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DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 182


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Yeah the CTDs aren't gone, I still get them with Dyn activated, just not all the time. There's no option to make Dyn simply ignore or avoid all the textures that doesn't fit with the formula? Like you can see in the log, I get a ton of error messages for textures from pretty well known mods like JK, Bruma and SFO, so simply removing anything that gives an error isn't really an option.

The mod I use near that purple block is Elianora's Routa. Using tll toggled the LOD off, and I couldn't select it in the console. It's hard to see exactly what object causes the purple square, but it does sit very closely to Eli's sauna part of the Routa mod, so I suspect that maybe that's the offender. 

I appreciate the support, I've tried several times to get Dyn to work on my setup, but I always run into a million issues like this. I do have a very large modlist, though it hasn't brought me any trouble before, everything works just fine in my game with no apparent issues and no crashes usually. Maybe I just have too many mods in my list, so something is bound to be incompatible with Dyn or cause errors due to reasons.

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1 hour ago, Carbonized said:

Yeah the CTDs aren't gone, I still get them with Dyn activated, just not all the time. There's no option to make Dyn simply ignore or avoid all the textures that doesn't fit with the formula? Like you can see in the log, I get a ton of error messages for textures from pretty well known mods like JK, Bruma and SFO, so simply removing anything that gives an error isn't really an option.

The mod I use near that purple block is Elianora's Routa. Using tll toggled the LOD off, and I couldn't select it in the console. It's hard to see exactly what object causes the purple square, but it does sit very closely to Eli's sauna part of the Routa mod, so I suspect that maybe that's the offender. 

I appreciate the support, I've tried several times to get Dyn to work on my setup, but I always run into a million issues like this. I do have a very large modlist, though it hasn't brought me any trouble before, everything works just fine in my game with no apparent issues and no crashes usually. Maybe I just have too many mods in my list, so something is bound to be incompatible with Dyn or cause errors due to reasons.

The game engine requires textures to be a power of 2. DynDOLOD does not change how the game engine works.
If you knowingly use mods that contain invalid textures that cause CTD then that is your choice. It is not a problem of DynDOLOD. It is not an incompatibility with DynDOLOD. It is an incompatibility with the game engine. DynDOLOD is just reporting the errors.
Proper modding practice would be to fix the invalid textures to have power of 2 resolutions or remove them. They are most likely not from Bruma or JK.

Missing textures and invalid texture resolutions are a different problems. In case of Bruma we know the missing assets are part of the problem to not being able to properly generate LOD for the new worldspace, thus it is ignored for LOD generation by default.

I could reproduce the problem with the purple model. It is a LOD model.  There is a filename collision with another mod so a wrong LOD model is used . This will be fixed in the next alpha version.

Errors that exist in the load order cause problems or CTD in the game regardless of using DynDOLOD or not. The documentation explains their severeness and if they need fixing and how. 

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12 minutes ago, Mephitic said:

Alpha-75 - missing TexGenx64 in the archive.

When running 32-bit TexGen I get an OpenGL Out of Memory error consistently.

Why not use the x64 version? You on a x86 OS?

Check the first post which log files to upload when making posts.

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10 minutes ago, Mephitic said:

I would prefer to use the x64 version, but in the Alpha-75 zip archive, it is missing.

Copy DynDOLODx64.exe to TexGenx64.exe. Will upload fixed archive ASAP.

My x86 version just ran through without error in x64 OS with a 6GB VRAM card.

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10 minutes ago, sheson said:

Copy DynDOLODx64.exe to TexGenx64.exe. Will upload fixed archive ASAP.

My x86 version just ran through without error in x64 OS with a 6GB VRAM card.

Thank you! Will do. I have 11gb of VRAM, the memory error certainly could be transient but was repeatable.
Unless I report back all is well and, in any case, thank you again for your help and support.

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10 minutes ago, Mephitic said:

Thank you! Will do. I have 11gb of VRAM, the memory error certainly could be transient but was repeatable.
Unless I report back all is well and, in any case, thank you again for your help and support.

The archives on Nexus and mega are updated and now include TexGenx64.exe again.

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5 hours ago, sheson said:

Really check the log messages and read their explanations. https://dyndolod.info/Messages
These are not DynDOLOD errors or or problems. These are errors and problems with the installed mods.

