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DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 182


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27 минут назад, Шесон сказал:

https:// dyndolod .info/FAQ#Long-running-time-or-output-several-GB-in-file-sizehttps:// dyndolod .info/FAQ#Long-running-time-or-output-several-GB-in-file-size
Известно, что мусорное ПО, установленное вместе с графическими драйверами, увеличивает время работы. Выполняйте чистую установку только последней рекомендованной или официальной версии драйвера. Не устанавливайте поставку ненужного ПО вместе с драйверами и не прекращайте ее работу перед запуском инструментов.

Выполните установку только драйвера или закройте все программы, которые были установлены с графическим драйвером. https://imgur.com/14VpsWk

I read this, but I don’t understand what exactly it means.  And it is not clear why earlier with the same software it was generated quickly, but now it is not.  In 8 hours a miracle happened, the lod was generated, but I got an error im Whiterun:


Could this error have been affected by the setting in DynDOLOD_SSE_childworld_WhiterunDragonsreachWorld ScanChild=1 ?


Also, Windhelm always generates the wrong lode:




I really appreciate your help and creating the much needed DynDOLOD.

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1 hour ago, SkyKatarsis said:

I read this, but I don’t understand what exactly it means.  And it is not clear why earlier with the same software it was generated quickly, but now it is not.  In 8 hours a miracle happened, the lod was generated, but I got an error im Whiterun:


Could this error have been affected by the setting in DynDOLOD_SSE_childworld_WhiterunDragonsreachWorld ScanChild=1 ?


Also, Windhelm always generates the wrong lode:




I really appreciate your help and creating the much needed DynDOLOD.

If the tools experience a long running time, then the first thing to do, is to do a clean install of the graphics driver only. Alternatively terminate all the crapware that is shown in the screenshot via task manager so they are not running when using the tools.

Read the first post and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which DynDOLOD log and debug log to upload when making posts.

Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#In-Game-Screenshots how to make useful in game screenshots with more informative console and textual explanations of what is being shown. The screenshot of Whiterun is pretty much self explanatory, however the screenshots from Windhelm are not. Also compare Windhelm to vanilla. The only way for it to have a good representation in Tamriel is to use Open/Exterior Cities.

Do not set ScanChild=1 in DynDOLOD_SSE_childworld_WhiterunDragonsreachWorld.ini
Do not set ScanChild=0 in DynDOLOD_SSE_childworld_WhiterunWorld.ini
Only one child worldspace in an overlapping area should be scanned and it needs to be WhiterunWorld in this case, so it works with the mesh mask/reference rules.

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1 hour ago, SkyKatarsis said:

Thanks for the answer, but in Windhelm the console was unable to capture these places, so it was not possible to take such a screenshot with it.

Read the first post and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which DynDOLOD log and debug log to upload when making posts.

A screenshot alone does not substitute describing the issue with text. 
If making screenshots of the LOD area, also make screenshots of the close-up object or full model for comparison.
Note that tree LOD or object LOD does not have a form ID. To determine if something is LOD, toggle LOD on/off with tll in console. In that case, also walk close to an object, so its reference with the full model is loaded in order to get its form ID and provide that screenshot of the full model in addition to the screenshot of the LOD.

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21 час назад, Шесон сказал:

Прочтите первое сообщение и/или https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs . сообщений записывают в журнал и журнал отладки для , которые DynDOLOD загрузки при создании

https:// dyndolod .info/Official- DynDOLOD -Support-Forum#In-Game-Screenshots
Снимок экрана сам по себе не заменяет текстовое описание проблемы.
Если вы делаете скриншоты области LOD, сделайте также скриншоты объекта крупным планом или полной модели для сравнения.
Обратите внимание, что уровень детализации дерева или объекта не имеет идентификатора формы. Чтобы определить, является ли что-то LOD, включите/выключите LOD с помощью tll в консоли. В этом случае также подойдите близко к объекту, чтобы загрузить его ссылку с полной моделью, чтобы получить идентификатор формы и предоставить этот снимок экрана полной модели в дополнение к снимку экрана LOD.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NcxpfjuWJg3GgUj8lxUdAUPuK7NLZN64/view?usp=sharing - my reports

The last 3 generations did not work, twice DynDOLOD closed spontaneously in the middle of the process without notifications.
 Once again I was stuck for several hours on the ..._glow.dds recording, without moving (such freezing can extend up to 1.5 days).

