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DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 173


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5 minutes ago, sheson said:

Increase object LOD (and tree LOD distances in the DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM. https://dyndolod.info/Help/Mod-Configuration-Menu

Otherwise see https://dyndolod.info/FAQ

My first advice to them was to increase those values (and to disable SSE FPS Stabilizer if they had it). Apparently they did so but the problem was still there. Is there any other mod that could mess up those settings?

Setting uLockedObjectMapLOD=32 without having Level 32 object LODs is indeed a possibility. I asked for screenshots of their DynDOLOD rules and it seems they never bothered with any of the Level 32 stuff. However, judging from the aborted logs they didn't have ACMOS in their load order, which to my knowledge is the only popular mod that enables Level 32 object LODs, so it's unlikely as well. Still I'll ask them about this, but I don't have high hopes.

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19 hours ago, sheson said:

Increase object LOD (and tree LOD distances in the DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM. https://dyndolod.info/Help/Mod-Configuration-Menu

Otherwise see https://dyndolod.info/FAQ

Well, they claimed they haven't installed ACMOS and I don't think they would mess with uLockedObjectMapLOD manually, so there went that theory. On the flip side, they did another generation, with traditional tree LOD, not Ultra tree LOD this time and somehow it worked, sort of. The trees are now in their full billboardy glory but sadly the grass lods are still missing, as expected. I simply don't understand why. At least this time I've got their logs: https://anonfiles.com/p4D2Rexfzb/Logs_0621_rar Hopefully there's something of note there.

By the way, do you know how localization would affect DynDOLOD plugins? I personally don't use any localization but most Chinese player have to play the game with Chinese localization. I've seen people mentioning them trying to localize the DynDOLOD plugins and saying that this could cause problems.


Update: it seems the user figured out what was wrong on their own: somehow the DynDOLOD output was being overwritten by stuff in the overwrite folder. They deleted those files and the tree LODs reappeared. Truly one of the troubleshooting sessions of all time.🤦‍♂️

Edited by heheloveer
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21 hours ago, heheloveer said:

By the way, do you know how localization would affect DynDOLOD plugins? I personally don't use any localization but most Chinese player have to play the game with Chinese localization. I've seen people mentioning them trying to localize the DynDOLOD plugins and saying that this could cause problems.

In case the generated plugins end up not carrying forward localized strings correctly, refer to the xEdit documentation how to set language etc. with command line arguments like -l. See https://tes5edit.github.io/docs/2-overview.html#CommandLineSwitches and refer to xEdit docs or support by more knowledgeable people about this topic than I.


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5 minutes ago, sheson said:

In case the generated plugins end up not carrying forward localized strings correctly, refer to the xEdit documentation how to set language etc. with command line arguments like -l. See https://tes5edit.github.io/docs/2-overview.html#CommandLineSwitches and refer to xEdit docs or support by more knowledgeable people about this topic than I.


Thanks. I don't think I can understand this any time soon but maybe this could help in the future.


Right, another thing: more than one people have asked me about the problems they had while generating DynDOLOD for Vigilant worldspaces. They claimed they never touched DynDOLOD_SSE_worldspace_ignore.txt but the Vigilant worldspaces showed up in the UI nevertheless. Could it be that the localization of the worldspaces' names inadvertently enables them to bypass the ignore list? According to one of the players who encountered Vigilant related problems, the error message looked like this:


<[CELL:2507C9D7] (in zCHTrueEndWorld "星霜原野" [WRLD:25078779] at 5,4) Error while updating TVDT data: Access violation at address 0000000000526F60 in module 'DynDOLODx64.exe'.

Note the mojibake name for the worldspace.

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On 6/21/2023 at 6:40 AM, sheson said:

I will check what is going on with the the smfarmhousewindmillfan.nif.

Check if the tree outside Solitude is LOD by toggling LOD off/on with tll.

If it is LOD, see if you can find a line for it in the LODGen_SSE_Export_Tamriel.txt based on the position values. 

Lol I'm an idiot. No they are not LOD, they are regular objects that just look a bit like LOD with the billboard trunks. Can even click on them with console. I'll post the pictures with full details, but basically they are placed by DynDOLOD.esm.

Edit: Took the pics accidentally with the wrong LOD, posting real pics soon.

