages about adding new spellbooks to vendors will appear.
7. Dress your character. Ok, I'm joking, it is not necessary. Sleep/wait 48-72 hours. It should be done to restock merchants.
8. save in new slot. Just for the case if you will SUDDENLY CTD:)
9. play.
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