Regarding the CTD. As I already mentioned, texture resolutions not being a power of 2 are the prime suspect.
The log shows several textures that do not have a power of 2 resolution. Fix the invalid textures or permanently remove the mods supplying them to avoid CTD.
Also clean every plugin that has deleted references to avoid them causing CTDhttps://dyndolod.info/Messages/Deleted-Reference

Curiously you did not say which specific mod from Elianora you actually suspect so I can not check myself.
Purple textures means the diffuse texture is not found. A "File not found textures\..." message probably helps you find the culprit. Diffuse textures means you can "ignore" missing textures that end in _n.dds. If those are missing the lighting will "just" be flat. https://dyndolod.info/Messages/File-Not-Found-Textures
If something is object/tree LOD it disappears when toggling LOD of in console with tll.
If something is dynamic LOD it can be clicked has a form id in a DynDOLOD plugin when console is open.
LOD is only generated for references that do exist in the load order at LOD generation time. If the LOD goes away when getting close, it typically means the load order changed after generating LOD. It might be possible that the model used for LOD is not visually matching the reference it is placed for, but if it is LOD, then there should be a full model something in its place that you can click with console open to get a form id.

I've going through all the logs and error messages one more time.

First of all, TexGen is complaining about 7 normal map textures from SFO and 1 normal map for Immersive College of Winterhold. Those mods don't come with those normal map textures, so not a lot I can do about that. 

DynDOLOD is producing more errors. First of all, the only textures I could find with the wrong format were from the "Tree Bark in High Definition" mod. Those were the only ones Dyn said were in faulty format. So I used Cathedral tool to downsize them to a proper format, and I'm no longer getting any errors for faulty textures. 
"File not found meshes" - I get some missing nifs from DarkFox' Merchants of skyrim mod, Arthmoor's Shor's Stone, some from CACO, some from C.O.I.N, some from Elianora's Halla mod, and a couple others. Not sure what to do about that, those mods didn't come with those nifs, since I haven't removed any meshes from those mods.
"File not found scripts" - I only get a couple of these. Half of them are from the official CC content, so cant really do much about that either.
"File not found textures" - I get a dozen or so missing texture from SFO, one from CACO, one from Routa, 2 from Elysium Estate. Not sure what to do about that either.
"Property not found in scripts" - 9 of those are from JK's Sky Haven Temple weapon rack activation, and I get a handful or so from the official CC content.
And finally, "large reference bugs", now I get a ton of these. Cutting Room Floor, JK's Skyrim, Immersive College, iNeed, Unique Border Gates and many others. I did read the large references bug section, that this can cause zfighting, and I do notice quite a lot of zfighting and texture flicking in the lods. The only problem is, I don't know what to do about that, flagging these mods esm is not an option.
Also, even with thhe current improvement, the purple square is still there. But you mentioned you found out what was causing this?

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I get about 4500 of these types of messages from virtually all worldspaces, are they a concern?


Could not re-UV meshes\dyndolod\lod\trees\tundradriftwood01_65e7e5eepassthru_lod.nif TundraDriftWood01:1 - L1_TundraDriftWood01:1 - L2_TundraDriftWood01:1 The name can be no more than 260 characters in length.

The process did complete successfully, I think.

I haven't started the game yet to see what, if any, effect this may have.

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1 hour ago, Mephitic said:

I get about 4500 of these types of messages from virtually all worldspaces, are they a concern?

The process did complete successfully, I think.

I haven't started the game yet to see what, if any, effect this may have.

The LOD should be fine if log ends with Code: 0

It just means some minor optimization fails. Is it always the same tree / text?

Will be fixed next version.

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Hi Sheson, I seem unable to "Zip and save" the Texgen-output-files using the latest Alpha v-76. Not a big deal but maybe theres something you could take a look at?

Log files and bugreport: https://ufile.io/f/d54o3

From the end of the debug_log:

[08:29] Removing temporary files
[08:30] TexGen completed successfully
[08:30] Exit TexGen, zip and exit, check log or restart?
[08:39] User says "Zip & Exit"
[08:39] Creating D:\Mods\DynDOLOD 3 Alpha 76\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Export\TexGen_Output.zip
[08:45] <Error: Item not found while processing Archive>
[08:45] <Error: File not found D:\Mods\DynDOLOD 3 Alpha 76\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Export\TexGen_Output.zip>
[00:00] Closing files

Edited by TheDude
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