From the miraculously obtained last generation of lods, a bug arose with the tree, its lods turned black, previously they were generated absolutely correctly.  There is no way to take a useful screenshot of the lods of this tree.


I looked at Windhelm without lods, in vanilla it has a similar terrible look.  I use the flight function in the game, so I can see all these things right away.  Open cities are not an option for me, because...  there are no patches for my number of mods (~1800).

Previously, DynDOLOD worked without such problems.  And even now DynDOLOD can miraculously generate everything as before in a little over an hour or in 8 hours, depending on your luck, but in 95% it just freezes for up to 1.5 days no results or closes spontaneously.  In general, I really need your help, because the situation is very difficult for my nerve cells :) Sorry for my bad English.

Thank you in advance.

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30 minutes ago, SkyKatarsis said:

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NcxpfjuWJg3GgUj8lxUdAUPuK7NLZN64/view?usp=sharing - my reports

The last 3 generations did not work, twice DynDOLOD closed spontaneously in the middle of the process without notifications.
 Once again I was stuck for several hours on the ..._glow.dds recording, without moving (such freezing can extend up to 1.5 days).

From the miraculously obtained last generation of lods, a bug arose with the tree, its lods turned black, previously they were generated absolutely correctly.  There is no way to take a useful screenshot of the lods of this tree.


I looked at Windhelm without lods, in vanilla it has a similar terrible look.  I use the flight function in the game, so I can see all these things right away.  Open cities are not an option for me, because...  there are no patches for my number of mods (~1800).

Previously, DynDOLOD worked without such problems.  And even now DynDOLOD can miraculously generate everything as before in a little over an hour or in 8 hours, depending on your luck, but in 95% it just freezes for up to 1.5 days no results or closes spontaneously.  In general, I really need your help, because the situation is very difficult for my nerve cells :) Sorry for my bad English.

Thank you in advance.

Either really make a clean driver only installation or terminate all the crapware in task manager. https://imgur.com/14VpsWk

Black textures are typically either running out of VRAM in the game or there might have been errors when textures and/or LOD was generated. No TexGen/DynDOLOD logs and debug logs were provided for the "successful" generation.

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3 часа назад, Шесон сказал:

Либо действительно сделайте чистую установку драйверов, либо удалите весь мусор в диспетчере задач. https://imgur.com/14VpsWk
https:// dyndolod .info/FAQ#TexGen- DynDOLOD -stuck-while-creating-textures

Черным текстурам обычно либо не хватает видеопамяти в игре, либо могли возникнуть ошибки при создании текстур и/или уровня детализации. не было предоставлено журналов TexGen/ DynDOLOD Для «успешной» генерации и журналов отладки.

Thanks for the quick response.  I completed the processes you specified, performed a clean reinstall, reinstalled the video card driver, but DynDOLOD stopped generating at all, it closes in the middle of the process.  The folder DynDOLOD_Output contains created meshes and textures, but ESM, ESP and occlusions are not created.

date/time          : 2023-11-04, 02:35:50, 509ms
command line       : "D:\Modding\DynDOLOD 3.00-68518-Alpha-155\DynDOLODx64.exe" -sse
executable         : DynDOLODx64.exe
exec. date/time    : 2023-10-11 04:00
version            :
compiled with      : Delphi 11
madExcept version  : 5.1.2
callstack crc      : $07fa6911, $b095d5a8, $398ad257
exception number   : 1
exception class    : Exception
exception message  : OpenGL: недопустимая операция (operation is not allowed) for 0AE877F9 while processing 0AE877F9 (4).

I don't know how to fix this :( What am I doing wrong?

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46 minutes ago, SkyKatarsis said:

Thanks for the quick response.  I completed the processes you specified, performed a clean reinstall, reinstalled the video card driver, but DynDOLOD stopped generating at all, it closes in the middle of the process.  The folder DynDOLOD_Output contains created meshes and textures, but ESM, ESP and occlusions are not created.

date/time          : 2023-11-04, 02:35:50, 509ms
command line       : "D:\Modding\DynDOLOD 3.00-68518-Alpha-155\DynDOLODx64.exe" -sse
executable         : DynDOLODx64.exe
exec. date/time    : 2023-10-11 04:00
version            :
compiled with      : Delphi 11
madExcept version  : 5.1.2
callstack crc      : $07fa6911, $b095d5a8, $398ad257
exception number   : 1
exception class    : Exception
exception message  : OpenGL: недопустимая операция (operation is not allowed) for 0AE877F9 while processing 0AE877F9 (4).