Edit2: Console pics:


Edited by Blackread
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5 hours ago, heheloveer said:

Thanks. I don't think I can understand this any time soon but maybe this could help in the future.

Also see http://tes5edit.github.io/whatsnew.html#improved-language-and-codepage-support

5 hours ago, heheloveer said:

Right, another thing: more than one people have asked me about the problems they had while generating DynDOLOD for Vigilant worldspaces. They claimed they never touched DynDOLOD_SSE_worldspace_ignore.txt but the Vigilant worldspaces showed up in the UI nevertheless. Could it be that the localization of the worldspaces' names inadvertently enables them to bypass the ignore list? According to one of the players who encountered Vigilant related problems, the error message looked like this:

Note the mojibake name for the worldspace.

Yes, as you can see in the ignore file, the lines also contain the EditorID, Name and plugin name and the Name is being translated. I will probably change that some time so it always works.

Regardless, there should be nos such error. Use the latest version. Upload the log, debug log and bugreport.txt if error happens with latest version.

  • Thanks 1
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4 hours ago, Blackread said:

Lol I'm an idiot. No they are not LOD, they are regular objects that just look a bit like LOD with the billboard trunks. Can even click on them with console. I'll post the pictures with full details, but basically they are placed by DynDOLOD.esm.

Edit: Took the pics accidentally with the wrong LOD, posting real pics soon.

Edit2: Console pics:


If the form ID points to a DynDOLOD plugin, load the plugin into xEdit and look up the reference. Take note of the Editor ID, which is typically of the format pluginname_formID for the source plugin and reference.

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1 hour ago, sheson said:

If the form ID points to a DynDOLOD plugin, load the plugin into xEdit and look up the reference. Take note of the Editor ID, which is typically of the format pluginname_formID for the source plugin and reference.

Here are the Editor IDs for the trees outside Solitude:

Tree1: unofficialskyrimspecialeditionpatchesp_063133_unofficialskyrimspecialeditionpatchesp_063133_DynDOLOD_REVERT_DynDOLOD_CHILD
Tree2: unofficialskyrimspecialeditionpatchesp_06312F_unofficialskyrimspecialeditionpatchesp_06312F_DynDOLOD_REVERT_DynDOLOD_CHILD

Editor ID for the Solitude windmill rotor: DynDOLOD_SSE_skyrimesm_tamrielpatch_000004_DynDOLOD_PATCH_SolitudeWindMillFan_Tamriel_DynDOLOD_LOD

Editor ID for the windmill rotor outside Whiterun: skyrimesm_096272_Tamriel_DynDOLOD_LOD

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7 hours ago, Blackread said:

Here are the Editor IDs for the trees outside Solitude:

Tree1: unofficialskyrimspecialeditionpatchesp_063133_unofficialskyrimspecialeditionpatchesp_063133_DynDOLOD_REVERT_DynDOLOD_CHILD
Tree2: unofficialskyrimspecialeditionpatchesp_06312F_unofficialskyrimspecialeditionpatchesp_06312F_DynDOLOD_REVERT_DynDOLOD_CHILD

Editor ID for the Solitude windmill rotor: DynDOLOD_SSE_skyrimesm_tamrielpatch_000004_DynDOLOD_PATCH_SolitudeWindMillFan_Tamriel_DynDOLOD_LOD

Editor ID for the windmill rotor outside Whiterun: skyrimesm_096272_Tamriel_DynDOLOD_LOD

Did you change the Ignore= list in ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_childworld_SolitudeWorld.ini so that trees in that child worldspace should have LOD in Tamriel?

If TGC Solitude Fixes disables trees added by the unofficial patch to Tamriel, it should probably also disable trees with the same position in the Solitude worldspace.

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3 hours ago, sheson said:

Did you change the Ignore= list in ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_childworld_SolitudeWorld.ini so that trees in that child worldspace should have LOD in Tamriel?

If TGC Solitude Fixes disables trees added by the unofficial patch to Tamriel, it should probably also disable trees with the same position in the Solitude worldspace.