I don't know how to fix this :( What am I doing wrong?

Read the first post and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which DynDOLOD log, debug log and enitre bugreport.txt (if it exists) to upload.

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3 hours ago, sheson said:

Read the first post and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which DynDOLOD log, debug log and enitre bugreport.txt (if it exists) to upload.


I already sent reports today, I am providing updated ones again. Thanks.

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55 minutes ago, SkyKatarsis said:


I already sent reports today, I am providing updated ones again. Thanks.

Those seem to be the same log, debug log and bugreport.txt uploaded earlier today which show that crapware is installed and active.

Assuming you now have a clean driver only install or terminated the crapware:
Delete the log folder. Delete bugreport.txt. Run DynDOLODx64.

If there is an error, upload the new log, debug log and bugreport.txt 
If the tool seems to be stuck, read https://dyndolod.info/FAQ#TexGen-DynDOLOD-stuck-while-creating-textures

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1 hour ago, SkyKatarsis said:

No, I have attached all the updated files.  This is probably because all attempts to generate logs were unsuccessful and none were completed; DynDOLOD simply closed spontaneously 4 times.

Assuming you now have a clean driver only install or terminated the crapware:
Delete the log folder. Delete bugreport.txt. Run DynDOLODx64.

The log and debug log are saved when the program shuts down. Do not interrupt the shut down process so it can write the log files. If there are no logs or debug logs because the tool is being terminated prematurely, check the Windows Event log for related messages. Add RealTimeLog=1 under [TexGen] or [DynDOLOD] in ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\[TexGen|DynDOLOD]_[GAME MODE].INI respectively. Then execute the tool again to generate a debug log in the Logs folder in real time and upload that.

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Weird stuff. After last time I generated DynDOLOD I found out that WInterhold bridge disappeared.

In SSEEDit I found out that DynDOLOD.esm changed its Z position from -9088 to -30000. You know why it could do that? Easily fixed, but still odd.

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56 minutes ago, Morti said:

Weird stuff. After last time I generated DynDOLOD I found out that WInterhold bridge disappeared.

In SSEEDit I found out that DynDOLOD.esm changed its Z position from -9088 to -30000. You know why it could do that? Easily fixed, but still odd.

Read the first post and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which DynDOLOD log and debug log to upload when making posts.

It is disabled (set z = -30000) and replaced with a copy (non-large) reference (in DynDOLOD.esp) to fix the vanilla large reference bug seen in the video https://dyndolod.info/Help/Large-References#Large-Reference-Bugs if not using the large reference bugs workarounds.

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I'm getting an error when using Base Object Swapper to swap trees. The DynDOLOD_SSE_Debug_log.txt says:


[05:05] [LoadSwaps] <Debug: Ignoring Random: not Swapping record Skyrim.esm TreePineForest01 [TREE:0001306D] to TreePineForest01 Skyrim.esm TreePineForest01 [TREE:0001306D]>
[05:05] [LoadSwaps] <Debug: Ignoring Random: not Swapping record Skyrim.esm TreePineForest01 [TREE:0001306D] to LensTreePineForest01_Replace TreeSwapper.esp LensTreePineForest01_Replace [TREE:FE11E869]>
[05:05] [LoadSwaps] <Debug: Ignoring Random: not Swapping record Skyrim.esm TreePineForest01 [TREE:0001306D] to LensTreePineForest02_Replace TreeSwapper.esp LensTreePineForest02_Replace [TREE:FE11E86A]>
[05:05] [LoadSwaps] <Debug: Ignoring Random: not Swapping record Skyrim.esm TreePineForest01 [TREE:0001306D] to S3DTreePineForest01_Replace>

However I'm using a correct and deterministic Base Object Swapper configuration:



The chanceS function in BOS is deterministic via a fixed seed and doesn't vary from one run to the next. It's similar to doing this:



except it allows for more fine grained control over the relative frequencies of each swap, and it allows us to customize posR settings on a per-swap basis.


Thank you

Edited by tamrieltwo
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