I don't think I have edited any of the ini files except for DynDOLOD_SSE.ini, here's what's in the list:

Ignore=treereach, treepine, treeaspen, treeclover, treegourd, treekelp, treethicket, treevine, gkbtree, jungletree, cedartree, shrub, fern, flora, wrtreecircle, windmill, mountain, rock, fxwater, water1024, rapids, dirtcliff, drift, road, hay, wrpondwall, fence, stonewall, shackroof, impstoneblock, whprisonwallcap, whouterwallstatue, mrkmillroof01, crafting, fxglow, whgate, whdoorfrontgate, slightpost, signrtpost, mrkkeepcollonadecolm, mrkbrazierhangingdeco, mrkwarrensarch, mrkarch, candlehorn, candlel, candles, candle0, rtcanals, rtlamppost, fxmist, door

I disabled those two trees in the Solitude worldspace, regenerated LODs and now the problem trees in Tamriel are gone, thank you. I don't quite understand how these trees work though. I was checking them in game with just USSEP enabled, and I could see the same refs in both the Tamriel and Solitude worldspace. And even though the ref is placed in the Solitude worldspace, player.moveto xx06312f teleports me into the Tamriel worldspace. Same with that other tree, xx063133. xx063133 has an equivalent tree with the same position in the Tamriel worldspace, xx063127, and these trees appear on top of each other in the Tamriel worldspace (like duplicated objects). But I can't seem to find a tree in the Tamriel worldspace with the same position as xx06312f.

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30 minutes ago, Blackread said:

I don't think I have edited any of the ini files except for DynDOLOD_SSE.ini, here's what's in the list:

Ignore=treereach, treepine, treeaspen, treeclover, treegourd, treekelp, treethicket, treevine, gkbtree, jungletree, cedartree, shrub, fern, flora, wrtreecircle, windmill, mountain, rock, fxwater, water1024, rapids, dirtcliff, drift, road, hay, wrpondwall, fence, stonewall, shackroof, impstoneblock, whprisonwallcap, whouterwallstatue, mrkmillroof01, crafting, fxglow, whgate, whdoorfrontgate, slightpost, signrtpost, mrkkeepcollonadecolm, mrkbrazierhangingdeco, mrkwarrensarch, mrkarch, candlehorn, candlel, candles, candle0, rtcanals, rtlamppost, fxmist, door

I disabled those two trees in the Solitude worldspace, regenerated LODs and now the problem trees in Tamriel are gone, thank you. I don't quite understand how these trees work though. I was checking them in game with just USSEP enabled, and I could see the same refs in both the Tamriel and Solitude worldspace. And even though the ref is placed in the Solitude worldspace, player.moveto xx06312f teleports me into the Tamriel worldspace. Same with that other tree, xx063133. xx063133 has an equivalent tree with the same position in the Tamriel worldspace, xx063127, and these trees appear on top of each other in the Tamriel worldspace (like duplicated objects). But I can't seem to find a tree in the Tamriel worldspace with the same position as xx06312f.

Out of interest I also tried generating LOD with just USSEP, Happy Little Trees, the DynDOLOD 3 Addon for HLT and a custom plugin that disables xx063127 from USSEP. Nothing weird happened, and the tree was gone as expected, no passthru models were put in its place, or on the spot of xx06312f. Not sure what's going on in my main modlist that prompts it to happen.

Here are the logs and the plugin if you're interested.

USSEP Tree Disable.esp

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1 hour ago, Blackread said:

I don't think I have edited any of the ini files except for DynDOLOD_SSE.ini, here's what's in the list:

Ignore=treereach, treepine, treeaspen, treeclover, treegourd, treekelp, treethicket, treevine, gkbtree, jungletree, cedartree, shrub, fern, flora, wrtreecircle, windmill, mountain, rock, fxwater, water1024, rapids, dirtcliff, drift, road, hay, wrpondwall, fence, stonewall, shackroof, impstoneblock, whprisonwallcap, whouterwallstatue, mrkmillroof01, crafting, fxglow, whgate, whdoorfrontgate, slightpost, signrtpost, mrkkeepcollonadecolm, mrkbrazierhangingdeco, mrkwarrensarch, mrkarch, candlehorn, candlel, candles, candle0, rtcanals, rtlamppost, fxmist, door

I disabled those two trees in the Solitude worldspace, regenerated LODs and now the problem trees in Tamriel are gone, thank you. I don't quite understand how these trees work though. I was checking them in game with just USSEP enabled, and I could see the same refs in both the Tamriel and Solitude worldspace. And even though the ref is placed in the Solitude worldspace, player.moveto xx06312f teleports me into the Tamriel worldspace. Same with that other tree, xx063133. xx063133 has an equivalent tree with the same position in the Tamriel worldspace, xx063127, and these trees appear on top of each other in the Tamriel worldspace (like duplicated objects). But I can't seem to find a tree in the Tamriel worldspace with the same position as xx06312f.

Persistent references are always loaded. Persistent references with IsFullLOD show also when the cells for the position of the reference are not attached.
Solitude is a childworld of Tamriel and uses its SkyCell, which means persistent references with IsFullLOD show in both worldspaces either way.

References in the child worlspace that have the IsFullLOD flag are being patched by DynDOLOD and a carbon copy is created in the parent worldspace, so proper working LOD can be added instead.

Without TGC Solitude Fixes active, the carbon copy should not happen, if a reference already exists for the same position with the same model. Proper LOD will be added for it instead.

So, in any case, if the purpose is to remove the trees, TGC Solitude Fixes needs to disable the trees in both worldspaces regardless of using DynDOLOD or not.

DynDOLOD however, also has some reference rules that disable some trees added by the unofficial patch including 0006312F, 00063133 etc. since they are unnecessary, because of the IsFullLOD tree references in the childworld being patched to have proper LOD as explained above. 

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11 minutes ago, sheson said:

Persistent references are always loaded. Persistent references with IsFullLOD show also when the cells for the position of the reference are not attached.
Solitude is a childworld of Tamriel and uses its SkyCell, which means persistent references with IsFullLOD show in both worldspaces either way.

References in the child worlspace that have the IsFullLOD flag are being patched by DynDOLOD and a carbon copy is created in the parent worldspace, so proper working LOD can be added instead.

Without TGC Solitude Fixes active, the carbon copy should not happen, if a reference already exists for the same position with the same model. Proper LOD will be added for it instead.

So, in any case, if the purpose is to remove the trees, TGC Solitude Fixes needs to disable the trees in both worldspaces regardless of using DynDOLOD or not.

DynDOLOD however, also has some reference rules that disable some trees added by the unofficial patch including 0006312F, 00063133 etc. since they are unnecessary, because of the IsFullLOD tree references in the child world being patched to have proper LOD as explained above. 

Alright, thank you for the explanation. The only things I don't understand now are these:

xx06312f doesn't have an equivalent object in the Tamriel worldspace. So there was never any tree that was removed in the Tamriel worldspace, and thus no need to remove xx06312f from the Solitude world space. But for some reason this tree was still transported in that mutilated form into the Tamriel worldspace.

Disabling the tree xx063127, which is the Tamriel equivalent to xx063133, with USSEP Tree Disable.esp has no adverse side effects, but when done with TGC Solitude Fixes.esp, it does. Though I suspect it has nothing to do with either of these plugins, but something else entirely...

But these things will likely remain a mystery.

TGC Solitude Fixes.esp

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16 minutes ago, Blackread said:

Alright, thank you for the explanation. The only things I don't understand now are these:

xx06312f doesn't have an equivalent object in the Tamriel worldspace. So there was never any tree that was removed in the Tamriel worldspace, and thus no need to remove xx06312f from the Solitude world space. But for some reason this tree was still transported in that mutilated form into the Tamriel worldspace.

Disabling the tree xx063127, which is the Tamriel equivalent to xx063133, with USSEP Tree Disable.esp has no adverse side effects, but when done with TGC Solitude Fixes.esp, it does. Though I suspect it has nothing to do with either of these plugins, but something else entirely...

But these things will likely remain a mystery.

TGC Solitude Fixes.esp 68.91 kB · 0 downloads

If 0006312F (and others) is not "deleted" per the references rules, then there is a bug I will have to look into.

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2 minutes ago, sheson said:

If 0006312F (and others) is not "deleted" per the references rules, then there is a bug I will have to look into.

I found a fairly minimal reproducible example. Here are the mods I had active:


If generating LODs with these mods the passthru for the tree (with the flat trunk) where xx06312f would be is added.


Editor ID: unofficialskyrimspecialeditionpatchesp_06312F_unofficialskyrimspecialeditionpatchesp_06312F_DynDOLOD_REVERT_DynDOLOD_CHILD

The TGC Solitude installation is stock from the Nexus, and doesn't edit any USSEP records.

Here are the logs for this run.

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